
4 Reviews
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Mulan (2020)
When Mary Sue is unfitting, so you get Ma-Ri Shu
11 September 2020
Disgrace to the original. What were they even thinking? Ma-Ri Shu in a soulless empty bundle of time-waste.
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Great finale to the season
1 June 2020
Best episode in the season, may be capable of washing away the memory of what garbage the previous episode was. This is the R&M quality I would like to see upheld.
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Rick and Morty: Childrick of Mort (2020)
Season 4, Episode 9
The only truly disappointing episode so far
25 May 2020
Throughout the whole episode I was just thinking: this is dumb. Not R&M kind of funny, creative dumb, just dumb. And boring. Boring Family Guy joke kind of dumb. Felt like it was made for 5 year olds with minimal effort. Kudos to the art department, the animation was nice at least.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
What a disappointment.
10 May 2019
When 7 seasons of buildup and character development gets completely trashed in a single episode, it is undeserving of anything more than a 1. What a disgrace. Fans must be shedding tears all over the world now...

But hey, Arya did something cool, fabois will love it...
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