
39 Reviews
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Belascoarán, PI (2022– )
Quite boring, but interesting scenery
28 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, the same dude played a dirty cop in narcos mexico, and did the exact same thing there, investigating. Basically he acted quite similarly too.

The first and the third episodes are quite boring, but the 2nd episode is absolutely compelling and interesting. The older hot mom and the super cute daughter could distract anyone for a while. Great acting from them and their writing. They were presented really well. Well done from all crew.

Apparently it's based on a book, and while the episodes are like mini movies, probably a lot of context is left from the books. Still, characters are presented well. My favorites are the detective's sister, and his "colleagues".

Gf not very likeable, expect in the beginning when she was introduced. Sex scenes also off putting, please, no.

Something throws this show to be unconvincing, like shooting the main police chief in the head in his office and running away without any consequences. Also didn't quite get the reason in the 3rd. Not very realistic all in all, 20% superhero action basically. Just explained like "this is mexico", doesn't sound right.

It's definitely something else. Worth watching even though first and last are not so good, still watchable. Let's see does net-cancel-flix make a 2nd season, or was it only three books? I have to check them out.
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Ted Lasso: Man City (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
Don't like it
28 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lasso's become a man with faults, he has also got unpleasant characteristics.

All this very quickly. First season he was ned Flanders and no sight of anything else.

Series also hinted, that it's ted who's texting with his boss, and they had a romantic build up going on.

Now the young colored male and the female lead going together sort of.

Can't stop wondering, is this the white man bad- plotline. The same that destroyed Westworld and the same that is so popular these days.

And I do not have a problem with diversity, I have problems only with bad writing.

Therapist also isn't very interesting character. Like she's ok but nothing special.

My guess is, that midway the season someone from apple HQ told that there's not enough diversity.
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A lot of hype for nothing
29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So they build up suggesting that something huge will happen. And in the end, nothing happens. The whistle blows and game's over.

Figo is clearly a liar and not so bright person. He messes up and tried to cheat everyone on his path. So muh excuses and explanations but no honest talk at all.

So all this hype for a football trade, wow. I get that it's a sport document and it also sides about other stuff going on back then, but when the main focus is on so meaningless mess up, it's really weak.

Maybe someone to Barcelona this might be interesting, but doubt that there's anything useful to them either.
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Cobra Kai: Molé (2022)
Season 5, Episode 2
Getting worse
11 September 2022
The first seasons relied on the adults, especially Zabka's performance was fun. Now it's all silly plot lines and drama. Episodes are also too long. Watching this for 40 mins every episode is too much.

People act weird, only for nonsense drama.

Definitely looks like the budget is getting higher and higher, that though won't make it up to the plotline, flashy and boring. So much quality can be made with good vision and low budget.

Verdict Cobra Kai continues its winning ways with a summer break season featuring Terry Silver as the karate kingpin to topple. Whereas Kreese knew his way around Johnny's mind, Terry knows how to manipulate Daniel and Season 5 has fun with honoring The Karate Kid Part III in numerous, awesome ways (with Part II's Chozen fully joining the fray in an amazing blend). There are elements of the finale that don't gel, but overall Cobra Kai is still filled with heart, humor, and a staggering amount of franchise love, as if the entire show was designed to help us understand and forgive all '80s movie bullies while also taking stock of our own actions. It's not enough that past villains heal here; some get to thrive and find their own happy endings.
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Absolutely repetitious
29 July 2022
Heartwarming story, but same scenes keep coming up all the time. Super slow paced.

Not too well informed either.

Nice story though, lovely little whales and the great transportation team.
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The Chestnut Man (2021– )
Typical Nordic noir
15 July 2022
Like from that comedy clip "every nordic film".

Flawed, but enjoyable.

The first episode with the autistic kid, the plot is bad, I mean chestnuts..sounds stupid. Police can't get anything right in combat only for the final climax.
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Caliphate (2020)
Great, gripping series
23 June 2022
Very well made, directed and acted.

The plot is somewhat odd towards the end but still high quality.

Definitely needs more seasons, but surely Netflix will cancel.
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Bad Trip (2021)
American borat
16 January 2022
Dumb and funny, funny and dumb.

That's about it, some good laughs and some actual cringe.

I wonder how much is actual secret cam without people actually knowing.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Very good movie
6 January 2022
There's nothing to not like.

Of course some people with specific agendas will dislike it.

Very good portrayal of humanity and it's denial.

Throwing criticisms in many directions, hopefully someone will take a catch of it.
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Decent, interesting,
11 December 2021
Starts strong, has rough scenes to animal lover especially in the beginning. Then goes a bit spiritualistic and with that flattens to the end.

Interesting that filming location was the northest ever.
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995–1996)
Trying to be smart, but actually just being repetitive
28 November 2021
So I've finally decided to watch this series.

Good stuff, until the last 2 episodes.

Much stayed unclear until the end and the ending didn't clarify anything.

Series throws some repetitive scenes of odd question and this is portrayed as smart psychological thinking. Nope.

Decent series until the end. Over hyped and the insect noises are frustrating.
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Needs more drama
21 November 2021
Movie started quite awkwardly but kept getting better. All of the harsh realities of life, if I would call them so, homosexuality in 70-90s, drug use, aids etc that, were downplayed. Also sort of nothing on the end of his life, show must go on hey.
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Foundation: Preparing to Live (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Oh boy, oh boy, heavy spoilers ahead
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I do not appreciate this white man bad trend going on lately. At least as long as all of them are nonsense(westworld s.2 I'm looking at you).

So, firstly I was annoyed how gaal and raych are a couple. That breaks the line of the book. Secondly I cringed through their love scenes.

Why the hell raych killed seldon and launched his gf to freeze in space?

The good: Trantor

The bad: Gaal


Talking of babies, drinking wine etc drama

Absurd plot twist in the last 10 minutes

Will see the next episode for sure, but this wasn't a pleasure.
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Foundation: The Emperor's Peace (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
I liked it
24 September 2021
It differs somewhat from the books, but not too much. Seems like a good start.
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25 June 2021
Just boring, not important scenes. No USA forced drama but the harsh facts just don't seem interesting.

Could have been a lot better.
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Oxygen (2021)
Distressing sci-fi
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The good: Acting.

All of the concepts, clones, transferring mind to computer, space ship etc How all was clarified piece by piece.

Atmosphere and the few horror parts, solid.

The bad: The plot- if the ai would just done the oxygen transfer right away, great story would have been missed.

12 years to pass the moon and then jumping to hyperspace(?) in seconds. And what asteroid could hit such spacecraft so near earth, how it got in the chamber, that's odd too.

Left me quite anxious so can't recommend to people who suffer or are prone to anxiety, but otherwise recommend to watch.
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Very interesting series
10 May 2021
It didn't concentrate on just one thing but multiple places, some of I knew something and for example the China part was all new. All were very nicely presented.

Very nice series, recommend watching.
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Red Dot (2021)
Stupid people making stupid decisions
23 March 2021
That's all. Nothing special here. Leaves a bit frustrated to be honest. It's not bad though, but very disappointing
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The Inbetweeners (2008–2010)
Starts very funny, but fades to the end
25 December 2020
All the jokes get kind of old and get replaced by new more stupid things like hitting flowers with golf club. Still a nice short series
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Cobra Kai: Fire and Ice (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
Hecking fun episode
9 November 2020
Laughed because of these old guys being so fossil. The ending was a bit cheesy but good music. Previous episode was a bit worse than most but this was fun as heck
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Barbarians (2020–2022)
Good series with ridiculous drama
25 October 2020
The plot is ok if you skip all the drama. The drama makes all worse, how stupid these people can be. Netflix has cancelled much better series so I'm not waiting and not expecting for second season. Luckily this was only 6 episodes.
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The Walking Dead: A Certain Doom (2020)
Season 10, Episode 16
Once a great series into bad acted b class soap drama
9 October 2020
The acting is horrible, off pace, stupid plots and all cheesyness.

When has this once big budget series turned into this cringe crap?
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13 September 2020
Saw this when I was a kid, probably in -00s and just remembered how great this was. Well, as many films go bad like milk after time passes, this has stayed just as great. No cringe scenes, no outdating, just great story with emotion, tension and mystery all packed together greatly.
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The Mule (2018)
Very good movie
12 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'll just wonder about three things: 1. He wasn't forced to do the gigs, so when things got rough, why he just didn't stop? Ok maybe he liked it? 2. Police arrested one old man, that's all? Why they just wouldn't get the info of the old man and use him in the big picture? 3. What happened to the one guy, who was developed, but on the end was totally forgotten. The drug guy the Clint's character cared about?
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Peninsula (2020)
Why, ultimate crap
8 August 2020
Unnecessary movie, all genres crammed in one ill plotted movie.

Do not watch
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