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The Moment of Silence to 1960s
21 July 2019
Firstly I must admit that I was not excepting to watch such a decent movie. With it's two and a half hour time it's not in standarts on the other hand it's not a boring movie, it takes you and you'll find yourself at the final scene. Secondly Jeff Bridges saves the day again, very very decent acting and experience. I really liked the genitor character. There are also lots of nice music from 1960s; Deep Purple and etc. Thirdly story is well written. It makes you wonder about the future of the happenings. I couldnt guess it easily that's the best point in my point of view. Finally, this movie contains different characters, some history elements, music, drama, thriller, questions then answers and etc.Just give it a try and be satisfy as a movie lover.
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Great animation but story is boring
23 October 2011
In the beginning of my comment I must say that animation style, technique, colors and drawings are really great. There are different, colorful characters. Especially I liked vehicle animations, they are like flying. I must add that sounds are also very good and musics. There are great background sounds and instrument sounds.

Now let's talk about cons. I watched "le triplets De Belleville" from same director, it was totally great and entertaining but I cannot say this for this animation. It's some kind of boring and not interesting. It's not catching you like the other one. There is nearly no conversation in the animation. Story is not that good.

Finally I can say if you really like animations and especially this style watch it just for this but if you search for other things like story and entertainment don't waste your time with this one.
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A fairy tale drama
10 October 2009
story of the movie is like a fairy tale so while watching it, time is passing faster. end of the movie is hard to predict so this makes it enjoyable. sometimes the movie has a tension so it doesn't make you get bored.

secondly the atmosphere and places of the movie is really good, it is all forest and there are really nice lakes around. acting is also good. even there are two famous actors and an actress. the movie also questioning what will happen if we live forever.

finally this is a movie worth watchable but don't expect much. if you like mystery, fairy tale and love movies take a look at this one.
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WALL·E (2008)
A Good 3d Animation with A Good Message
23 September 2009
This movie has a good story also a helpful message in it. This is the most important thing for this movie. Animations and drawings are really great, all of them are latest technology and it is amazing. Even at backgrounds, there are lot of details.

Main character is so sweet and sometimes funny. He is a well written character with it's all good sides.

Lastly this is a good 3d animation movie with a good story. generally 3d animations have weak story and don't give such a good message. After watching this movie we understand that we must give more importance to our planet and living creatures.
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Goin' South (1978)
The Western Romantic Comedy
13 August 2009
First half of the movie was really funny, enjoyable and fast but only negative thing about the movie is second half was some slow. It is easy to predict the end of the movie maybe this one also makes you get bored before the movie's end is coming.

Most of the movie watchers accept that Jack Nickholson's acting is great but especially I surprised in this movie that he is also very good at comedy acting. He acted in some dark and not funny characters at the past but he could choose comedy acting more. Other actors were also very good in the movie.

Finally this movie is worth watching, enjoyable but also predictable. This is a western comedy but it includes also lots of romance. If you like to watch romantic-comedies, give this movie a try.
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One of the most entertaining comedy
1 August 2009
This movie is one of the most entertaining comedy I've ever watched. From start to end it catches you and without breathing you're watching it. Story is different and unpredictable. Characters are very funny. Acting is really really good. Owen Wilson is really sympathetic guy and a good actor.

The movie also gives some important messages and lessons. We must'not categorize anybody in life. Also we must help people if they really need our help and lastly we must realize and trust our powers, specialties.

If you like comedy movies, a good story and Owen Wilson, you should watch this movie.
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Zodiac (2007)
Not a bad movie but you must be patience
13 July 2009
Firstly I must say that this movie is not like as I expected. I was expecting a movie that contains more action and horror scenes but this one was like a documentary. The movie is so long, I think this is unnecessary.

There is no problem with the acting, it was good enough. If I am going to talk about colors and places of the movie, I will say it was not that good. Colors of the movie was so classic style, it was not shiny. Places were not that much, film was going on mostly at indoor (offices, houses).

Lastly this is not a bad movie but you must be patience to watch it. Also if you like detective, crime or serial killer movies, there are a bunch of good and interesting one around.
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Brubaker (1980)
One of the best prison movie
1 May 2009
Firstly I have to say that this is one of the best prison movie I have ever watched. Robert Redford is a very very good choice for the role of brubaker. He made a good job in this movie. No need to say something about the story because it already nominated to an academy award, it was really really good. As an addition; seeing middle-aged morgan freeman as a mad prisoner was a good experience. I also liked David keith acting and his character in the movie.

Secondly I liked about the movie is giving importance to the details like brubaker's prison management. He shows to every manager; how should be a manager like? He is interested in everything about the prisoners and their problems of course. His attitude against politicians was also interesting to watch.

Lastly this was a good movie also a very good prison movie. It is some harsh but it suits this story. If you like prison movies you should watch this one. A good experience to watch and analyze a degenerated system.
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Dune (1984)
some kind of star wars from David lynch
13 April 2009
Firstly I have to say that if you don't know anything about the novel, generally story and characters; you'll feel yourself as a stranger when watching the movie but it will pass away after one hour. I recommend to people who wants to watch this; go make a little research on net about the main aspects of the novel and etc.

This was a good science fiction movie. For it's time; visual effects was really good also costumes were well-designed. There were lot of famous actors and actresses in the movie. These are all plus. Because of adapted from a good novel, of course the story was very very good.

Finally if you like David lynch movies (dreams, creatures, mystery) and science fiction you will also like this movie. As a result you can also think like this; how could it be if David lynch directs the star wars?
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Elf (2003)
Absolutely an entertaining movie
10 April 2009
Absolutely an entertaining movie. I laughed at loud a lot. There are very funny moments in the movie. The idea is very good. Story is very good. Will Ferrell is very talented comedian and actor also he is a very good choice for this movie. He is exactly acting like a very positive elf from an another world.

I realized that movie crew also made a very good job with designing little places, rooms, toilets for a big elf. End of the movie was also satisfying.

I watched a bunch of noel movies but this was one of the best. I recommend this movie to all audiences with no doubt.
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Blood Diamond (2006)
Good action and drama movie
13 February 2009
This movie has lot of actions. Most of the time our heroes are inside a war.Bullets are flying around, people are dying and inside a chaos; happening a lot of explosions. I must admit that I like to see "young girls' lover", "baby face" Di Caprio in movies like that harsh. In this movie he is a diamond dealer both a soldier.

I realized two negative things about the movie; first is: the movie is too long, it takes 2 hours and 10 minutes. After one hour I get bored because story is not that deep or biographical. Second one is: first conversation between Di Caprio and Jennifer Connelly; it was not realistic. they weren't look like real characters of real world, they look like actors that acting not so well in this scene. Long memorized dialogs, arrogant moves and etc.

Finally end of movie was good, it was satisfying and not very predictable. This is a good movie, worth watching.Story is some different and interesting.Djimon Hounsou is a plus, he acts well and he is handsome. If you like action both drama movies take a look at this one.
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Silmido (2003)
Better to watch before "call of duty"
21 October 2008
Firstly I must say that nearly there is no woman in the movie. Thats make this movie more strict and harsh. As you know the story, this is a hard movie also. You must have nerves like steel to watch this movie without getting upset. I get some stress while watching the movie and after watching it. Because everybody shouting each other and beating each other realistically and periodically.

This is a good movie. A good story. You cannot guess the end of the movie that has a surprising ending. Most of the emotions in the movie is at the tops. Acting is very very good. Effects are also okey,not the best but very good for a foreign movie.

Finally I think,war movie lovers must see this movie.Others with strong nerves also will like this movie. Better to watch before "call of duty".
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Sunday Morning Western Comedy
3 December 2006
This is a comedy western movie but it is a different one because there is not much fight or gunfight in it. This is very sympathetic movie also funny in some scenes.

Our hero is a new yorker guy that steals women money with charming them. He comes to west city but he doesn't like the west and the guns, horses and etc. People in this city thinks he is a hired famous gunman, he uses this identity. This is the general subject of the movie.

Acting is good for a comedy movie, there is also romance and this is a plus for this one. I liked this movie and enjoyed when watching but if you look for a classic movie don't look at this one. I watched this one at a Sunday morning.
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Fight Science (2006– )
Martial arts,human body and physics
19 November 2006
If you like martial arts and anatomy of the human body also physics, you cannot take your eyes from this documentary film. This documentary combines art and science like an action movie. You can learn how much damage a kung-fu master, boxer, taekwando world champion, mui thai warrior or a ninjitsu master cause to a dummy human model. You can also learn the speed of their hits.

In the second part of the documentary, we get information about the weapons of martial arts ; Katanas, nunchakus , shrikes , bows and etc. They use jel models also used in ballistics to show the harm they get from a weapon.

I really enjoyed and learned when I watch this one.
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The Hard Way (1991)
M.J.Fox entertains again
12 September 2006
Very entertaining movie, M.J. Fox is great, very good actor, he makes the movie very funny and sympathetic.

Also a good scenario for a comedy movie but there are also lots of action scenes and some good quotes that makes you laugh.

There is only one scene that annoying is the one M.J. Fox act as Wood's girlfriend and wants from him to say something. Wood's acting was terrible in here and time passed very slow for me but in the other parts of the movie he was good enough.

Final of the movie was also very good and thrilling. I gave seven out of ten.
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Losing Isaiah (1995)
Powerful Instinct
22 July 2006
Firstly this movie could see like a boring drama but it's not. Why ? Because it involves you. The subject is very good and acting is very realistic and impressive especially the white mother's.

You can see and understand the love between a mother and son in this movie. ALLAH (The God) created a very powerful instinct inside mothers' hearts. I saw this instinct in this movie so I really liked and affected me much.

This movie can make you cry, don't go after fake love with selfish people, love is very near of you : devoted and faithful mothers of us and their love to children but never forget only the true love is for and from ALLAH.
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Can death solve problems ?
19 July 2006
Firstly I have to say that ; this movie is for anime and fighting stuff (games,art and etc.) lovers but also for every viewer because it includes a good story,romanticism,sword fighting and drama.

My comment is this is a very good movie. There are lots of very nice and attractive scenery in it. Also you can watch this movie with your family there is no sexually perverticism if we compare this with ninja scroll (there was annoying scenes in this anime) but there are lots of similar stuff in the movie like characters, Kagero is the same also the reviving man.

Finally this movie is doubled better than Ninja Scroll's anime movie because it never makes you search for an anime.
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Tom Cruise and lots of Special Effects
15 November 2005
This is a good movie but not very good. Why ? Because this is very classical topic as a disaster movie, there is a threat for mankind and our hero tries to save his family,people are in chaos and etc. Acting of actors are bad other than the famous ones are like mostly the daughter of Ray, son of Ray. Daughter of Ray irritated me much as a spoiled girl and reporter woman's acting also.

Tom Cruise,his acting and special CGI effects also Spielberg's camera using (angels) makes this movie worth seeing. Also rescues this movie because it is a very classical topic as I said at the beginning.

Finally this movie makes you excited and scares you also sometimes because lots of lighting and explosion in it. I felt I'm lucky after watching this movie because I don't have any trouble like being in a war or disaster, I thank ALLAH ( The Only One) a thousand times for this.
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25th Hour (2002)
Always be a good man
7 November 2005
Erward Norton is back again with a role as in the "american history x" . Last day of a man who is going to get into jail. This movie is about questioning your best friends, father and girlfriend also your decisions that you made before. This movie has lots of feeling regret inside. This movie includes the reality of the life , the bitter taste of the DESTINY, FATE.

Getting into jail is not a beginning for Edward and for some of his friends, it is a end because of this movie shows this happening (get into jail for several years) like a dead of a man. This is a dark atmosphered movie.

Finally Edward and his womanizer friend acts really well.Story is very nice but this is not a movie to get fun or be relaxed. It makes you get worried when you are watching but after watching movie, you feel lucky that you are a good man and not going to be get in to jail.Best side of the movie is giving a big message to viewers that always be a good man and don't get into dirt.
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Almost Perfect Tricky Movie
1 November 2005
This movie is much much more greater than I expected.I started to watch movie and I lose myself with Nicholas Cage's charming acting of an obsessive compulsive swindler and his relation with his swindler partner.I watched the first one hour of the movie very carefully because it is interesting to watch a obsessive compulsive man.This is a very nice,interesting topic to watch in a movie as 'as good as it gets' but the Matchstick Men isn't just that to watch a OCD man.

Scenerio is almost perfect with lots of surprises from the writer.You cannot predict what will happen in next parts of the movie.

If I must say some negative sides of the movie I just didn't like some performances of Cage's daughter (Alison L.).Usually she acts well expect the parts when she spoiled because of getting happy with his father.

Finally Nicholas Cage acts very very well as being self-denying,emotional father also an OCD patient and a swindler.This movie can be your of the tops because it became mine.
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Fockers back again but with disappointment
1 November 2005
Firstly I have to say that, this movie is worse than the first one. There is no 'laugh out loud ' scene like the first movie's water volleyball scene. Gags of the first movie repeated in this one again, this is not good.

Secondly there is really a disturbing silence at background ( like watching theaters ) during some of the dialogs, this is not good for a comedy movie.

The little baby saves this movie and Dustin Hoffman's acting.The atmosphere of the places are nice like fockers' island, inside of the De niro's caravan. I felt like I visited rich peoples' houses.

I must add that I felt like there is some racism in the movie, why is the dog's name "moses (prophet of the Jewish people)" and why the same dog rapes "einstein doll" ? These are disturbing moments of the movie.

Finally I can say that this is a below the average comedy movie.
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Big Fish (2003)
Between the reality and imagination
27 October 2005
I really like Tim Burton movies.When I see this movie first on title I undoubtedly want to watch it because I know Burton's style.He likes fairy tales,surrealism,animation and make funny movies.Big Fish also contains some stuff like this.The topic is focused on the line between reality and imagination.Secondly comes The relationship between fathers and their sons and maybe the biggest problem between them "Not to be tolerant to personalities". In this movie for example; The father is very imaginative, rather frequently storyteller man but the boy is realistic and unhappy because of his father is a storyteller in his all dialogs.This is basically the topic of the movie.Also Burton is very good at taking people's attention to movie with it's ability of storytelling and make it into motion picture.

Secondly the visuals of the movie is very nice, there are very different and fabulous characters and places in the movie.These are adding a dream atmosphere into the movie.

Finally this is a great movie.Sometimes dialogs are boring and always focusing on to the main character but stories in the movie are very nice, visuals is great so this is a movie that you shouldn't be skipped.
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A ninja movie classic but below the average
26 October 2005
This is a very famous Ninja movie but it isn't a nice movie. If you want to see some ninjas and some figures, want to know some things about Ninjas see this movie. This movie only for ninja fans and who wants to make nostalgia.

First 20 minutes and last 20 minutes of the movie are best. You can just see Ninja figures and fight in this scenes. Between these are below the average, nearly bad as a movie. Acting is bad. Sho (black ninja) is the best actor in this movie. Frank Nero is a good actor and charismatic but he cannot fight good. Scenario is also not good. Its so simple. Franko Nero comes near to his best , old friend from army and war. He also protects him from mafia but he is having sex ( go to bed ) with his wife and his friend knows this but don't say anything to Nero negative. Is this possible in life ? What a friendship !

Finally this movie started a genre ; Ninja movies. Also there is the ninja master Sho Kasugi but some fighting scenes are not realistic and not fast even with shoo. This film is below the average even it is a classic.
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Shark Tale (2004)
Fantastic Comedy Animation
20 October 2005
This movie gets its place in my top animation movies. This is better than The incredibles.More entertaining and funny. Fish characters are really seem like the real artists (actress) Will Smith and etc. Good cartooning.

Mc.Hammer dance in the shark table was fantastic.Fishes in real life is also a really good idea. I think this movie also better than Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo is like a children movie but in this one there is money,women and fame. This can attract every viewer.

Finally witty remarks were also very good. What else could you look for in a comedy animation movie ? Its all in this movie.
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Really great movie !
16 October 2005
Great movie, why ? because in some horror scenes you really afraid. You can feel what is the claustrophobia, and you can learn what happens after you die from this movie. Also there are lots of voodoo stuff.

Film is like a horror adventure game. Also nightmare and dream scenes are very good. This movie is like a surrealistic drawing. Torture, magic, horror : are all in this movie. Acting is also very well, I liked mostly the Titian zombies. Bill Pullman also do his job very well. I really liked this movie. I cannot take my eyes over it at horror scenes. Dialogs for the movie are written with intelligence.

Finally the story of the movie isn't just a fiction. It contains realistic things.
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