
18 Reviews
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Dune (2021)
One hour in and it's been talking, talking and more talking
16 June 2024
I am falling asleep. This movie has taken AN HOUR to establish 3 things:

There are 3 factions; 1 good, 1 bad and one neutral caught between them.

The good guys leave their home, to come to the neutral world and oversee something called "spice" (which is really, really important).

The protagonist is The One.

That's it. How long did that take you to read? 20 seconds?

On top of all this, the movie also had to start with HEAVY narration.

It's been exposition-scene, after exposition-scene, after exposition-scene. There was a single fencing-training scene.

It's Boring, with a capital B!

I'm sure it gets better now that they are FINALLY leaving to see the spice, but goddamn, I am all for character development, world building and plot, but this is so uneventful and it just drags on and on.
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Nimona (2023)
100% carried by the character Nimona
3 March 2024
Nimona (2023) would be another bland and regurgitated animation movie, just like any other in the last many, many years, if it wasn't for one character: Nimona herself.

Nimona solely carries this movie on her shoulders. Her energy, animation, the dark humor and her mannerism gives this movie so much life and personality.

And while there are real life metaphors for some of the things in this movie, I don't really feel they work. However, watching the movie for it's face value, works well and is quite entertaining.

The soundtrack has some nice sounds complimenting the character of Nimona and the feel of the moments.

All in all, a pleasant hidden surprise. Would love to see a sequel, if it's made without shoving the metaphors in the viewer's face.
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The franchise went out with a fizzle
17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Being impressed by the 1st movie, and loving the 2nd one, I was barely disappointed by the 3rd entry into the franchise. But I didnt want to judge it too harshly, seeing as it was pretty much all buildup and suspense, aimed at this final installment of the series.

However, having now watched Mockingjay - Part 2, I can just say I am super disappointed. Seeing through essentially 2 hours of just buildup for this movie, I was expecting AT LEAST a full hour of a "Return of the King-Minas Tirith"-like siege of the Capitol. I was expecting full scale war, portrayed with lots of action and explosions.

What did I get? A 2-hour long covert mission, with all the obvious characters being picked off one by one, a super predictable plot, a "sewer level", monsters suddenly showing up and then disappearing as quickly as they appeared with zero explanation, and a very counterproductive subplot in Alma Coin (As the new dictator), and a extremely unsatisfying death for President Snow.

It's a real shame the Hunger Games couldn't keep the fire lit, from Catching Fire, until the end of the 3rd book's story. Dividing the last book into two movies was a huge mistake, seeing as both were super slow, and the 4th quite disappointing.
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Berserk (1997–1998)
Grittith just ruins everything for me
14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, you've been told your whole life that you are a king, and then your friend gets a girl, who you like, and then you get captured, and you then decide to become a literal demon.

The illogical and emotion response of this "character" and his motivations has given me so much whiplash, that I still haven't fully gotten over it, several years later.

Calling it "jumping the shark" doesn't do it justice: He slaughters all his friends in cold blood, in painful and sadistic ways, because he's lonely and doesn't feel important. This wasn't setup in the slightest, and he goes from 1 to a million in a matter of a few scenes.

He was a fully flushed out character before his "fall", and his demonic design is cool and badass. But the transition between the two, is honestly laughable.
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The Planets (2019)
Beautiful and immersive
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Very beautiful and awe-inspiring documentary. I found myself with open mouth on multiple occasions.

Some of the facts were told in a bit weird order, though. Only in the episode after Jupiter (A gas giant), did they actually explain what that meant: Can you walk on it? Nope. You'd fall through it, and get crushed by the planet's own atmospheric pressure. I already knew that, by the next episode, because I had always wondered what such a planet would be like - So I googled it, doing the episode about Jupiter. Got annoyed they didn't mention that in the Jupiter-episode. Got doubly annoyed by the next episode, where they they finally explained that. Probably wasn't their first priority, but still seems vital to me, to explain what this giant mass is, exactly. You can't just say "Oh, it's a 'gas giant', and then bla bla bla".

But yeah, other than small things like that, I really enjoyed the show. Loved it.

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Medieval (2022)
Has NOTHING to do with the medieval time period
23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watched just two scenes, and had to shut it off:

First scene: Knights acting carelessly and smug, and talk back to their future king, literally seconds after saving his life - Why do they act in such a way? Because he's not king yet, and haven't payed them... Thaaaat's an execution!

Second scene: King then proceeds to walk into a hall, full of all his political enemies (one of which who literally just had tried to have him killed), and be smug himself, with a cringey one-liner, at end the scene.... Thaaaat should had ended with him getting killed, where he stood. Not really, but how I wish that was the case, though.

Not a fan with the nonchalant attitudes and smugness of from every single actor in this movie. It has nothing to do with the medieval time period, being it british or any other place for that matter.

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Arcane (2021–2024)
One of the best shows ever made
17 October 2022

Arcane is a show I decided to watch, knowing literally nothing about the show itself (Although, I used to play League of Legends, years back - Ultimately, that isn't so much an advantage, as a disadvantage, because you pretty much know who is certainly going to live).

My expectations were based entirely on the clip shown on Netflix, when hovering over Arcane - Some bad-guy spewing some cliched dialogue about "power". Decided to give it a try: If it sucked, I could always just stop watching.

However, I didn't stop watching - I was immediately amazed by the animation, and it's style. The whole thing looks like a painting, that has come alive. But the colors are bright and extremely colorful.

The show pulled no punches, right from the very first scene. It portrayed a brutal world, where no one was safe. The stakes were real, and the characters were convincing and relatable. The good guys had to fight dirty to even survive, in this grim world - And it's seen as fair, because the stakes - Again, are real. In this world, everyone has to do what they can, to make it.

There are so many themes in this show: Duality, being one of the big ones. Every single character has another to mirror themselves in - Many of them even have multiple. The duality doesn't just stop with the characters, though - It continues through places, through themes, through time, and through emotions and scenes.

Arcane quickly gets you invested, and the plot quickly gets off the ground, and diverts to many different characters, at different places and social situations.

The voice acting is top notch. Maybe with the exception of a single character, I honestly can't say a single bad thing about it, at all. It's quite impressive.

A big portion of the cast is female, and unlike many other shows and movies (Including a lot of Disney products, sadly), there isn't some message shoved down the viewers throat, based on gender or social politics. There are strong female characters, and they are realistically written: With strengths and weaknesses, with passions and fears, with hopes and dreams. Some of which could be great role models for young women or girls, and some who aren't - Exactly how it should be. THIS is how you write characters (You could really learn quite a bit from Arcane, Disney).

The story is unpredictable and it grips you, deeply. You quickly care about what happens, because the show makes you care about the characters - They don't just act like characters in a show - They act, talk, think and feel like REAL people. You might not agree with them, or their methods, but you get where they are coming from, or what they are trying to accomplish - It's relatable, because they are so human (Even the antagonist(s)).

Arcane's action is also another highlight of the show. You can feel the force behind the attacks: The energy and the emotion. The choreography is brilliant, and so is the camera-work, doing these intense action scenes.

Another thing to say is, that Arcane's music is AMAZING: Every single song (With one except), was written specifically for this show, AND on top of that, it beautifully mixes classical music (Traditionally seeing in soundtracks), with pop-music. Every time a song plays, it's there to set the tone, metaphorically tell what's going on through the lyrics, or simply through the melody. The music does all of these things perfectly.

If I had to describe Arcane is just 3 words, it would be: "Masterpiece", "Spectacular", and "Awe-Inspiring". All in all, Arcane is not just a brilliant show, with absolutely STUNNING animation, great story, amazing music, and compelling characters: It's a show that redefines what entertainment should be. Over 55% of all the people who have watched this show, have given it 10/10 - THAT should tell you something. Arcane is, without exaggeration:

  • One of the best shows, I ever ever watched.

  • One of the best animated things, I have ever watched.

  • Has one of the best music soundtracks, I have ever heard.

  • Has some of the best animation, I have ever seen.

  • Has some of the best voice acting, I have ever heard.

People have gotten mental over this show - They have made videos analyzing everything about this show: The music, the character, the trailers, whole episodes, dialogue, or even specific scenes. There is made reaction videos, videos with compilations of reactions, deep-dives, memes, fan-fiction, fan versions of the music, cosplays, etc etc, you name it.

If you have a friend, who keeps nagging you about watching this show, then it's for a good reason - If you haven't watched Arcane (Season 1) yet, you're not just missing out - You're doing yourself a HUGE disservice: Get to it already! You might not give a 10/10, like me and many many others, but I can bloody well guarantee, that you'll at least enjoy it! It's just 6 hours, too! Why haven't you watched it, yet? Put it on now, and watch episode 1-3 - You won't be able to stop watching, by then.
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Warcraft (2016)
Bad movie adaption, and bad movie
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Completely ignoring all the retconning from the original WC1-3 lore, the story itself is a mess and clumsily told. It does 100% "tell, don't show", and proceeds to have characters say and do nonsensical things, from start till the end.

A few examples of this: Durotan: Fel magic is evil, but we had no way of knowing that. Now, allow me to do what this CLEARLY evil sorcerer, who has green skin and green glowing eyes, spikes coming out of his back and arms and a evil voice, says. Slaughter innocents and kids? Sure thing, Gul'dan! Wait, the fel is evil? WhaaAAAAaaaat???!

Medivh: I'll make a big golem, which can't leave the room or roam the tower because of it's big size, with the exact purpose to leave the room and clean - Which it can't. Small thing, but why did he say that?

Blackhand: Why did you bring a pregnant orc with you through the portal, Durotan? Oh well, I guess Im okay with it now, because Gul'dan wanted more warriors for the Horde.

Also, why is Thrall born green? His mum and dad are still brown....?

It's badly paced, and the effects, even its part real actors and part CG, are terrible. Fans have asked (Not just asked, but begged) for a full feature CG movie by Blizzard, for decades - This was their chance, and they screwed it up, big time - Partly by making it with real actors, instead of all CG. You are introduced to a bazzilion different characters, and before any of them are even established with motivations and depth, the movie acts as if you really care about them, or what they are trying to do. The movie is rushed and feels like a 2 hour long fan service - BAD fan service. It's just name dropping characters, places, and factions left and right, with very little context or depth.

Having Khadgar essentially reduced to being little more than comedical relief is just a slap in the face. And comedy isn't a requirement in movies, guys. If it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. Again, it feels forced.

Honestly, this movie feels and looks an awful lot like a fan fiction-movie. If that was indeed the case, I would had gone easier on it. But given that it is, in fact, a big and expensive movie, that cost 160 MILLION US DOLLARS, the quality of the effect and the script, is just not good - It's that simple.

By the climax and the duel between Durotan and Gul'dan, I think the movie gets confused about which side of the portal we're looking at: The humans are at the portal, at a place that looks like a forest, or a jungle (Tanaan Jungle, I would guess). But the azeroth side would not be a jungle - It would be a swamp (Black Morass. Later Blasted Lands). It is actually the Outland side that would be a jungle (Tanaan Jungle).

So, this is actually really confusing at this point in the movie, because the movie itself doesn't seem to know where the characters are or where the events are taking place - Whether it's in the orc world (Outlands), or the human world (Azeroth).

All in all, the movie just doesn't work. Not as a movie for fans, not as a movie adaption. It doesn't even work as a movie, in general.

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Style over substance
22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After having watched 20 mins, I still have no idea who the protaganist is, what he wants, or even what his name is. You're told nothing, neither visually or literally, and the only thing that has happened so far, is Denzel brooding for 90% of the time, and then killing a few one dimentional bad guys (As he always seems to do) in the last 5 mins. It's very boring, predictable, and cliched. Nothing new to see here, and the entire world is CG. It doesn't look real. It's like Madmax, but just worse effects and then instead of kickass over the top action, its boring. It tries to go for a realistic and grim tone in a post-apocalyptic world, but the entire world is so obviously CG - Those two concepts really clash together, and not in a good way.

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I was really split about this show
1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As the title says, I was really split about Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022), seeing as it's on one hand an somewhat unexplored time period, in the Star Wars-universe, and therefore would be perfect to explore. And seeing as all the actors have aged since Episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith), all the actors are the correct ages, which I thought was simply beautiful. The time to make a show about this period, using the original cast, is just now.

However, I was skeptical, seeing as Obi-Wan Kenobi in this period isn't supposed to be involved in pretty much anything. He's suppose to have vanished from the radar, living in hiding, under the alias "Ben", and just keeping an eye on Luke, from a distance - The show pretty ruins everything about that, by the 2nd episode (Which is as far as I ever watched, too).

The show also managed to make me hate Leia, because she talks like an adult, at the age of 10 - Which is, lets be frank here, just bad writting. It's like they thought they could represent Leia, as a kid, by taking her adult counterpart and using a shrink-gun on her, and have her essentially be the exact same person, as she is in Episode 4 and after. This is of course completely ignoring the fact that most people develop their personalities, opinions, and such, in their teens and 20s. This show, in other words, had the perfect oppotunity to show how and why Leia came to be the person we know and love. The show sadly just went the lazy route. Also, do I need to say anything about "the chase scene"? It was (without saturating), quite literally the worst chase or kidnap scene I have ever watched in my entire life. The goons were literally just falling over their own feet, being outsmarted by the 10 year old, and being knocked to the ground by Leia letting go of branches. Simple laughable and terrible.

The female inquisitor (Forgot her name, because meh) was annoying. Yet again Disney insist on shoving this female-empowerment down our throats, with bad dialogue and awful characters. She wasted 10 years looking for Obi-Wan, she finally finds him, confronts him and is immediately distracted by the Grand Inquisitor, who she then kills instead, letting Obi-Wan get away. And her reaction to this is "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, GADGET!" - Which is pretty much what she yells after him. Again, why is this so badly written?

The effect and the acting is (besides all the kids) fine, I suppose, and the cinematography is good. However, a lot of the dialogue is talking down to the audience, sadly - Sort of stating the obvious. Not a lot of "show, don't tell".

All in all, the show had great potential (As is the case with most Disney products these days, before you watch them), although it would be at the expense of making Episode 4 make far less sense, in regards to Luke's and Ben's relationship and the Empire's knowledge of Obi-Wan's presence on Tatooine. It ultimately feels forced, is badly written, and you can't help but feel that this is yet another cashgrab by Disney, trying to milk this franchise to it's grave. This show, and Boba Fett, have made me unsub from Disney+ - The shows they make are simply not up to par, and I'm not paying for the Mandalorian, alone.

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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Apparently rancors are quite peaceful, and can get depressed...
7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I stopped watching after this scene (E3). The most iconic, mindless killing machine of the original trilogy, reduced to a sad little babwy :<

Also, PLEASE, enough with the stupid sand people (no one gives a flying frisbee). The scenes were boring, unneccesary, and didn't further the plot AT ALL.

Boba could just had gotten up from the pit, with his armor still on, walked to the city, killed Jabba's successor, and then BAM, no need for ANY half-episode flashbacks. Guess they had to extend the padding, to last at least a couple of episodes, to have enough material for an entire season.

Shameless SW milking is shameless.

Just give us more Mandalorian episodes instead, please.

Also, it not a "bacta" tank - Have you never heard about kolto? You should absorb more from the extended universe - It's much better than this dump.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Predictable and woke
12 April 2022
I have nothing else to say. Watched the first season, and it's not historical in the slightest, it's super predictable, and it's so woke that it HURTS.
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Black Widow (2021)
Slow down, movie - Also, women. Lots and lots of women
1 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Rushing action scenes from start till end, with only very few moments to breathe. The origin story of Black Widow is somehow both decent, but at the same time a bit disappointing. I had hoped for a movie explaining how Natasha became Black Widow and while *that* subject is mentioned or even referenced, it's in no shape or form the focus of this movie - The focus is a new enemy, a new undercover organization, and a whole new conflict. There's suddenly a family we've never heard about or seen, and it all just feels a bit disjointed from the rest of the MCU.

While the action is great, the movie itself is somewhat mediocre, with a few things that annoyed me, while I watched it:

1. Mind control isn't the opposite of free will (Movies always use this cliche).

2. Every single character in this movie is female - Besides the comical relief-dad, the bad guy, the spy guy helping Natasha (who's in the movie for a total of maybe 5 mins), all the masked henchmen, and Ross (who's in the movie, also, just for 5 mins). That leaves every single name-given or important character, except for 4, being female. We're talking about a 90% or so female cast, of important characters.

I'm not even exaturating here - Literally every single important character is female... Why do the bad guy only recruit girls? Why are only girls "an expendable ressource". The amount of boys and girls in the world are about equal, no? Why are girls worth less? Simply nonsensicle.

The whole thing came across as it was trying to make a political statement - A very forced and distracting political statement (in an action movie of all things). I don't mind a mainly female cast, or a kickass strong female lead - Quite the opposite, in fact. So that's not the issue. The issue is that the reasoning given in the movie, didn't make sense in the given context. If you have a ressource (Kids), why on earth would you only utilize half of it (girls), and throw the other half away (boys)?

3. As already mentioned, I felt the plot was way off compared to what I expected. Would had LOVED to had seen how Natasha was recruited and trained. What was it like for her to learn to kill? Manipulate? Steal? Disguise? Become a spy? An assassin? An agent? The internal struggle she would have to overcome? What did it do to her as a person? How did she cope with all these things, when she couldn't really tell anyone about what she was going through? And, of course, the person forcing her to do all these things could then be the bad guy. Huge missed oppotunity imho.

4. Some of the jokes were very... odd. The whole commentary from the sister (who I generally liked), who had this running "joke" about critising "the super hero landing" (as Deadpool would call it). It wasn't funny, and it seemed like an awkward way for the movie to try and be self-aware, somehow. It just didn't work. Neither did the humor with the dad (any of it). A few of the jokes got a chuckle of out me, though - So it wasn't all bad. In general, there was a lot of humor is this movie, which I really wasn't a fan of. This was suppose to be a spy movie, more than a super hero movie. Now, I get you don't want to be too serious with a super hero movie, but seeing as Black Widow isn't a super hero, and that she is actually a spy and an agent, I felt the tone of the movie should had been closer to that of the Bourne movies, or even James Bond. Too much awkward and unfunny humor, for a character, who should be traumatized and lonely, more than anything.

5. The movie also had a lot of very obvious so called "twists". A helmed person was introduced pretty early on, and immidiately I thought "that is the sister". This helmed person then later used a bow (just like hawkeye), and I though "oh, its hawkeye. They wouldn't actually only have to have him in the movie when its revealed.... thats kinda lame". Then by the end, when this helmed person shows up again, and Natasha starts talking with the badguy about his daughter, not one second passes and I think "its the daughter.....". They try so hard to bait you the twist, and when its finally revealed who it is, it's the most meaningless character possible - Natasha already felt bad for what she did. This just felt unneccessary, both from a character development pov, but also from a twist-pov.

6. This is the 3rd time Im editing this review (Sorry, IMDb-ppl!), because damn it, I really wanted to like this movie - but the more i think about it, the more it annoys me. So, another thing is there's A LOT of talk about "the red room". But we're never shown the red room, we're ever told what it really is, and by the end it's the source of all the problems for Natasha and her sister and she, as viewers, are still completely kept in the dark about what is really is. What the flying base by the end "the red room"? If so, that's... just silly. Was the literal room where all the girls stood being mindcontrolled the red room? If so, whats so scary about an empty room with red lights? The whole thing is just a giant case of "tell, don't show", which is the exact opposite of what you want. In fact, its not even that, because we're barely even told what the red room is, just that its evil, the bad guy is in charge, and that there's mindcontrol involved now, somehow (even though that wasn't the problem when Natasha and her sister her little - what was so scary about the red room, then?).

All in all, a bit run of the mill action movie, so don't expect to be blown away by it, as it is sadly pretty mediocre, overall. I'd say it's actually one of the worst MCU movies. Down there with Antman 2, Thor 2: The Dark World, and Iron Man 3. If I had to sum it up in just 3 words, they would be: Generic, disappoiting, and miscalculated. Really wish it had been better, as I love Black Widow, as a character. Defintely one of my favorites from the MCU.
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BattleBots (2018– )
Fun, but way too much filler
22 October 2021
Love the bots fighting each other. But its a program with 40 min episodes, with only 4 matches of about 3-4 mins every episodes - And you know what that means: About 10-15 mins of matches, and about 25-30 mins of commentating, interviews, introductions, and other filler, per episode. That means that about 60% of every episode is just filler. It's sad, because I end up skipping the 60% filler and only really watching the minority of the show - What it's all really about.

So, with 60% filler, that is also the rating they must live with - 6/10.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
This is the way...
22 April 2021
...that you make a superb Star Wars show!

Without getting into spoilers, I was THRILLED that it wasn't filled with every lazy Star Wars fan service known to man. THRILLED that I many times couldn't tell if an effect was a puppet, animatronic, or CG. THRILLED there were countless refrerences to the expaneded universe, without being shoved in our face. TRILLED that we weren't necessarily explained, who every single person the protagonist talked with, was. TRILLED by the acting, directing, cinematrography and soundtrack. THRILLED by the countless drawings with the end-credits. At the end of each episode. Brilliant show! Can't wait for more :)

Thank you.
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The Old Guard (2020)
Expected mediocrity, was pleasantly surprised.
28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Only reason I gave it a watch, was because of Chalize Theron (Going by actors/actresses is not something I usually do). Checked the score here on ImdB, and based on that, didn't expect much, besides a silly supernatural action movie.

Loved the concept, the characters (besides the ridiculous and cartoony badguy), the music. The way the characters were felt REAL, as if it was actual people who had lived to centuries if not millenia. It's so rare for movies to get that right, so big respect for that - Especially loved Theron's character, as it was very realistic and exactly what you would expect for someone who have tried to better the world for maybe thousands of years, but all in vain.

The movie isn't perfect though, as some moments annoyed me - Like the "Wait for the signal!", "What is the signal?" *BIG EXPLOSION* "Oh, that is the signal!". Me: Big facepalm.

The badguy also needs his own little rant, as he is just so out of place in this movie, that is really confusing me, honestly. In one second, he is really sadistic, and only care about getting rich, and in the next he talks about ending suffering and saving humanity - Pick a lane and stick with it, mate... Also, I feel he was really miscast for this role. Don't remember the actor's name, but honestly haven't seen him in any role that I like so far.

If the badguy had been less cartoonish, more sympathetic and nuanced, I would had given this an 8/10, but alas it wasn't so, sadly. Still a good watch if you don't have any expectations.
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The Equalizer (2014)
A decent flick, but predictable
22 December 2020
If you've seen any great action movies the last 15-20 years, you'll see nothing new with the Equalizer. The movie was well made, acted, paced, directed, and entertaining. Only complain I can really make of the movie, is that it's too formulaic: With other movies, like Taken (2008), Sherlock Holmes (2009), or even John Wick (2014), the plot is anything but unpredictable. If this wasn't the case, you would easily look at a 8/10 or maybe even 9/10 movie, in The Equalizer.

Go give it a watch, if you haven't already.
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Godzilla (2014)
"Godzilla"? More like "Blank"
2 August 2015
While the movie's effects are pretty good, the plot has more wholes than I can count, tries to explain unrealistic events with silly concepts, and lives up to every single disafter movie cliché in movie history. The characters are forgettable and not interesting at all, the choices they make makes no sense, and there's way too much focus on humans. The star of the movie should of course be Godzilla, but after one and an half hours through the movie, I've seen literally just 5 mins, AT MOST, of him. It took an hour before we were even shown Godzilla (Besides a few short clips of his backspikes, while he swims in water, yay?). This is for me the biggest mistake a monster movie can make EVER! Godzilla (1998) was stupid, badly scripted and horribly acted, sure, but AT LEAST it had way more Godzilla in it.

After one and half hours, I had to stop the movie. I couldn't stand anymore exposition of bland and clichéd characters. I feel like a fool for having even seen this much. It's so pointless. What's the point of this movie? I came to see Godzilla mess **** up. I got nothing of that sort. NOTHING. So disappointing.

The shouldn't have named this "Godzilla". They should have named it "blank", because there's no f***ing Godzilla in it! 2/10
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