
6 Reviews
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Scary and.... sadly relatable
23 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lynsey's performance as the owner of her inherited childhood home that hold terrifying memories is symbolic of my older perfect sister. It is not difficult for me to imagine being the neglected and abused - and crazy -sibling trapped in the Shuttered Room. I watched this as an adult and did not fare any better. But then again, I still live in my childhood home.
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The Faculty (1998)
27 June 2008
I must warn ahead that I love Jon Stewart. To see him in this film was a surprise. I was just channel flipping and all of a sudden I heard that voice.

This movie probably is pretty lame, but just the fact that Jon was in it makes me give it 8 stars. I watched the parts with Jon in it and that is about it. I don't know why he thinks he is a lousy actor. He's funny as all get out.

I did warn that this is prejudiced.

Elijah Wood is pretty creepy in everything he does, so, no points there. Selma Hayak!? Wow, what a surprise! I am convinced that the people who are in this movie chose to do so because when they were in high school themselves, they were convinced that their teachers were aliens. That has to be it.

But....Jon...with a goatee, no less. Nice.
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Galaxy Quest (1999)
Alan Rickman's Dry Genius
18 May 2008
It seems unclear to me how Tim Allen ended up in the starring role with pros like Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver, but he does much better than I expected. There are so many details about this story that in any other circumstance would be dreadfully predictable, but because the humor is so well done, I didn't really notice them until after many viewings. The entire film is good, but having Rickman's dry humor gets this film at least 2 stars more than I would have given it without him. The conversation about episode 81 is absolutely hilarious, and the interaction of the characters from that point on in the film leans more toward a committed team and away from cynical actors from an old television show. Worth watching more than once.
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Very Special Story
5 November 2006
Having been a fan of Augusten Burroughs for years, I anticipated this film for quite some time. I had been reading his interviews with Ryan at his website so I knew he was pleased with the end result, but I had my doubts that the story I read would be properly translated to film. All doubts have been dispelled. I saw the film last night and was delighted with every moment of it. My favorite scene was the Skylight creation in the kitchen. Absolutely brilliant. And the soundtrack is equally wonderful throughout. Joseph Cross played a most believable Augusten, even surpassing Annette Benning as Deirdre Burroughs. Evan Rachel Wood as Natalie is his perfect counterpart to the insane adventure that was Augustens young life. If you haven't already, read the book. If you have read the book and enjoyed it, see this film. Augustens other books are just as delightful and honest. My favorite is 'Dry', which is his personal tale of his life in NY after 'Running With Scissors' ends. Thank you Augusten!!
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The Ground Truth Tells It
17 September 2006
I saw this film tonight in NYC at the Landmark Sunshine. I didn't know what to expect, I'd not read much about it as I knew I would see it no matter what. All in All, it is very well done. It doesn't focus on the generalization of "Anti-War" statements, which to me, left the politics out of it. The soldiers mainly spoke of their awareness of toxicity in their training in boot camp, and how hard it was once they returned to civilian life. It was really good to see Paul Rieckhoff and Camilo Mejia tell about the difficulty in surviving not only the war, but refusing the command to go back when it was against personal morals. Make no mistake - this is not an anti-war film. Anyone who says it is hasn't seen it or is not living with the scars of war on their souls.
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Most People Don't Know Jack.........
29 August 2006
about what the Federal Reserve is, about what the laws of US Income Tax are and most profoundly, what Fascism is.

Those 'flag waving - America is Always Right - Gotta Fite the War on Terir - God wants GW for President' folks need to see this flick more than ANYONE.

I have already done so - yes, I've put my money where my mouth is - and now I know more about the US government and the Federal Reserve than will allow me to sleep soundly at night.

See This Film! Read 'The Creature From Jekyll Island'! Read Alternative News Sites !

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