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Another Post-Endgame Low for Marvel
28 June 2022
Just when you think The Eternals is bad (reminiscent of some Bollywood Specials...), No Way Home is worse (remix of a few old Spiderman movies and characters)... and this Dr. Strange is just a new low for Marvel... should have made this an episode of WandaVision instead.
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Fun and Educational
6 March 2022
This series focuses more on the key players around Hitler rather than on Hitler himself. It isn't really about WWII either so players like Rommel, the Desert Fox, is not mentioned at all. Instead, this is about how office politics were played by Master Manipulators for their own personal gains. It is also about how ordinary people, people who are down and out of luck (Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Goering, Martin Borman, ... all fit in this category), can seize just one opportunity life gives them, and rise to the very pinnacle of power. Highly recommended to those who are learning to climb the corporate ladder.
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Drive My Car (2021)
A long slow-burn
22 February 2022
This is a very slow-burn, most of the "actions" don't start until 2/3 into the movie, by that time, I had been watching it leading me nowhere and was seriously thinking about turning it off. I understand and appreciate the specific way Japanese like to express their innermost emotions, and I am not saying this movie bored me to death but honestly, they could have hacked 1/2 of the runtime off and still keep all the favours, and I would have saved 90 minutes of my life.
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Fun Fun Fun !
15 February 2022
Come on people, quit being so negative. Yes this is a silly moive. Yes the script is not going to win an Oscar. Yes it is about a few relatively minor characters in the franchise. But hey, this is still fun to watch! The characters are still cute and the some dialogues are still hiliarious, and we still laughed out loud while watching it. Isn't that what we need in this oppressed environment?
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Just another con man
15 February 2022
The story itself is as old as can be: A con man doing his deed and some unlucky fella fall for it. This con is quite straight forward too, none of that con-within-a-con type convoluted setup. It is just another reminder that if something looks too good to be true, it probably is. This movie is quite fun to watch, the story is told in a fast and interesting manner, and some of the original materials used in the con is exposed. Another outstanding Netflix production. Bravo!
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Torn (II) (2021)
A story about love
15 February 2022
This is more a movie about love than one about alpinism (for that, you'd want to watch Meru, also features Conrad Anker). As far as a love story goes, this one is quite original. It is emotionally complex, yet delicate, so much so that no Hollywood scrptwriter has dared tackle this topic yet, at least not from this angle. This movie is a bit rough on the edges (for instance, it can try to delve deeper in Conrad's psyche) but nonetheless, quite enjoyable to watch.
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Many precious footages
7 January 2022
This series contains many precious footages, and the best part is, they are all in color. It doesn't bore you with too much details regarding the background of the events and operations, so this is best enjoyed with some basic knowledge of the war. I find this highly educational and that it adds another dimension to my understanding of this critical event. The episodes are fast paced and the soundtrack is energetic.
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The Magic is Completely Gone
24 December 2021
This is a failed attempt to reboot the Matrix. The storyline is nonsensical and generates a lot of head-scratching. The stylishness and quirkiness of the original Matrix is replaced by tackiness and awkwardness, so strong that this should just be viewed as a B film. Both Neo and Trinity should have just stayed dead.
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The Rescue (2021)
A Perfect 10
9 December 2021
An absolute must-see even if you know nothing about cave diving, or scuba diving in general. This is an exceptional story that illustrates how even ordinary people can rise up to the occasion and achieve extraordinary things. Never give up.
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Dopesick (2021)
Annoying Shifting Timeline
1 December 2021
This is watchable if you are willing to tolerate the way they constantly shift the timeline back and forth. There are many ways to effectively tell a story that happens over an extended period of time, but this Director chooses arguably the worst way to do so. Get your head ready for some spinning if you decide to watch this.
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Solid Screenplay, Weak Directing
25 November 2021
Screenplay is strong, after all it is based on true historical events so it can't be that bad. Acting is ok too but the weak link is the Director. The fight scenes are downright boring. They didn't skim on explosives or sfx but the Director just fail to deliver the sense of danger and urgency, and the fight scenes feel like children playing war games. I will give the Director an "F".
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Nail Biter
18 November 2021
This movie is the exact opposite of a slow-burn, it kicks into high gear very early on and stay there. You won't notice it is a 2.5-hour movie until the credits starts rolling. I was sitting at the edge of my chair the entire time. Strong script plus superb acting make this one a must-see.
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Outdated + Irrelevant
16 November 2021
This movie showcases how antiquated the 007 concept is. Sure there are still fast cars, hot babes, guns and gadgets, but the 007 concept used to mean so much more. Compare this JB (James Bond) to another JB (Jason Bourne), this movie feels downright lethargic.
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Dune (2021)
Much better than Star Wars
20 October 2021
I watched the "original" Dune when I was a kid, and watched the "original" Star Wars at roughly the same time, and I thought Star Wars was way better, way more fun. But after all these years and all the Star Wars garbage they put out during this time, I find this Dune more sophisticated and smooth, and overall, much more enjoyable to watch. Being the first half of a two-part story, this one will leave you hanging at the end so be prepared for that.
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Squid Game (2021– )
I don't get this
14 October 2021
I really don't know what all the fuss is about... The acting is strong (as expected from Korean actors and actresses) but most people are talking about the plot, which to me, is nothing special. Sure there are some plot twists but there are also way too many gaps for this to be called a "classic" or "masterpiece".
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The director could have done a much better job
27 August 2021
This is based on true events so the story has some credibility attached to it from the get go, but this doesn't automatically make it interesting or engaging to watch. Overall, the movie feels flat and the acting is quite weak. The characters are not developed naturally and their relationships and interactions feel faked and forced. There are opportunities and angles in the plot that could have been exploited and better executed on but those were missed. At the end, the movie makes me feel that the victims died due more to their stupidity than their gallantry.
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Down to earth
23 August 2021
This movie is a slow burn, until that scene towards the latter part of the movie with just Williams and Affleck, tears just gush out of my eyes... I think that one scene summarizes the whole movie, it is a mix of strong emotions: guilt, sorrow, regret, anger, hate and most importantly, love, and the movie keeps everything real and more precisely, all bottled up until that scene and everything just exploded. Williams did a really good job, that is an emotionally sophisticated scene to shoot and she has to carry it and she did with flying colors.
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In Bruges (2008)
I love Bruges
17 August 2021
The story itself probably deserves 4 stars only, it is empty and somewhat silly. However, the fact that it is shot in Bruges, gets it 2 extra stars, because I love Bruges and it is such a lovely city. This movie showcases some of the best spots in the city.
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The Thing (1982)
Thoroughly disappointed
23 July 2021
I watch this in year 2021, which is almost 40 years after this movie first came out. I know going in that the special effects are gonna look silly from today's standard but I am hoping for a strong storyline and some solid acting (especially from the much younger Kurt Russel). After all, this is done by John Carpenter, it shouldn't be all bad.... BUT IT IS! It is actually a complete waste of time. I give it 2 stars for trying and for Carpenter's name, but that's it. Skip this one if you haven't seen it already.
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The Wrestler (2008)
Keeping it real
15 July 2021
On the surface, this is a light hearted movie. Rourke plays a mellow character and all those wrestling moves are supposed to be make believes, or aren't they? But this movie actually goes much much deeper. It examines career ups and downs, family ties, personal relationships, and even life & death, from an up close and personal perspective. At the end, no matter what or who we have in life, we all eventually leave this world alone. The end almost doesn't matter because death is a certainty. Maybe it is how we choose to live, who we choose to forgive or apologize to, that make all the differences?
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Raw and Masculine
26 June 2021
The plot is OK, nothing special and I like it. What I like most is the way the whole thing is shot: RAW, TENSE. It gives it to you the way it is, nothing pretentious, nothing overdone, no superhero crap, it is what it is. This film is an immersive experience and I feel part of it from start to finish.
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Hell or High Water (II) (2016)
A Western Delight
24 June 2021
This is not a plot twister but instead a simple Western movie with all the usual ingredients: Cowboys, Cops, Indians... and a straight forward storyline. What make this stands out is the way the Director captures the majestic landscape + soundtrack + strong acting from Pine and Bridges. This movie showcases both the picturesque and "romantic" aspects of harsh lives in the American Wild West.
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Incendies (2010)
Beautiful ! Suspenseful !
21 June 2021
This one is beautifully shot in exotic locations. It is worth watching even if you turn the sound off and ignore the story line. With the sound on and follow the strong screenplay, you got yourself a great movie that keep you guessing until the very end.
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The Worst of "The Conjuring" series
21 June 2021
This one is just BORING. The movie is based on a borderline paranormal case, the screenplay is weak.
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Training Day (2001)
One of the BEST!
9 June 2021
Don't call yourself a Denzel fan if you don't like this one. One of the absolute best Crime Classics!
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