3 Reviews
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Magnifico (2003)
Every Filipino must see this!
15 April 2007
I am very overwhelmed to even type out a constructive comment on such a wonderful film. This was not expected, for a Filipino film at least. Never mind the quality of the picture, it's all that we can afford. One will hardly notice it unless he or she is a videophile. This is the type of film that, although it is not heavily marketed (I was in the Philippines in 2003, all year, and never have I seen an ad for it), will spread its magnificence through people. Heck, I'd even say that this can go in par with ANY François Truffaut film. My incoherency is annoying even myself, so let's cut this short. Magnifico is truly a magnificent film, no exceptions.
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White Lady (2006)
Full of potential...
29 December 2006
...but it tries too hard to join the rest of the viruses that caused the Asian horror fever. I liked this movie as a mystery movie, riddled with the culture of the Philippines. Sadly, it has also been affected by the usual under-budgeting and much unoriginality. First of all, the "White Lady" (it means lady ghost clad in white in Filipino lore) look like Sadako, or the Grudge. The main difference is her dress is clean.

The really good thing about this are the unexpected twists. It may not be jumpy or anything, but White Lady is surely a great mystery movie.

The special effects were exceptional (Despite the fact that they were rushed)! Nothing I've ever seen from a Filipino horror movie. Now that's further proof that the Philippines is also turning into an Animation and IT powerhouse.

Young artists! I traditionally hate young artists, but the casting was great. They put new faces alongside grown-up child actors.

Finally, there is also a hinted social commentary incorporated. There isn't much development to this aspect, but it's obvious.
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Sophie is a character too!
21 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched DaVinci earlier today, and omg what a big waste of money IMO. It was laughable, and that's with pity. The facts that led to the whole theory that Jesus had a bloodline were basically forgotten, they weren't laid out like the book did. I tried to block all knowledge I had from the book, but it was hard to follow what was going on without going back to it. I had to constantly explain to my friend why things were (she was my test subject) happening.

And for chrissake there was even no mention of the golden ratio (being the math geek that I am), nada!! 1.1618....the only math mention was the Fibonacci sequence, which wasn't even explained!! Now how many people know exactly what the Fibonacci sequence is, and its relation to Phi? Plus points though to the casting of the guy who played Silas, Paul Bettany. Although his hair isn't really white, it looked good on him. Also plus points for choosing Audrey Tautou for Sophie.

Speaking of Sophie, apparently all she was was a doll. Of course we all know that she's the last descendant, but that doesn't mean you leave all the figuring out to Robert. What's the freaking point that she's a cryptologist? And not once did she mention grand-pére, which she does a lot of times in the book. Not that it matters, I just think they totally changed her character.

Finally, Robert Langdon, played by no longer suave Tom Hanks. Nicely acted yeah, but there's something missing. There's no charisma to his character, he's boring, he's not the Robert Langdon who was introduced to me in the book, he's not convincing me that what he's saying is true. Oh and he has "near-photographic memory," which was shown by floating images that sparkle and shine....oooohhh....the letters in the anagrams are shining and floating. I wish I could do that for sudoku.
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