
273 Reviews
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City of Stars (2024)
City Of Lovers
22 June 2024
This BL series tells a story about a famous artist who fell in love with an ordinary guy. It falls in the same category as Be Mine Superstar, although it has a very different plot. In this series the ordinary guy isn't pining for the movie star. And the movie star fell for the ordinary guy first. So there's a huge difference between the two series. The similarity is that this movie showed the challenges of having a relationship with someone famous. In my opinion, this series is even better in conveying the love story between two people from different worlds. Most actors delivered decent performance and the main couple in this series successfully developed a great chemistry. If you're a BL fan, you should put this one in your watch list. You won't regret it.
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Boys Be Brave (2024– )
Boys In Love
17 June 2024
This Korean BL series revolves around the love life of two couples. It's the rainbows and sunshine kind of series, has a happy ending for both couples. So for those who doesn't like the sugary type of story like this one, I don't recommend you watching it. The plot was straight forward without any significant plot twists. But don't think that it's boring just because of the absence of major plot twists. The conflicts in this series are caused by real-life problems, unlike many unrealistic dramas. The acting was adequate and you can feel the chemistry between both couples. Although personally I think that this series can be made longer to facilitate the rest of unresolved issues of their lives, it's still a pretty good show. So to those who don't mind getting diabetes from watching sweet and sugary type of series, I do recommend you to watch this one.
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After Sundown (2023)
After Getting Possessed
13 June 2024
This movie is definitely made for those who ship Zee & NuNew. It tried hard to capture the same ambience of "I Feel You Linger In The Air", but didn't quite succeed. The mystery and the timelessness wasn't really as good as the goal. Because there wasn't really any mystery in it. The part where it's supposed to be a mystery was soon ruined halfway through the movie. Because we already can guess who the culprit is. And although the songs were beautiful and enchanting, but the love story was too superficial that it didn't feel like deserving a soundtrack like that. Personally, I think this movie is even more boring than Cutie Pie. And although I don't regret watching it, I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone.
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Isn't What You're Getting
9 June 2024
Nick Stahl played a chef with a financial issue in this crime thriller movie. He's a brilliant actor who embodied Ryan so well. The movie progress very slowly at the beginning, which can be a deterrent for most people to continue watching. But if you're like me, have a steel-like determination, then you'll get to the most interesting part of the movie after the snooze fest is over, which starts after about 30 minutes. And from there, the thrill kept on flowing to you like a stream of icy waves, chilling down your spine. And when you thought there's a hope for Ryan... Well, I'm not gonna spoil anything. What you need to know is that after the first 30 minutes, the good stuff are starting to begin. So, steel yourself, or find another movie to watch, if you don't wanna wait patiently. I did, and it didn't disappoint me.
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Ghostbusters : Frozen Proton Packs
3 June 2024
This movie is the sequel of Ghostbusters - Afterlife, so naturally, like any other sequels, its quality is degrading. But not by much, it's still a decent action comedy movie. The original casts are still here, so it's another plus. The technology from the 21st century gave some upgrades to the ghostbusting style. It gave us a fresh take on this franchise. The story line is straightforward, so you won't be confused at all. It's a no-brainer. The acting was sufficient. I just don't like one thing. They kept on showing us Slimer, but none of the old Ghostbusters seeing him. Why didn't they make it so? What a waste!
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The Fall Guy (2024)
The Unsung Heroes
1 June 2024
It's an action rom-com about a stuntman who has a romantic relationship with his director. Although it's a little heavier on the action side, there's still some sizable part of romance for the romance junkies. There's also a little bit of mystery in it, when the movie star suddenly goes missing. Not too much, it won't make your head hurt. You can even call it a no-brainer. Seeing how it's a movie about movie makers, so you're gonna see some movie making scenes, some education about stuntmen and stunt-doubles. About how the unsung heroes take the extreme risks to bring the entertainment to you. Long live stunt-people!
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Atlas (2024)
Peace To The Fallen...
31 May 2024
I just don't get what made a lot of people kept on hating J-Lo. Saying that she can't act, can't sing, bad hair, bad attitude, etc. And it affected their way of rating this movie. Their rating became subjective, not objective. I mean, I do know that she often acts like a diva on set. But as a reviewer of this movie, I'm gonna be objective. Unlike those morons with clouded judgment. Talking about her acting, it's on point. She really breathe the life into Atlas Shepherd. This movie is a combination of sci-fi and action movie. But it seemed to lean more on the action side. Personally I don't mind at all. Cause I enjoy both genre equally. The story is pretty straightforward and there is no major plot twist. And I think anyone can guess the twist at the end of the movie. It's pretty obvious. But still, it's a great movie, no matter what J-Lo's haters said. You'd be an idiot to miss this one. Especially if you're a fan of action or sci-fi movies.
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Kill Bill (Male Version)
31 May 2024
I love Kill Bill (volume 1, not 2), that's how I know I would like this movie. And as it turned out, I do like it. The action was cool and the fight sequences are good. And although the story was straightforward, it's still interesting. Besides, there was a plot twist near the end of the movie. I guessed it right, though. It's a good twist, but too simple. In the end, it wasn't a total surprise. Maybe I need to remind you that this is a violent movie. So for those who can't stomach the blood and gore, don't watch this movie. The comedy part of this movie made this movie less dark than it actually is. Every time Bennie talks to Boy, his interpretation of Bennie's speech made me laughed my butt off.
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Arcadian (2024)
They Lurk At Night
28 May 2024
This is a movie with a post-apocalyptic scenario, where some of the problems come from humans, not the monsters. There are several thing I like about this movie. The family drama was pretty thick without being mushy. The design of the monster was really bizarre and terrifying. Nick's character didn't overshadow the other characters. And although he spent almost half of the movie unconscious, the movie didn't fall apart. Unfortunately, there are also a few things that I didn't like about this movie. They didn't explain the origin of the monsters, how they came to be, how the apocalypse started. I think it could make the background of the movie way clearer. I also didn't like how they didn't show Paul's life before the apocalypse. It could make the audience connect with him better. Make them more invested in the movie. Too bad.
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Abigail (2024)
The Bloody Swan
27 May 2024
This vampire movie didn't go the way I thought it would. Which is a good thing, cause what I had in mind was a boring same old vampire movie. The old formula which has been done a thousand times. And as it turned out, I was sorely mistaken. And I'm so glad. The comedy in this horror flick made the once darkened atmosphere a lot lighter. As expected from a vampire movie, there was a lot of gore and violence. This one followed the primal vampire formula. Which means garlic and crucifix does nothing to vampires. Only sunlight and stake through the heart can kill them. Watching the trailer made me think that there will be no survivor. But to my surprise, there's a sweet plot twist near the end of the movie. For those who love vampire movies (besides Twilight, meaning violent ones not romanticized ones), this movie is your new poison. Taste it, you won't regret it. I pinkie promise you...
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His Man (2022–2023)
His Love
27 May 2024
I'm writing this review after I'm finished watching season two. Over all, I like them both. There were a lot of drama in both seasons. But I think I like season two better. Not because there was more drama than season one, but because it's more considerate to the players than season one. In season one, the final decision was made rather cruel. They were all made to witness the bitter ends of each failed contestants, as well as the triumph of the victors. Why do I call them victors? Cause this reality show is very similar to a competition. There are losers who don't get anything in the end, and there are victors who get exactly what they want. But I guess the first season was kind of like a warmup. So they've learned from their mistakes in season one when they made season two.
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Sting (2024)
Grab some mothballs, everyone!
26 May 2024
I read some bad reviews before watching this movie. So I didn't have any expectation when I started. But as it turned out, it didn't really suck that bad. I don't know what those reviewers were talking about, but to me, this movie isn't bad at all. The creepiness was quite gripping me in my seat. The terror from the spider-like alien was quite disturbing. The acting from most actors were decent, even from the little girl. At first I thought she'd suck, but she's pretty good. The first hour of the movie, she got me against her. But nearing the end of the movie, she got me rooting for her. I'm telling you, horror movie fans (especially those about spiders), this one is a must-see.
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Love Is Like A Dog
26 May 2024
That's the more appropriate title for this series, seeing how there's only one cat appeared in one episode. And the dog appeared in almost every other episodes. Ironic isn't it? There's a lot of people saying that this series flopped because of Mew's lousy acting skill. But after watching this series objectively, I don't think that it's completely true. There's a lot of factors that made this series flopped. Not to point fingers, but there are more than one actor with lousy acting skill in this series. Also the two main leads never successfully developed any chemistry. You know the main ingredients of a romance story is the chemistry between the main characters. And then there is also directorial amateurism. I think in the hands of a more skilled director, this series can be made a lot better than it is now. And last but not least, the language barrier played a major role in destroying this series. It's kinda hilarious how they had to put on the translation device every time they need to converse. Too bad, this series had a great potential. Could've been better. What a waste of resources.
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Reptilians (2024)
26 May 2024
The maker of this so called documentary is the living proof of how people with the lowest IQ can still make something to watch. No matter how stupid the contents of the movie is. This so called documentary is compiled without any hard evidence, yet they're flapping their mouths so bravely. Don't they know that the world are cruel to idiots? Aren't they scared of being ridiculed for the rest of their miserable lives? Cause to be honest, I find this so called documentary much much much more stupid than the one about flat Earth. Can you imagine something more stupid than flat-Earth people? Well, you're looking at this so called documentary now. Don't fill your head with this garbage. Find something much much much better to kill your time. Even if it's free, don't watch it.
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1000 Years Of Boredom
19 May 2024
This series is about the eternal love between a vampire and a human which went on for many lifetimes. In every reincarnation, they meet again and fall in love all over again. It's an interesting plot for a BL series and has a potential to be a decent one. Too bad, not this time. Maybe with a better director, this series could reach its full potential. But as for this one, it didn't even reach half of it. There was so many insignificant scenes which can be cut off from the series without affecting the story. And the significant ones were being dragged out for too long that it became boring. Too bad, it could've been way better. If you have anything else to watch, skip this one.
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Unknown (2024)
15 May 2024
This Taiwanese BL series was adapted from a book which is banned in China. Pfft... China banning everything about homosexuality, what else is new? I'm so glad to see the book was being adapted into a beautiful series. This story is thick with family drama, which can easily be boring, but not in this case. The main lead of this series is a big brother who adopted a little orphan who was abandoned on the streets. His life was polluted with crime when the main lead got involved with a gang in order to provide for his little sister and adopted brother. His struggle and love for his family is the main focus for the whole series. For those who are worried about the ending, I'm telling you not to fret. Because the ending is very satisfying. Remember, it's a Taiwanese BL series, not Chinese. It doesn't end with death or separation. Or both, like how the Chinese government have always forced their film makers to do in order to get past their myopic censorship abuse. Is it any wonder that people are more supportive of Taiwan being freed from the monstrous clutch of China?
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Gray Shelter (2024– )
Gray Depression
14 May 2024
I don't know if the other reviewers watched the same thing as I did, cause I didn't get warm fuzzy feeling from watching this series. Actually, I even got a disturbing flashback of my own depression in the past. Maybe it's from the dark chemistry of this series, the heavy family drama that weighed on both main characters. This series is the exact opposite of the usual BL series, which full of sunshine and rainbow. It's very depressing, with all those real life problems and the family dramas. I also didn't like how the story kept insinuating that one of the main characters did something wrong, but never explained what the thing was in any way. It's annoying, to be honest, to keep on guessing without getting any answers. And the ending was also very weak, at least to me. So for those who doesn't like depressing drama style like me, I'm giving you a warning : don't watch this series. You're not gonna like it.
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Deep Night (2024)
Shallow Night
12 May 2024
It's another Thai BL series about host club. Although it's not as lame and stupid as "Time", it still not as good as "Playboyy" in my opinion. I feel like the conflicts in this series are not as serious and deep as "Playboyy". Even though this is the first Thai BL that boldly featured polyamory (at least as far as I know). Sounds ironic when compared to it's title. The plot was stretched too thin. I think that if some useless scenes being cut out, this series can be completed in 6 episodes. There were too many scenes which being dragged unnecessarily, that it felt kinda boring from time to time. The visuals were great though, so that's a plus. The acrobatic shows were amazing.
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Monkey Man (2024)
3 May 2024
This movie is all about vengeance through violence and blood shed. So I'm powerless against it. Stories about revenge is my Achilles heel. Although the first half of the movie went by vaguely without any knowledge about the main character's past, I held on tight and broke through because I knew there will be light at the end (more like middle) of the tunnel. And after I reached the second half, the past was revealed. The reason for this movie's existence, the flame that ignited the explosion in the main character's heart. As for the rest of the movie? It's the feast for those who yearns for vengeance. So if you're like me, put this one in your must-watch-list. Don't miss it!
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Recipe for Love (2014 TV Movie)
Recipe For Romance
2 May 2024
It's a Hallmark movie! Uh-oh! But fortunately, it's not one of the boring ones. Danielle Panabaker & Shawn Roberts' chemistry was off the charts. And I've never thought that slimy traitor Albert Wesker has a romantic bone in his body. LOL. Sorry, couldn't stop myself from making this joke. Well, back to the movie. The story line was ordinary and there was no plot twists. It was simple, yet effective in its delivery. The characters are very relatable, unlike most Hallmark movies characters. The plot offers a love story in which love life was intertwined with work, but in the end, putting the main character on a crossroad. Will Killer Frost choose to be with Albert Wesker or will she choose to pursue her destiny? LMAO. Sorry again, couldn't help myself from making another joke.
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Gamer (2009)
30 April 2024
Gamer is an action thriller sci-fi which isn't PG13. I'm okay with that, I don't mind watching some ugly realities of the real world. However, when it's polluted by high toxicity, I do mind. They make the black guys evil henchmen, the latino an expendable victim, the main character white guy who can only think with his muscles, the straight teenager stupid hormonal homophobic little prick, and last but not least, they make the only gay character in it a pervert and disgusting. The writer or producer or director must be a typical homophobic racist person. So many toxic in one film, it's too mind polluting. That's why even though it's a decent action thriller sci-fi movie with a very interesting concept, I'm still kinda repulsed. Initially I was gonna give it a 7, but after all these toxic display of humanity, I have to deduct 2 stars from it.
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Immaculate (2024)
Satan's Breeding Ground
29 April 2024
Immaculate was very different than what I thought it was. There has been many horror movies with nuns in them which is about demonic possession or something else with demonic attribute. But as it turns out, Immaculate isn't about demons. And although it's not as scary as the Conjuring franchise, it's still pretty disturbing. You better watch it yourself, I'm not gonna spoil anymore than I already did with my review title. All I'm gonna tell you is that there's a huge mystery at the end of it. Which is creepy and quite disturbing. I gotta warn those who are religious : don't watch this movie! It's not for you.
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An Audience With The Devil
27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This horror movie is one of a kind, I've never seen one like it before. It's creepiness is next level, the horror is encapsulating. And because of it's format (mimicking a talk show), the audience felt like they're engaged deeply in it. The ending was quite unexpected and rendering me speechless. Too bad there was no deeper exploration to Jacks dark past and dark deeds. The one his late fiancee talked about. It was insinuated that Jack knew the demon which possessed Lilly. But then it was left hanging and unexplained. Personally, I think the movie would've been even better, if they explain it.
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Moronic Hispanics
25 April 2024
This movie is a two hour long anthology about Spanish tales and myths. At first I thought that they would've been legitimate horror stories. But as it turns out, most of them were horror comedies. And what's worse wasn't even the cheap fake blood, obvious fake body parts, or even the lame jokes. The worse part is realizing that all of those unfunny side stories wasn't even related directly to the main story. The only decent part of this movie happened at the last chapter of the movie (typical cheap anthology). And the best part of the movie ended as quickly it begun. I don't recommend you waste two hours of your life for this compilation of stupid stories.
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Madame Web (2024)
Madame Future
25 April 2024
I'd probably gonna get lots of dislikes fro writing this, seeing how everybody seems to hate this movie. But I don't think this movie is a complete trash. I think that the reason why everybody's been salty about this movie is because they're hoping to see a superhero movie. And of course, it is a superhero movie, so it's only natural. So I treated it differently, I don't consider it as a superhero movie, but as a drama, mystery, thriller movie. And the result is pretty good. My only complaint about it is that they didn't show more of the three girls' future. Cause let's face it, there isn't much to see from Cassie. Oh, and it's also annoying to see the camera moving around so much while the action was on. It's making me harder to understand what's going on.
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