
8 Reviews
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As expected
17 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the book. Of course I expected the movie to not be able to be as extensive as the book but at least it still feels very rushed through. Many events are missing completely. Even the process of the games highly differ from the original. At least the absolutely ridiculous Lucky Flickerman, responsible for more than one comedy moment, in the movie nearly makes a professional impression.

Also, knowing how difficult this is to realize, the movie lacks of all the thoughts Coriolanus has and all his motives.

In the end I really recommend first to read the book, in order not to get spoiled and then watch the movie as a little "Addon".
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I dislike the outcome
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I know, I know... everyone loves this episode. But I must confess that the whole "deus ex machina" concept doesn't really comforts me.

I really love the dominion war story arc. But after all it nearly ends in an defeat of the joined forces of the Klingons and the Federation - if there wasn't the prophets... they just kill off the complete dominion reinforcements AND, as the frosting on the cake, prevent any other dominion ships to pass the wormhole for the future. Not mentioning that this would have prevented the whole war from the start!!

Don't take me wrong. I don't see any plot holes here. I just don't like it:
  • the Federation is weak
  • the Klingons are weak
  • the whole alpha quadrant is weak
  • no one can make a stand to the dominion
  • just the prophets (don't make me start about the whole religious aspect of DS9) can safe the day

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I really tried
23 February 2024
I'm not quite sure if I at first should apologize. The original series is one of my all time favorites concerning animation series, what means it is hard for me not to be without bias.

Putting this aside I really tried to be open minded watching this series, but: I DON'T LIKE IT.

First, as many others said, it completely lacks of humor. It takes itself much to serious but still wants to be as close to the original as possible. IMHO this alone is one of the biggest problems.

Secondly the writing is very poor. Why would you change a successful story arc? Why give away every detail, that's meant to be revealed during the plot, in the first episode? Ok, when you know the original, you know what will come, but if anybody really likes this series, it's someone who does not know the original.

Seriously: watch the original. It's still absolutely great and available in High Definition. It has more heart und is way more funny.

And to Netflix, Disney and Co.: are you that much out of ideas? Stop touching timeless classics!
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Nothing new to tell...
30 October 2023
This movie ist just a shadow of its predecessor. If it wasn't visually overwhelming it wasn't worth watching even once.

Having seen all the glimmering, colorful pictures you have seen everything this movie has to give.

Everything else is just an uncreative attempt to make more money.

The story has not one single aspect you wouldn't expect.

Thinking about there are more of those movies being planned leaves me just shaking my head.

But James Cameron will milk that cow until everyone gets sick of it.

Why can't this people try to come up whit new ideas instead of again and again and again make sequels or remakes to absolutely great movies that don't need any successor.

It's just poor!!!
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Black Panther (2018)
Much overhyped
14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From my humble opinion this is one of the weakest MCU movies up until now.

Yes, I know, it has a really great photography and the whole "black lives matter" background surely makes his point. But that's all! There is no bring more positive to mention.

1. The movie has nothing to add to the MCU. You could call it just a filler, waiting for the next Avengers, which need absolutely nothing coming from this movie.

2. The whole people of Wakanda are absolute dumbasses.

This whole "challenge" to become king is kind of Stone Age. How is it possible to build a working, successful society by beating up each other?!

Ignoring this, Killmonger is the rightful king after defeating T'Challa. The reaction of queen, princess and "girlfriend" are not traceable. What did they expect?! Has there never been a successful challenge? T'Challa accepted a fight that possibly could end with him being killed!! "He killed my son!!".... No!!! Really?! How could he!! (Caution! Irony!)

From this point on the movie makes handstands to make clear how "bad" Killmonger is to legalize getting him of the throne again.

And what is wrong with the water tribe? Frist they put the challenge over everything, accepting the new king. But when it is clear the challenge is not over they just kill everyone who stands with T'Challa. Upon this the people of Wakanda slaughter each other over not having a rightful king for a blink of a moment.

Again... how this society survived?!

At least this movie just leaves me head shaking.
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Just Barney! Not a compliment.
6 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really great episode. But when you look closely Barney is just a real big asshole. He could have brought his "number" on every evening. But he needed to chose Ted's "big evening" to not just take part him self, but also to prevent Robin from taking park. Just a kick in Ted's nuts. Proving himself to be a friend no one needs.
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3 June 2022
The only thing entertaining about this movie is reading the goofs.

At least the whole series is a goof. Every movie contradicts the previous one in some points. Eventually this one contradicts everything that happen in the series before. When you thought some things previously made no sense... no problem... it doesn't matter any more.

It's made clear that there never was a overwhelming plot. Binging this movies (on your own risk!) makes you just shaking your head.

Read the goofs!! 😜
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Again a better Episode VII
3 February 2022
A taste of Star Wars. In so many ways what the new episodes should have been. For nerds heartbreaking. Looking forward for the next season of The Mandalorian.

Perhaps it would be better to erase episode VII to IX from the canon. At least the franchise would benefit from it. Unfortunately they cannot be erased from my memories. Thanks to Jar Jar Abrams ...

...may the force be with you, Jon Favreau!
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