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The Half of It (I) (2020)
Really great film especially for a teen film
1 May 2020
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There are a lot of teen films out there, not all of them are good, in fact most are pretty bad. However I'm beyond surprised that this film is great. Even more surprisingly it's a netflix teen original.

The Half of It is a wonderful film. It doesn't really on those bloody awful cliches that plagued a lot of teen films. It has great likeable characters. Ellie, Paul and Aster are all terrific.

The writing is so strong here. It's consistently engaging and the dialogue genuinely feels pretty authentic. I don't actually have a lot to dislike about. It's actually a really beautiful film at times.

The only real flaw I have is the last 20 minutes dip slightly in quality. It does this stupid plot device I kinda hate. But it does pick up again in those 5 finale minutes making this one of the best teen films I've seen.

Overall it's a beautiful film with wonderful characters and devoid of most cliches. Obviously there are flaws here and there and the last 20 minutes aren't as brilliant. But it's a teen film y'all should watch
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Hollywood (2020)
Ryan Murphy has done it again
1 May 2020
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Hollywood once again proves that Ryan Murphy has a brilliant mind. This show is definitely one of the finest things to come from Ryan Murphy.

One thing I cannot fault is the fantastic performances. Every single actor in this show no matter how small steals the show. I'd definitely argue this is the best Ryan Murphy acted show. David Corenstret, Darren Criss and Patti LuPone are just a few of the amazing actors in this show and some of the best.

Ryan Murphy is always very diverse in his characters and how well they play into the actual story. He does it in such a natural way which I really appreciate. It really does play apart in how there was a lack of racial intolerance at that time in movies.

The limited series is really well made. The sets, costumes and the 50's style and setting of the show is just top notch in everyway. Visually appealing in everyway with all that and the great cinematography. It had really great dialogue from really talented writers. It has meaningful storylines told incredibly well.

Overall there are a few minor flaws here and there but nothing to bring the overall quality of the show down that much
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An entertaining disaster
30 April 2020
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Dangerous Lies is one of the most entertaining disasters of the year so far. It's completely predictable and void of any originality. However it's a film I had a lot of fun with in a "so bad it's good way"

Whilst the writing isn't that great. It's good to see Camila Mendes not be in something which was written by writers who take too much drugs. Camila Mendes wasn't that great. She proves herself to be decent but nothing more. Everyone else is just meh in the film.

The film started fairly well but then it becomes very generic and by the third act it's kind of laughably bad. There were moments were I thought it wasn't that bad. The mystery is there but it just feels like a 90s B-Movie thriller.

Overall it's never boring, it's just a carbon copy of other movies. It's enjoyable but the more you look into it the more you are gonna hate.
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Dummy (2020)
Great idea which isn't always executed perfectly
29 April 2020
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Whilst I admire Dummy for having a wacky and original idea, I feel like it is wasted potential. Whilst the chemistry is great, the story is flawed and doesn't do the idea justice.

The humour is there, it's just not as cleverly/humorously written as it needs to be. The chemistry between Anna Kendrick and Barbara (the sex doll) was great though. It's what makes the show worth watching. However the sex doll just looks weird and it does take a while to get used to it. The facial expressions don't look that great at times. It gets tolerable once the season progresses. Overall it's really enjoyable but it's way too short. It's 70 minutes long but could have worked better as a longer show or an actual 2 hour movie. I hope there is a season 2 though
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#Freerayshawn (2020)
So great. Quibi keeps delivering quality shows
29 April 2020
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#Freerayshawn is the kind of show or movie you get a couple of times every year. They usually either are really great or bad and are just there to raise a stupid message in the worst possible way. Thankfully this is the former.

For the kind of story the show is telling. It never really feels that repetitive. It's a thrill ride and intense to watch at times. It does have its twists and turns and the ending works really well. It was somewhat of a surprise. It does keep you on the edge of your seat. It's intense at times and thanks to a strong cast and script. However there are small things which for plot sake is there to just delay the inevitable from happening, (solving the crisis)

The characters are great. Stephan James is really good here. Both him and Laurence Fishburne carry this show. They work extremely well together. They have both are seriously likeable characters who you root for. There are few small performances which aren't that great but Skeet Ulrich was really good here as well.

Overall it's a solid show. It takes a generic plot and doesn't take the subject matter jokingly or to raise a message in the worst way possible. It's definitely worth watching.
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Never Have I Ever (2020–2023)
Better than I thought it would be
29 April 2020
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Never Have I Ever is your typical Netflix teen show. That's not exactly a bad thing. They are entertaining and they usually aren't terrible. I suppose it's great to see a different culture being represented in a mainstream Netflix show but outside of that, it's your typical teen drama. However strangely enough the teen aspect is much better than the cultural aspects. The show has the weirdest characters. None are really that likeable. Devi's mum right up to the season finale is just horrible and unlikable. Maitreyi Ramakrishnan whilst gives a good performance, her character is just a dick at times.

Everyone in this show delivers good performances but the characters are really hit or miss in likability. I think Paxton and Ben are probably one of the only truly likeable characters of the show. The show is around 4 and a half hours. I think the overall story is fine. It's never really dull or uninteresting. It's just consistently fine with a few moments reaching the great category. Overall it's a solid show which deserves a second season. There are a lot of things to fix but it genuinely was a much better show than I thought it would be.
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The Stranger (II) (2020)
Dane DeHaan and Maika Monroe seriously carry this show
27 April 2020
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At its core The Stranger is nothing new however with great performances from Monroe and DeHaan, the show is actually worth checking out.

Obviously there plot is fairly simple but it does do something slightly different from the normal. There are a few surprises and unexpected twists which I didn't expect especially in the later episodes. The first few episodes take a while to find its footing. But it's a really fun watch overall and a satisfying ending.

Dane DeHaan is great as the villain. This is one of the shows/movies of the genre where you actually root for the protagonist. Maika Monroe is great delivering her best role since It Follows.

It's only 95 minutes long and now that's it finished, I'd actually recommend you watch it all in one go. It's much more of an edge of your seat thriller that way. It flows a lot better as well.

Overall it's a great show. It may have it's typical cliches and tropes of the genre but Maika and Dane make the show worth watching.
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Bad Education (2019)
Jackman's best performance since Prisoners.
27 April 2020
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Bad Education whilst not as good as Thoroughbreds, is a great sophomoric effort from Finley. It's a fascinating story told extremely well thanks to a very strong script elevated by a fantastic cast

Bad Education may take around 20 minutes to find it's footing. Once it does though, the film becomes consistently captivate and compelling.

Bad Education takes a story which could have been a disaster if in the wrong hands but thankfully it isn't. It's an extremely interesting film. The writing is probably the strongest out of all the movies I've seen released this year (over 50)

Hugh Jackman is terrific here. Delivering one of his finest roles to date. He completely disappears in the role and it comes off so naturally. Everyone in this film is great but the other standout is definitely Alison Janney.

Overall it's one of the best films of 2020 so far. There are a few minor flaws and could have had a little more meat and intensity to it than it already had but other than I loved the film.
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After Life: Episode #2.6 (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
Season 2 is downright awesome
24 April 2020
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Whilst not as good as season 1, After Life is a great continuation to an awesome show.

Ricky Gervais does carry this show. He does deliver his best work in this show. Not only as an actor but as writer and director as well. Everyone is great in this show as they were in season 1.

The tone is perfect. Combining the comedy and tragedy really well. The comedy isn't as perfect in this season but it really does deliver most times. It also proves my point that British comedy is always better than American comedy.

It's more or less the same kind of story from season 1, just with further development to the characters. It works 90% of the time. For a show that I didn't think needed a second season, it really did surprise me

Nothing feels forced about the tragedy. It feels natural and authentic. The comedy doesn't try to be hard to be funny, which is also a bonus. The finale was seriously amazing. It was actually sad.

One of my favourite things about the show is when Lenny, Tony and Sandy visit people for the news articles. That's genuinely comedy gold.

Overall it's not as great as the first season but it still delivers. Ricky Gervais is great here and I can't wait for Season 3.
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Extraction (2020)
Great action in an okay film
24 April 2020
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Extraction is a solid film in terms of action but not in terms of plot. The story is fairly simple and been done before but it doesn't really bother me in this case. The action makes up for it.

The action scenes are really terrifically. Whilst they aren't on the level of The Raid movies, The John Wick trilogy or even Atomic Blonde. The film does deliver some pretty good action sequences. They are filmed really well without the over use of shaky can and quick cuts. The choreography is very good. There is a really great 11 minute sequence which is done in "one take" and it works marvelously well.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's around 102 minutes long (excluding the credits) and there is very little downtime. That's because of great actors and a decent script. Chris Hemsworth is great here. He did a lot of his own stunts which is great to hear. Everyone else from David Harbour to Randeep Hooda are also very good.

If you're looking for mindless fun, look no further. Extraction is everything you've been looking for in terms of action. It may be predictable but it seriously delivers.
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It's medicore but still worth watching.
22 April 2020
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Every year we get a few animated films which are just medicore. The Willoughbys is one of those films. After a rough start the film does pick up slightly but it's never really that interesting or exciting even for a kid.

I did really enjoy it however I just feels like it lacks magic and charm at times which makes animated movies so good to watch. This doesn't always have it sadly. Maybe if a major animation studio had it, it would work better. It's just a lot if the time it feels it lacks potential and feels very run of the mill sometimes.

The voice acting is definitely a highlight. However I feel like Ricky Gervais deserves better. He's actually funny but I feel like this is somewhat beneath him.

The animation is really good though. It has really vibrant colours and it really works. The writing is pretty medicore for a standard animated film. However Gervais does make it work well. The jokes sometimes work well without over doing it.

The story is decent though and it does have your typical message at the end but it never feels crammed down your throat so that is also a plus
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Most Dangerous Game (2020–2023)
Loved it. Constantly thrilling and engaging
22 April 2020
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Most Dangerous Game is such a great show and so far the second best show on Quibi (behind When The Streetlights Turn On)

Most Dangerous Game is an absolutely thrill ride from start to finish. It takes a premise we've seen before and makes it feel fresh and original. All 15 episodes are genuinely all in the B+ quality. There are a are minor flaws but you can really overlook them.

It never manages to be slow, dull and boring and although we know Liam will always narrowly avoid death, it still keeps us on edge cause we don't know what's going to happen. The execution is really terrific because of that and it ends perfectly.

Liam Hemsworth is actually great here. He really does steal the show. He really gives a good performance and manages to carry the show. Christoph Waltz is also very good as well although it's far from his best performance.

One thing I will say it is better to watch this all in one sitting cause it flows a lot better and is a lot more exciting than watching 8 minutes a day.
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Survive (2020)
Sophie Turner is fantastic here
17 April 2020
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Survive whilst not perfect, it still shows that Quibi is definitely something to check out cause they are really delivering quality shows from day one.

Although Survive moves a bit to quickly in terms of pacing and story. Which means it doesn't always focus on the small details which are essential to survival shows. However that being said what we got was still rather good. It's really investing even if it goes by super quickly. It does have a lot of tense and captivating moments. The show has great character development. You actually do care about them succeeding even if you know the outcome of where the show is going. Sophie Turner delivers her best performance to date. She is super talented here. Corey Hawkins is great as well. Both work really well together and really carry this film since it is pretty much them for the entire show

The finale is terrific and seriously works well. It actually has emotion and it works well due to the strong writing and Sophie Turner. The first three episodes are really great and because of that it makes the finale work so well. Some of the CGI does look rather iffy at times especially the avalanche scene. However for the most part they do such a strong job especially with the plane crash Overall it's a solid show which is definitely worth watching. It's not perfect but from Turner and Hawkin's chemistry alone, it's worth watching.
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Sergio (2020)
Covers important events in such a dull way
17 April 2020
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Sergio is one of those Netflix films which has so much potential but never delivers. It covers important events in such a dull way. It's rarely ever interesting despite the great performances.

I really don't think the non-linear narrative works in this film. I think the writing is weak whilst it covers the events well. It doesn't do it in the way which you learn stuff from the film. Maybe with better writers, the film would of worked better.

I did enjoy aspects of the film though. Some of it was interesting. However that's mainly due to Ana De Armas who is really great here. Wagna Moura and Armas really do save the film from being a complete disaster.

Overall despite being well made and well acted. The film fails to be a consistently enjoyable and informative film. It's not really worth watching, so don't go out of your way.
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It's shocking and sad and amazing.
15 April 2020
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When The Streelights Go On is brilliant. It hooks you from the start. It's tense, raw and sad. And having each episode under 10 minutes works surprisingly well.

Sophie Thatcher was absolutely brilliant and she completely steals the show. I can't wait to see more of her in the future. By the time the ending comes around it's emotional and shocking and it all works incredibly well. That's mainly thanks to her.

Everyone is terrific here though, they all give great performances. The characters are all fantastic even the minor ones. That's really rare to say.

As far as flaws go, I genuinely don't have anything although it wrapped a quicker than I thought I would. It still worked insanely well though. It's a show which actually felt shocking and sad. It didn't feel hollywood and I really loved it when shows aren't like that.

It doesn't really go the way you think. There are constant surprises but those last 3 episodes are seriously terrific.

Overall it's downright brilliant. It's around 90 minutes and it's just a ride to watch. Highly recommend checking it out
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Barry (2018–2023)
Bill Hader is incredible
14 April 2020
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I don't know why I put off watching Barry so long cause it's absolutely perfect. Barry is simply one of the best tv shows of all time. Barry is highly addictive and consistently engaging in ways I never imagined. All 8 hours fly by incredibly quick. Barry is funny, shocking, thrilling and you every character is insanely well written. Whilst season 1 is terrific, season 2 takes things to a whole new level in everyway. It's fresh and original. I don't really have any massive flaws with the show. There's a few insignificant flaws but few and far between. Bill Hader is absolutely incredible. Delivering not only the finest performances in his career but one of the finest tv performances ever. I would love to see him in more serious stuff like this.

The episodes genuinely all range from A- to A+ and some episodes such as Make Your Mark, Ronny/Lilly, The Audition and Berkman > Block go down as some of the greatest episodes of tv history. I would go as far to see as on the same quality as Ozymandias from Breaking Bad. The action scenes and most particularly in S2E5 and S2E8 are incredibly well done.

Overall Barry is incredible. It's dark, funny, complex and brilliantly written. Season 2 ends perfectly. Those finale moments are insanely great and season 3 is hopefully gonna be incredible.
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Aesthetically perfect but kinda dull
11 April 2020
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Oz Perkins has made one of my favourite films called The Blackcoat's Daughter, so I did have some high expectations but sadly they fell flat. Gretel and Hansel is a gorgeously dull film with no meat to it. It has some of the best cinematography of the century so far. Every shot looks perfect. The aesthetic is by far the best thing about this film.. At 87 minutes, the films feels too long. After 45 minutes, it kind of becomes tedious to watch after that. There's no meat to it at all.

Sophia Lillis is great here, she delivers her best performance to date. Alice Krige and Samuel Leakey are all good as well. They are pretty much the only 3 characters in it. Overall it's really just meh. It has fantastic visuals and aesthetice but the story is a disaster. It's a really disappointing year for horror and this film proves it.
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It's a lot of fun but lacks charm and doesn't live up to the concept.
10 April 2020
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Love. Wedding. Repeat is nothing special at all but it's something I really enjoyed. It's the kind of film you can dissect and find a bucket load of flaws but for what it is, it's pretty decent.

The concept could have been handled slightly better especially cause we only really have two versions of the wedding. But it's a passable film you can have a lot of fun with regardless.

Sam Claflin is a great actor but here although he is the best part of the film, it's a step down from his previous roles. Olivia Munn is the other good aspect. Everyone else is just fine. However every single character was kinda trashy, leaving you pretty much no one to root for.

As a comedy, it's never really that funny. It does feel very awkward at first but thankfully that was fixed after the first 30 minutes.

Overall it's really fun film to watch and thoroughly enjoyed it all. It's just doesn't live up to the potential of it's concept.
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
A seriously awesome documentary
9 April 2020
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Every now and then there is a documentary which really captures my attention. I'm not the biggest fan of documentaries but this was something else. This show is great from the start and all 317 minutes of this was just really interesting to watch.

It has one of the most ludicrous stories ever. Every episode just ramps the madness up a notch. It's just constantly investing, they did a brilliant job at making this documentary and putting everything together. I do really like the fact that it isn't overly biased and doesn't take sides that much. However there are a few flaws. At times it does feel a tad repetitive in what they show. As well as by the end, it doesn't feel as fun and shocking cause you know where the story is going. However Episodes 3-5 were really strong.

Overall despite it's flaws, it's an awesome story told incredibly well. It's probably the best documentary I've seen since Fyre.
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Wasn't impressed with this movie.
7 April 2020
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In this day and age, modern animated blockbusters genuinely have wonderful animation and voice work. Trolls 2 is no different however it's hard to find anything good in a film like this.

Trolls is a little over 80 minutes long and it certainly has it's enjoyable moments. It's just with studios constantly delivering hits like Pixar, Studio Ghibli, Laika and more. You'd expect something a little more in quality.

Anna Kendrick is a decent actress but her character is so unlikeable here. The voice work is all fine but the singing is where the flaws are at. The singing just has way too much autotune, it takes you out of the enjoyment. Some songs work fine well.

Overall Trolls: World Tour is 80 minutes of cringe with a very simple message. Messages are always prevalent in kids messages but this one just feels way to spoon feed and hollow
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Not worth watching but has merits
3 April 2020
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Coffee and Kareem isn't a good film that being said it is a watchable film, if you don't tear it apart too much. The script isn't that good and it is an extremely generic crime comedy but there is fun to be had at times.. As far as the comedy goes, it does try but it very rarely succeeds. As far as the story goes, it's quite predictable. However it is entertaining and the performances save it from being a complete disaster.

Ed Helms gives a semi decent performance here. He tries his best with a less than acceptable script. He and Gardenhigh work well together even if the dynamic is a little too generic but they are kind of tolerable and likeable characters. Betty Gilpin was the best thing about this movie. Even if she isn't in that much. She seems to stand out from everyone else again.

It's not really worth watching unless you have nothing else to watch. It's not time wasted but if you want to pass 85 minutes, watch it.
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Bad is an understatement
3 April 2020
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47 Metres Down: Uncaged is a movie no one asked for or wanted and it's likely no one will watch this disaster of the movie.

The idea of being trapped in an underground city with an evolved shark sounds interesting but here it is so horrendously executed that after a while the film is just absurd and ludicrous. The characters are so stupid here at times and not a single likeable character. From the first second, you know who survives cause it's an absolute cliche. The film could have been dark, anxiety inducing and a claustrophobic nightmare but it wasn't, it's the exact opposite here. It's just not in the hands of a competent director. I'm all for movie logic but the shark is so stupid here. There is so much wrong with this film in that aspect. The film is 90 minutes and I can't stand it all. That being said it is kinda enjoyable in a so bad, it's good kind of way.
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Vivarium (2019)
Loved it.
3 April 2020
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Vivarium is the most fascinating film so far this year that I've seen. Whilst Vivarium has it's flaws, Vivarium is a bold, original and morbid film which comes straight out of The Twilight Zone

Jesse Eisenberg is great here but Imogen Poots is just terrific. She is really great in horror films. Both have fabulous chemistry and their relationship feels so natural. The film hooks you quite quickly and builds up through an interesting premise and just gets better and better. It's interesting and it makes you think which I appreciate cause I hate being spoon fed answers. That being said sometimes it feels like it's ambiguous for the sake of it rather than being ambiguous with reason. The film has a lot of surprises and it isn't that predictable. The morbid aspect is really handled well and is quite sinister and I loved that. It makes for a really great ending even if it's not the ending you might of hoped

Overall it's a terrifc horror film which is grim but raises some good questions, if you look below the surface. It's really stylish as well, the disorienting nature of Yonder really enhances the films atmosphere.
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The Platform (2019)
What a brilliant film
27 March 2020
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The Platform is an absolutely riveting film. It's one of those films which hook you from the start. The concept alone is enough to make this film worth watching. The Platform is a somewhat complex film in terms of themes and most importantly the characters. The characters are terrific and how all the characters are different depending on how high or low they are is very well handled. It's an extremely dark film which has some shocking moments. However it all feels very necessary and authentic and shows how sick some people are and how desperate people are without food.

It's only 94 minutes long and the pacing is terrific. Asides from the ending which is a bit lacklustre, I thought the film was absolutely terrific and seriously worth watching
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Fine for what it is.
26 March 2020
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Does have some merits here and there. It's one of those film which are perfectly enjoyable to watch but the more you look into it the more you will dislike it. By far the greatest thing about the film was surprisingly. Winslow Fegley was really great surprisingly. He did really nail his character well. Everyone else was just fine. I did like the style of the film however it can be quite repetitive and does wear off fairly quickly although there are some humourous moments throughout which worked great. The film does have a message which comes across really well to its audience. It's a seriously enjoyable film and even though it has its flaws. I'll admire Disney a lot more for doing films like this than remaking a classic like Mulan or The Little Mermaid
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