
7 Reviews
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A Moving, very well done, wholesome movie!
13 December 2018
The Prayer Box is an excellent movie, that the whole family can watch. It is a film, that tugs at your heart, because it is a realistic Christian movie, that shows how love and faith in God can get you through the toughest times. The directing, acting and background settings are very nice. You might cry, while watching parts of this, but there are moments that are inspiring and very joyful, too! I highly recommend this movie!
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The Bouquet (2013)
Bouquet is about a floral arrangement of people....It's beautiful!
28 September 2015
I really enjoyed the Bouquet movie. This film is about struggling relationships that most people can relate to. Sometimes it takes a tragedy, or a loss of a loved one to awaken people to what is most important in life.

In the Bouquet movie, a father has a heart attack and dies on Easter. The saddest part, though, is that his two daughters were too busy in their lives to join the mom and dad for the Easter dinner... which ended up being the man's last here on earth! One daughter makes it to the funeral, but the second one arrives after everyone has left the graveside. She is seen at night, grieving over the father's grave. It is a heartbreaking scene!

However, the family blooms in a wonderful way, after the death of the dad. The sisters learn that family is more important then their personal pursuits and they gradually learn to love one another.

They learn that their mother needs them to unite to help her in restoring a failing floral business. The story, also, teaches everyone that special friends, such as a man who celebrated Easter with the elderly couple, can be more loving and loyal then the actual relatives. The man's story will melt your heart and you will learn how he became like a son to the elderly couple.

The Bouquet is about people, more then flowers. It shows how people from all races and walks of life can come together to help one another in Godly love. In a special way, we are the beautiful "Bouquet" This is a heartwarming movie and I highly recommend it to everyone! In closing, I would like to applaud the writer, Kele McGlohon and the director, Anne Wheeler, for making this great, meaningful Christian movie, that everybody can enjoy. Bouquet is a wonderful, non-rated movie, that does not have swearing, or any immoral behavior, or wild music or graphic violence. Thanks, and please keep making great productions, that are non-rated!
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A Christmas Wish (2011 TV Movie)
A Christmas Wish is a heartwarming, cute Christmas movie!
18 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A Christmas Wish is an above average Hallmark movie, because a little girl, Mel Evans, (Kirstin Dorn), tells the story of the first Christmas to her little sister and step brother. The movie centers around their mom and them after the unfaithful, mean father abandons them just a short time before Christmas. He runs off with most of their money and leaves the mother in a very poor financial and emotional state.

The mom, Martha Evans, (Kristy Swanson), packs their old car and takes the children on the road to find a new place to live, while she also looks for employment to keep them fed.

Martha begs a restaurant owner for work. The lady owner, Trudy Willis, (Tess Harper), has a struggling business, but she has compassion for the hurting family and gives Martha employment. The mom and three children have to stay in a budget motel, until money can be earned for a permanent place to live. (All kinds of crazy things happen after this!) This is a sweet movie and the other two children, little Lilee Evans, (Lilee Clyde) and Miles Evans, (Kevin Herring III), a stuttering boy, play their roles very well. A handsome policeman, Joe Hopkins, (KC Wilson Clyde), rescues them, more then once! I won't tell you all of this story....There are some very scary, tearful moments, but Martha prays to God, and the Lord blesses them beyond her expectations! God uses the loving, generous townspeople and sweet Joe Hopkins! This is definitely a wonderful Christmas movie for all ages and I hope that you buy this DVD.

The reason that I did not give it a "10" rating is because I like to see someone pray to receive and know Jesus, as his, or her Lord and Savior in a movie! In closing, I want to ask Craig Clyde to make future Christian themed movies that show this. Also, please make more movies that can are non-rated or G ones. "G" means "general audience", not for just children! I am 65 years old and my sons are 36 and 39 year old men. We value and only watch movies that are wholesome and moral. Merry Christmas, and may God bless us, everyone!
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It's a winner!!!!!
14 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is an outstanding Christian movie about people from different economic and social backgrounds, that shows that kindness, love, forgiveness and patience can heal and uplift everyone! It shows how so-called Christians are not always what they say, that they are. This is an entertaining movie about baseball, that also shines Jesus to others!

My 36 year old son, who loves the Lord and baseball, says that this is a five star, exciting, heart-warming movie! I give it 5 stars, too, because it is a rare gem, that does not have any swearing in it! This is truly a wonderful story, that will make you laugh, cry and smile, again! This will be a hit with baseball fans and everyone, who loves to share victories in life!

I want to encourage the makers of this movie to keep producing wholesome, uplifting films, that can be rated either NR, or G. Folks, "G" means it is for a general audience, not just for children! Anyone, who buys, "Milltown Pride" will have a winning addition to their video collection.
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Christmas Grace is Outstanding!
6 August 2015
Christmas GRACE is the best Christmas movie, that I have ever seen!

The music, photography are excellent and the performers are wonderful!

Keith Perna, please make more movies like Christmas Grace! Please make all your movies, so they are rated NR, and God honoring, like this one!

Please make some Easter and Thanksgiving themed movies. I know that thousands, besides myself, are starving for films, that tell the reasons for the seasons. I pray that you are richly rewarded for this!

Movie searchers,

If you want a Christmas movie, that will melt your heart and bring you joy and hope, please buy this movie.

If you want to bless others, like another reviewer mentioned, buy more copies and give these for Christmas gifts! God Bless You!
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Everyone should see this movie!
31 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A Horse Called Bear movie is refreshing, heartwarming and it will make you cry and then laugh, and feel wonderful! This movie is for anyone, who has lost a loved one and who blames himself, or herself for the person's death.

This movie is for any child, who was rejected and did not understand why.

This movie is for anyone, who wants to make up with hurt friends and family.

This movie is for any child, or adult, who wants to smile, be forgiven and to know the awesome love of God and the unique, victorious plan that He has for you! Thanks, to those who produced and acted in this production. The Lord loves you, and will richly bless you!
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This is a heartwarming Christmas movie, that is a rare gem!
22 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a heart-warming Christmas story. It tells about the lives of people, who are either hurt by losing loves ones to disease, or to a war. The main characters include Mr. Toomey, a depressed, reclusive woodcarver, who lost his wife and baby boy to a plague, and a mother and son, Thomas, who lost the father in the Civil war.

The boy and his mom have a double whammy, after the death of the soldier. Besides missing him a lot, they must leave their large beautiful estate in the city, and move in with a poor aunt, who struggles to survive on a little farm. There is humor in the story, as the mom has to learn how to cook and the boy must rise with the chickens and feed them! When they first meet Mr.Toomey, he is grumpy, rude and he does not want to help them. However, the boy's mom convinces the woodcarver to make wooden animals for a toy Christmas manger. Then, she boldly asks if her Thomas can watch him, so that her son can learn wood carving.

He hesitates, but then gives into this plan. There are a lot of funny, sweet moments during their visits with the woodcarver! In the end, they melt his heart and Mr. Toomey becomes Thomas's role model and friend. The friendship with Mr. Toomey and the mom sweetly develops, too! The movie ends with a happy Christmas gathering with city and country relatives and friends. It's an uplifting movie and it tells the real meaning of Christmas! This is a Christmas movie, that is very special!
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