
16 Reviews
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Avatar (2009)
A great visual treat!!
2 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Avatar in 3D (which apparently is how Cameron wanted people to see it) and I walked out of the theater impressed and satisfied.

For those who do not know the story, it goes simply like this: In the future, around the 2150's as a matter of a fact, humans have used up the resources on Earth and have discovered a planet that can help us find new resources. The planet, which is really a moon to a gigantic planet that resembles Jupiter except that it's blue in color, has been named Pandora by the humans and is inhabited by a variety of scary-looking creatures. Among them are cat-like blue humanoids called the Na'vi. Humans and the Na'vi have a very strained relationship, which has caused the launch of the Avatar program, where human scientists transfer their consciousness into an artificially created Avatar Na'vi to explore the planet and make peace with the locals or force them out of their home.

From here, just think of the plot as a sci-fi futuristic Dances with Wolves story. A human chosen to be an Avatar participant is introduced to the ways of the natives, falls in love with one of the members of the opposite side, the culture and the planet, then has to decide which side to be on.

The idea of the movie was fascinating and the creatures were unusual but sometimes beautiful. As many have said though, the biggest pro to the movie were the visuals. They were the highlight of the movie for me. It's even better in 3D. As often happens, you feel like reaching out to the screen to try and touch the creatures. There were a lot of bright and vivid colors in the movie, so in a way it is like a piece of art.

The action was sometimes really intense and there was sometimes some pretty good violence. The dialogue was sometimes cheesy as were some of the plot elements. There is one scene in particular that involves Na'vi mating that, despite not showing very much, was kind of embarrassing and uncomfortable to watch. The music was great and made me want to go and buy the soundtrack as soon as I came out of the theater. That music got me really excited sometimes!

All in all, not that bad of a movie but the biggest pro was the visuals. If you are gonna see this movie, I recommend spending the extra couple of dollars to see it in 3D as it was meant to be seen. It's an experience I feel you will never forget.

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A cute romantic drama that convinced me Eckhart can be romantic
5 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this film on HBO after wanting to see it since it came out nearly two years ago (hard to imagine!).

The film tells the story of Kate, a workaholic head chef at a New York restaurant who suddenly finds herself becoming the guardian of her recently orphaned niece, Zoe (played wonderfully by Abigail Breslin). While Kate is working hard to run "her" kitchen AND take care of her niece, she finds herself trying to resist falling for the new sous-chef Nick, a somewhat free spirit who prefers to have some fun in the kitchen. This clashes with Kate's strict straight-to-business attitude. He also helps Zoe come out of her shell by introducing her to the world of cooking and food in a way Kate could not. Sparks start to fly between the two chefs as they spend more time getting to know each other and Zoe.

I like Catherine Zeta-Jones in many of her roles. This film is no exception. The only time I didn't like her was when she was being a witch towards Eckhart's Nick. Other than that, I liked the character. She was a good example of someone who has many flaws they fail to address and hides behind something their good at to prevent others from getting too close. Aaron Eckhart is charming and fun to watch as Nick. I had seen him in Paycheck, Thank You for Smoking and, of course, The Dark Knight. This role was very good. I liked his lightness and his constant teasing of Zeta-Jones's Kate. I also liked his chemistry with little Abigail Breslin. The two seemed to genuinely be having fun with the roles when they were together. Abigail Breslin is once again proving her talent as a young actress in a role that is both heartwarming and heartbreaking. Her handling of the story involving the character losing her mother is very good and proves to me that she can handle serious roles just fine.

Obviously the story is not without its own flaws. I found the therapy sessions that Kate attends to be a bit of a nuisance. I know they were supposed to be there for the purpose of helping Kate discover ways of helping Zoe and herself get through their pain and, as a plot device, develop Kate's character. But I personally didn't care for them that much. I felt that they could've handled Kate's insecurities by way of a few scenes between Kate and Nick talking about each other's past and what got them to the point they're at now. I know, that would've been clichéd. The story was also very predictable. Whenever a significant event occurred, you could pretty much tell what would happen next.

Despite its flaws, I enjoyed the movie. The performances were very good, the characters were believable, and it had its romantic and comedic moments. A good date movie.
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Pokémon (1997–2023)
It's better if you're at least 7 years old and no more than 11 or 12
4 July 2009
I was a big fan of this show and the concept of Pokemon when I was in elementary and middle school. I watched the show from season 1 till anywhere between the 4th and 6th season (I don't really remember what season it was that I stopped watching because I didn't have the proper understanding of a t.v. "season"). I watched the show again for a peek at how it's going these days and I was dreading every second I watched. It didn't have the same appeal it once had. That's mostly because I'm older and know that it has horrible acting. I still play the game, I just don't watch the show anymore. I also used to get all the movies that came out, but really I only have 4 of the movies. I just lost interest as I got older. I started to develop my hobby of movies more and explored new genres.

So anyway, I don't like the show anymore. It's not fun to watch anymore, especially since I haven't watched so I don't know what's going on or who many of the people are anymore. Do they even still have Team Rocket anymore? If you're older than 12, you're likely to not enjoy the show. Young children younger than 7 probably could enjoy it but might not understand everything going on.

5/10 in honor of my childhood attraction to the show.
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Interesting series with a good start, a tedious middle, and a strong ending
19 June 2009
I had the opportunity to experience the Legend of Spyro video game trilogy by way of Youtube. I watched someone who made three video play lists of themselves playing all three games non-stop. I saw the PS2 versions of the first and second installments and the XBOX 360 version of the third installment. I enjoyed watching this person play the first game, which had good voice performances by Gary Oldman, David Spade, and Elijah Wood. The story grabbed my attention as did the game play. I must admit though, sometimes I got frustrated with the guy playing the game because he did things or did not do things that I would've or wouldn't have done. Anyway, the first game was good enough to make me watch the other two play lists. The second game was very tedious, with long intervals between each major event in the game. But the last game was much better than the second with a spectacular ending and what I consider to be great game play. I would say Dawn of the Dragon is my favorite installment just based on the fact that you can be either Spyro or Cynder in either one-player or two-player mode, and you get to fly at anytime (something that I've been begging and wishing for ever since I first played the original Spyro games). I liked Gary Oldman as Ignitus and David Spade and a somewhat unrecognizable Wayne Brady as Sparx in the first and third installments respectively. Elijah Wood wasn't a bad choice for Spyro, and my favorite person playing Cynder was Mae Whitman in the second installment (I wish she stayed on for number three, but she probably had to do Avatar: The Last Airbender at that point). All in all, a pretty good reboot series. If more Spyro games are made, maybe they can do more with Spyro and Cynder.
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Iron Man (2008)
One of the best comic book movies of all time!!!
5 May 2008
I went to see Iron Man on Saturday afternoon. I truly believe that this is one of the best superhero movies ever! It certainly is an improvement over some of the other comic book movies to come out of Marvel's lineup, like the disappointing Spider-Man 3.

Robert Downey Jr. makes one of the greatest performances ever as Tony Stark/Iron Man. He is hysterical and is the best part of the whole movie. It's almost non-stop laughter with him, except of course when he is in danger and when he gets into fights with the bad guys. The rest of the cast is also very good. Jeff Bridges is amazing as the villain of the movie Obadiah Stane/Iron Monger. The character is wicked, and Daniels does a great job at playing the role. Terrence Howard is good as Jim Rhodes, while Gwyneth Paltrow proves to be a good love interest for Downey Jr. as Stark's assistant Virginia "Pepper" Potts.

The special effects are incredible and the action is fun and awesome. Sometimes I couldn't tell when the suit was real or not. The comedy is very good, way better than I expected it to be. I do agree with critics who are saying that the one thing to complain about is the length of the movie: WHY DIDN'T THEY MAKE IT LONGER!? Hopefully Jon Favreau will release an extended edition when the theatrical cut comes out on DVD or shortly after that.

Great job Jon Favreau! You proved yourself to be a great director when it comes to comic book movies. Do another one! 9/10
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A messed up but interesting film
6 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this on CineMax earlier this year. I originally wanted to see the film for Thomas Newman's score. While I was watching, I couldn't help but feel awkward throughout the whole film. Every character in the film had some secret they were hiding from the rest of the world. This idea intrigued me. The film stars Kevin Spacey as Lester Burnham, a depressed, bored man going through a mid-life crisis brought on by his work-obsessed, perfectionist, crazy wife, Carolyn (played by Annette Bening) and his angry and insecure daughter, Jane (played by Thora Birch). Lester and Carolyn go to a basketball game to see Jane perform a cheer-leading routine. Afterward, they meet Jane's "best friend", Angela Hayes (played by American Pie's Mena Suvari). She is a seemingly confident girl who constantly brags about her apparent sexual appeal to guys. We find out later in the film that she's not as confident with herself as she appears to be. Lester develops an infatuation with Angela the moment he meets her. He decides to turn his life around now that he found something to live for. In the midst of all this, Carolyn begins an affair with real estate business rival, Buddy Kane, an annoying, egotistical man who, as fate would have it, turns out to be just what the doctor ordered for Carolyn and her stressed-out life. Jane develops an attraction towards the strange but rather lovable Ricky Fits, the son of an overly strict and controlling former marine colonel who claims to be homophobic, and his mentally weak and submissive wife. Ricky is the one to make the first move on Jane by filming her every time he sees her. Jane and Ricky find that although they come from completely different family backgrounds, they actually have quite a bit in common. Ricky is someone who finds beauty in almost everything he sees, especially Jane. He also tells things like they are. The film traces the life of Lester as he makes his drastic life-change and deals with the consequences of his actions later on. His new changes do affect the people around him. He begins to anger his daughter further and even intimidates her once or twice. He no longer will take his wife's belittling words and work-obsessed ways. He becomes more open to Angela near the end of the film. He is able to form a friendship with Ricky comfortably without worrying about how his family will react. He basically becomes more confident and free-willed. Apparently, so does his wife. She begins to do what she wants to do, but immediately loses that feeling when Lester finds out about her affair with Buddy Kane. Although the film is put into the comedy genre and does have some funny parts, it is also a hard-hitting drama. It has some very tense, disturbing, and beautiful moments. There is a dark undertone to the film, which is emphasized at the end. I like this movie because it's very realistic. It shows that within a seemingly perfect, normal neighborhood, home, and family, there are things that nobody wants or needs to know about. Dark secrets that could undo the "perfection" of everything. I also like it because it adds humor to an otherwise dark and sad story. It's a good blend that deserves every Oscar it got. If you're looking for a funny comedy with gross-out humor like "Superbad", you will be disappointed in that this film is not entirely a comedy and only has a few funny moments. If you're looking for a film that is funny but also has drama and is realistic, this is the film for you. Kevin is absolutely amazing in this movie. He deserved his Oscar for the role. Check out this film. I don't think you will be disappointed. 8/10 stars
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Ratatouille (2007)
By far the BEST Pixar movie ever!!!!
22 July 2007
My sister and I were fortunate enough to catch a 3:35 p.m. show-time of Ratatouille yesterday. We both came out of the theater saying practically the same thing: That was really good! We both thought it was very cute and very funny. We enjoyed every minute of it. We were both glad everything worked out in the end, as it usually does in a Disney movie. Arguably the best of the Pixar movies, even better than The Incredibles and Cars. Pixar has worked their magic and came out with a winner once again. If you want a good summer movie to take your kids or the whole family to, this is the movie to see!! Even if you just want to see what all the hype is about, I guarantee you'll love this movie. Can't wait for Wall-E next summer!
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A touching, sad, but inspiring film
17 July 2007
I was able to get Bridge to Terabithia on DVD over the weekend and I watched it almost as soon as I got home. At first, I expected the film to be another Chronicles of Narnia type of movie where the kids travel to a magical land and fight evil forces while learning valuable lessons along the way. Instead, the movie was very much rooted in reality as much as possible. It did feature the creatures that the kids came up with, but for the most part, the world around them was very much down to Earth except when they let their imaginations run wild and picture an amazing world. Much of the story is focused on their lives in the real world. Jess Aaron's life isn't going very well, especially since he's not getting the attention that he needs, mainly from his father who spends most of his time at work and playing with Jess's younger sister, the very cute and innocent May Belle. On top of that, he's being bullied at school by pretty much everyone at school. After meeting a new girl named Leslie Burke, who beats him in a school race he's been training for all summer, the two become nearly inseparable pals and create their own kingdom called Terabithia in the woods across a creek behind their houses. As troubles at school get worse for the two kids, they use made up creatures based on bullies at school to find ways to deal with them in reality. They are able to use a troll version of a tough girl at school to find a way of making her become a good person in real life. An awful tragedy occurs that leaves Jess a wreck and the whole town in shock and sadness. Jess tries to use what Leslie has taught him to find ways of coping with not just the tragedy, but with life at home and at school. The movie proved to be very emotional. I cried during the scenes that occurred after the tragedy, which also shocked me as much as it shocked the characters in the story. But it all ended on a very happy note, which is a good thing when you have suffered a terrible loss. For those of you who don't like sad events in movies such as death, take caution when you watch this movie, as it may make you cry and feel sad, especially if you're really sensitive. Otherwise, this film is very touching and inspiring. You cheer on Jess and Leslie throughout their journey together, and leaves you filled with hope at the end for Jess and his family. A very good film, worth seeing by all.
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Ghost Hunters (2004– )
An addicting and startling show!
14 July 2007
I started watching Ghost Hunters about a year and a half ago, and I was hooked the moment I started watching it. Some of the things they find in the locations they visit turn out to be nothing exciting, but other things turn out to be extraordinary and scary. I just watched an episode last night where they went to a house in Hollywood, CA that is 200 ft. from where the murders of Sharon Tate and Jay Sebring along with at least two other people took place, and the owner of the home being investigated believes he is being visited by the ghosts of Tate and Sebring. What they found there sent chills down my spine and really made me believe that the owner was being visited by these ghosts. I don't know if everything they find is authentic, but for those who believe that this show only tries to validate the existence of actual ghosts and nothing more, I want to let you know that the founders who are regulars on the show are plumbers and try to debunk some of the most basic examples of a haunting, such as the feeling of being watched, voices being heard, and so on and so forth. Some of these experiences, I have learned, can be the result of faulty plumbing! Imagine that! Anyway, if you're a skeptic and don't believe in ghosts with a passion, you should still try to watch this show. And if you're like me who believes that there is something out there in the world, watch this show!! It's the best thing since Rugrats or those old kids shows that used to be on Nickelodeon during the late 80's and most of the 90's. It spooks me every time I finish watching an episode, making me believe that I'm going to have experiences as soon as I turn off the television. But it's addicting!! Watch it! You won't be sorry!!!
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Volver (I) (2006)
The best foreign language film I've seen yet!!
7 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
My Spanish 4 teacher had my class watch this film last Friday and today, we all agree that it was a really good film. When we had to stop watching it because of the bell to go to the next class, the whole room went, "Can we watch some more in the next class?" We were hooked! It's the story of a woman's struggle to hide some dark family secrets while learning about other family secrets along the way. Penélope Cruz plays Raimunda, a woman from a pueblo in Spain whose parents passed away in a fire a few years ago. Her family is having trouble coping. Her Aunt Paula has gone crazy and believes that her dead sister has been taking care of her for awhile. Raimunda's sister, Soledad, who is called Sole, seems to be coping pretty well, although there is one part where she appears to be having a harder time than she lets on. There is also Agustina, a family friend who keeps an eye on Paula next door. Raimunda's family life is not going very well. Her husband, Paco, is an alcoholic, and is attracted to Raimunda's daughter, also named Paula. When he tries to attack Paula, Raimunda becomes entangled in a web of lies. At the same time, Aunt Paula dies in the middle of the night, and because Raimunda is "busy", she can't come to the funeral. It is at the funeral where Sole is visited by the ghost of Irene, the deceased the mother of Raimunda and Sole. She appears to Sole so that she can help her clear up some unfinished business with the family. The journey to the truth begins at this point.

The film had some very strange moments, but that's what made the movie so good. Penélope was great in her role. So was Lola Dueñas as Sole. I'd say that the best character was Irene, played by Carmen Maura. She was so good, and rather funny. Some of the content of the movie was a little too much for me, not necessarily the vulgar language, but the sexual content was a little nerve wracking and made me feel awkward. But that's okay. That didn't stop me from enjoying this movie.

Whether you're Spanish, a Spanish speaker, or not, you can still enjoy this movie and see it for the great film that it is. I highly recommend it, especially if you speak Spanish or enjoy the Spanish language or even Spain itself. There is some great scenery shown. Even if you're not a Spanish speaker, watch this movie. It's really good! Take caution though, some of the things they mention might be a little disturbing, especially for American viewers.

Overall, a well-deserved 9 out of 10. Well done!!
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
A good film, but also a disappointment
6 May 2007
With a lot of films that I see, I often give a movie tons of credit for what I thought were the enjoyable bits of it. I give it a good rating because I thoroughly enjoyed the film. This one is no exception.

However, I also note some of the things that I didn't like about the film. This one is no exception for this part as well. Here's what I have to say about Spider-Man 3.

I liked the characters, particularly Harry. Peter got on my nerves quite a few times throughout this film, which may have been one of Sam Raimi's intentions when he filmed the movie. I felt really bad for M.J., whose life is just not going right in this film. Harry was my favorite character. I liked how they finally went back to his nicer personality from the first film. I felt bad for him as well, especially at the end (won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen the movie and wants to). Flint Marko was an interesting character. A man who is only trying to save and protect his daughter but can't make that happen due to mistakes that get him in trouble with the cops. Eddie Brock Jr. was also an interesting character. You feel bad for him at first, but then he becomes Venom and you lose all sympathy for him. But he still manages to be a cool character.

The story was filled with tough moments for many characters. There are certain scenes that got way over-the-top with Peter's character when he allows his more confident side to get the best of him. You might even despise him. They also leave us hanging with Venom (who I hope will be in the fourth movie). I didn't like the ending very much. Very sad, but it also wasn't the traditional Spider-Man movie ending. I did like that Sandman has a possible future in the movies.

Overall, this was a good, entertaining film, but it's also quite a disappointment. Don't expect this to be the best installment of the franchise. Even I have to admit, it's not. Try to enjoy it though.
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Eragon (2006)
I didn't think it was that bad.
17 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I walked into the theater yesterday as I went to the 4:15 p.m. show of Eragon. Even though I have heard tons of bad reviews, I wasn't going to let them stop me from enjoying the movie. And I did enjoy the movie, although I have looked on other websites about the book (which I will start reading very soon. I haven't read it yet.), and there are some things that I read about the book that are definitely not in the movie.

The acting at times was rather dull and unbelievable, but for the most part it wasn't as bad as I heard it was. That's just my opinion. I loved Rachel Weisz as Saphira. Sometimes I didn't even recognize her voice. I loved her in this movie. She was probably my favorite character in the movie. Ed Speleers as Eragon, I felt, wasn't as bad as people have been saying. Yes, some of the parts that he was in, his acting needed a bit of work, I'll admit that. But give the kid a break, it's his first time as an actor in Hollywood. Obviously he has some talent if he got into this movie. He was after all starring with Jeremy Irons (who was awesome in this movie! He brought some humor into the movie, especially in his scenes with Saphira.) and John Malkovich (did I spell that right?) Carlyle as Durza was great as well. He gave me that spine-tingling sensation every time I saw him. He was a great villain. It's too bad we won't see anymore of him. The make-up was also great. It was so good that a mother who was with her teenage daughter about 2 seats to my left went "Ewww" or "That's disgusting." Maybe that's just the effects of being a mother dealing with dirty things all the time. Murtagh was another character that I liked. Considering that there was a group of girls in the theater, I thought the moment they saw him they would get all "Ooooh, he's cute!" They didn't, thank God. He did a good job of giving you the feeling that maybe he's not to be trusted. I also liked Djimon as Ajihad (did I spell THAT right too?) BIG SPOILER AHEAD!!!! (SKIP THIS PART IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE YET!!!) It may disappoint A LOT of fans that he doesn't die in the movie like he was supposed to die. In fact, he doesn't die at all.

The special effects on Saphira were really cool. Sometimes I felt like I was really looking at a real dragon. She was beautiful too. And so cute when she was born. She was one of the cutest things I have ever seen. The ra'zacs were a little scary-looking, but not that much. The Urgals were not as scary as I hoped they would be. They didn't exactly give me that sense of danger that you're supposed to feel. Hopefully they will be better in the next movie.

The final battle was cool, but a little too short for me. I really feel like they should have done a little something extra. They also should have added a little more content in general. Like with X-men: The Last Stand, I felt like the movie was too short. I sense quite a few deleted scenes for the DVD.

All in all, it wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. It's a good popcorn movie to watch when you have nothing else to do. It will also make a good movie to watch when those hot days of summer roll around. I give it an 8 out of 10. And no, I'm not being generous, that is my honest opinion.
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Animal Crossing (2001 Video Game)
Played it once, and I was hooked!
11 August 2006
I played this game a couple of years ago at a friend's house, and the moment I got into the game, I was hooked! I thought it was one of the most interesting games I had ever played. It's even better than some of those action games that I usually play! I just got the game on the last weekend of July, and I've played everyday since then. In fact, I even got my older sister who is 18 and my little brother who is 13 to start playing the game. Now we compete with each other over who's going to play next. My sister and I live in one village and my little brother lives in another. After playing the game for not even a month, I have already gotten my house to be what I believe is the biggest house you can get in the game. I might be wrong though. Anyway, some of the neighbors are not the best neighbors in the world. That's okay, though. Unfortunately, we've all had to deal with neighbors moving away to and moving into our villages. The game can sometimes make you angry when it decides that it doesn't want you to find the best bugs and fish right away. It also makes Tom Nook, the owner of your town's store, close his store for a whole day to remodel his store. That has often gotten on my sister's nerves, mostly because I'm usually the one that makes it happen by paying off my debt really quickly. Trust me, though, it's worth it when he reopens the next day. This game is one of the best games ever! I highly recommend it for all ages. Particularly if you are under 20 or something and want to get a sense of what it's like to have to deal with debts that can be overwhelming at times. Maybe we will all get a sense of what our parents feel? A definite 10/10.
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Ultraviolet (2006)
It's not that bad people!!
4 March 2006
I know that there are a lot of people who had high expectations considering the Equilibrium connection this movie was supposed to have. But you know what, I'm getting really, really sick and tired of hearing "Oh, this was such a horrible movie. Don't go see it." My opinion: You're all a bunch of uptight jerks. I admit, the movie had some cheesy moments, the plot got a little confusing at times, and it progressed a little slow sometimes. But at least I will get past all of that in order to enjoy the movie for what it really is. A good action movie with a good plot, some interesting twists, cool action scenes, and a couple of cute moments. I also admit that a lot people have their own opinions about what a good movie is, whether it be action, drama, comedy, or whatever. But a lot of the professional critics out there call a lot of movies either mediocre or bad. I'm not saying that you shouldn't listen or read what people who don't like this movie say about it. I'm just saying that like with all movies, you should go see it for yourself and make your own opinion. I did, and I don't regret it. My point is, this movie, in my opinion, is not as bad as people say it is. But again, just go see it for yourself so that you can actually have an accurate and honest opinion about it, whether you bash it or not after you do see it. Please.
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Definitely the best of the Harry Potter movies
3 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I had pretty high expectations for this movie. I went to see it the day before Thanksgiving with my older sister and younger brother who have pretty much read all the books. I must say, even though it wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be, that didn't stop me from loving the movie. In fact, I loved it so much, sometimes I forgot it was supposed to be scary. The special effects were great. The story was excellent, as were the performances by the actors and actresses. My top 10 favorite characters from this movie were of course Harry, Ron and Hermione, Alistor "Mad Eye" Moody, Hagrid, Cedric Diggory, Fluer Delacour (I hope I spelled that correctly), Lord Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore, and Viktor Krum. Moody was absolutely hilarious, especially when it came to "teaching Malfoy". Ron was a character who often had a kind of sense of humor that was dry and at the same time warm. (Spoiler Alert!!) I liked the scene where Harry and Cedric come back to the arena after the graveyard scene. It was portrayed very well. It was so sad I wanted to cry. Cedric was a cool character and he was very nice despite all the popularity he was getting after the champion selection. Fluer was a good character. I was afraid for her sometimes, (Spoiler Alert!!) particularly when she received her dragon for the first task and the last task, the maze. Viktor was very well-mannered. I wasn't phased by what happened to him in the maze. It wasn't his fault. Hagrid and the whole thing with Madame Maxime was quite funny. Albus Dumbledore was able to show a side to him we didn't really see before: nervous, anxious, confused, and frightened. And last but certainly not least, Lord Voldemort. My, my, what a character. I loved Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort. He commanded my respect and attention in this film. As the director stated in an HBO first look special for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Ralph Fiennes is "immensely well suited" to play this character. He was creepy and a great form of evil. By that I mean I actually liked him being evil. Even just the look of him sent enormous satisfaction of the character into my body. I couldn't wait to see him again when I went to see the movie again two days later with my best friend and his family. To summarize this, I came out of the theater both times very pleased and very anxious for the film to come out on DVD. I can't wait for this to come out on DVD.
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Elektra (2005)
What is the problem with you people!?
28 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
(Spoiler alert) When I saw first saw Daredevil I was lucky enough to catch the part where Elektra (Jennifer Garner) was practicing in her home with her sais. I was also lucky enough to keep watching through the scene of her death. After seeing this movie I'm so glad that they made it. I not only got to see more of Elektra and her sais (which I loved to death as well as my new top 10 favorite character Elektra) but I got to compare her relationship with Mark Miller to her relationship with Matt Murdock. Plus I loved the villains in this movie. They were all so cool, especially Tattoo. (Spoiler alert!!) I liked Kirsten Prout as Abby, although I did notice that she was breathing when she was supposed to be dead. I practically loved Goran Visjnic (I hope spelled that right) as Mark Miller. I loved Terence Stamp as Stick. He was comical at times. I give this film a 10/10. Anyone who has a problem with my comment or my score can eat Brussels sprouts.
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