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Love, Death & Robots: Jibaro (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
No robots in my love death&robots is seldom good
31 May 2022
I did not care for this episode. Bland story, faces straight up from uncanny valley, bad sound editing were all present. How can a deaf person become a soldier? Is communication not an integral part of battle?
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Dune (2021)
An instant classic and a great opener for a fantastic franchise
21 October 2021
This is the movie I have been waiting for ever since the announcment. The grandeur, the acting, the cinematography, the soundtrack all came together for this masterpiece. Cannot wait for part 2. GO ON DENIS, MAKE US EVEN MORE PROUD.
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The Nice Guys (2016)
Textbook example of hollywoodian style over substance
7 February 2021
This movie is a decent watch if you just wanna go with the flow, want to see two of your A-listers play whacky, misfitting characters. They do it A-OK. There are some problems with the movie though.

Gosling and Crowe make the most of this script, but the script itself is quite mediocre. It really feels like it was written trying to have all of thee theme ideas like "porn", "big 70s party" "driving around in bigass cars" "funky suits" "hippies and conspiracies", "mobsters and hitmen" "buddy cop" etc. and it very much shows.

The camerawork is nice, really brings out the stylish color palette of the sets. The style is greatly presented, but the substance and the plot feel somehow shallow, it is very full of deus ex machinas, the characters really do not feel like real people to me (and it is not the fault of the actors), maybe except the Gosling daughter.
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An astonishing tale about chess, coming of age and much more
14 November 2020
Really strong recommendation, go see it for yourself
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The Man in the High Castle: Detonation (2016)
Season 2, Episode 9
21 August 2020
All the characters hit their peak, we get some backstory too... Great epsiode, as good a 9th episode as the early seasons of Game of Thrones.
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The Man in the High Castle: Loose Lips (2016)
Season 2, Episode 8
New heights for the show
21 August 2020
Damn, they didn´t have to go down on us this hard midseason, but they did it anyway. The character arcs are perfectly interwoven with the overall plot, the suspense is unbearable... If it werent for episodes 3-4 this would be one of my favourite TV seasons of all time. Cant wait for more
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The Man in the High Castle: Land O' Smiles (2016)
Season 2, Episode 7
The best episode of the series so far
20 August 2020
This one has not had a wasted second. All the characters are shaped by the actions, which are not neccesarily earthshaking, but fit to the plot organically. I like that Ed is spreading his wings, there is a lot of potential in the Frank-Ed-Bob trio. The writing is so good, that I can almost forgive the extremely dull 3. and 4. episodes this season. Although I wonder, why did they pushed for 10 hourlong episodes with 2 fillers instead of, idk, eight tightly plotted great episodes such as this one. If the end of the season keeps up this momentum, I will be happy to return for a third one
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The Man in the High Castle: Kintsugi (2016)
Season 2, Episode 6
Reich Reich and more Reich... and then some USA
19 August 2020
We are spending a lot of time in the Reich on both shore of the Atlantic. The Smiths, Julia(na) and Joe are all in interesting places when it comes to character arcs. Tagomis scenes feel a little off, I have n idea how it will tie into the main plot. We will see. I have a feeling that the second half of the season shall be really good (as was the case with the first season).
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The Man in the High Castle: Duck and Cover (2016)
Season 2, Episode 5
Slowly slipping into madness
18 August 2020
It is starting to be hard to follow what is happening. Crazier things happen each episode especially with Tagomi. The dialogue felt sloppy, the pacing is a little off. Needs improvement
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The Man in the High Castle: Escalation (2016)
Season 2, Episode 4
Filler episode
18 August 2020
Nothing much of a gamechanger happens, everyone s just travelling alongside their arcs peacefully... A bit of momentum is lost, but this feels like a bit of silence before the strom. Cant wait for more.
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The Man in the High Castle: Travelers (2016)
Season 2, Episode 3
Getting to know the Reich
17 August 2020
I cannot express enough how delighted I am with the direction this season chose to follow so far. The higlights of the first season for me were always the worldbuilding bits, which mainly were restrained to the Pacific States. Now to get a look at the Reich through the lens of Juliana in NYC and Joe in Berlin is genius. The pacing is good, just like last episode, if the show can keep up this momentum its been building so far, this season is going to be extraordinary.
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After a confusing opening the character arcs are kicked off and are promising a lot.
17 August 2020
This is not as over-the top as the previous one plotwise, but there are many solid character moments. Even from the main characters, which is not what normally happens in this series. Season 2 looks great so far
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Great as epsiode. Poor as season opener
17 August 2020
A lot of stuff is happening, we get some more scenes in Berlin, which is nice, and everybody gets his plot furthered a little bit. The pacing of the scenes is somewhat odd, especially compared to the first season. This season looks like to be more artsy and high budget, than the first. Hope this will mean improvements both in the plot and the main characters (Juliana, Frank and Joe) (the supporting cast is still somewhat phenomenal, Smith, Kido, Takomi are all great). The desing is still spectacular. I am in for this season 100%.
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The Man in the High Castle: A Way Out (2015)
Season 1, Episode 10
Not a satisfying season finale
7 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
DISCLAIMER: The first section are my spoilery thoughts of the episode. The second section is about the season as a whole

After getting my hopes up by the great 9th episode, this conclusion felt like a letdown. Smiths arc in this episode is very disappointing. Basically everything is confirmed to be orchestrated by the OberSTGruppenFührer (I forgot his name already lol, Hayndrich or whatever), and this takes all the charm off of this nearly season-long arc. I mean the Resistance at this point feels like a complete and utter joke, they cannot raise but 10000 yen, but a random dude with a random sell to some rich dudes pulls in 80000 yen? What the hell?! The best they got are the two leaders from SF and Canon City for an operation of this magnitude, whereas at the beginning of the season there were a lot links in the chain, the attack on Smith was carried out by a bunch of men, not to mention the first scenes with Joe, a whole workplace was on with resistance... Juliana in this episode was really annoying. Going from OMG Joe is a Nazi who will kill us, we MUST escape to putting Joe on the ship they were supposed to leave with?! There simply was not enough development of their relationship in the season, hell, they characters were not shown and expanded in a satisfying way. Frank is the most well written of the protagonist trio, and I am very surprised by this statement, given the first half of the season this really surprises me. Also the arc of Kido was really stupidly ended. He was ready to stab himself, when his apprentice walks in with the proof? What?! Shouldn´t he announce that he has failed, and then commit sepuku? If he had already announced his failure, he should carry out the act... That scene was very forced. And for last but not least: the shameless cliffhanger ending scene with Tagomi makes zero sense, was not foreshadowed in any compelling way, it really is just a shocker, you can almost hear the creators saying: interested what is happening? Come back next year! Well, I will, but I am disappointed. If the second season will not improve considerably, I will not follow through with all four seasons.

This was a rather mediocre season. The premis of the series is quite interesting, and luckily the first few episodes do not do a lot of exposition dump, the infos are rather well fed to us, mostly show dont tell (particularly true with Pacific States scenes). After the more plot- and mystery heavy first 4 episodes the pace is somewhat slowed down (which I don´t mind personally, I loved to explore the life in the New America), and by the end of the season speeded back up. Yes, the pacing is weird, but the charm of the Pacific States is undeniable. The cherecters are a bigger problem. Juliana and Joe are both very hollow, Frank gets better as we go along, Tagomi, Smith, Kido are exceptionally good. I hope thet the writing of the characters improves, because either the plot or the characters will need to carry the worldbuilding (which is the main highlight of season one, but will cannot be done solely for the sake of worldbuilding). So overall: lot of potential, execution needs improvement.
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The Man in the High Castle: Kindness (2015)
Season 1, Episode 9
The turning point from mediocre to something more
7 August 2020
FInally all the themes of the season are coming together. The plot is finally moving. Our three protagonists (Juliana, Joe and Frank that is) all get a lot to do, the character interactions are finally livid and with stakes. And the plot is knocked into a higher gear for what I expect to be a great season finale.
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The plot (finally) thickens
7 August 2020
Finally Joe is given something to do, we get depper insight on the smith family, which is really great in my opinion. The end of the season is looking to be good, and the figures have been set in place for that.
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The Man in the High Castle: Truth (2015)
Season 1, Episode 7
A rather underwhelming filler with some highlights
7 August 2020
The new environment in which Joe is briefly paced is rather dull, I hope that the he will get something more interesting to do, so far his arc is next to nonexistent. Julia gets some things to do, whichis good but honestly her interactions are good because of the far more interesting characters she interacts with. Frank on the other hand is starting to become my favourite character (after OGF Smith that is). The antik dealer is great too, his scenes gave a lot of context of the Japanese living in the Pacific States. I hope that the plot speeds up from here a bit, because so far I am not really interested in continuing with the second season.
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The Man in the High Castle: Three Monkeys (2015)
Season 1, Episode 6
This shows how good this series could be
6 August 2020
OGF. Smith shines again, as we see the celebration of Victory in America with the model Aryan family. I like the dinamic between Tagomi and Juliana, the ending of the episode leaves Julianna, Frank and Joe in pretty interesting places. This episode none of the arcs felt like filler content, which is the first time in this series
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The Man in the High Castle: The New Normal (2015)
Season 1, Episode 5
Getting deeper into the intricacies of the Japanese world
6 August 2020
Our protagonists have returned to their habitat, we are shown that the German and Japanese are very different indeed. It is great to explore the world in depth, and the meandering plot gives just enough momentum to the series
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The Man in the High Castle: Revelations (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
The first payoff of the series arrives
6 August 2020
This is the culmination of the previous 3 episodes, the rebels are shown to be morally gray instead of the "mysterious herous" trope. The Japanese zone is starting to get nuanced, which is great, I hope that we get to see the Reich in the later episodes in more depth.
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The Marshall will find you
6 August 2020
After OGF. Smith we get another great foe in Burn Gormans Marshal, who really reinforces the wild-wild west setup for the neutral zone. I so far like the plot very much, it has just the right amount of conspiracy, and quite enough mystery. The somewhat bland main characters are perfectly aided by the side characters.
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The Man in the High Castle: Sunrise (2015)
Season 1, Episode 2
Smith for the win
6 August 2020
The momentum of the pilot somewhat stalls, but we have the opportunity to study OGF. Smith, who really is a magnificent antagonist based on the first two episodes.
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The Man in the High Castle: The New World (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
A pretty good intro to this dystopia
6 August 2020
The main figures are placed on the table, the worldbuilding and conflictbuilding are both very well done. The characters seem a bit dull at the moment, hope they will improve on them.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
A nice addition to the franchise doomed to live in the shadow of its predecessor
20 July 2020
This is a good sequel in the sense of the great expansion of the universe, showing the consequences of the ending of the first movie. On its own it manages to tackle themes like corporate concurencies, IP theft, industrial espionage, the desparate hedonism of someone who can not seem to avoid his near death, not handling all of them masterfully, but overall providing a good movie.
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Better movie than it is given credit for
20 July 2020
This is the only movie from MCU, which I haven´t seen before. (I am currently having a post-phase3 MCU marathon). I always brushed it away because of the change of Norton to Ruffalo in the long run and because i heard that this was not a good movie overall. But I must admit that this movie is such a breath of fresh air after the typical superhero movie: the nearly horroristic setting of our protagonist hiding something very dangerous, raging against the clock to save himself, then returning to the place of his previous peaceful life. It is a shame that the MCU went for a more formulaic approach while designing their universe, it would be quite refreshing to see more bold and strange approaches to the genre.
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