6 Reviews
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A big nope from me
2 February 2022
I loved SATC but my gosh this new series of the girls(minus Sam) is mind numbing and I only managed to watch the first 5 mins,if that. What happened to them. OK Carrie was always a bit dizzy but she ramped it up one too many nothing just in that few mins alone. Miranda,I never really liked anyway and as for Charlotte..what's with her mouth. Its time to grow up ladies. There are more mature ways to show politics,gender and everything else that ppl deal with in every day lives. Do ppl actually exist who live like these ladies do? Really. .just 5 minutes. Thats all it took.
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Clickbait (2021)
Absolutely tiresome
18 September 2021
I don't write many reviews but I just had to write something for Clickbait..that is exactly what it is. The premise is so promising but becomes unbelievable with each episode. The acting is the worst I've seen in a long time. Pia annoyed me to the point I muted her scenes. Sophie was just so wooden. Nicks mother couldn't act bless her. Literally no one could act. I understand everything bring on social media etc but come on. Dont waste your time unless you're watching it to pass time on the loo.
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Absolute rubbish
29 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not one for Zombie movies and watched this after seeing the trailer and I like Bautista. Put it simply trailer was more exciting than the movie. The idiocy of this movie is crazy. Characters aren't given any backstory. Army guys at the beginning. Professionals???really??? The team of mis fits. No sense whatsoever. I hated every since one of them except Dieter. He was ok. The daughter Kate. I loathed her with a passion. She should have got killed in the first scene. She was just horrible. Everyone gets killed because of her stupidity. The little heart to hearts in the middle of action scenes. Come on. Could barely hear what Scott was saying. I could go on and on but I think all the previous reviews said exactly what I want to write so won't bore you unlike this movie. So many plot holes. So much stupidity. How were the zombie King and Queen able to reproduce? Should all those bits be rotten to the core. Or I really don't understand Zombie 🤷
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Confusing but watchable
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I never read the books but love Henry Cavill so said I would give this series a go. First 2 episodes i found very intriguing but kind of predictable in a way. I knew Yennifer was going to use magic to transform herself.but this episode absolutely confused me . But reading other reviews I now understand a bit more. There is three timelines. When the lioness appeared in this episode after we saw her dying in ep 1 this kind of floored me so I had to IMDb it. I dont know whether I will continue to watch it but I will see what ep 4 has in store first. The scenery and colours are beautiful but the gore is a bit much. I really hope all these extra characters start to make sense and soon
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The Handmaid's Tale: Mayday (2019)
Season 3, Episode 13
Breathtakingly emotional
16 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode I think was the best of this season. Getting all the children to the plane was nervewrecking and when the other Handmaids and Marthas came back was so beautiful. Wonder what happened the Marthas that got shot? Heart broke for Luke when Hannah didnt come out of the plane. Relieved for Rita..such a caring woman. Elizabeth Moss is fantastic in this role. Seeing Commander Lawerence read to the children was very touching. I hope Serena gets her comeuppance. Herself and Fred will be each others downfall. So looking forward to season 4. Hope Nick will be in it more. He is so handsome and a lovely character with a heart
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Absolutely love it
1 November 2018
I'm late to the party here in reviewing this movie but I really love this movie. I've watched it close to 30 times(I don't have a life). The banter is brilliant and the acting is on point. I didn't like the Mage much but she wasn't in it much. Loved the comedic side of it aswell as the seriousness of it all. It might be a different version of King Arthur that we are used to but it was a delight to get a different spin on it. I loved the scenery ..the wardrobe...Charlie Hunnam..and how.it made me smile. I know it won't meet some people's taste but each to their own. The story is brilliantly told and Guy Ritchie did a great job in fairness to him. Even David Beckham did good in his 5 min appearance. Overall I loved this movie and watch it each time as if it's my first time watching it. Just forget about history for a while and enjoy the movie. Go on and have a smile
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