
177 Reviews
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Strange Planet (2023– )
More, please.
14 November 2023
It's not vulgar, there's no violence against anyone or defense of items of war, nor any willingness to go to war, and episodes don't involve kidnapping a woman to kickoff the theme of this week's show, which is remarkably similar to last week's, if we were watching, well, fill in the blank. Movies love that over used trope, too.

But here, in this quiet, fresh, funny, part of the universe, you can sit back and relax and watch a show that makes you feel good and think about things for just a few more seconds because they've renamed almost everything with funny vocabulary.

The storylines are heartwarming not terrifying or heartbreaking or disgusting or even disturbing. So, yes, if, your life is so bent, that you can't cool down and breathe easy, if you can't laugh at quirky, and you need adrenaline and blood, guts, murder, office-gossip, and hatred, it's no wonder that you don't approve of this wonderful show. Too bad; it's awesome.
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Phar Lap (1983)
This is an extraordinary story!
26 August 2023
This is an extraordinary story that I remember watching ONCE and it stuck with me. I saw it YEARS ago!

It needs to be released, for maximum effect, on iTunes. But, if it has to be, release it on blu-ray for a wider range than just Germany, as it is now. That's not even the same country as the story!

Release it in North America, huge numbers there, and home of Seabiscuit and Secretariat.

As I remember it, this is a heartwarming story about a racehorse and a man who survives cancer.

When he discovers that his hair is growing back after the chemotherapy, the man asks his steadfast friend if he could borrow his razor to finally shave his face after having had no hair fo so long.

The friend laughs and says yeah.

Then, as the cancer survivor is about to leave, he turns back to his friend and, with a smile on his face, asks, "Can I borrow a comb?"

Get. This. Movie. Out. There.
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Night Court: Da Club (2023)
Season 1, Episode 12
Okay, this episode rocks!
11 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love NIGHT COURT because it steps back from so many other high-cost, possibly CGI, gun-wielding, male-led and male-production-leading, cursing, bloodbath, violent (and I love all of those) tv shows.

There is NO REASON you can't have a reasonably budgeted, smart, talented, funny, brilliant, female-led production and male-cast-leading tv show.

This one works. It's mellow, it needs more finesse, though, more fire in the furnace, and THIS EPISODE HAS IT!

The judge uses her education, research, guile, drive, and her hayseed history, to better the lives of the people of NYC. Not only that, she has an excellent connection to the people who work for her who will apparently be willing to HAPPILY do anything for her on their time off. In this episode she legally flips the opinion of the NY District Attorney; he was expecting blackmail.

My writing is dry; the episode is not.
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Red Notice (2021)
Usually, I rate Pass/Fail 10 or 0, but I'm giving this a 5.
2 April 2023
All I see and hear from Ryan Reynolds's is Deadpool. He's been like that in other movies as well, so he wasn't even acting in Deadpool, it was just Reynolds going along with the script. It was cute as Deadpool, but tiresome in other movies. It's like Vince Vaughn, he's never acted a day in his life - he's VINCE VAUGHN in Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Wedding Crashers, Jurassic Park 2 and any number of other movies. Same for Reynolds: Life, Free Guy, 6 Underground RIPD...

Dwayne Johnson is more rounded out, but he in a place of power & authority is wearing thin.

Gal Gaddot continues to be awesome and would have shined with top (gasp) billing or at least second. Women regulated to last place and less pay when among men. Got it. Hmmm, don't both of those men have daughters?

Lastly, is this, by chance, another $200,000,000? Are we sure that it's was we (still) need in our lives? About to enter World War III, millions are being hammered by global-warming effect while claiming it's "natural, not man-made" and leaving planet Earth to misery and a quick death. I challenge you to make a great, original movie under $1,000,000. Are there no more high and mighty Hollywood types out there that can do this? Yawn. Didn't think so.
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Blonde (2022)
2 April 2023
What the heck? The book that this movie is based on isn't even a biography, it's a "reimagining" of MM's life: It's fan-fiction!

I didn't see it in theaters (no interest whatsoever), nor did I buy it; I watched it for free on Amazon. Grateful for that option, actually, because I only made it through fifteen minutes of a two-and-a-half hour fake, sensationalized EXPENSIVE movie about a woman who should probably be left alone. She's suffered too many lies about her, too many people idolizing her as an icon rather than a person, and definitely too many people forcing their image of what they want her to be, rather than respecting her as a human being.

She's NOT fantasy, she never was.

Let her go.
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Slumberland (2022)
Thank you for this.
21 February 2023
Thank you for this wonderful storytelling!

It sets us off for parts unknown when we slumber, but then, real life, the life we live when we are awake, arrives, as it must, and we see grief...

Not to spoil the plot, so many begin this way, but it's what comes after the ellipsis that counts, wouldn't you say?

In Slumberland, my favorites are (without giving away spoilers) are the wonderful animation, the beautiful lighthouse, the multiethnic school, the hilarious nun, Pig, the patient school councilor, the wonderful friends, and the fact that there weren't any guns or gunshots or military violence or wars. The only gun-type weapon only froze someone in place, fully conscience, and very temporarily.

I wish I could buy this movie on iTunes and add it to my collection. It's amazing.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
Yes! It's perfect! No huge, expensive special effects. No gunshots. No violence.
27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
No cellphones. And if they get cellphones they won't be smartphones. The horrors of Columbine don't happen until April 1999.

Yes, there are the ever-present race riots. That's something our country has tripped over for four-hundred years, with EVERY SINGLE RACE RACE BUT WHITE (I'm white), but this show has proven to be wonderfully multiracial, even within the same family.

Yes, there is is ageism, sexism, and hatred towards LGBTQ+, but this show has given Kitty, the grandmother, the nursing job she went after, even though she was competing against many younger nurses. And one of the teen friends on the show is battling with himself about how and when to come out and tell his parents that he is gay. He began with telling one of his friends, who was quite accepting. Then, he fearfully told Kitty, who was quite shocked, but only because that he was afraid to tell her in the first place. She hugged him tightly and made him feel much better. I didn't feel any sexism in any episode. Maybe when I watch them all again.

And I will.
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Mako (2021)
Even if this hadn't been based on a true story (I don't know either way) this is a great movie!
21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A glaring error, although the shark caught on the hook in the beginning of the movie was a mako, the CGI sharks throughout the film were great whites. I almost shut it off, I was so angry. Great whites are the go-to bad guy fish everyone wants to see and experience and it's tiresome and more JAWS storylines than that poor fish needs to ever experience again. I felt that this was a true bait and switch for shark enthusiasts, too. The movie is called Mako, and that is truly what I came to see.

I cannot confirm the storyline because I am not familiar with the wreck, boat, awards ceremony, or that production company, etc. But this is a solid movie, in my opinion, and the ending is poignant and profound to that character who mimics the awards show from the previous year when she was mistakenly given the award. This time she says something like, "l again cannot accept this award because it does not belong to me." She means, and says, that it belongs to her lost team, too, and they are seen in memorial photos on stage with her. It was very moving.

Well done!
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Bob's Burgers: The Plight Before Christmas (2022)
Season 13, Episode 10
The best episode in 13 seasons!
15 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It delivers on so many levels. I'm not a huge fan of Christmas right now, going through a divorce, actually, so I am skipping the usual gooey, happy THIS IS CHRISTMASTIME entertainment as many people who are feeling a bit off this month might feel, and that is okay.

But, so far, I've watched this episode THREE TIMES! I won't give away any spoilers, although the writers have given a very loud shout-out and kudos to an seriously under appreciated profession and their (spectacular) subs. At the end of the episode (this was awesome), the music comes up, and there's no dialogue, but you can see all of our favorite characters telling each other how their night went. Oops. Maybe I should put a spoiler alert on my post.

Shout out to the volunteer parents and guardians of children as well!

And to everyone who is having a rough Holiday season, you don't have to have a happy one, but please have a safe one.
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Wednesday (2022– )
A delightful, all-around, well-balanced, 10/10, bingeable who-dun-it that will suck you in and devour you whole.
3 December 2022
I don't know if there's going to be a second season, but the eight episodes I just watched were the best Tim Burton I've ever seen. I have not been a fan. I have waited for this moment. Here it is.

The casting was perfect, writing was fantastic, sets were amazing, makeup, wardrobe and effects were spot-on, stunning, funny, scary and like the cast, writing, and sets, they revealed the story to us with nods to people we love, books we've read, places we know about and nightmares we've had.

If it's just going to be eight episodes then bravo! Well done! But if you can do it again then I will be sure to have food and water next to my remote control next time. And bathroom breaks. Because bingeing eight episodes of a superb supernatural show - Wow! Pace yourself! Breathe!

Now, push play. Time to watch S1E1 again.
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Lights Out (II) (2016)
22 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm YELLING at the actress to stop flicking the light on and off, but she kept doing it, then I just FREAKED OUT and shut off the movie completely. Never turned it back on. I'll try again next year, during Ween Movie season, when I watch about 50 movies and tv shows designed to thrill and entertain the darker side of my normally warm and fuzzy persona.

Never in my life have I screamed at the screen during a scary movie. It just happened to begin the storyline with one of my fears and/or creep-outs. A-plus moviemaking, folks. So happy I purchased this gem and I just might be able to finish it within six or seven years. No sequels until then! Great job!
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Resident Alien (2021– )
This series does so many things RIGHT that I don't know where to start!
1 September 2022
I don't want to try or quantify Resident Alien or tick off any boxes because that would only pigeonhole it and dull it's magnificent colors. This series is comfortingly unique, positively heartwarming, hilariously welcoming and leaves viewers begging for more. There is enough subject matter to explore many incredible storylines for an extended period of time and they have all been superbly presented through many points-of-view without wearing out the INCREDIBLE title character's own POV and journey.

If numbers mean more to you than words, then I will change my mind and quantify. Let's go with 10/10. Or 189,359,290,368/189,359,290,368. Only a few will appreciate that one, but that's okay because those few and many others will watch and love this brilliant tv series.

And we all want more please!
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Don't Breathe (2016)
He's got a woman chained-up in the basement.
28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was COMPLETELY on-board with this movie. It was fantastic from beginning to...Uh-oh! NOPE! Stephen Lang's character has a woman chained-up in the basement, ON A MATTRESS, no less. After that, it stopped being an enjoyable movie and just became another tired, disgusting horror movie trope that was out-of-place and exhausting.

Can we just through a movie without degrading a woman or a girl? Or basing the movie's entire storyline on her abduction and/or abuse (too many movies to list here, but GLASS comes to mind). I know it's never going to happen. (sigh) Just thought I'd ask. I know they made a sequel to Don't Breath, and III is probably in the works. So, yay. (unenthusiastic sarcasm wins the day)
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Pay disparity between Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams is horrific and shameful!
4 August 2022
For reshoots, I believe, Wahlberg was paid a massive $1,500,000 whereas Williams was paid around $1,000 for the same amount of time and work. This sours the movie's brilliance, in my eyes. It degrades its greatness to the same degree as Ms. Williams has been devalued as a working actress by this huge error of judgment from all involved in this decision. When will they feel shame?
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Megamind (2010)
No means no. That IS terror in her eyes on the tower. This IS a kid's movie.
28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I waited for SOMEONE to say that a woman (or a girl) has a right to choose whom to date, if she wants to date. And no means no.

I didn't read any of the other reviews for this movie that received overwhelming reviews because I am certain with all of those positives, I'm not going to see anyone else say, "Hey, when Jonah Hill's character, even before he became TIGHTEN, fixated on Tina Fey's character ROXANNE RITCHI, it was serious (bad), but when he flipped into TIGHTEN, he became a dangerous predator intent on capturing her and making her do what he wants regardless of her wishes."

If this sentence was uttered in the very last scene, it would have saved the whole movie, and would have become a true, empowering, superhero movie: "Women can choose whom to date, just as men can. And men can say 'no' to women. Women say it all the time." (Well, it's a kid's movie, so maybe just the first sentence. But that second sentence is damn powerful too, isn't it?)
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Dogville (2003)
12 July 2022
Read the quote chosen to represent this film. Does THAT sound like an enjoyable or worthwhile movie to watch?! If so, what is WRONG WITH YOU?! Why these respected actors chose to be in this nightmare boggles my mind. I'll never think of this again.
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Maintains the quality and humor of the first two great movies.
18 April 2022
Balthazar Bratt is a hilarious 1980's throwback villain. Everything he says, wears, listens to, and does is a brilliant shoutout to those of us (at the very least) who went to high school anywhere in that decade.

Gru and Lucy are wading through their new life together with the three strong, loving, adorable girls, balancing the age-old good vs. Evil choices presented in every animated movie and making the best choices, IMO.

It's still quirky, colorful, bust-a-gut funny and heartfelt. This was a happy edition to my digital collection.

And, don't forget the minions! Hi guys!
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Fyre Fraud (2019)
Netflix's FYRE has got you beat.
21 March 2022
This version starts out strong, but 20 minutes into it and I was already sick of hearing anything more from Billy McFarland. It also lacked footage from the island and was more about the interviews afterward about the setup and promises made.
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The Wave, The Quake, The Tunnel, and now The Burning Sea!
7 March 2022
Top notch terrifying and thrilling movie making! All of the effects, both real and CGI are completely realistic and enhance the incredible storyline. Acting, direction, production, sound, wardrobe, locations and even the dubbing into English are seamless and highly effective! I look forward to another movie from Norway, especially if it carries the same ecological theme (actually, it's a genre now). Bravo!
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The Requin (2022)
Two major things went wrong here...
2 March 2022
Silverstone clearly wasn't meant for drama/horror, but is hilarious in comedies. Her laughter is infections, but her distressed screams, grunts and groans are as entertaining as nails on a chalkboard.

Speaking of nails on a chalkboard, shark movies have evolved since JAWS, and so have the viewing audience's expectations. There have been some fantastic movies like THE REEF, which terrifies me still, and others like OPEN WATER 3: CAGE DIVE, THE SHALLOWS, THE MEG, DEEP BLUE SEA (1 & 3, skip 2) and lower budgeted movies like BAIT, 47 METERS DOWN (1 & ESPECIALLY 2!), 12 DAYS OF TERROR, SHARK NIGHT, and the hilarious SALTWATER (aka ATOMIC SHARK) that have sharks as the main characters in "shark movies" and are fantastically entertaining to me, especially when they are about a shark that's not (or not just) a great white, like MALIBU SHARK ATTACK, which features goblin sharks, SHARK NIGHT, which features cookie cutter sharks. My point is, we've got so many great shark movies to choose from that movie-makers are really going to have to step it up if you plan on making a movie of this kind.

I gave this movie ten stars because I rate on a pass/fail, and while I sincerely wish I hadn't spent $13 on this one, I applaud the effort because the scenery and people of Viet Nam where beautiful, and that's new to me and movies from/about that country. Usually, the locations are elsewhere, like Thailand, Hong Kong, and China.

I'd like to see more of this writer/director - provided he can keep up with the ravenous demands of the viewing audience.
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Skyfire (2019)
This is a thrilling disaster movie!
16 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It has at least two scenes that I've never seen before (the monorail crashed car and an amusement-type company building a overlook on the rim of an active volcano), a great cast with new and familiar faces, fantastic settings, science vs arrogance and a multigenerational storyline. I bought this movie. No regrets!
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Horizon Line (2020)
That. Was. Awesome! I rarely pay $15 for a movie, especially I can see it on PRIME...
15 February 2022
...but I had to snap this up right after I first saw it! Beautiful locations, scary premise, at least one scene I've never seen before all make for a wild ride! No regrets.
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Disenchantment (2018–2023)
I continue to watch and laugh, season after season.
12 February 2022
Great characters, direction and animation keeps me coming back. It's especially pleasing that the main character, Bean, is female. Had it been about a prince, I wouldn't be so interested.

More, please!
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I love, love, love this new series! More please!
1 February 2022
Barely a blip of change from the movies noticed. The quality graphics, brilliant colors, new beasts, plants and storylines are top-notch and fully consistent with the hilarious and fun movies.

Bravo, and I'm ready for more!
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Red Rover (2018)
I was bored for the first half hour...
31 January 2022
...but pushed through to the 45 minute mark. In my opinion (glad you asked), if the viewer is watching the minutes drag by on the clock while trying to get through a movie, then it's not a good movie. I fast forwarded through the rest only to see that the entire movie looked like the first 15, 30, and 45 minutes.

Regrettably, I bought it, before I watched it. (sigh)

Hopefully, others see it's greatness.
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