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The Edited (2021)
Paranoid tripe
6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While the US and other countries around the world are currently struggling with creeping right-wing authoritarianism and christofascism, this film comes along and in typical conspiracy theory fashion, vomits paranoid delusions that "the government" (tm) wants to take away everyone's individuality.

Ostensibly the seems to be about warning of some dystopian Harrison Bergeron/1984 future where everyone is forced into regurgitating false histories and nonsense "science" and conforming to a mindset where "there's no such thing as an individual," but in reality it's the same bunch of seeping paranoia that leaks in from the political fringes constantly: T. H. E. Y. (tm) want to make everyone the same and suppress The Truth (tm).

Flat earthers, youung earth creationists, Q-anon mouth breathers, and paranoids of all stripes will love it.

Pure drivel.
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