
11 Reviews
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Bhakshak (2024)
A breath of fresh air
23 February 2024
I don't watch Hindi movies much. They are all masala, macho, mumbo jumbo nonsense. I liked Bhakshak movie. The acting is decent, the direction is done well and the story is strong enough to grip your attention.

The story however is heart wrenching. It's not easy to watch the plight of the girls. Though it's a fictional story it makes you wonder if there are places like this in our country where children are suffering. I like the social message of this movie. I strongly think journalism is dead in our country compared to the west. I hope aspiring children of our future will give this field the respect it deserves.

I would vote to see more movies like this.
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Dog was a clickbait!! The movie is very very shallow
13 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The love story is not believable. The leading lady spent all the time and effort chasing her birth mom and finally drops it. I don't know how adoption works in the US. But where I live the adoption records get sealed when you are little and you are legally entitled to open it at age 18 which will have your birth mom and dads name etc. Also the fathers name Peter gets glanced over. So she dint care about her father?

And asking for separate checks only because he is struggling writer is just desperate. Lady pay for your damn meals yourself. Also looks like every lady should study multiple languages Apparently that's all men look for. Infidelity and values seems secondary.

Also gosh treat the dog well. Don't put the dog in the movie if there is no role for her. If you think a dog will listen to a stranger like how they showed in the movie then you never had a dog in your life. For Gods sake even a moron knows not to feed dog tomato soup. So do your research.

Writing this review to make sure the score drops a little. It does not deserve the current rating.
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Snoozefest and the love angle is not believable
12 September 2023
The girl is obnoxious, controlling and demeaning. The guy simply lacks a backbone. Instead of enjoying their last few months together they are simply ruining each others lives. You don't care for either of the character. Their romance is not believable. Their grieving is not believable. It's like they live one dimensional life and everything seems simple enough to get though.

The movie is also boring. I had to fast forward to get through it. They should have made it quirky and funny or stuck to drama. Either way its not a good spend of you time. I fell for the 6.4 rating. This movie shouldn't be rated more than 4.5.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Not entertaining at all. Too long to sit through
3 March 2023
I found myself fast-forwarding this movie a lot. It wasn't engaging and felt very slow, boring and not funny. Its supposed to depict reality I guess but shouldn't it be entertaining at the least.

I gave this movie a try looking at the imdb reviews. I am starting to lose faith on the reviews lately. We need hold movies to a higher standard interns of entertainment value. I can watch a dumb movie that needs your brain switched off if its fun. But this one dragged me down.

The casting is good but there is not much for them to perform. Leo was good. Rest of them did okay. I dint like this movie at all. I dont understand the hype around this movie. Not for me.
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Bandish Bandits (2020– )
Mesmerising music and a fresh take on Indian classical music
14 August 2020
NS is brilliant. He has single handedly stolen the performance. The lead artists are okay. They are decent and perform well. The music is amazing. Why we don't mainstream Indian classical is beyond my comprehension . It's legit and refreshing. The story is good as well. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I support this kind of original content than copying west model. Bravo team for your efforts.
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Whose biopic did I just watch?
31 July 2020
What a cringefest!! Absolutely rubbish. Several inconsistencies with the story. She dint go alone to London. She went with her father. All the family drama seems overblown. If the daughter had such problems with her mother why the hell is she contesting for her property. Can't believe she agreed to put her name on this garbage.

Vidya's acting is bad in this movie. Generally I like her acting but she did injustice to this character. The movie was not even entertaining even with all the facts manipulated. Shakuntala Devi was known for her brilliance, showmanship, confidence, equality and ahead of the times. They showed none of this and converted the movie into a soap opera. Bravo Bollywood. Just donate the money to me. I will make a better movie next time and steer clear of biopics. You suck.
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Manaroopa (2019)
Terrible movie
4 April 2020
I picked this movie to watch with my mom who asked me to play a thriller movie. This was a random pick. Boy!! Wasted 2 hours of my life. Rubbish acting, bad plot and forced English dialogue. If this is the quality of movie Kannada movie wants to produce there is no hope. If you are making a Kannada movie stick to Kannada. Stop forcing English dialogue everywhere. Pick decent actors. The actors couldn't show an ounce of emotions. The movie was stretched unnecessarily. Could have finished in 15 mins if you ask me. The actors were running aimlessly in a jungle and the long drive to jungle pretty much sums up the story for you. If you have a good taste of movies stay away from this. Looks like all the positive comments must be from the movie crew 😂
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Arjun Reddy (2017)
This movie is a disgrace. Stay away from it if you have brains
2 June 2019
If you don't like mass content with cliche dialogues and stupidity then stay away from this movie. It's a typical love story with lot of alcohol, smoking, drugs abuse overdone for the cool factor. The acting isn't very good and the story line is the worst. They have shown women in very poor light. We are in 21st century. Is male machoism still needed? All in all this movie is a disgrace to Indian movie industry with no originality whatsoever. Template movie at its best. Thumbs down a million times.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
A brilliant sci-fi series. A must watch for all the science enthusiasts
8 January 2019
I have to be honest here. I wasn't very impressed with Fringe Season1. The acting of the female lead character dint help the cause. However Walter played by John Noble saved the show for me. I stuck around to see what's coming in Season 2 and boy I'm glad I stayed. The story gets intense and the character development is phenomenal. THe plot is wonderful and if you are the kind who wants to be surprised with twists then Fringe won't disappoint. I would ask you to give Fringe more time before you decide to stop watching it. This show deserves some serious recognition.
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Fired (I) (2010)
Don't waste your time. It's a piece of garbage
8 January 2019
Absolutely horrible movie. Not scary at all. You don't root for the main character. In fact you don't develop any kind of emotion towards the movie and there is zero character development. If this is a horror movie then I'm lost with words. If you like quality movies stay away from this movie. If you are into cheap B rated movies then feel free to splurge your time on this.
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NH 10 (2015)
very average movie. you wont like it if you are a avid thriller movie fan
30 July 2015
Story is very blah..there is not much suspense in the entire plot.You wont find yourself gripping to your seat. Acting is basic. Anuksha is not very convincing in this role. Some other actress might have done justice to the script. Directing is just okay. There are so many issues with the storyline itself. The main character got access to car twice in the plot but couldn't help herself at all. The villains looked quite ruthless in the first half but turned out to be dumb morons in the second half. No matter how brave you are I cant imagine many who would want to avenge revenge alone after going through hell. The ending was so unnecessary and unrealistic. How can an entire village be deserted for some play. I have seen plays in village and no they don't all go. A good try but no where close to the level English/Japanese/any foreign movie has achieved in thriller genre.
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