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Hijack: Brace Brace Brace (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
The finale made no logical sense!
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, that has got to be one of the dumbest finales I've ever seen. The whole show was pretty outlandish, but the finale went above and beyond to prove how weak the writing was on this show. The first thing that comes to mind is when Sam's kid called 999, and relays that something is terribly wrong. The cops show up and a cleaner that looks very odd is able to tell them a few lines of bs and they walk away. Then there's the final few minutes. Nobody is going to walk back on a plane that just crash landed to grab anything. But then the main hijacker wants to kill Sam? Why? The show led me to believe, that like everyone else that was involved in the hijacking they were also being blackmailed into committing these crimes. Sam never did anything to make him want to kill him, in fact he helped save the whole plane from imminent death. Then the ending is just him getting arrested after the worst attempt at a climax that I've ever seen. So one would think that we'd learn who else was involved in this master plan, that was capable of making all these people commit these criminal acts that they weren't going to be able to walk away from. Instead they cut to black. I could see if you are going to have a season two, but usually they give you something that makes you want to watch the next season, like a cliffhanger. Instead there was nothing. What a waste of some talented actors, and what a waste of my time. I would rather get punched in the face than watch a season two of this show, if it ends up having one. A punch isn't that much worse than the slap in the face that the creators of this show gave to everybody with a brain who spent around 7 hours watching the stupid show.
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