
19 Reviews
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Down Low (2023)
No one prepared me for this.
26 April 2024
The blurb for this movie does not tell you anything about what you will experience while watching it. Simon Rex in the cast should have given me a hint, but I was not ready. When I say it was an experience, I mean I ran an emotional gamut watching this that makes it one of the most memorable movies I've seen in a while. I don't want to get into spoiler territory because it should all be watched and appreciated in its full, unspoiled glory.

The beginning was shockingly cringe sex stuff to a degree where even I was watching through my fingers because OMG the mouth that Cameron has on him! Then the hilariously dark shocks start and I was so there for that. The arrival of Simon Rex's "Fleshpuppet" character brought laughs galore especially when the crack came out.

That is one scene that I absolutely must mention because it is my favorite and has had Higher by Vincint playing on repeat in my head for days. We get a fun music video moment with a very touching "Is this what it's like" that kind of breaks me when I really think about it. I won't spoil the moment that makes this one my my favorite laugh out loud scenes of the movie, but I will say the reason I love it so much is because of how it reminds me of AAH! Zombies where we go from how events are playing out in the zombies' head to how living people are seeing them in that moment. I nearly died laughing and rewatched the scene more times than I can count.

Back to the shocking movie twists and moments, the way I gasped at the next scene then howled with laughter because WOW dark. So dark. Loved it. Then we get sweet, romantic moments followed quickly by the end we all knew was coming, but it still caused my eyes to spring a massive leak. It wasn't a tearjerker Terms of Endearment or Beaches level ending, it was just so beautiful and perfect for the movie. I streamed this on Netflix and want to buy a physical copy so badly, but refuse to believe there is not a blooper reel hiding somewhere waiting for a blu-ray release. I want all the special features for this and need them now, please.
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The book is much better, but...
11 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I still loved this! There was bound to be some disappointment given how excited I was for this movie after reading the book, but it is just SOME disappointment. The casting for this was just excellent! The picks for Alex and Henry were pretty perfect. Visually, this was gorgeous. So many scenes were taken directly from the book and flawlessly brought to life. That moment on the couch with Alex's shirt hanging open was not only perfect for this book adaptation, but brought to life the covers of a few Regency era gay romances in my book collection. It really does do great editing the book down to a 2 hour movie.

For the most part.

Now I have to compare it to the source material and point out the flaws that I, personally, find. I hate Miguel, who does not exist in the book. Not sure why they chose him as a character to create and insert into the movie, but he comes across as an old hookup scorned out to get Alex for not wanting more with Miguel. Not only do I dislike that kind of character in general, I don't think they account for how his presence messes with the key trope of the book, Alex's bi-awakening. The book works because Alex is unaware of his attraction to Henry and just oblivious that Henry may feel the same, but the movie, through Miguel, makes it clear that Alex is bisexual so why would he not at least a little aware that he only saw Henry as an "enemy" because he'd been hurt by how Henry, his crush, had acted the first time they ever met. Another big issue I have is with the absence of two key characters from the book. I can understand cutting out Rafael Luna and all the politics there, but why is June, Alex's sister, erased? They hardly used Nora in the movie, certainly not in the same way she was written in the book as a previous girlfriend of Alex's that people still shipped together, so why keep her but cut out Alex's sister? Another extremely underutilized character from the book was Shaan Shrivastava, a personal favorite of mine, but I guess I should count us lucky to even have him appear in the movie. Zahra, similarly, had woefully little screen time which was such a waste of the beautiful and wonderful talent of Sarah Shahi. Basically, they cut and trimmed a lot to fit the runtime and so many things I loved in the book just didn't make the movie which is a bummer. The development of characters and plot are what make the book so great and the movie lacks a lot of that.

But all of that doesn't mean that I don't love the movie. It'll grow on me in the places I didn't instantly adore. Except Miguel. I'm never going to like that insert, especially with the implied connection he has to the media leak.
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This needs to be a series.
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Before I get into spoilers, of which there will be plenty, I have to say that I loved this. The cast and acting are stellar; very natural and believable for better or worse. There is so much to relate to if you're from a dead-end town, regardless of sexual orientation, and I felt Leo's want to escape by fantasy or actually leaving on a deeply personal level.

Now for spoilers territory.

Kyle, the main bully, is so well played as an absolute closet-case in love with Leo that I hate him, but my heart hurts when the two of them have their final face-off and essentially say goodbye to whatever they had been and all they'll never be together. I think Chris O'Shea did an amazing job with the role to make him so compelling and dimensional no matter how stereotypical his bullying seemed.

Diego, Leo's boss, aggravated me to no end. I love Jason Scott Lee, but his character in this is confusing. He seems like an ally and the scene toward the end implies that his son is some part of the LGBTQIA+ community, BUT why doesn't he fire Kyle???? Kyle obviously creates a hostile work environment and attacks Leo on the business property so he has plenty of grounds, but he seems happy to keep Kyle around causing problems. Is it just so Diego can scope out more potential boxers from all the fights Kyle gets into?

Matt Dallas can still play straight and his portrayal of Declan confuses me. How old is he supposed to be, for one thing? Leo and Tristen are under 21, but Declan's walking around with booze all the time and not getting carded at bars so he's an adult but he seems to have moved to Alaska with his father and he oozes teen angst and confusion. The alcohol seems to be a real issue that he might need help with. His interest in Leo is obvious from the start and made utterly confusing when he says he isn't gay and instinctively punches Leo when an excited kiss on the cheek ends up more on the lips when Leo wins his first boxing bout. Then Declan doesn't stay away from Leo like Tristen said after that punch and the three of them end up leaving together, but I don't see them as being together in the end. The ending is a little ambiguous as to whether they're leaving together as friends or a couple and it really just makes Declan's leaving with the twins kind of weird.

George, the twins' dad, could be a movie on his own. A streetside preacher with a gambling problem, he's pretty absentee in the father department. But, in the end, we learn that he's the one that sent the postcards from their mom that kept the twins' spirits up when Lucy left them all behind. We also learn he's a closet-case whose affairs with other men contributed to Lucy finally leaving the family and, it's assumed, Alaska. Dan deserves better, but I would absolutely love to see them end up together.

Now, the bars. Leo believes that Jan, played by Margaret Cho, owns the only gay bar for 100 miles, but we learn that the more popular redneck bar in town is owned and operated by a gay male couple. While I love John and Tim and want a movie about their story, the feminist in me is irked by the fact that Jan's bar is failing because she's openly or believed to be a lesbian while the guys' bar is thriving because no one has figured out that they're a couple and not just business partners?

The drinking in this is a lot. How casually it's accepted that Leo and Tristen drink while underage and how many characters seem to struggle with alcohol is concerning. There's even something of a background bit with a pair of workers from the cannery where after work each day one asks the other out for a drink, the other declines because they're in AA, but the first guy keeps asking after every shift until the second guy agrees to go get drinks and then we have a day of work end where the second guy issues the invite for drinks and the first guy says he'll be going to a meeting instead. I have family with addiction issues and that casual peer pressure is very realistic and understandable but I don't like how that plays out as something humorous.

Finally, Leo and Tristen. I am so thankful that they survived thus movie because I 100% expected a tearjerker ending with cancer killing her and/or Leo being killed in a hate crime. This movie balanced on a razor's edge between potential romcom and heartbreaking drama.

I want to know what happens to them! There is so so much story involving them and all the other characters I referenced above that this movie was just woefully inadequate to truly satisfy me. I didn't even get to Hal, the walking PSA against smoking who happens to have been a drag queen himself and his protégé, Miss Orientated, who wins the drag show. With just one viewing, I absorbed all of this and each time I watch it over I just notice more details that I could see expanded on more. Also, I have got to say, I read a LOT of gay romances set in Alaska so I would just love a show that explores that small, isolated community way of life with open and secret hostility to open and secretly queer residents. This movie does so much and I wish the cast and crew were allowed to do more. That all said, this movie is an unexpected delight for so many reasons and I don't know why I left it on my watchlist for so long before finally playing it. I highly recommend it.
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HollyBlood (2022)
I did not expect this to be so good.
14 April 2023
No idea why this doesn't have a higher average rating unless it's because Twilight fans can't take a joke. I, personally, LOVED how the "HollyBlood" movie within this movie pokes fun at the Twilight saga. Especially how it loves shirtless men acting all aggro and buff.

The only thing I loved more than that was Javi's dad, Fernando. The recently divorced dad energy was so well played. His encouragement to Javi, after assuming his son is something other than straight after seeing the HollyBlood site on Javi's laptop, is so funny but also a genuinely endearing attempt to connect and show a child that you love them regardless of their sexuality. Jordi Sánchez acting, his expressions and body language, was just perfect for this story and he absolutely stole the movie for me.

The subplots with Diego, the wannabe vampire hunter, and Carmen, Sara's "disabled" friend are so good that going into any more detail about them would spoil how delightful they were. Isa Montalbán played the character of Sara so well and Óscar Casas was priceless as Javi. The weird little gym teacher and ridiculous dance sequence in gym class was hilarious. The real vampire was good, but that's where the movie starts to plateau for me.

The Manu bully storyline was my least favorite, but teen movies of this sort do always have an obnoxious bully so he serves his purpose well. The ending also falls flat for me. With so many moments that made me laugh out loud throughout the movie, I just think there could have been something more to parody how these teen movies typically end instead of having the exact same kind of cheesy happy ending. The "HollyBlood" fight scene from the movie within the movie was priceless, though.
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The chaos of dance and a character's life derailing.
17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Being from the US and never having seen a Georgian movie before this, I can say nothing of the culture or realism in this movie. What stays with me is Merab and his obsession with and love for Georgian dance. I get it. His family has history with performing professionally, so there's a sense of legacy and pride from that and he clearly sees making it as a dancer as his way out of his current situation. That aspect of this movie resonated with me deeply.

I wanted to love what grew between Merab and Irakli. I, again, can understand their situation given the context presented in the movie and, given their circumstances, I understand how it ended like it did.

For me, though, Merab's unraveling was very concerning. He seemed to be in such a stifled and stifling situation that something had to give and Irakli just seemed as good a catalyst as any rather than a person who really changed Merab's trajectory. In fact, there were several moments by the end that made me question what was actually real between Iralki and Merab and how much might have just been Merab building up something in his own mind. Watching him spin out of control, going from such a rigid daily life to try and do his best to provide for his family and make them proud to everything in shambles, was painful. I hurt for him when I saw his circumstances in the beginning and I hurt all the more for him at the end. That last dance was passionate to the point of madness and after multiple viewings, I still don't know if he was fighting for a position with everything that he had or letting go of the restrictions of the Georgian dances to be truer to himself. That not knowing whether I've just watched a life destroyed or a character maturing is why I'm not rating this higher.

Merab's brother, David, really surprised me, in the best way, with his interaction with Merab after the wedding and I wholeheartedly agree with him that Merab has to get out of Georgia. When those end credits start rolling, I struggle to believe that Merab will find a way out, though, and that keeps me going back to his life being destroyed and I am devastated for him. I don't really feel that Irakli or Merab's sexuality have as much to do with that despite what the movie's description implies. Merab's obsession with the dance was clear throughout and the ways he constantly pushed himself seemed destined for disaster regardless of any other factor. Iralki pointed out how Merab's positioning on some of the dance moves could result in injury and I'm just surprised that an injury didn't occur earlier or more seriously in the movie. To me, this movie is more about the dedication it takes to be any kind of professional athlete or performer and the scarcity of success in those professional arenas than anything else. That means it's still a very good and impactful movie but it just doesn't check all the boxes for me. Absolutely worth a watch if you enjoy media from countries outside your own with a focus on LGBTQIA+ elements.
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RRR (2022)
This lives up to all the hype.
17 March 2023
I had this on my Netflix watchlist since the Honest Trailer came out on YouTube, but didn't actually watch it until Naatu Naatu won Best Original Song at the Oscars. The 3 hour runtime and the fact that I like to watch movies with the original language audio and English subtitles meaning I have to read while I watch is why I waited so long to view it. It's hard for me to go 3 hours without doing something on my phone that keeps me from focusing 100% on watching something that I also need to read. I say all of this just to explain what a WOW experience watching this movie was for me. The 3 hours flew by with me glued to the TV screen and doing nothing with my phone until the movie was over and writing this review is the first thing I'm doing with that phone back in hand.

This movie is spectacular. It has EVERYTHING. Any/all hype that you have heard is absolutely worth it. I can see why it was such a hit on streaming. I can't see why Best Song was the only category that it was nominated in because it was worthy of so much more recognition. Keeping this spoiler free, I just have to say that the writing, acting, editing and effects were perfect. The plot points revealed and played out in ways that made sense and impact. Are there incredibly ridiculous moments and plot points? Gods, yes, and I LOVED every one of them. It feels like forever since I watched something that was so riveting and energizing. I laughed so much. I gasped and yelled at the TV so many times. After 3 hours watching it, I honestly want to just play it again. I still hear the music in my head and can vividly remember the dancing. When I say that I loved this, I mean I LOVED this movie. The experience that I would have missed had I ignored or forgotten this on my watchlist. If you're able to, WATCH THIS MOVIE. If, like me, you're an American with limited exposure to Indian movies then you'll have no idea what you're in for or missing unless you watch this. My only regret is that I didn't watch it as soon as it came on my radar. I have no idea how representative this movie is of other Indian action films, but I am absolutely going to look for and watch more. If they're not as good, I can always rewatch this. If it leaves streaming, I will absolutely buy a hard and digital copy.

Am I clear yet on how much I loved this movie?
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The Rig (2023– )
Interesting premise, but the execution struggles.
19 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ecohorror is one if my favorite subgenres to read or watch and I was very pleasantly surprised to find that here. I went into this without paying much attention to the description. It was new and 6 episodes so I thought why not try it.

For location and atmosphere this had some wasted potential, but I give it credit for presenting a setting that I never would have thought of for suspense. Now that they put the idea out there, all I can think of is how terrifying it would be to be stuck on an isolated rig out in the sea or ocean, dependent upon boats or helicopters for supplies and transport to land and finding yourself in a situation without boats or choppers coming to you.

For characters, that is definitely where the show lacks. Hutton stands out as awful. Alwyn was my favorite. Fulmer really grows on you. Rose and Magnus have ups and downs as the represent company management. Baz undergoes such change that it's hard to rate his character. Cat and Easter get focused on for their essential duties on the rig so I like them but it feels forced in to like or relate to them.

Finally, the ecohorror. One could see this show as anti-oil and drilling and there is some explicit commentary to support that within the show. BUT, what they've found is something primordial that has been the cause of all extinction level events on Earth and that thing is now awakened to close this loop of time and begin another extinction event. If you argue that dependence on fossil fuels is what caused this then how do you explain what caused it to carry out the previous extinction level events we know of. The show also positions Coake as the evil big oil exec who actually may have been the only one capable of stopping the coming catastrophe. So it seems a little unclear what the show is trying to say or how they're saying it. I think the 6 episodes, especially with so much focused on interpersonal drama, were insufficient to work with this premise.

I would love to see more, though, focusing on the theoretical science of the premise and the force behind the extinctions. The closing minutes of the last episode provide multiple cliffhangers that will bug me to no end if this is all we get of the show. Because of that, I highly recommend you wait to watch this until after it's renewed if you hate cliffhangers. If it gets canceled, I'll honestly lower my rating because the 7 is for the potential of the idea. A 5 is more accurate for the actual execution of the idea within these 6 episodes.
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Pressure Cooker (2023– )
This is reality TV, NOT a cooking competition.
12 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a big fan of "reality TV" but dud watch the earliest seasons of The Real World and Survivor. The very beginning of this show, in the first episode, was very similar to The Real World and that should be your warning to opt out if you're there for a cooking competition. I wanted a cooking competition, but got hooked on the drama like reality TV wants.

Like Survivor, many cast mates are voted off by the others based on strategy and alliances rather than merit and the ultimate winner of $100,000 is chosen by the eliminated chefs. Each episode has a focus on confessionals and interpersonal drama in addition to the cooking challenge and judging. I'd love an after party show to see how Sergei's fiancée and Caroline's husband feel about the "work" spouse relationship that developed there or how Christan feels about Jeana in the end. It's that kind of show, which, again, signals that it is more reality TV sensationalism than cooking competition.

I hate that I got pulled into watching it all, but I did and I won't lie and say that I wasn't wrapped up in it and ultimately happy with the outcome. If I rate it solely as a cooking competition, I'd maybe give it a five for the unique way challenges came in and the unpredictable way each challenge was carried out then judged. There were some interesting dishes presented with a few of the beat by the clock dramas that one expects from a cooking competition where something made fails to make it on the final plate or the chef just didn't have time to properly execute their plan. The "blind judging" and elimination votes by housemates is why this doesn't rank higher for the cooking aspect, because in those instances the cooking didn't matter as much as who the judge thought made the dish and who the housemates wanting gone.

But those negatives for it as a cooking show are what up the rating as reality TV. Watching the interpersonal play in the first episode, you would never expect Mike's development through the eight episodes and I credit Lana with alot of that, so it felt right that hers was the deciding vote in the end. The Final Table, Nailed It and Is It Cake remain my personal favorites for Netflix baking/cooking competitions, but I don't feel like I wasted my time watching this. I hate myself for knowing that I would probably definitely watch more if this was renewed for more seasons.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Better than It Follows
17 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very quickly into this I got It Follows vibes and I, personally, do not like that movie. Yes, there were some great, creepy visuals in both of the movies, but I'll always love Fallen (1998) most for a movie where evil gets passed on from one to another.

In Smile, we see Sosie Bacon play Dr. Rose Cotter. While Sosie does great at acting like she's falling apart and going crazy, she is not at all believable as a therapist. The limited interaction we see her have with patients just isn't good. Her lack of urgency when calling for help to deal with Laura and her failure to do anything upon seeing a weapon in the hand of the patient she was evaluating was aggravating. She made zero effort to talk the woman down before harm was done.

Sticking with this after that moment, we see Rose getting no support from her fiancée who now seems worried that he's attached himself to a nutter. Rose's apparent ex, Joel, is much more helpful, though, when he's brought back into her life as one of the cops taking Rose's statement regarding what she saw Laura do.

When Rose visits the widow of Laura's dead professor and is told how the man said it was trying or wanted in him, I had a pretty good theory of what happens. Whatever this thing is, it attaches to you and torments you until you finally break and let it in, like we saw happen with Laura. Once it's in, you get the maniacal grin as a clue before "it" kills that victim, though it appears they're killing themselves. In her search for answers, Joel and Rose find one person who "survived" and he had to kill an innocent person to do it. So this thing wants a life and a witness to pass suffering on to. Rose seems to think that she can kill it, but I thought her only choice would be to kill herself without a witness to break the cycle. We were both wrong. Once this thing has you, it HAS you. It made Rose believe she had defeated it only to show her that that was all a mind game it was playing. It wasn't going die or let Rose die without a witness to move on to. I don't really know how I feel about that realization and the ending. I think I got what they were trying to say, but it was just anticlimactic. The pacing of this was just too slow to pack the punch I'm sure they wanted with that ending or maybe I've just seem this idea played out too many times now. In the end, I'm just disappointed because it's yet another new release that put all the best bits in the trailer and fails to deliver with the actual movie.
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Wreck (2022– )
Hostel on the high seas
17 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I binged this in a day and need more! What, at first, appears to viewers to be a killer in a duck costume turns out to be so much more than Jamie Walsh ever could have imagined when he got aboard the Sacramentum cruise ship to find out what happened there to his sister Pippa. I won't spoil it, but let "Hostel" be a hint. Though I hated that movie and loved this show. The show only has a few funny moments, so I agree with other reviews that say that, but it does have darkly comedic moments and lives up to the slasher horror categorization. Eventually. It does draw things out to give it more of a mystery feel for the overall plot. There's also more focus on developing relationships than one might like if they're only here for the horror, but I personally loved the mix of tone and themes. It's a bunch of young adults out on their own on the high seas, many for the first time, exploring their independence and sexuality while a growing number of crew come to realize that their employers are as Evil Corp as a company can get. Stay with this one til the end. It is worth it, even if you want to speed through the more teen drama moments.
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Hellraiser (2022)
21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of the original Hellraiser 1 and 2. As such, I really have got to stop watching anything else that they slap this label on. While some of the looks were cool, this had nothing else going for it. The Cenobites looked alien & the fact that the gods seemed to come down in a spacecraft just cemented them as being alien/extraterrestrial in origin. I remember there was a Hellraiser in space sequel back in the day that was utterly forgettable, to me, but maybe where this one was pulling the bulk of its inspiration. Regardless, I watched it. I hated it. I'll go rewatch the original again now.
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P-Valley (2020– )
Season 2 is far better than 1.
1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying this isn't the kind of show I normally watch, but some of my favorite shows are ones I never would have expected to enjoy. So I decided to give this series a watch before my Starz channel subscription ran out. That said, if you're at all curious about this but don't immediately vibe with it, you need to stick with this one.

Season 1 was a 5 star watch that I nearly quit after 2 episodes, but the Lil Murda and Uncle Clifford storyline was enough to keep me watching because I am a sucker for romances and I was rooting for them to find love together. That was the main draw for me to keep watching. The athleticism of everyone that took to the poles in both seasons was amazing and another reason to keep watching. Autumn's storyline just wasn't as compelling to me as it should have been given the focus it got. Mercedes was the better character in season one because the acting was better from Brandee Evans, in my opinion. Keyshawn's storyline was another one that didn't hook me. I sympathized and get that she's a beautiful, talented sweetheart of a woman played excellently by Shannon Janai Thornton, but the abuse storyline was a little triggering and is my least favorite part of the whole series even if it's a very real portrayal of situations many people are in or have been through. So with all the highs and lows, I was pretty meh about the first season.

Then the first episode of season 2 started playing and they immediately had me with how they brought the panorama into the world of P-Valley. So much of season 2 dealt with real REAL events from the last few years (has it only been 2?) and it was done in such a way that you couldn't watch without remembering how it was for you and feeling all of it all over again because we've all been through things since 2020 and I connected so much more to this show and the characters for how they brought it all to the story. Season 2 was a 10 out of 10 and this is probably the only show made better by Covid. Not only did the incorporation of more real life situations make the whole show better, but the returning characters all felt more developed and many newcomers were just excellent adds. The growth of Woddy's character and the developments with Diamond were especially good, in my opinion. Whisper's character brought such an ethereal air to the show, I love her look and character. Big Teak's character just breaks the heart with what he brought to the season and John Clarence Stewart played that part brilliantly. I loved the paranormal vibe in many of the episodes like the Paradise Room being haunted after season 1 and Whisper maybe being otherworldly and Diamond having a magic touch and people seeing lost loved ones like ghosts. Lil Murda continued to steal the show for me and solidified himself as my favorite character by far. J. Alphonse Nicholson just nails the bravado, vulnerability, strength and weakness of the character and so much of his best work is just the expressions and gestures he uses. Everything emotes and speaks volumes.. He was good in season 1, but season 2 was award worthy and he should be nominated for and awarded all of the awards possible, in my opinion. As I said, I'm a sucker for romances, especially the angsty ones, and the Lil Murda/Uncle Clifford storyline remained my favorite part of the series. That scene where Cliff was hiding on one side of the door with LaMarques trying to apologize on the other side was one of those moments where the gestures spoke volumes because the way they both touched their side of the door as Lil Murda left was just gutwrenching but so simple and beautiful. I need Katori Hall to start writing romance novels and get one out asap for the Cliff/LaMarques relationship because I want to read it. I want all the details and thoughts and feelings that she imagines for those characters because seeing it is one thing, reading it and letting it play out in your own mind is another and I want it ALL!

All said, this is another show that I love and never expected to even like. For both seasons, the stories and characters are real and relatable. Sometimes too real. The writing and acting are just getting better and I join everyone else demanding a season 3 because there is so much more potential. I'm serious about the romance novels, too. I don't really read plays, but I am tempted to buy whatever Amazon has for me to read by her.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
Doesn't need to exist.
15 August 2022
I saw the 1994 miniseries and liked it well enough. I wasn't enthusiastic about this remake or reboot, whatever they consider it, but I've got Paramount+ and thought I'd watch it. I had to force myself to watch it all and I have no idea why I did that except it provided background noise for a day of work. I should rate this on its own merit without comparing it to the original, but I refuse to do that when the 1994 version exists and is far superior to an extent where this really should not exist. I like many of the actors in this cast, but they're nowhere near as good as the 1994 casting. The way the story was told in the 1994 version was so much better than the non-linear choice for this. This version is nearly 2 and a half hours longer than the 1994 version yet it adds nothing of value and the characters were better developed in the shorter version. I connected to none of them in this version because it was all about being slick and superficial. The characters that annoyed me in 1994 are only more annoying in this version. Lloyd Henreid and Trashcan Man were ruined in this version and I liked them both in the previous. A lot of that is down to casting because Nat Wolff and Ezra Miller are nowhere near the quality of actors that Miguel Ferrer and Matt Frewer were. I might have given this another star or two if had ended in eight episodes but the ninth was the nail in the coffin that buries this for me. Episode 9 is one of the single worst and most pointless things I have ever watched and it just puts the whole series in that category. The 1994 version was not perfect and absolutely could have been improved upon but this does absolutely nothing to make a better adaptation. This version does not need to exist and you are missing NOTHING if you never watch it.
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The Lake (2022– )
It grew on me.
14 August 2022
This show hits the ground running with Justin's awkwardness and TMI verbal diarrhea. Sometimes that can work, usually it becomes a cringey fail so I was hesitant but unwilling to judge just off the pilot episode. The characters quickly grew on me, especially Billie and Riley who are my favorite characters for how natural they come across. Seriously, I LOVE Riley and will be looking for more of Travis Nelson's work after seeing he was also in Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010).

Julia Stiles was the only name known to me in the cast and she is excellent as the evil step-sister. Jerry O'Connell, another actor I'm familiar with, has an appearance as a loathsome character that I think the show could have done without.

Overall, it's a very well cast and acted show. It isn't flawless or a laugh riot, but I enjoyed the community, family and generational issues explored.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
I love this so much!!!!!
1 August 2022
This is not a cartoon for kids and my love for it was instantaneous. I binged seasons 1 and 2 and will be keeping my Paramount+ subscription going so that I don't miss season 3. I love the colors and how things are drawn. I love the stories and humor. This had me smiling and laughing out loud so often while I watched it. Episode 2x08, I, Excretus, was one of the funniest things ever and I do not care what that says about my sense of humor. And the way I giggled at the absolute NOTHING that the Borg do on their lower decks through the end credits of 2x09, Wej Duj, is a credit to all the perfect little details they put into this series. I will be rewatching this and already know a few episodes that will become a go to for me when I need a laugh or pick me up. I have already watched that Fail Me scene from 2x08 until my face hurt, I was crying and I could not BREATHE from all the laughing.
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Heels (2021–2023)
I was not expecting that.
1 August 2022
I just finished binging this and I am very impressed. Professional wrestling is something I enjoyed for a time before the dark side started coming to light so my knowledge and feelings on the sport are mixed. I do classify it as a sport because of the athleticism of and physical demands on the participants. CM Punk is someone I became a fan of through his appearances on Talking Dead, but I've since come to know and respect his story as a wrestler. His participation in this is evident not only in his role of Ricky Rabies, but also in the rather notorious incident that really happened to CM in a match and is depicted as happening to Wild Bill in episode 8. No spoilers. If you know, you KNOW. I put this up top of my review because CM was an absolute highlight for me and I was tickled whenever I got a reference related to his real life despite my not really being into wrestling during his career.

That said, let's talk Heels! This show focuses on a small, independent regional promotion of wrestling instead of the big circus of WWE, so we see a lot more of the passion and heart than the darkness of the industry. While racism, sexism, drug abuse, the physical and mental toll and the literal cost versus the financial benefit of wrestling are all touched on, those bigger issues don't weigh down the story and may well be missed by a casual viewer. The manipulated drama of kayfabe as it is on display to the fans and playing out behind the scenes is well done to make a viewer understand it and sympathize with the performers. The push by bigger promotions to obliterate small, independent ones is real and well portrayed. The characters and stories have heart and the wrestling action is well done. There should be more of the wrestling action in a drama like this, but I like the focus on building the ensemble this first season. Stephen Amell and Chris Bauer did so well with their roles. This was my introduction to Kelli Berglund and I loved her as Crystal. I also really enjoyed Trey Tucker as Bobby Pin. The characters of Diego and Apocalypse needed a little more building, for me, but they were definitely likable. Alexander Ludwig did a great job as Ace, but he just isn't the kind of character that I'm drawn to.

I'll close by saying that this show was an excellent surprise, but it shouldn't have been because the Starz network just keeps putting out stuff I love to watch. I highly recommend you give this a try and I hope there will be more seasons to come.
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The Gray Man (2022)
I'm here for it.
27 July 2022
Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling in the same movie is more than enough to make me watch. The action is near constant, which is a plus and minus as it doesn't allow time for too much plot or character development but it looks awesome. On the surface it's a spy versus spy movie, but at the core it's about a morally questionable man on a mission to save a little girl. Personally, for me, nothing will beat Léon: The Professional (1994) when it comes to that particular trope, but Six's interactions with Claire are good enough. Regé-Jean Page is absolutely wasted in this in his role as the CIA office man orchestrating things mostly behind the scenes. Chris, though, always has the most fun as a bad guy and that comes through here in his character of Lloyd Hansen. Lloyd's line "Extra ten million to the first guy to put a bullet in the Ken doll's brain" wins the whole movie for me. I have seen images of Ryan as Ken in the upcoming Barbie movie and I was thinking about the contrast in these roles early on in this movie so when Lloyd said that, I did a spit-take. Loved that line and would have loved more Lloyd. There were a few other good moments of humor, nice touches of heart with Six and Fitzroy and overall good cast chemistry. There are some issues, like the Michael Bay levels of wanton destruction in some scenes, but it's highly watchable and a good effort for Netflix's take on an action blockbuster for the summer.
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Skymed (2022– )
Needs improvement.
16 July 2022
The casting and cinematography are great. The acting is very good. It has potential and was very watchable as a background show while I worked. The defencities are in the writing and pacing. For the writing, it is, at times, trite, predictable, melodramatic and overall shallow. It has good bones, but everything in the storylines needs more fleshing out and depth to be truly good. For the pacing, everything is ridiculously fast, adding to the shallowness of the overall show because all issues are resolved so quickly while the focus shifts from one thing to another. Everything is like cliff notes or a speed read instead of getting the full story for the people and places showcased. Those people and places deserve to have real, rich stories told about them. I would gladly watch more seasons, but I hope to see better utilization of the cast and location.
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Flawed, but engrossing.
25 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw this coming with Bae Doona (Sense8) and Gong Yoo (Train to Busan) in the trailer the show went to the top of my watch list. I didn't really know what to expect, but knew it would be good just from those two being in it. The acting was great. Many of the concepts and plot points were excellent. I personally loved the Aliens vibe from the first few episodes and knew there had to be a Newt like character as soon as I saw those tunnels for navigating the base. The idea of Lunar Water was fascinating in its possibilities and dangers. There are some parts that are needlessly drawn out and hurt the momentum of the story. Like Taesuk's death - OMFG I swear he's probably still alive up there. The ending, sadly, is where it fails. It gets ridiculous in its efforts to make emotional impacts and instead robs many events of the significance they should have had. I question so many of the choices in writing for the last episode, but I was definitely with the show from start to finish. It was good, but should have been great with all that it had going for it. And I would really love it if someone could explain to me the significance of the starfish that the infected saw.
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