
3 Reviews
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Very Poignant
27 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As someone said, it is VERY slow moving. But it's such a good story that it is a MUST SEE! The boy hardly speaks during the film, yet he conveys such emotion with his expressions. Deaf in real life, young Danny Murphy needs the help of his parents and teachers. Then he bonds with a fugitive who needs HIM for food, medical care, and his trust. The way the criminal gets him to stand up to a school bully is priceless. The boy hardly gets along with his distant father, yet develops a deep feeling of love for the violent man on the run. The ending might make you cry, as I did. Highly recommended for movie fans who aren't expecting a lot of action.
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The Hunt (2012)
Marcus was the best **Spoilers**
26 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After reading dozens of reviews here, I must praise the acting of Marcus, Lucas' teen son. I watched the expressions on his face and how he could convey his mood without saying a word. Fear, joy, and surprise! Terrific acting on his part, more so than Klara IMHO.

It was a tough film to watch as I hate to see injustice and people falsely accused. I wanted to turn it off when I saw poor Lucas thrown under the bus. But I stayed through the ending. I actually prefer the alternate ending in which Lucas is shot in the chest, not missed. It's more realistic!

Overall, a good film which provokes deep thought about the sad state of human nature.
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Better than I thought it would be
21 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is your typical inane kids' fare but there were a few funny moments, especially involving the talking mule. The lead boy actors are mostly newcomers but do a decent job. There's nothing objectionable about the film so it's okay to let your young children see it. In fact, I think they'll enjoy it. If you have a young teen girl, she might be especially interested in the young romance sidebar (involving Tommy's teen sister) along with the handsome young men featured in the film. Kevin Sorbo (from "The O.C." and "Psych") is probably the only face you'll recognize in this movie and he plays a very silly dad who is trying to force Tommy's mother into selling the property so he can profit from it. I've seen worse films, so perhaps a rental viewing is worth your time.
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