
7 Reviews
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Flipped (2015)
What a trip
14 April 2016
What can I say? This movie starts out like it's going to be a "chick flick" romance type of movie. It starts with a couple of known actors in a café for lunch, (They even sign an autograph or 2) But after they get into her car the movie takes a definite turn as somehow... they wind up upside down crashed and near helpless. Michael Madsen provides the perfect voice as the "bad guy" as the film becomes a psychological battle between the Madsen character and the actress played by Stella Maeve. This is certainly a movie of which type I've never seen before. Definitely a movie to watch. Enjoy it by yourself or with a group but very hard to predict how the movie will end.
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Alienated (II) (2015)
14 April 2016
With a name like "Alienated" you might think this is a sci-fi or commentary on society type of movie. NOPE, it's about relationships. one in particular of a married couple struggling with their marital issues. But it does start with a man seeing a UFO, By definition a UFO is unexplained, he tells his wife and she doesn't buy it. Then the problems start as the movie breaks down into everything both of the couple have issues with regarding their marriage... such as kids(none) and so on. I've personally never seen anything like it and think they left enough room for a sequel. The movie does hit the nail on the head when it goes into the dialog the husband and wife talk/yell at each other and not wanting to give away the ending, it's best for me to say "watch it".
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Don't Blink (2014)
14 April 2016
While not sure as to how to truly "label" this film... it's definitely a worth watching movie. The characters are varied and balance out with each other. I don't want to give it away so I will write what I was thinking as I watched it. This is the type of movie I personally think is best to see without reading the promo. Watch it that way and you will understand why. At first it seems TOO peaceful, ... and yes it is... at first. It doesn't take long however for the viewer (and characters) to realize something's amiss. The bully kid from "A Christmas Story" is all grown up and plays a major role in the film as is also Mena Suvari. All in all a good watch. Keep the lights off for maximum enjoyment.
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This movie is a trip
16 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is ... well I'm not sure WHAT to say about it. Engrossing? A definite must watch for all the technophiles out there? Maybe even the exact opposite of all the technophiles. The concept is, a tech company with a major programmer who's helped with some others creates the ultimate big brother computer. The programmer downloads his conscious into the computer and gains immortality, which is exactly what he was trying to do. A new freelance programmer is hired because he needs major legal help, (and money) to avoid jail, but finds he's in over his head. From the anti technophiles point of view this is the ULTIMATE scare, the computer DICTATES reality, it video records the future as it sees it TO HAPPEN. The government (pro technophiles side) wants this technology for obvious reasons ... someone spits on the sidewalk the cop is there waiting 5 minutes before they do it with a citation. The new programmer and several other employees of the company go mad searching for immortality. It comes with a price. The movie is well written, acted, and the first time I watched it, completely tripped me out. Some will love it, others will run away from the concept.
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The Historian (2014)
Slightly offbeat but good watch
10 February 2016
This was an interesting movie, I have no idea if it's based on any real circumstances but it's an overall good watch. Not for children,... but if you want something that will keep your interest this is for you. Not a violent movie, very believable characters and well written on a somewhat overlooked subject, (History for crying out loud! The Main character is new to the school he's teaching at.) It does a good job of showing what the state of education sadly has become, ...A business! No longer concerned with actually educating students the education system is only trying to make money! I will certainly watch this movie multiple times. Aided by the main actor, Miles Doleac's personal history (Including a PhD!) His portrayal is spot on. This movie has sparked my desire to watch MORE independent films. It made me wonder what I've been missing by not going off the mainstream.
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Good watch
7 February 2016
Simply put... I LIKED this movie. I'm SOOOOO not into horror movies but the action added in to the horror element makes this a very good watch. Not for children, but good story and kept me guessing... who lives? who dies? who's the "badguy?" Nice twist and well put together. Character development and acting definitely on par. Hope there will be a sequel because the possibilities for more development are surely in place, Comics? Novels? Maybe a video game? Nice use of blood and gore and guts (and sex) without taking it to the level of cheesiness. The kind of movie I wish I could produce myself. New word comes out of this... CREXY, ... crazy + sexy = crexy.
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Back woods zombies and satire arise!
21 November 2015
Man oh man! What can I say? Without revealing what it is,... the opening scene of this movie IMMEDIATELY grabbed my attention and I couldn't tear myself away until the picture was finished. If nothing else I HAD to watch and see just HOW the outcome would turn out. Modern times with zombies taking over the film/TV industry this movie fits right in... and more. We can ALL use a little Hans for our troubled times. Now I have to hold myself down and wait for the sequel(s). Grab the popcorn and the mixed drinks and watch it. This one is destined to be a cult classic! Now where did I put my chainsaw? ... and my Jack Daniels?
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