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Marry Me (2022)
Awkward, cheesy, but watchable
15 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer speaks for itself, and you go into the premise of the movie with a pretty good idea of where it's going to end up. As with most rom-coms, it is predictable and cheesy with some cute moments and overall charm. 'Marry Me' also had the addition of some decent songs in its mix as well as diversity that didn't feel forced for the sake of only being relevant.

It kicks right into the meat of the movie right from the get-go, and that was honestly probably the roughest spot. J-Lo's character and her initial fiancé are set up to tie the knot at a concert in front of millions of fans, and when his affair breaks on the media, she demands to find out what's going on as she's going on stage, having no choice but to face the world as the news hits her. Owen Wilson is a random guy in the crowd who happens to be holding a "Marry Me" sign, and she decides to marry him instead. He agrees. This was shown in the trailer, so it's not really a spoiler. If anything, it was the cringiest moment, and it was the moment that felt the most forced.

Moving on to the rest of the movie, it had its charming moments, and you know this couple is gonna work out and fall in love. The biggest speed bump for me is I didn't feel the chemistry between J-Lo and Owen. Maybe it's because rom-coms are her thing, and his space is in comedies. His odd, slow voice work really stilted the dialogue and the cute moments, and he felt monotone for most of the movie. I just found it hard to believe that J-Lo's character would fall for him, but it was still charming, of course, to see them end up together.

On the other hand, the soundtrack is gonna be a good one. The music was easy to get into. The fashion was on point. The dialogue was dry at times, but the acting was good in all the right places. I feel this is a "one watch and done" sort of rom-com instead of one you'll come back to every Valentine's Day to revisit, but I don't regret watching it.
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Holidate (2020)
Exactly what I needed.
28 December 2021
I'm not one for Lifetime or Hallmark movies. The cliche plots, predictable story lines, cringey moments, and flat characters... It's never been my taste. I went into this movie thinking I would likely lose interest within the first thirty minutes, assuming it was that sort of storytelling. I was happily surprised.

It was a Hallmark movie with a mature twist. The plot was predictable, of course, simply because you know the main leads are going to end up together despite the obstacles and resistance. Let's be real -- you don't watch these sort of movies not wanting that to happen anyway.

What helped it stand on its own was the adult humor, the believable characters with actors who know what they're doing without it feeling flat and dull, and allowing the characters to develop on their own instead of rushing it along. The two leads also worked well together with great chemistry.

I give it 7/10 stars because some of the adult humor did feel more crude than necessary. Also, a couple moments were simply "meh" (i.e. Losing a finger). The ending was cute and well-delivered, but I also wish we had maybe 5 more minutes of seeing a full circle of them spending Christmas together. Maybe even jokingly donning two ugly sweaters together.

Overall, I think this could become a holiday movie for me, and I'm happy I finally gave it a chance even if it's a year late.
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And I'm not even a Taylor Swift fan.
3 February 2020
The trailer on Netflix sucked me in. I've never been a "OMG IT'S TAYLOR SWIFT I LOVE HER" fan. Yes, I like some of her songs on the radio but haven't had any interest in spending money on an album or going to a concert. I grew up with her, though, even if I didn't follow her fame. I remember her stepping onto the music scene and sweeping the awards up with a broom, I remember Kanye dissing her at the awards show, I remember the feud between them and Kim later, and I remember the release of Reputation. I also remember her speaking up about politics for the first time.

I remember it all from a distance.

And this was a wonderful documentary to show how Taylor felt behind the scenes during all of that. You don't really think about how the media impacts the celebrities they're too happy to trash or how stunned Taylor felt when she was publicly humiliated on that stage at only 17 years old. As terrible as it sounds, this documentary helped further shape her into a 3D person instead of just a voice through the radio or a face on the screen. People call her fake, but this documentary showed she's anything but.
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Critics got this one wrong. Go see it!
23 October 2019
I was excited for this movie the second the trailer dropped. It looked incredible, and seeing it in theaters, it did not disappoint. Ever since Disney started their live-action track, most of those films have been lack-luster, B-rated movies. Maleficent is everything but that. It actually breathes new life into its characters. It keeps you on the edge of your seat even though you have a fairly good idea what is going to happen. The acting doesn't feel dry, the CGI is incredibly beautiful, the story flows nicely. You just need a black bow to wrap up this movie because it all just works -- which is surprising for a sequel!

I don't know what the critics are talking about. Does this movie involve political talk? Yeah, sure. Is the love story on the back burner and mostly used as a plot device? Yep. But this movie isn't about Aurora and Philip, and we can't exactly expect automatic peace just because the first film ended on a happy note. Maleficent is supposed to be a villain even if the true story behind her is that she's only evil because her story was told wrong. That's what the movie is about! Don't go into Maleficent if you're expecting Sleeping Beauty. I think you know that's not what you're going to get.

This was a great sequel to the first one released back in 2014. The two main actresses slid right back into their characters, and as expected, Michelle Pfeiffer did a fantastic job as the real villain. Go see this movie. It's worth the price of admission and more.
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Overboard (2018)
Don't go in with high hopes
1 May 2019
I've been wanting to watch this film because I absolutely love the original, and I went into the film with low expectations. I didn't mind the idea of a gender swap because as a remake, I feel it's okay to switch things up to make the idea still a remake but a fresh take on it as well.

There was absolutely NO CHEMISTRY between Kate and Leo. None. Their acting was horrible, the lines were cheesy, the writing was awful. The plot was there, but the delivery was subpar. Yes, it came right out of the original, but the original delivered it flawlessly. This one, not so much. Kurt and Goldie had amazing chemistry which is what helped drive this plot in the original. Without that chemistry, it felt so very flat in this film.

The only piece of character change I enjoyed was Kate studying to be a nurse and just needing a partner to help shoulder the weight of everyday life in order to have that extra time to devote to achieving something new. I also liked seeing Leo bond with the guys, so that when he would go back to his life, he wouldn't just miss the love and family but also a good group of people.

The nods to the original film were nice, particularly when they were at the hospital and the doctor mentioned the only other amnesia case was a pretty, young woman in the 80s. I also enjoyed how they showed us more after their reunion at the end (even though they completely ruined the romantic reunion in the water).

Overall, watch this movie if you wish for a light-hearted movie with a happy ending, but don't go in with any expectations of it living up to the original.
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22 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It seems Netflix Original Movies are hit or miss for me. I heard this movie was good, so I finally decided to take the dive and give it a try. I haven't read the book, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I ended up stopping it half way through and finishing it the next day, but I had been teetering on not finishing it at all. It's a bit slow and a little too simple at times, but the plot is fluffy, the acting is good and you have enough interest to see where the main girl's love life is going to wind up.

I even found myself feeling a little guilty for liking her with Peter because I thought maaaaaaybe this was about getting her to Josh. Again, I don't know since there is a book I haven't read. I heard there may be a sequel, and I'm glad because it felt like there should be more between Lara Jean and Gen. Unresolved hurt there and maybe a possible reconciliation over time. If there is a sequel, I'd like to see more character build because they felt 2D to me.

Recommendation: Give it a go.
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Juanita (I) (2019)
This should have been a mini-series.
11 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was browsing through Netflix to find something new to watch, and Juanita's trailer sucked me right in. The trailer made this movie look so promising, but the movie fell short of what the trailer set me up for.

As the other reviewers have said, this movie had a great cast, great idea but horrible delivery and a rushed, choppy pace. Personally, I also didn't like the take on Juanita's imagination and her talking directly to the viewer. It felt really out of place for a movie I just wanted to unfold on its own. For me, it felt like an easy out on rushing into her trip by having her explain her reasonings directly to us instead of letting us see it unfold.

I kept losing interest throughout the film and came close to switching it off early, but I powered on to see how it would wrap up. It didn't. There are movies out there that leave you ambiguously at the end, and it's perfectly done (i.e. Cast Away). Sadly, Juanita's ending felt incredibly abrupt and unsatisfying. Did she go back to Jess and Paper Moon? Did she decide this trip was enough of a rediscovery to go back home? When it got to the end scene and I could tell by the music that the credits were about to play, I was like "wait what?" Unsatisfied, I officially felt like I wasted the hour and a half.

This movie had the potential to be such a feel good story about an older woman rediscovering herself, but it flopped. It left so many points unresolved, not just for her story but the other characters as well. Way too rushed and under delivered.
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From 2 to 26, I still love this one.
22 January 2019
This movie came out when I was two, and no matter how much time passes nor how many times I rewatch it throughout the years, I still love The Swan Princess. Can it be a bit corny? Yes. Is Odette a bit dull for a heroine? Yes. Could the plot have been solved within 10 minutes if Derek (or Odette) was a bit smarter or William a bit less vague in his final moments? Yes. But then is the music fun to listen to, the characters enjoyable and the experience memorable? Yes!

The animation is not as great as Disney, but it isn't hard to overlook because the film is good overall. Speaking from a feminist side, I do wish Odette had a rounder personality and more drive to save herself instead of waiting for Derek to find her. While she did plot to get the map and lead Derek to her, she did it after Puffin and her friends worked her up to it. Before Puffin arrived, she was seemingly content to spend the evenings moping to Jean-Bob and Speed about her curse and how she needed Derek to save her from it and then spent her days pouting on the lake. You've got wings, baby -- use them!

Derek isn't the smartest person in the movie, but you gotta love him for his drive and his self-awareness, knowing he was an idiot who said the wrong thing. It was also refreshing to see the hero actually be physically capable of the rescue. The plot nicely demonstrates his talent as an archer so we are able to believe the incredible save at the end.

The movie also has memorable lines that I've jokingly quoted throughout my life. It's an all-around fun movie. Don't take too much stock in the people, but remember the lesson -- Love is more important than beauty.

Speaking of love, the other piece this movie has going for it is the relationship development that trumps its Disney competitors. This isn't love at first sight! This is a slow growing love after years of being forced together that first bred distain before love ever thought to bloom. It was wonderful to watch two people actually know each other from child to young adult instead of two young adults meeting for the very first time and BOOM, it's love! One of the best parts of this movie.

TL;DR: This movie is one of the classic greats. It's worth a spot in anyone's personal collection.
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Brain on Fire (2016)
Great movie! Wish it was longer.
3 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read the book. I was just scrolling through Netflix for the umpteenth time trying to find something good to watch. I watched the trailer, saw a good number of user reviews were positive and decided to give it a chance.

It starts off a little slow, but I think it's necessary to show that Susannah was a healthy, young woman living her life. Even so, they don't waste any time to show how her symptoms are starting to appear. Once she gets deeper into her mysterious illness, the movie really picks up. I rolled my eyes at the doctor who clearly heard her say she didn't drink excessively but then told her parents that she was drinking and partying too hard. You really feel what it's like to be on the patient/caregiver's side by seeing what the doctors are not even if it means telling the doctor they're wrong and going elsewhere.

I would have rated this ten stars -- the acting, the direction, the writing, everything was on point -- but my only con is I wish it wouldn't have ended with the jump from the diagnosis and the ability to treat to Susannah being almost fully recovered. I wouldn't have minded another 30 minutes if it meant we could've seen the treatment being administered and Susannah learning all her functions again. I wanted to see her transition from being fully catatonic to saying a word for the first time again and then taking her first steps.

Even if you don't have personal experience with her revealed illness and even if you haven't read the book, watch the movie. Anyone who faces difficulties either as a patient or caregiver needs to see it. Anyone who isn't currently facing those difficulties needs to see it.
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Zootopia (2016)
Great choice for entertainment.
12 March 2016
My boyfriend and I decided to give this movie a try because the previews looked good. It was one of those movies we weren't super excited about seeing, but we didn't think it would be an entire waste of time.

We were happy we went. It was well worth its 108 minutes' length.

This movie was wonderful. It kept our interest throughout every thrilling, comical, emotional, unraveling moment. We like to predict the movies we see as it unfolds before us. Even though this is a "kids" movie, it kept surprising us with its twists and turns. The voice acting was spot on; Ginnifer and Jason were a delightful duo. The CGI was lovely to see, and the plot was never dull. If you and your family are looking for some great entertainment, look no further. This is a movie we'll be buying as soon as it comes out on DVD. If Zootopia is any indication of this year's animation films, we're in for exciting year full of potential.
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