
2 Reviews
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Match Point (2005)
Do you believe in luck? you should.
29 March 2007
This review contains no spoilers. {{The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose. }}. This was a quote from Match Point. I think I don't need to write anything else after this, this should get you some ideas about the film. This film starts as a romance/drama, then the thriller part comes in slowly. The film can be enjoyed on two levels, one is to enjoy it as simple femme-fatal story or the second is a philosophical view which the director intended it to be from the first shot of the film. The story takes some time to develop, but at the end of the film, you will be very happy you saw it. good "luck". enjoy the film.
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a great film from the master of realistic cinema.
15 May 2006
First of all this film is totally different from today's action/thriller/Sci-Fi movies & I am of the kind of persons who get bored of long drama tragedy slow movies, Which was the case in old movies. But, this film made me have another closer look to those "boring" movies. Al-Zawja Al-Thaniya is A Great Example of what "Drama" movies should be. Every moment, every look, every act, Everything has a meaning in this movie. There isn't any time wasted, even the silence scenes have meanings. Al-Zawja Al-Thaniya is about problems that occurs in the Egyptian countryside due to ignorance, weakness, & other causes, All this is shown in the excellent story. The director Salah Abouseif gives one of his best movies ever, & one of the best Egyptian Classics ever. The acting is more than perfect, specially Salah Mansour, who is brilliant in his villain role. & Also, as usual Soad Hosny & Shukry Sarhan gives good performances too. A must see for anyone interested in Egyptian Cinema.
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