
3 Reviews
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Thrilling and very enjoyable with some intelligent character writing for a change
9 November 2017
I just hate it when every horror/thriller movie takes out intelligence from victims and this movie is very satisfying on this matter. Chris is likable, relatable, intelligent and capable, which automatically makes him stand out as a protagonist in this genre. With underlined political message to think about, the movie takes you on a joyful thriller ride filled with suspense. There's just enough of humor to chuckle through it and it's well timed to not take away from creepiness of the situation. Chris' impressions of things developing are in line with audience which keeps movie on topic every minute of it and doesn't fall behind in keeping it suspenseful.

I've seen lots of people complaining how message about white people playing on privilege is too much in your face and I beg to differ. There's plentiful screenplay lines that affect Chris realistically and that are happening out there in the real world. Anyone who would find character's domination through this story insulting needs to be reminded that that table turns story to story and this story was this guy's turn. While it's good to think about that topic, thrill is guiding the movie and is written for the genre and screened incredibly well - if you'd allow that your ego is so strong to prevent you enjoying such a great cinematic piece, then problem is not the movie, or that message.
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RWD (2015)
Unnecessary and awful
7 October 2017
I thought there's possibly a very bad reason why something filmed in 2016 would already be free to rent for so long in 2017, but I gave it a chance anyhow. I don't judge movies by the budget, I've seen very well executed low-budget films, but this one is just a waste of time, if it was that easy to make a movie we'd all do it with one laptop and a gopro pissing our day away in the woods. Yet we don't, and these two guys shouldn't have either.

I'm not a stranger to found footage, and more often than not the feeling of first person will work well for me, but not this time. I felt dizzy for an hour after the movie from camera shake and half- deaf by unnecessary addon of shrieking and static noise every few minutes of this piece of work, where it ended up completely in loss of the concept and the idea and couldn't decide whether it wants to fit in the genre of horror, thriller or scifi disgracefully falling out of all three at once. Characters are like those college goofs we all know that can be very funny and interesting, if they have a merit, but these guys don't, so it goes to a high escalation to annoying and unbearable to watch within minutes.

Unless you really enjoy your senses being attacked by screeching and camera turbulence for no particular reason, this movie has very little to bring to the table. Even the characters get so messed up by the lack of their own idea that they don't know how to get out of it, but you can - don't watch it and save yourself from loosing 80 minutes of your life you're never getting back.
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Jane the Virgin (2014–2019)
Any other bad Latino soap opera ever...
31 August 2015
Honestly, the show is just any other Latino soap opera ever made, just this time translated to English and being so pumped up by the media that it is impossible to escape. If there was a spam filter for TV commercials, this would be the first show I would add to the list, yet it keeps using all sources to be presented as "the best show ever" while the plot is awful, the story is cheesy, acting is dreadful and even spending 5 minutes watching it is a complete torture to intelligence and a waste of time.

Dear TV channels, please stop using media power to throw this into our faces constantly, honestly in lack of better words, no matter how much you have invested to make this out there - it sucks.

What can I say about the plot? Does it ever happen, girl gets inseminated by mistake gets pregnant and everything moves into the never-ending drama of people always looking 100% perfect with their outfits, hair and makeups? I'll be disappointed if there doesn't happen at least one stream of mascara tears... as in any other Latino sap opera. It's not relaxing or interested and it's frustrating to watch.

But wait... main actress has a stand to make for being or not being enough of Latino? What other sources will media use to bring this TV show up really and where does this END? Puhleeze, leave us alone already and let us CHOOSE what to watch and not FORCE us to watch this kind of things later presenting it as something so watched it broke the record - probably because it's ALWAYS ON in all the media!

Bad acting, predictable scenes, worst plot ever. And no it's not because anyone is Latino, it's because the show is bad.
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