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Wow. That was bad
30 October 2022
You'd think that at some point, after having read the script someone in either the cast of in the Disney/Marvel Management team would have stood up and shouted 'NOOOO' from the bottom of their hearts in order to save dignity and Marvel honour.

Alas, that did not happen. So here we are, staring into the abyss and watching what will be regarded in the future as an MCU catastrophic mistake.

For the first quarter of the move I first thought I was watching a comedy spoof of a Thor movie. The scripting was cringingly bad and Chris Hemsworth' s acting was well below par. In fact, most of the cast's acting was terrible and I joked halfway through the film that the fake Asgardian thespians performed better than the key cast.

Christian Bale's performance was outstanding though but he could not save this film, because a diamond dropped into a pit of tar can't shine. It had been speculated earlier that Christian Bale had no interests in doing more superhero or comic book characters and he should have listed to that inner voice before accepting this role. Then countering that rumour, earlier this year he said in an interview "...a good story is a good story. A good film is a good film. And a good director is a good director. And I'm open to any of those ideas.". Well, here we are and I think it's safe to say that none of three criteria listed above apply to this film (sorry Taika). Having said that, Gorr is a fascinatingly multi-layered character and Bale's portrayal is as good as it can possibly get, given the circumstances.

I think that's why I manage to award this film 3 stars which without Bale would have been a solid 1 in my book.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Best movie ever
5 September 2022
I am a passionate climber and I love to watch any movie that contains climbing scenes. And boy! This movie does not disappoint! This is movie Gold.

The first climbing scene on the sandstone cliff face was totally realistic; climbing side-by-side on multi-pitch ascents is exactly what all awseome climbers do. None of those established commands like 'Safe', 'On-belay', or 'Climbing' and other crap. Safety weakens the mind !! I spent a lot of time studying their climbing style to assess their techniques. As I was watching it became clear that these "Masters of the Indoor Wall" had taken all their climbing lessons from watching films like "vertical limit" and "cliff hanger" because their technique was flawless. Did I mention the girls' super human strength? The way they managed to brake their climbing mate's surprise fall by simply grabbing - with one hand - a pole while standing on tiny platform is totally realistic. I should know because I do that all the time. Just like I always unlock my carabiner and unhook myself from the rope with one arm while suspended and hanging freely in the rope.

Guys, this is a must see film.

In fact they should take the best elements from this movie and make it into an instruction video for aspiring climbing instructors. They can call the video "how to safely crater into the desert floor" (I hereby waive any royalty claims for that suggestion).

If this doesn't win Oscars and awards for movie realism, I'll be profoundly disappointed. Finally I want everyone to recognize true expertise which is often forgotten: The technical advisors they used for the climbing scenes did a stellar job and are probably receiving sooooo many calls right now from directors who are fighting tooth and nail to get them to join their projects.

That's it. My review is done. I off to free-solo the Nose. After having watched this awesome instruction film, how hard can it be? Right?
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The Virtuoso (2021)
Wow this was bad
30 August 2022
Wow this was bad. Just when you thought you had seen it all, then this movie comes along. Anthony Hopkins, have you no professional pride ?

A low quality, low budget film with neither soul nor heart. The voice-over almost did me in at the very beginning of the movie and I wonder which fool thought that this script was worth filming. I won't go into the plot holes, twists and other quirks but lets just make it clear that this film was not good. On top of that, this site goes all bonkers and implements a new rule stating that all reviews must contain at least 600 characters. For a film of this quality, I need only 16 characters or less to convey my review of the film. I wonder if this site really want good film reviews or really just want to stop people exposing the "quantity over quality" in today's mass-producing movie industry. This film is not worth your time. If it's film noir you want, there any many better alternatives out there.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Race to the bottom - worst move in the franchise
13 August 2022
I'll be honest and brief here: this is not a good film ! Special effects and skilled filming techniques won't save this movie. At the moment it has a 7.2 score with 84,000 votes (!) which I can only attribute to fake reviews - it is now a business, apparently. Who ever rates this above a 5 cannot have watched the film. Save your time and watch the first Predator move instead.
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Jaco (2015)
The greatest bass player in the world
12 March 2022
That's really all that needs to be said and you really should watch this to understand why that is not just hyperbole.

This is a documentary telling the story of Jaco Pastorius' life; like an epic movie story, you know that there will be no happy ending to this.

Jaco not only single-handedly reshaped the jazz genre, he opened up a realm of bass playing that was previously unheard of and reinvented the expectations of what an electric bass is able to do. He was the Jimi Hendrix of bass.

What I found really interesting is to see how bass players across the entire music spectrum pays tribute to Jaco. And as we've seen happening with so many musicians, there is a tragic ending to his story although his legacy will live on forever.

If you have a passion for music you should watch this, even if Jazz isn't your thing; this is the story not just of a musician, it's the story of how music evolves.
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So far, one of the best films I've seen this year
11 March 2022
It's March now and I feel that I can safely say that 2022 hasn't been a great year so far. Most of the films released this year have been sub-par in my book but this move really intrigued me. Maybe because I am Scandinavian or maybe it's because I have a passion for outdoor life and adventurous expeditions (well, nowadays my passion tends to be more 'arm-chair' passions than real-life alpine adventures and expeditions). I remember first seeing Nikolaj in the 1994 Danish movie Nightwatch (Nattevagten) and thought that he was a brilliant actor and he certainly did not disappoint in this movie either. The film captured Mikkelsen's and Iversen's ordeal with sort of a brutal realism; the reality of being stranded in an Arctic world of ice, rock and snow is not easy to show in a movie but here they nailed it. The plot is rather linear and predictable but that doesn't detract from the drama that Mikkelsen and Iversen endured for more than two years. There is of course a degree of artistic licence in how the story was told in the film but it remains very true to book and the events that Mikkelsen himself wrote after his return to Denmark - and yes, some of the more gruesome events in the film did actually happen. This is definitely a film worth watching, and so far one of the better films I have watched this year.
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This is just a bad movie
11 March 2022
"OK", you may say, "then why did you rate it 4 if it's so bad?"

Well, the move is well made and the acting is solid. Special effects are not bad apart from a few green-screen scenes. It is the plot itself that have more holes than a swiss cheese that spoils the overall movie. If you're able to overlook that fairly fundamental flaw in the film....them the movie itself isn't completely lost. However, were I to rate the move in terms of "screen play and story", it will be a rock solid 2. So, "why the four then", you ask again: I think that the actors in the movie deserve something for their solid effort with such a rubbish script.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Pure fiction or an introspection of today's political retrogression?
6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a cheeky satire of modern-day politicians (applicable to any country, I would suggest); they are full of themselves, serving neither their country nor the people, and self-interest and greed are the key motivators for important political and economical decisions. Oddly, I found that the characters in this film were generally likable despite their moral flaws and think that they were all scripted to be the extreme version of each of the characters they played. It's a complicated mix yet somehow it all comes together and creates a dark comedy of the events that preceded the destruction of earth. Perhaps the film serves as a reminder to us all that we have the governments that we deserve, and we should bear that in mind next time we go to vote. And as much as the response to a planet-killer asteroid in this film feels ridiculous, the reaction from officials isn't far fetched if one were to consider what a government would do if this was a real situation. Ask yourself, if a rogue 10 km asteroid was hurling towards earth with an absolute certainty of striking our planet, would our leaders actually tell the general public about the imminent danger with risk of creating widespread panic and ensuing chaos? As we know, in this film, the storyline and the government's response are blatantly silly. The plot is exaggerated but the A-list cast manages to keep the story alive. That said, many of us would probably see many of the key characters' moral flaws as deeply disturbing and deep down we understand that this type of political darkness is not only possible but is only one election away (if not already here - you'll be the judge of that). I give this film eight stars due to it's delivery of a delicate real-world problem, i.e. The consequences of populism in politics and stupid self-serving politicians. In fact, the film leaves you with a slight bitter aftertaste but perhaps this is the medicine that we need in order to wake up.
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Great story that fails to deliver
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There' a great story to be told here but it has been weakly executed and poorly directed. The story takes us through events in Leda's life during a Holiday in Greece where situations bring us back to Leda's younger self and the choices she made in her youth. The story is painfully slow and although Maggie Gyllenhaal as the director / scriptwriter tries to make this an emotionally engaging story it fails to captivate the audience; it's simply a long winding story that doesn't seem to get anywhere until the very end where all things happen at once. This highlights in my mind the key insight that this film teaches us: Maggie Gyllenhaal isn't yet the great director that people around her tell her that she is. She still has a long way to go. Although its commendable to reach beyond your capabilities in order to grow professionally, you need to remain humble enough to understand when you're not just stumbling but free-falling. This is a very cerebral story; full of symbolism, feminism and moral grandstanding and in order to deliver this successfully without being seen as partisan to the topic is very hard. If you haven't seen the film yet, the topic here is portrayed as independence versus bondage of parenthood. Look for the symbolism and it becomes obvious. One of several examples high-lightening this can be seen in the scene where Leda goes to watch a movie one night. In that film, Elizabeth Taylor tells her new-born daughter "The last nine months I devoted to you. Now I'm going to have fun" and you can see how Leda is filled with emotions reminding her of the choices she made choosing her and career and independence over her daughters. Remaining mostly true to the book, the difference is that Leda in the book seems to agonise over her life choices and seeking redemption, whereas Leda in the film seem resigned and committed to her life choices and the consequences that they brought that ranges from the distant relationship she has with her daughters to the arrogance and moral superiority that she displays while interacting with others. Having said that, the acting is brilliant on all sides but you can only do so much with the script that you've been given and the direction that director offers. I am not impressed with this film.
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The Hustle (I) (2019)
Tragic remake that should never have been made
30 December 2021
To remake a film that was 'perfect comedy' is a daunting task and this is the show-case example of why those challenges should best be left unexplored. The plot here copies the same outline as the original 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' film but is sadly massacred through overacting, a weak cast and a director's joyful ambition that falls short of compensating for his lack of talent. An interesting fact is that this film is a remake of a remake; the 1988 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' film was itself a remake of the 1964 'Bedtime Story' but then they took a great comedy script and made it better. That is not the case here. I am giving this film a generous 3 stars out of respect for the Caine/Martin version but had this been a unique comedy script with Wilson and Hathaway, the ratings would have been even lower because the execution is so poor. Wilson's and Hathaway's poor acting here is dragging this movie down into the abyss of movie hell. Save yourself the agony and watch Dirty Rotten Scoundrels instead.
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Solid sequel to the Matrix trilogy
24 December 2021
The matrix was always a polarising movie franchise so a fourth movie was bound to receive some flak and it was clear that it would be hard to follow in both the footsteps and spirit of the previous three films. And I admit that I was sceptical at first as to how great a fourth film could possibly be - specially 22 years after the first film had been released but the movie pulled me in. And now, almost 24 hours after having seen the film, I think that this is the best film in series. The plot in The Matrix was always a little abstract and could be hard to digest, so in order for this fourth film to successfully stay true to the story-line from the first three films, there had to be a twist to justify Trinity's reappearance and explain what happened after Neo's apparent triumph against the machines in the third film. To meet the criticism from many negative critics, we have to recognize that stranger and more surreal films have been released recently so there is nothing in here that should truly shock the audience. The story line will mess with your head in the beginning but it becomes clearer as the story progresses. My advice is that if you haven't seen the film yet, don't expect this to be another "Die Hard-like" film, and in spite of it being released just before Christmas, it is NOT a Christmas film. It is truly the sequel to an already mind-blowing trilogy and you will be taken for a ride. I thought it was brilliant and Lana Wachowski deserves lots of credit for keeping the storyline true to the original trilogy while still evolving the story. It is definitely worth watching.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Sadly a rubbish film
18 November 2021
Don't waste your time. This is not a good film. Something has gone wrong with Netflix but it's become obvious that "quantity over quality" rules their productions. This film is poorly scripted, plot holes the size of Manhattan and looks like it was rushed and as if even the film crew wanted the film to end quickly. I really tried but I gave up half way through the film and found myself doing other things than watching the story. My advice, find something else to watch.
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Love Hard (2021)
6 November 2021
Netflix goes all-out Hallmark with a Christmas movie. Cute story but without soul. You will finish this movie and tomorrow you won't even remember that you watched it.

I think that's all that needs to be said.
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Nine Days (2020)
Great acting, provocative script but .... yawn, works better than sleeping pills
30 October 2021
I feel as if I am being hard on this film because when I weigh the pros an cons of the elements that make up the whole, this is not a bad movie at all. In fact, on the script, acting and direction alone, this move clearly should be a solid 8. And as far as the directing goes, Edson Oda's efforts are stellar and I believe that he will go far in the industry. But, these elements considered I found myself getting distracted throughout the film and it felt as if it was significantly longer (!) than it is; as if the punch line, if one was intended, never materialized and the moral of the story is ... life.

Watching this in a cinema made me tired and I wished I had watched it at home. That's why I feel as if I am being unusually harsh on this film but please misunderstand me the right way (!); it is flawlessly executed but the story missed the end. Having said that, this is still sooooooooooooooooo much better than the mass-produced crap spewed by Netflix and other low-budget studios. I really wanted to give this film a better score but feel that a 5 is still fair as the overall and final impression - but Oda's execution of this material is flawless.
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No expenses spared...
29 October 2021
...except on perhaps the script-writer who must have been underpaid, bored or otherwise untalented. It's pure and utter garbage. I get the overall premise of the series - a reimagined history leading up to the revolution. I have no problem with the concept of an alternate 18th century reality if it's thought through; however, here it becomes a poorly executed drama interlaced with 21st century values, total fantasy, ridiculously accurate firearms (by the way, everyone seems to own a pistol, and muskets are as accurate as modern sniper rifles), and a villain who is dressed like a clown. Truly a bad show, definitely worth missing - but I repeat myself.
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The Starling (2021)
Most terrible movie title of the year, but what a great film
3 October 2021
I was ended up being truly surprised by this movie. Before I started watching this, I had this feeling that I wasn't going to like it. Not my kind of movie, I thought. You know, preferring action flix and comedies. I was so wrong! The story grabbed me from the start and it was an emotional roller coaster from beginning to end with truly amazing acting from McCarthy, O'Dowd and Kline. On one level this was so real and personal, and the story and actors brought you right into their emotional crises making it feel as if their pain is yours. I can honestly not remember when I last watched a movie of this calibre and I truly believe that this film will win many awards. If it doesn't then the system is rigged.

My advise - ignore whatever rating this film has on IMBD, and just watch it. Whatever rating this movie gets, I can assure you that you you'll struggle to walk away and you will remember this story for a long long time. Hollywood acting at it's finest with a story that moves you.
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Infantile action with foul language
13 August 2021
2 hours and 12 minutes of entertainment and after the movie's finished, you won't remember any of it. Do yourself a favour and watch something else - even the first Suicide Squad is better.
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Chernobyl (2019)
Reality is far scarier than fiction
19 June 2021
Reality can be scarier than fiction. This story is based on events that happened and almost happened. And it's scarier than any horror story ever concocted. The moment you realise that Europe was moments away from a cataclysmic disaster it sends shivers down your spine. Had the secondary steam explosion not been mitigated, a significant portion of Europe's population would have died from direct radiation fallout, large parts of Ukraine and Belarus would be uninhabitable forever and most of Wester Europe would have significantly increased cancer rates for centuries to follow. This is truly the stuff of nightmares - consequences which are unimaginable but no one ever thinks that it could happen to them. Yet, the effects of this event 35 years ago can still be measured far away from Chernobyl and Ukraine. For instance in Sweden alone, in the 30 years following the accident more than 200,000 reindeers were destroyed and could not be sold due to radioactive contamination. Still today, hunters in Sweden are recommended to test the meat of wild animals they hunt, particularly wild boars that still 35 years later have radiation levels 10 times higher than safe levels. I confess that I wasn't sure what to make of this dramatization of such a key moment in world history but I have to admit that this is one of the best mini-series I have watched in decades. It really makes you think. And it should.
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Absolute rubbish - fabulation and fantasy
18 June 2021
Some people refer to Atwill's theory as a "Fringe Theory" which is defined as an idea or viewpoint that fundamentally differs from the accepted scholarship of the time within that field. But this theory fails on so many levels, of which perhaps the most important one is that Alwill is no religious scholar at all. This is nothing but a wild fantasy from a deluded man without any historical evidence. Secondly; apart from raising a theory based on historical misrepresentation, he bases his entire theory on a toxic mix of conjecture, hyperbole and vivid imagination. Even 2nd year history students at university are able to pick his reasoning to pieces.

It is certainly a provocative "theory" (if you stretch the definition of the word) but in relation to REAL historic theory and the research that has been done (by real scholars) on both the historic Jesus as well as the religious origin of Christianity, Atwill's theory squarely land in the same category as Big Foot, The Loch Ness Monster and little green aliens from Mars - and to give Atwill or his theory any more credence than that would be ludicrous.

It is far too easy today for anyone to publish a "documentary" on any topic they want; no matter how biased the issue or how unscientific the approach or the analysis is. Some of these pseudo-science documentaries should come with sanity warning labels.
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Sweet Tooth (2021–2024)
Yawn !!
9 June 2021
What was that again - I fell asleep after 5 minutes. Couldn't even bring myself to finish the first episode. This is 'Narnia' meets 'Far Cry' for 10 year olds .... albeit badly scripted. If this show floats your boat then that's great news but to me this is simply symptomatic of how Netflix aims for quantity over quality.
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Terribly disappointing if you're older than 16
25 May 2021
Being a Marvel fan, it feels kind of disappointing having to write this review. Out of all the scripts they could have chosen, this really is one of the poorest I have seen....unless of course their target audience are a bunch of 14-16 year olds. I really can't recommend this film and I wish they could unfilm it.
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As bad conspiracies goes - this one is really bad.
2 May 2021
Not sure if this is a sad reflection of society where it's OK to make a mockery of someone's mental illness. As one other reviewer pointed out, you don't need to be a certified psychologist to see that all is not well in Phil's mind. In the pursuit of making money, this documentary takes the delusional and unsubstantiated claims as true and doesn't challenge a single one of them. Unfortunately, this is not a new low in in documentary filmmaking but it certainly sits firmly on a low-water mark. If you've already watched it - too bad. But you're checking out reviews to decide of it's worth watching then I strongly suggest to watch something else. May I be as bold to suggest the show 'UFOs: The Lost Evidence'.

I'm no E. T. / alien believer but as far the topic goes, this is not a bad show. Way better than 'The Underground'.
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
If this floats your boat...then good for you but it's not for everyone
1 May 2021
Imagine that you take all the Hallmark movies that has ever been made; consolidate the stories and make a recurring theme spanning multiple seasons - that is "This Is Us". Saying that standards are set low is wrong: they have been set free and roam uncontrolled, unfettered and without structure. I am starting to believe that this is the new definition of soap operas. Complete and utter crap.... but that's just my opinion.

Full disclosure - I am no Hallmark fan; on the contrary, I detest them. So unsurprisingly this not not my cup of tea but I know those who enjoy this format. There is a Hallmark-eque shadow that hangs over each and every episode and i feels like a sad version of Forrest Gump's "life is like a box of chocolate" take on life. There's a politically correct and woke theme that goes through every episode - I would want to say that it's 'snowflaky' but that isn't it. I can't quite put my finger on it but I find it repulsive. My wife love this but I exit the room when it starts. There are better things I can do with my time, like reorganising my sock-drawers or watching paint dry.
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Call it what it is - a half-decent action movie that you'll never remember
23 April 2021
Lots of reviews with devastatingly fierce criticism and they're not wrong. Other reviewers say it's not bad at all, and they're not wrong either. Let agree on one thing: this film won't make the cut at the Oscars. In fact, it will probably not be remembered at all. But that doesn't mean that you should ignore this film or that it's not good entertainment. If you think about it - pick an action movie, any one, and you'll find something cringe-worthy about it. This is no different. But we're not really watching this because you're a professional movie critics or because you were actually weighing between watching this or The Colour Purple. You knew what you chose and why, and this will honestly not disappoint. Good action, reckless near-immortal heroes, predictable villains and lots of senseless action. That's why! Take the movie for what it is. It's a painless way to spend the next 1h30min and although you won't really remember the details of the film, tomorrow - somewhere - you'll have a vague memory that it wasn't half bad. Finally, if there is one advice I'd like to give to the director of this film it would be to not make a sequel - this is as good as this story-line can get and it can only go downhill from here.
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White Lines (2020)
Cringe worthy acting and even stupider screenplay
4 April 2021
Had it not been for Nuno Lopez single-handedly lifting the quality of this show, I would have been looking for negative ratings here. Nuno excluded, it felt like watching a really bad episode of EastEnders while on acid. Zoe's acting is so poor it's painful to watch. No human in the history of mankind is this stupid; not just once, but all the time. Sigh!!! The Netflix shows produced today appear to be getting worse and worse. Scraping the bottom of the barrel. From what I see, it's quantity over quality. On the positive side, beautiful scenery and footage from Ibiza but you'll enjoy that best with the volume turned off to ensure you're not distracted by the stupidity of this show.
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