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Better Call Saul: Klick (2016)
Season 2, Episode 10
Better stick to the plot
20 April 2022
This is quite slow, The plot is scattered, It's good but it's not excellent.

There should be a way forward that we as audience would look forward to.

Too much focus in character development without plot progression. Bad direction overall.
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Better Call Saul: Switch (2016)
Season 2, Episode 1
Getting there
17 April 2022
The start of season 1 didn't impress me much.

The start was messy , and direction was overbroad but season 2 seems to have started on a great trot .

Composed in a way .
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Rashness of Youth & Elegance of Romance , Cliche' But Needed
20 September 2021
It's a good movie.

And remember it's just a movie .

A bit faltered on the part of direction but the cinematography and acting were the best traits.

It isn't true but it is what it is .

People need waiver and justification for behavior especially when it's irrational which this movie doesn't give.

But you don't decide who you fall for .

It's an old trick. It goes the tough guy , rich girl way .

Everything looks great at first but it fades away slowly until the moment comes and you decide it's done .

A girl will always move on . What she finds fun initially won't last with such people.

But the fact is that they do fall for this trick .

Some of it felt like a real part to the author's novel as a part of his life.

It's an old school cliche' movie .

Today Feminism will barge on this xD

I enjoyed it for what it was . A decent , fllashy , cliche' romance that you can get lost in for 2 hrs.
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5 to 7 (2014)
15 August 2021
The moment this movie starts you know it's gonna leave you an impact .

There's this feeling that resembles as if you've been in such a situation or you want to be .

Either way I submerged into it the moment it started .

Both the characters were so true to themselves that I was hoping something might turn false , that there's an ulterior motive to everything , that everything that was happening was too good to be true.

But I was proved wrong , the movie is a delight to watch .

Every second of it is mesmerizing , every scene and cinematography , every narrartion and dialogue .

Take out any piece of acting from this masterpiece and you'll fall in love with it .

The movie has depth of the ultimate kind and it resonantes more and more as you keep going forward.

The ending was what it was always gonna be but the writer gave us a happy ending which I find the only faint in this whole story , as if it was necessary for the director and the writer to make us believe that romance never fades away and that we should believe in the power of it.

Both ( Anton Yelchin and Berenice Marlohe ) the leads have this desirable on screen chemistry , everything clicks in just seconds .

Undoubtly the best on screen chemistry I've seen , but Berenice Marlohe was dominant in her role .

She was the standout I would say .

Such a charming woman.

This movie is in my top 5 romance now .

Surreal but real in a sense , too good to be true but there .

Truly a once in a lifetime experience.

PS : RIP Anton Yelchin , didn't know the poor guy died 2 years after the release .

If he were alive and I'm damn sure about this , the guy had miraculous acting talent . Would've been easily the next Big thing in hollywood mainstream cinema.
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23 July 2021
Kramer V Kramer has to be the epitome of a marital relationship gone wrong and the productive outcome and self-realizations about Marriage.

The movie starts with Ted, the husband being too career-oriented and focusing on the path to promotion as he closes down a huge account for a firm he works for.

And Joanne, the wife who has shown to be suffering and self-loathing towards life, that she's lost control of everything and she leaves the home.

~ For a day or two, it takes ted to realize she ain't coming back.

For the first time, he handles the pressure of parenting and things don't really look in a good stance.

Fast forward he's shown to struggle at the firm but he never leaves his child's side.

He changes his priority to the only family he has.

For which he's warned by his boss that if this ain't working he's not gonna be in the business too long.

~ Ted and Joanne's friend Margrett is shown as an already divorced woman who is going through the rough patch and the consequences post-divorce.

She has a good friendship with both of them and comes to help Ted with his son Billy sometimes whether it's at the park or home.

Quite a beautiful relationship.

~ For the third part, Joanne is shown to have come back after figuring out things after 1.5 years and demands the custody of her son to which Ted is baffled.

The thing which irked me the most was she didn't care to show why she asked for it, for most of it was straight away fact that she wanted billy.

They go to court and as you know the lawyers make it dirty with the framing of issues while examing both the parents.

It's a lovely revelation, that both the parents recognize their shortcomings and accepted without being selfish and egoist their flaws for which they were responsible.

The courtroom drama was awesome, both the lawyers had a great impact on the questions they chose to ask and represent, the corners they took and the slam they hit.

Obviously in the end motherhood precedes which is eventually the right decision, but this is where the movie has 3 morales right there :

1. Miscommunications is the major reason for the falling of any relationship.

People forget or tend to ignore the communication to such an extent that things become complicated, they no longer have confidence in themselves, which leads to misunderstanding and quarrels and finally divorce.

2. A woman's ambition, today it's a different story altogether, but yeah it exists.

The ambitions of a woman and the compromise she makes to complete and settle down with someone.

Coz it's the woman who completes the family.

She's the care holder of the house. She's the one who looks after it.

And often woman finds themselves in such a situation where the hollowness and emptiness eat them from the inside.

For sure this can be avoided through means of communication and care, but it was already too late in this scenario.

I can understand the fact but still leaving a child especially in his prime childhood can definitely create a scar in his life.

It's in no way justified but circumstances can put any person in any situation.

In that sense it's not about what's right or what's wrong, it's about what needs to be done.

3. That a father can't be a great single-sex parent.

Ted in this movie has done everything that a father would do and this movie also tries to fight against the generalization that men can't be good parents.

All in all, it is such a wonderful experience to watch this movie.

I loved it.

Deserves the oscar.

PS: No questions and comments on the acting, the screenplay, the dialogues and the cinematography coz it's perfect, I wouldn't change a damn thing about this movie. Once in a Lifetime movie.
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Made of Honor (2008)
12 July 2021
You know what , you don't watch these movies for anything else but fun .

Sometimes , the feeling of whats it like to be in a silly season of love and hook ups .

Patrict was good but Mitchelle Monaghan was the charm like rose of the season.
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Suits (2011–2019)
12 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I mean who's never of SUITS , right ?

I did hear it , but hadn't watched it until recently , 2021 was the first time I decided to give it a go .

And I was shell shocked to find out what an awesome screenplay , direction and acting it had .

The characters are so together with the kind of depth .

It's just amazing .

Anybody who hasn't watched suits is definitely missing something .

5 actors ( In order of their impact) which laid the foundation and the setup and the kinda impact they had :


All these 5 people , I can't imagine how they were so into the character . Tremendous effort and acting skills . Purely sensational.

SEASON 1 was as good as a beginning season could be.

SEASON 2 was a perfect sequel .

SEASON 3 had hard ammends .

SEASON 4 was charming .

AND SEASON 5 is the best season suits of SUITS .

Perfect in everything, the climax , the roar . Everything about it is perfect .

SEASON 6 was a let down as it happens after any climax , different situation .

SEASON 7 followed a direction above the charts , and ended in a rush but beautiful way . Good enough.

SEASON 8 was rubbish , and SEASON 9 was a closure for money making and fan service . TBH

If you ask me , Season 7 should be the last season .

It's bitter sweet but that's how life is .

Many people won't accept the ending but that's how things go .

Suits is great to watch coz of it's quuick wit conversations , magnificent relationship b/w the characters , charming screenplay and tough to digest situations .

It's spectacular .

Although it's not perfect at everypoint but when it is , it sure as hell does the job .

It's not a binge watch , it took me 2 months to complete it , an episode or two day by day .

And can definitely say it was a journey worth living inside a screen .
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Suits: Thunder Away (2019)
Season 9, Episode 9
11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow ! This is the feeling that's been missing ever since season 7 ended .

This is SUITS !

This has been everything that I've been watching since the last 2 months .

It's about time the engines got revved.

Set for a perfect FINALE .

To SUITS and everything that it has been about .

PS: Juding by Faye's actions , It's just a hunch but I know what she's doing.

If Harvey wins, she'll claim she did all this and eventually get out but the image of Harvey being ready to defend at the cost of anything is what she wanted to prove in the first scene itself, that the firm can cross a line to represent anyone.
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Suits: Pecking Order (2018)
Season 8, Episode 2
6 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
People hate changes and suits is on a role with those changes.

It was a good episode and I like Katherine on board .

It was great to see different acknowledgements.
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Suits: Right-Hand Man (2018)
Season 8, Episode 1
4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Katherine Heigl , it's so damn good to see her entry.

Perfect !

She might not be Jessica but her character is different and she definitely rolled the dice and made an impact.

~ Sometimes you need to take a step back to enjoy what you do .

While Harvey might not be the managing partner anymore , He's a warrior and warriors are always on the battlefield .

PS : That new intro was much needed , about time we move on.
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Suits: Good-Bye (2018)
Season 7, Episode 16
4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the most chaotic and impactful episode ever since Mike came back from Prison .

Huge changes to how things are going ahead .

I felt so insecure watching this that things are moving ahead with no more sense of home .

~ Jessica has gotten her step into something god knows what can happens .

~ Harvey feared a day like this would eventually come, and it did .

Mike going on his own path .

Make no mistake it's his choice but it's also Harvey's fault that he didn't make him stay in the first place and that was to make him a senior partner when he had the chance but didn't coz Donna didn't think he was worth it .

Too late to feel now .

In my whole experience of watching suits , season 6 was the weakest followed by this season which was also a bit off the radar .

But this might be coz when starting a show people setup the rhythm and it's not often that a rhythm changes but for sure as hell it did in this season and all of it was for the good .

People were left to want , but in real life scenario this is how fast people move on and they never look back .

Perfect last episode .

Onto the next setup . A pre finale season .
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Suits: Donna (2017)
Season 7, Episode 10
30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow ! I wasn't gonna review this episode but after that ending I had to .

' Can't she see the man she was meant to be with is standing right in front of her face ' Louis nailed it !

PS : In real life scenario it isn't true . Harvey could be well off without her , but that's why I say a man and a woman being involved in each others life for too long it interferes and destroys the other relationships they're involved in.

Either stick together or move out .
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Suits: 100 (2017)
Season 7, Episode 8
30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow ! What a tremendous episode .

So many layers unfolded .

Everything that went on this episode had such a butterfly effect on everything .

~ Donna , you ain't doing it right . And you're being super selfish . But as they say sometimes when you go down the wrong road you realize you aren't happy .

Same goes for Donna , by being away from Harvey she's realizing she made the wrong choice .

He had his panic attacks when that happened and he's through .

And now it's her time .

But this ain't gonna settle , Harvey was a strong man . And You should be a strong woman .

I remember how she treated him when she left .

~ As for the whole mess and to be resolved by Frank Gallo's death was a unison sign .

Situations and choices make bad people .

As for Sheila , you know what I would've done . I would've told her fiance' or whatever , that was gonna be my revenge on her .

She didn't leave that place for Louis when he asked .

Or maybe she's lying and doesn't have a fiance' afterall and in that case it's even worse .
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Suits: Full Disclosure (2017)
Season 7, Episode 7
30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Damn what a filling episode. Had everything in it.

Great follow through to what happened.

People take wrong steps when they're bitter sweet.

~ It's an Irony that Louis felt he wasn't respected even after the promotion and Harvey feels he wasn't respected by denying the promotion. XD nobody's happy.

All this tells you is that our feelings are in our hands. How much you respect yourself reflects on how you treat others.

~ Wondering what Mike's other step is gonna be.
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Suits: Home to Roost (2017)
Season 7, Episode 6
29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
About time , The episode was great .

See that's what it was about , Mike knew his involvement is gonna blow up the chances and it did .

On the top side , the f**tard alex is involved , and he's started a war with mike .

~Good dig at a sexual harassment case .

The other day my dog said he'll file a sexual harassment case coz I hug him too much.

I stopped hugging him and now he's beating around the bush xD JK , Apology has a lot to stand for .

And what Louis did by apologizing was beautiful .

PS : This season is getting interesting and interesting .
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Suits: Divide and Conquer (2017)
Season 7, Episode 4
29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We're getting there slowly .

A good boss knows how to handle internal conflicts .

Not only this episode determined that fact but also showed that Jessica's magnanimity .

~ Meanwhile the take on marriage was awesome by the writer .

Rachel and Mike , both are at the extremes of their career orientation especially after Mike getting out , so the concept of marriage is felt to be secondary .

Here comes the reassurance and clarity part .

Plus Robert Zane always puts fuel on fire .

TBH , the show is pushing it but I've no faith in Donna's actions as a associate manager and even more than that Rachel's lawyer skills .

The kinda vibe is missing in their character and actions .

It doesn't come from both of them , like it does with Mike and Harvey .

Their presence has a different feel .

~ Jessica behind the scene was perfect , didn't expect it .

PS : I ain't liking mike's position on this , he specifically said he won't work on that case. Promises mean something and especially to the person you're making them to .

Is the case worth breaking that promise ? NOPE !
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Suits: Mudmare (2017)
Season 7, Episode 3
28 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good episode .

Well directed in multiple manner .

~ As for handling people more reasons why people behave like Louis . Ucking everybody takes you for granted.

~ Donna reigning over the control on associates was perfect , she was made for this .

Rachel, umm kinda not .

As the season is proceeding I'm tending to not like her character at all .

There doesn't feel to be a presence from her side .

Like Louis has his presence , so does Donna , Harvey and Mike but Rachel . Nah , it's bland self righteous . Boring character .

~Harvey's situation made me realize it once again that people in relationships want self assurance at every stage until they feel totally comfortable .

One day you feel everything is right and the next day you kinda see it through that they're doubting things .

Time is the key and reassurance is the way .

But only until the time someone assures you of the same , otherwise you're just being played.

I'm scared Harvey .

Me too .

What do you say we both be scared together ? XD

PS : Mike handled the situation professionally , a definite sign of growing up .
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Suits: The Statue (2017)
Season 7, Episode 2
Indifferences & Reflection
27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll rate this episode as one of the best episodes in SUITS.

When you start it you feel like it's one of the another good episode but near the end it turns out to be much more than that .

~ A new boss and everyone tries to build around you, push you and you gotta show everyone their position.

And it suddenly becomes important how you handle people , it's an art of what you succumb to and what not to.

The right boss is the one that knows how to put people at right places.

The art of reflection by everyone even after the indifferences was fantastic to watch.

I was most impressed by Patricks acting .

He had this calm composure on his face throughout like a man you could trust or a man that knows how to get around things .

Perfect Mike !

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Suits: Character and Fitness (2017)
Season 6, Episode 16
25 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This will be honest.

Season 6 is the weakest of them all so far.

The first 9 episodes were all over the place.

By that I mean the plot was weakened and had nothing much to explore as it usually does.

But after that it was all in place.

The original suits was back witha bang.

And the closure on this episode was fantastic.

The side plot about people like Donna and Louis never felt right. The plot made them vulnerable which was a bit off. Coz they're the same characters We've seen so changing much with them in a season while showing something else in the last 5 doesn't feel right to me.
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Suits: The Painting (2017)
Season 6, Episode 12
24 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Simply amazing !

I'm astonished with the quality of this episode .

I learnt such a big thing from this .

People make mistakes all the time .

Even I wouldn't have been able to forgive what his mother did .

Morally and ethically it was wrong , but now seeing it from the bigger picture and how it was in the view of Harvey to How it was in view of his brother and everyone else .

It's the actions after the mistake that matters.

Family is everything.

And when you get hurt and move yourself away from them , you can also find a good enough reason to reconcile with them .

And their actions speak for themselves .

Forgiveness is for yourself .

It doesn't mean you've to be lovey dovey everytime but to be mature enough to understand what made them to it in the first place .

And whether they have been focusing on the improve part .

~ As for mike's back to business thing , I find it a bit fishy or maybe it ain't like that afterall but for all I know is that his right place is at the top plus what he's doing might help him with the character witness , the writer forsure are playing it the perfect way.
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Suits: She's Gone (2017)
Season 6, Episode 11
24 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jessica, leaving the firm changes the whole stance of the show.

Well Life's funny when it's going great everybody wants to join you and when it's not everybody wants to do something else or good. Haha S*cks to be a s**ker .

~ Mike's gonna realize this sooner or later.


Uncertainty creates fear, fear creates money.

He can't go back to the way things were.

He's a convicted guy.

And the world is gonna hunt him down.

Doing good doesn't mean sacrificing yourself.

Most likely the writers wanted to portray this He's entered into the world of a corporate lawyer and that's what he's always gonna be.

It's time he realized the world is shit and you gotta do what you wanna do.

Change yourself for the good by sacrificing the best thing about you. Meh! Bad choice and option

~ So remember how the father said that everything is a sign, well if it was a sign it wasn't for mike to be a replacement teacher but to how the world's gonna act against him.

Open his goddamn eyes .

HE crossed the line against Harvey.

PS : If I can envision it right , Robert Zane is gonna open the door for mike and he'll start working for him.

Thus creating a sort of rivalry b/w mike and harvey.
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Suits: P.S.L. (2016)
Season 6, Episode 10
24 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers

It never works the way you want it to work.

The real trouble starts now.

Back to square 1.

~ Never thought Jessica would think about leaving the firm.

~ But there comes a time that people wanna leave but it changes. When your thinking changes. She feels emotionally vulnerable right now. Maybe she'll come back someday.

~ As for Louis's case, that was pure sh**t, This is what happens when you're desperate.

Louis went for the most messed up girl. He could possibly go after. DRAMA EVERYWHERE.

Now he might think it's the right choice for him but it isn't.

We always accept the love we think we deserve and he deserves a better, like a hell lot better.

~ As for Mike, soon he's gonna feel that the consultant thing is tricky. Nobody will take him seriously and pass on him.

And he's always gonna be behind the scenes might as well start pulling the strings as well.

People do it sooner or later.

They're pushing Rachel's character in season 6 which is kind annoying to me.
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Suits: The Hand That Feeds You (2016)
Season 6, Episode 9
24 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Something didn't fit right.

I skipped all of Rachel's BS case coz it was an add on.

SUITS has lost a way of what it was about in this season since Mike went to prison but I'm sure they'll be back since he's out now so the plot is gonna be far more firmer.

What I meant by this si that it's not a suits things to play the pity plot again and again.

Some people might like it coz they value entertainment but I value quality. And when it's not upto the mark especially the plot what's the point of watching anything.
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Suits: Spain (2016)
Season 6, Episode 6
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
~ The thing about putting a web for people is that even you start to get stuck and web around , once you get in.

Careful on how you play it .

PS : It's game on . And this might end up with both Mike and Kevin getting out of prison and William going to prison .
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Suits: Trust (2016)
Season 6, Episode 5
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This season has the been weakest of suits so far .

The collusion is good , but otherwise the plot has weakened .

Happens to every great series out there but I'm sure they'll bounce back with a strong plot as this is still in the making kinda feel.

~ The twists are gonna be hell of a thing when the traps are eluded .
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