
105 Reviews
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Lauren Lapkus can't act
26 May 2021
Lauren Lapkus made this movie unwatchable all i can say so cringe.
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Better then 8
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This mobie was way better then fast 8 great story that brings back things from the first movie John Cena makes an excellent brother and Villain the action scenes were great I wish they killed of Charlies Theron but what ever I'm glad Han is back I've missed him since fast 6 oh and the comedy is great laughed a lot plus I still can't believe they made it to space lol oh and anyone who has only seen the first 4 movies should not be reviewing this movie anyway if you like 5, 6,7. And 8. Then this will blow you away coming from a true fast fan since i was 17 now 37.
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Chicago P.D.: The Right Thing (2021)
Season 8, Episode 15
22 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The woman who tires to do the right thing kets her kid killed and 3 woman how stupid can you be how ever great story wonderful acting and the cliff hanger at the end I hate it when they do this it makes me to anxious wanting to know whats going to happen god I love this show they havent had any bad episodes yet like Chicago fire.
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Chicago Fire: A White-Knuckle Panic (2021)
Season 9, Episode 15
great epsidoe
21 May 2021
This was a great episode Matt finally told Brett he loves her kid and Kelly finally are getting hitched and Mouch got his medal its a really nice episode cant wait to see what happens next week.

I got what I wanted.
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Cinderella (I) (2015)
love love lov love lov it
27 October 2020
Didn't this film have a 7.4 recently or is it just me anyway I love this movie it is heart warming pretty great acting and makes you smile cry and feel her pain Cate Blanchett plays the evil stepmother so well it amazes me and I love the little cgi mice they are so adorable oh and the blue dress was the main highlight of the film I mean I'm so used to ever after from the 90's but now this has branded me in the heart and became my favorite it also has great character development to a story we know so well just love it and will buy it next time I get paid
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The Witches (2020)
Bad bad bad
26 October 2020
I tried I really did but could only make it to 16 minutes in the first witch we see is really bad and her voice is horrible couldn't understand what she was saying also I'm not liking the the kid who us supposed to be the young chris rock there are a few scenes that were done so poorly in the time before i turned it off that where cheesy and bad also I have seen the original but that's not why i didn't finish this I wanted 2 so i could see Ann Hathaway but with the narration Chris Rocks voice and the bad acting I can't finish this which is sad cause i wanted to like this i really did aslo one last thing why isn;t the mother sad the least bit that her daughter died it's like she doesn't care or has no soul
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The Doorman (2020)
watxch it
17 October 2020
I saw this film 2 weeks ago and was stuck with the story and action its a popcorn flix nothing else and yes it has a woman kicking ass an normally im not for it but this was really good and kept me on my seat for the hole movie even had a great ending something I have not seen before also i like how jean reno had more of a role then i thought he might have and the lead actress i think i remember from xxx 2017 cause she look for miler anyway just watch it for what is is and nothing else have fun and don't listen to the bad reviews
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Flipper (1996)
really really really good
17 October 2020
What a great story of a boy who finds a dolphin and loves cares and plays with him I mean who could hate this great film its lovely heart warming with a great story great cast and good emotions even in the beginning when you see one of the dolphins dies is heart wrenching i mean who could really hate this film it deserves at least a 6.9 or 7 people who rate this low don't like the water good story or dolphins shame on them even 24 years later and it still feels like its new no cgi no politics not sex no blood just fun come on if you dont like it go home
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loved it
13 October 2020
I really hate pot movies really I tried pineapple express and could not finish it but this I decided to give it try because of Jenifer Anistion and to my surprise I laughed a lot in this film and sometimes it hurt to laugh it had a good plot good characters and it wasn't all about pot smoking which can ruin a movie i mean it kept me guessing and hoping at what would happen to everyone through out the whole movie even till the end i never had so much fun with a movie like this and I would definitely watch it again all the jokes hit and landed and the plot was easy to follow what a great cast really
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11 October 2020
I wasn't expecting much from this film but from the very beginning It had me hooked the chemistry from Portman and Jay reno was perfect and it had me laughing at a lot of of scenes not sure if that was meant to be oh and the emotion parts almost made me cry this was I wish that she killed a guy or 2 but her acting was amazing and I was not expecting the ending but it did satisfy me this had action comedy emotion and a really good story line watching this it felt like it was made today I can't believe i passed this up but glad I finally saw it and will buy it on dvd for sure
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My Spy (2020)
so much fun
6 June 2020
How can no one like this it os funny heart warming cute and is a nice action movie and to whom who didn't like it cause the kid swears I never heard her swear once it was so fun watching both dave and the little girl had so much chemistry together it kept me engaged and the comedy was perfect and so were the jokes i to was laughing in the first 5 minutes of the movie and that never happens i really thought i was going to hate this film so for so long i put it off I mean going through all the reviews I counted so many 1 and 2 star reviewers but didn't listen and downloaded this and now haven watched this I need to buy this and add it to my collation screw you to all the haters they don't know a good movie when they see one if any I can no longer trust any bad reviews for now on i use my own judgement
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fun thrill ride for all
14 May 2020
Screw the haters I've seen it more then a hundred times and it's still as good as ever even for 2020 the special effects are still as good as today the story line is great you have great character development it has very intense moments like in twister people who hate this movie also hated 2012 volcano or any other disaster movie I recommend watching this and not reading the comments that are 1 2 or 3 stars it's better then that and that comes from someone who owns over a thousand dvds
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26 April 2020
I liked it very suspenseful love the different stories and love the way how they kept stalling the court cant wait for the second part of this
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Grey's Anatomy: Put on a Happy Face (2020)
Season 16, Episode 21
Getting lamer
21 April 2020
Couldn't watch this show after kerv left its been the same thing over and over in this season with some boring episodes and they must not really care about it's characters cause I'm starting not to care the least bit about any of them season 15 was way better oh and one more thing why did kerv marry joe if he was just going to leave the show anyway I hate what they did to declua and teddy and Amelia character like so many people i wont be watching this show anymore
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Chicago P.D.: Lines (2020)
Season 7, Episode 18
Another great one
27 March 2020
I don't know about the mumbling dialogue I heard everything fine this was a really strong thrilling ride with lots of suspence great character build an the ending was really good as haily is trying to be like voight and an hank loosing sending her away to learn her place all in all this show is Satan glad its going to season 10
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Chicago Fire: I'll Cover You (2020)
Season 8, Episode 18
fun but sad
26 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Love this but hate the ending not that it was bad or anything I love the whole mother angle with Silvie Brett wishing it could last a while but god damn i teared when out of the blue they said she died why couldn't they wait a few more episodes i mean she was perfect just when she found her true mother even i teared up this wasa powerful episode
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Chicago Med: The Ghosts of the Past (2020)
Season 5, Episode 17
21 March 2020
Like this episode but didn't know Charles had a second kid unless i missed something
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Transplant: Pilot (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
1 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This pilot was not anything new had me asking questions like why was this guy the main character working in a restaurant why did the doctor who interview him just magically show up to eat there and not say anything and why didn't he just talk to the cop instead of avoiding him then going on to say the cop thinks he did it why didn't he apply at more hospitals or tell the staff he help save the injured i found this very annoying oh and i already hate Ayisha Issa he character is an ass if she doesn't get something also this show is the same as er greys anatomy and Chicago med and but i don't know if i can finish this didn't wow me like the others i don't see this show lasting to long
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Just Visiting (2001)
funny charming loveable
29 February 2020
I never saw the first one but happen to really like Jean Reno so thinking not much about this film i just sat back and to my amazement it was really funny i found myself laughing out loud many times and Christina Applegate from married with children was perfect for the role as his love and his decendet and my she look really beautiful and the servent he tended to get a little annoying but I did like how he met and fell in love with someone and the very final scene with the boyfriend made me really happy I just glad he got what he deserved. for anyone who is looking for a nice silly but charming comedy i totally reccomend this film
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
love love so love it
24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Perfect a beautiful story about love filled with amazing colors great songs and true emotion that you don't see in to many movies today. The chemistry between Ewan Mcgregorr and Nicole kidman is perfectly believable and makes you wanna cry when she has to break it off with him haven't seen this in so long but wow it's aged very well and the last 10 mins really pushes your buttons in the beginning i found myself laughing quite a bit and had me smiling a lot to I have to admit it's a little confusing but if you pay attention you will understand whats going on for a movie that 19 years old it feels like ti was made recently and glad it's in my collection if you want fun good music great acting great visuals great story then this is your movie just remember its all about love
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Grey's Anatomy: A Diagnosis (2020)
Season 16, Episode 14
not so good
24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I miss the older episodes where we saw more surgeries and more exciting things happening on this show I didn't mind this episode but why are they making Daulca all of the sudden turn into his father and dump grey also kill off Maggie I can't watch anymore episodes with he in it and one other thing how did we get from everyone cheering when they got there jobs back to Webber depressed and like no caring and Joe thinking Krev is cheating on her when they said they were working on a bear attack i was really looking forward to this but we rarely saw it they are destroying the characters we grew to love if u don't end the show this season your going to destroy it also I'm really hating glasses and his boyfriend I'm not bias or anything but i just don't care really i just want to see patients nothing more
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21 February 2020
This movie shames the movie from 1990's and the squeal is sucks boring unfunny weird animation and it does not keep you interested why remake a wonderful movie or are we just remaking things now god i miss Christina Ricci as Wednesday and Angelica Huston as Martisha
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The Flash: Marathon (2020)
Season 6, Episode 10
17 February 2020
I Stopped watching after mid through season 4 but came back for the crisis episode thinking it had gone back to its root but it hasn't and Iris oh how i hate her so much this episode has turned me away from the series once again they need to get rid of her or the show will fail
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
15 February 2020
The Orville is way superior to this horrific show how it has an 8.4 is bizarre slow boring and political why do they need to do this in almost every show i stopped watching alot of shows because of this
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great fun and cool
14 February 2020
This was very entertaining and had some laugh out loud moments also people who don't know sonic will really like this film it has likeable characters great story one easy to follow and great special effects now im not a big sonic fan never got into the game but i knew who he was had my doubts on this film but I was wrong it way better then detective pikachu that movie board me to death but this was made to be family friendly so glad it wasn't bloody and violent and Jim Carry as the bad guy robotic was perfectly portrayed this is how you make a video game movie and other film makers should take note and the human people you get to love unlike Godzilla king of monsters
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