
64 Reviews
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The Mare (I) (2020)
Midnight movie
3 June 2024
This movie has terrific atmosphere and is beautifully lit with fine camera work. A very moody midnight kind of movie for sure, but apropriately so. I appreciated too the director's very serious approach to the entire narrative. Many movies of this very familiar genre, especially low budget films like this, come off way too goofy with questionable acting and poor direction, but not the case here. It seems there was a lot of special care given to presenting the story, as tense and disturbing as it all is, in a strangely believable way, helped along by genuine performances from the entire cast, especially from the boy playing the lead. Check this one out. I enjoyed it, maybe you will too.
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Scooter LaForge Wuz Here!
4 May 2024
There are times during the film when I would like to see Scooter LaForge jump up and down with just some of the excitement I am feeling watching him calmly share all this relentless, playful brilliance, but that's me, not him, and if there's one thing clear throughout Ethan Minsker's lovingly detailed portrait, it is LaForge's almost level-headed sense of self, baffling contrast to the wildly surreal eclecticism on display. The paintings can collectively at first glance feel excessively and always flamboyantly busy until you narrow on that one certain thing, or many things, inside the frame that speaks to you especially, at which point you find yourself irrevocably involved, usually with a smile. And as specific to brushstroke art as LaForge's work is, there are underlying lessons, maybe even warnings here for all artists-to-be, regardless of form or discipline, because for all the talk of art this is as much a story of survival. Survival gained through hard work, self-discipline, self-reflection, and even reinvention.

Drawing upon his apparent endless arsenal of visual brilliance, be it festive graphics, stop motion, or perfectly paced edits, Ethan Minsker breathes adoring life into his familiar subject, wholly in tune with Scooter LaForge's world, so much so that if you didn't know better you might just assume LaForge made it himself and that's great filmmaking. Highly recommended.
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Hemisphere (2023)
Impactful Indie film
2 February 2024
As interesting and as obviously impressive as the Sci-Fi production values truly are, writer-director Chris Maes wisely chose to focus most of his minimalist budget and affecting narrative on his two excellent and very attractive female leads, their imperfect relationship and the desperate circumstances they are forced to solve as a team if they are to survive. The close interplay between the two felt very dramatic yet wholly natural and unforced and held my undivided attention throughout which speaks really well for this first time feature film director and his very talented crew from which I am eager to see more.
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21 November 2023
It's not often that I rate a film this highly, but Contemplations deserves to be seen, more accurately, experienced, not only for its mesmerizingly spectacular, wholly immersive visuals -- a tapestry unlike anything you may have seen before, running parallel and in complete harmony to this documentary's expert interviews and opinions -- but also to be applauded for its sensitive and balanced approach to what is perhaps one of civilizations least talked about but rapidly evolving movements, the psychedelic underground, here focused on Australia's psychedelic experience, but with implications worldwide. A cautionary tale, masterfully displayed.
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Timely and moving.
13 November 2023
Very effective design and use of wide screen cinematography that in lesser hands could've come off extremely pretentious, but not here where the pacing and concept of using Vegas' overwhelming visuals of wealth and greed so prominently, serves to draw us into the lonely, real world day to day struggles of the desperate characters. Vegas posing as a permanent canvas to the overt spiritual poverty within the immediate reach of mega casinos works very well and the performances feel authentic and well cast. The story is timely and very moving and everyone involved should be proud in presenting this powerful film.
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The Menu (2022)
Stupid bore
22 July 2023
Quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen or hope to ever see. Thank God I didn't pay to see it. Ralph Fiennes trying desperately to channel the Silence of the Lambs' Hannibal Lecter. A perfect ensemble gathering of lame, pathetically passive progressives, too dumb and cowardly to take action when absolutely necessary. Felt like a really bad Netflix movie from start to finish. You have to wonder about the mentality of the producers who threw this of nonscence together. What would they do if they had a brain. Really too mindless and purely stupid to go on and on about. Save your time and money for better things. Complete drivel.
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An Indie Gem
27 March 2023
There's no question that this carefully crafted very original indie is an impressive calling card for its perfectly cast star, and not a word I use lightly, Lorissa Julianus, but it's much more than just that. One quickly puts aside the fact that this is a low budget indie. It simply defies the checklist of what we've come to expect from the classification. Great, sexy costumes for its formfitting star, surprisingly smart and inventive locations, clever dialogue, and carefully cast character roles throughout, animate this narrative with production values far too often missing from independent productions. Prepare yourself for a madcap ride through religion and art in ways I believe will surprise you as much as they did me.
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Extramundane (2022)
A rare indie gem!
6 February 2023
A darkly funny covid indie from writer/director Joshua Sowden who quite cleverly manages to weave and sustain remarkable tension and suspense within the near-claustrophobic confines of a covid distressed LA apartment complex ripe for fear and trepidation. I could be wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me if Sowden took some of his inspiration from Polanski's earlier films. In fact, the excellent and at times funny cast (see Covid Ass Kicker) can hold their own against many a big budget - big name production. Good camera work and skilled preparation make it easy to loose yourself in this well-paced horror-thriller. The awards and nominations are certainly deserved with more to come I am sure. Enjoy as I did.
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Stranger things...
15 April 2021
Interesting spoof-like supernatural-sci-fi mix with a good cast and energetic direction. Kept me guessing throughout.
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Fun take on Noir 40's films!
2 December 2020
I'm guessing the writer/director likes the movie "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid" as much or even more than I do. For an indie flick, Trouble's production values are much higher than usual, even impressive, and it's great to discover another homage to the Noir Film Era that lives up to the genre's cynicism, fatalism, and moral ambiguity. Give this one a shot. All the awards well deserved.
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An Indie Gem!
2 December 2020
Dynamic, well-crafted indie drama, both thoughtful and fun, written and directed with unwavering passion, with acting so genuine and nuanced I thought I'd seen this terrific cast somewhere before. Not the last we'll see from this team I hope.
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Tense and timely Indie
20 November 2020
If you think zombie apocalypse movies have run their course, think again. This award winner, made on a micro budget, seems to have at its core a real passion for the movies that gave birth to this genre in the first place, not the slick Hollywood stuff bleeding more cash than effort. Darn good acting throughout and I hope to see more from this ambitious team, maybe with a real budget., they sure deserve it.
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The Mentor (2020)
Bizarre Film school nightmare
11 November 2020
All the references and swipes at Werner Herzog aside, this film school nightmare appears to have been inspired more by David Mamet, a favorite of mine. True to indie form, The Mentor is minimalist start to finish, and perfectly scaled to both subject matter and lifestyles of wannabe writers and directors, a world not foreign to me. Standout performances and dialogue kept me engaged throughout. Just glad I'm not in film school anymore. Watch this and you can save yourself the expense.
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1 November 2020
This is truly a great documentary and discovery with some amazing life lessons. Do give this uplifting film a look. You will not regret the experience that awaits you.
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Solid Indie Thriller!
24 October 2020
If you're like me and you like good creepy psychological thrillers with a steady build and intense camera work then this is a film for you. I'm sure the director could have done more with a real budget and more time, but hey, this is a low budget indie film, and good one at that. Come to it with realistic expectations, enough popcorn to see you through to the surprise ending! and you'll have a good time. I did, despite some of the ridiculously nasty comments I read here.
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Reaptown (2020)
Creepy good! Thumbs up!
20 October 2020
Great creepy locations and cinematography at the core of this terrific indie thriller. Amazing what low budget indies can pull together with a passionate cast, solid direction and plenty of imagination. Good, serious performances from the young leads too which go a long way to making us believe the strangeness of the situation. Don't pass this one up and perfect for Halloween!
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Struggling Artist's Journey
20 October 2020
At the core of this gut-wrenching drama is a father-daughter relationship desperately in need of repair, if not an actual intervention. But here it addresses a world that is often misunderstood and seldom revealed - that of classical music training and the uniquely skilled sensitivity required in the instruction of children, some beginning their instruments as young as five years old. In this case a violinist and her famous pianist father. But make no mistake, this could just as easily have been about a young gymnast and her trainer or a young dancer and her back stage mother. Beneath all the great music and the tumultuous emotion it's important to remember that the music being interpreted by children in training was in most cases composed by mature artists from another age and often times old enough to be the young instrumentalist's grandfather. I like here that the young violinist, played wonderfully by Rachel Ann in her feature film debut, kept her love of music alive by experimenting with other forms of music, seen here as an act of sympathetic rebellion to her father's overly disciplined concert world. Give this indie film a watch. All the festival awards well-deserved.
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Fun and timely indie movie!
15 October 2020
Terrific performance by a winning young cast and a waterfall of well paced dialogue are the driving forces behind this fun and timely indie comedy. The festival wins and nominations all well-deserved. Put away your phones and watch this entertaining movie.
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Compelling Cinema
20 September 2020
Things are never quite as they seem, and this movie transports us into a world unlike most of us will ever be forced to enter. Good, sympathetic performances and spot on direction make this a compelling experience
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Checkmate (II) (2019)
A good movie!
19 September 2020
If this is an indie mystery/thriller, it certainly doesn't look like it! Not for a second. Terrific action together with stunning drone work put this movie firmly in the Mission and Bourne catagory. Wrap that around good performances from an unknown cast that I'm sure we'll be seeing more of in the future and you've got an exciting movie.
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Shadowlands (2020 TV Movie)
Quite good!
18 September 2020
I really liked the camera style, performances and storyline here. An interesting and beautiful journey with stunning locations that never disappoint. Highly recommended.
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A powerful series!
15 September 2020
Putting a film like this together is the very definition of being human. The performances are so eerily direct and compelling that one can easily forget that these are actors speaking for the executed. Compliments to the filmmakers for bringing alive these important statements and for their extremely sensitive and original script. Highly recommended.
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Silent Panic (2018)
A good thriller!
12 September 2020
Really liked the dynamic between the three young leads, everyone actually flowed very naturally and believable in this emotionally gripping thriller about what to do with a dead body they find while hiking. It's more about the human interaction and the twisted ramifications decisions both good and bad can have on our psyche. This is a good indie film well worth viewing.
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Druid Peak (2014)
A must see!
12 September 2020
Jaw dropping Yellowstone locations and a compelling tale bring man and nature together in a warm, heartfelt journey of discovery and reconciliation. It measures up against some of Disney's greatest nature adventures. Stunning photography and memorable performances make this a must see movie experience, and those wolves!.
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All that's missing is the popcorn!
10 September 2020
Great use of minimal locations help to impact the urgency and reality in this heart stopping indie horror flick. Powerful jump scares kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. All that's missing is a dark room and the popcorn.
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