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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Another disappointment. They just say F..k this f..k that
14 April 2024
Why westernize it? The good thing about the book is that it makes sense, it is contextually linked. We cannot identify with these characters, everything is too rushed, too cramped. The dialogues are BAD. Noone feels real. And can Netflix writers form two consecutive sentences without using the F word? Yes you are cool we get it, but it just sounds vulgar nothing else.

Oxford five is a group of losers, these are not scientists at all. The big bang theory gives us more believable scientists, these are just talking... nothing serves for the story. Auggie is just irksome, i dont even care if she dies, while Wang Miao was a beautifully written character. Another disappointment.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Omashu (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Why not bring everything together in a single episode?
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Omashu was one of my favourite episodes in ATLA. The fun they had, Bumi and Aang's friendship, cabbage man. Here Aang learned how to think outside the box. It was great.

And now here... jet, Machinist, teo, azula and the gang, Ozai ... everything is jumbled up in a single episode and stripped of their significance in the story. Each character, each episode bears importance, but neflix doesnt seem to think so. Soka is suddenly a genius, they didnt care to hint at it before, Aang teaches Katara waterbending somehow. ... and he doesnt know Bumi?

And Netflix, Katara is Aang's waterbending master first and foremost, here they try to rush north, because he wouldnt learn from a girl? And Teo is self sufficient, he was never pushed by anyone, he always steered his chair. Here Aang pushing him is a big disgrace.
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Gorgeous effects, failure of characters
22 February 2024
First things first, they did a top notch job with visual effects. Bending techniques, the way the elements connect with the bodies of the characters, the places all look wonderful. They bring the world alive. However, that is not what ATLA is about. In order for the characters to have their development we need to see their interaction, we need to see their characters, that is why we love the characters in the cartoon. Here the characters are all over the place. There is no goofiness, they are all too serious which bothers.

Also, showing things subtly, inserting the message between the lines is the strength of the cartoon. Here they deliver ling winded, empty, and bland speeches that do not move us.
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Doctor Who: The Star Beast (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Ooh how I missed Doctor Donna
26 November 2023
This is doctor who, brilliant strategy by RTD. Bringing Tennant and Tate together hopefully will revive the soul of Doctor who. The pacing is fine, acting is brilliant. The conflict and the resolution are perfect. Their synergy together is phenomenal. I loved the little jokes inserted here and there. After 3 years of agonizingly bad episodes this episode brought back hope.

There are of course some over the top scenes. I dont like the new tardis design, the intro and outro are too flashy. Why does it have to be like a disco ball? I cannot wait for the rest of the episodes. Rtd delivered again.
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Profane pseudo intellectualism at best
17 October 2023
This is a slur on Poe's legacy I had high hopes for this, and at the beginning the atmosphere and the eerie music felt like this show would deliver. But then everything went awry with cheap funny overlong exposés of the children with whom noone would be able to form a swnsible connection. It is as if those parts were filmed by someone else and glued to the gothic narrative by force. Everyone swearing their brains out as if they cannot speak without uttering a swear word at every sentence is desteuctive to the legacy of Poe, who never needed such underhanded tactics to draw attention. No need to swear, no need for nudity and sex, he used the best of language and poetry to arouse the imagination to action. This drivel wont let you immerse yourself into the narrative at all.

This is the problem of the new age pseudo intellectuals, grabbing at meaning behind even the grotesque, meaningless gibberish.

Edit: The last two episodes left me speechless. They are boring, terrible, stretched out I dont know why, lots of didactic nonsense that can work on a 5 year old maybe, terrible terrible dialogue, worse horror scenes. This was the worst thing i have had the misfortune to watch. I regret having exposed myself to such profanity.
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Red Notice (2021)
Cheesy and boring
28 August 2023
This is what cinema and tv have come to, put in some handsome and beautiful actors, throw around some cgi, make terrible jokes, put in a twist that has been done a million times befortheythe film is Cheesy, terrible script, terrible acting, terrible jokes, terrible cgi, terrible twist. People will watch it and like it just because Ryan Reynolds, Gal Gadot and The Rock are here, and they did not put in the slightest effort at all. The plot is very mediocre, the wrtiting is terribly boring. I fell asleep at least 4 times. Physics don't apply at all. The twist tries to be clever but fails at every level.
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Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful (2023)
Season 6, Episode 1
Disappointingly cheesy
18 June 2023
This is too simple to be Black Mirror. Black Mirror used to be subtle, brilliant, and covert. Its criticism was never the criticism of a 7 year old blurting things out, showing directly. It used to make you think, make you use your mind. This is too basic, yes we all know terms and conditions are dangerous if not read, yes we know streaming services work like that etc. The colours are too artificial, the tone is childish, and the comedy is incredibly basic. Are we supposed to laugh at the laughable performances, jokes, and the terrible acting? Profanity has become a staple in contemporary tv and cinema, and f... this f... that is not Black Mirror smart. Disappointing.
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Barbarian (2022)
Unimaginatively bad
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am appalled by the high scores this film is getting, and i fail to get the reason.

The film starts off promising, good hints, no jumpscares, good music. We do not get to know the chatacters, but it feels okay. Then suddenly we jump to a very lighthearted sequence, and it drags on and on, erasing any feeling of thrill we had. Then the stupidity begins, very stupid escapes, very stupid reason to go back and save a person you knew for 3 seconds, bad monster design wgich makes no sense at all, 40 years is not enough time to cause such a mutation, horrible thought, a very cheesy "am i good or bad" monologue by a character that we dont care about, and a very cheesy running away scene that destroys any backing that monologue might have had... Dont waste your time.
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Congratulations for the least shocking reveals ever
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible writing strikes back. I would have given -2 if I could.

They believe they are too clever when people already called out their big reveals of gandalf and sauron in episode 1. How incompetent can this show be. Everything contradicts itself in the show. All the plot is driven by sheer luck and coincidence where guyladriel pushed saurons plan instead of him. Feminem slim lady plot is dumb. Harfoots are terrible. There is no logic to the magic in the show. Lots of storylines were useless and happened just because.

Oh man and the acting... you picked the most terrible actor ever, she cannot use any mimics but that mouse mouth.
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Low rating caused by the film Troy
8 January 2022
Do not be fooled by the low ratings by people who are popcorn cinema watchers. I am not saying this is the best depiction Troy could get but it is pretty decent. Acting is good, it is more faithful to the original story (in fact bringing together these minor details from the whole story is an accaomplishment in itself). People say it is boring, yes maybe for people who has never read, or herd of the Illiad. The real epic is much closer to this. People comparing this to Troy are laughable, because Troy is a real mess, it is a shadow of the original (though I enjoy watching it for a better version of Hector).
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Outsiders (2021– )
Not bad
14 November 2021
Watching sraightforward tasks delivered with David's flare is fun. But the tasks fall short of extra fun and creativity Taskmaster offers. Comparing the show to another is not always fair, but it is inevitable. Vtrs are not edited that well, and the contestants are having fun, but it fails to deliver the fun to the audience fully. Still fun, great lineup and of course David Mitchell.
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Squid Game (2021– )
What do people see in this?
10 October 2021
I fail to see what got people so hyped about this. It is slow, veeeeryyy predictable, characters not relatable at all, long winded bathetic (yes that is a word) scenes, borderline annoying characters, no skill or smarts needed only luck, very poorly written "twists" that fail to be twists and so on... This is a huuuggeee disappointment.
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Wonderful jon again
31 July 2021
Kenshin live actions have been the best live actions ever and this last installment does not disappoint. Although they left out my favourite part of the OVA (the beginning, Hiko saving Shinta) they perfectly brought Kenshin to life. We will miss the man that makes it rain blood.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
95 film was waayyy better
25 April 2021
Terrible acting from all ezcept Hiroyuki Sanada and Chin Han. Kano is suuposed to be funny??? I am sorry, but couldnt they find an actor that could speak a little better English for Rayden? Liu kang here looks like a 15 year old. And the story... Terrible. Dialogues fail. And they destroyed the beautiful original music. The first 7 minutes was the best (if not the only good) part of the film.
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Eat Pray Love (2010)
Hedonistic borefest
1 April 2021
Well it was boring. None of her motives are believable. None of her epiphanies real. She is just after her own hedonistic ideals. Phony, Selfish and Boring.
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Haikyu!! (2014–2020)
What the hell happened to the animation in Season 4?
7 November 2020
I love the show, but the animation is really really bad in season 4 part 2. No action, they draw empty spaces and the ball just goes there. Full of freeze frames. I can hardly bring myself to watch it.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Not too shabby
27 September 2020
It is not too deep, not too exquisite but it is still not too bad. Funny at places, Sherlock is not bad, but i hated the portrayal of Mycroft. Some details could be polished, a little more of her education could be shown, etc.
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The Mentalist: Red John (2013)
Season 6, Episode 8
After 6 years of mystery..
25 July 2020
Red John was one of the greatest villains in TV history. The 6 year chase was great and it built RJ up to a person on par with, nay, even better than Patrick Jane. The reveal was abrupt, unthought of before and not satisfying. Then again there were moments of excellence in Baker's performance.
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Your Name. (2016)
Just perfect
21 June 2020
Perfect story, perfect music, perfect drawing, everything about it is perfect.
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Doctor Who: The Haunting of Villa Diodati (2020)
Season 12, Episode 8
Save the poet, save the universe
21 February 2020
We need more episodes like this. Great suspense, great villain, great conflict, and great characters. Mary Shelley was awesome. Percy as well. Even the companions were ok.
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Doctor Who: Praxeus (2020)
Season 12, Episode 6
3 idiots roaming... Good idea
4 February 2020
Yes Graham found the perfect name for the group. I didnt want to insult them but after this episode this name fits perfectly to this trio especially Ryan... Pleaasee somebody save DW from this drudgery
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Doctor Who: Praxeus (2020)
Season 12, Episode 6
Emotional crap again
4 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
3 companions is not enough so why not add 6 more people to drag the story along.... (Suki was ok) Yaz who doesnt know Tesla can check and read and understand complicated alien tech? Yeah of course. Ryan the epitome of uselesssness... Emotional drudgery... Aliens who cant shoot 4 people one of whom is carried by the others, shooting lasers, but the ex cop gets the alien gun which he never had seen before and shoots perfectly... Reaaalllly bad acting by... All. Aaanndd another in your face environmental message to which we want to yell WE KNOW! So we should watch every other episode.
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Doctor Who: Fugitive of the Judoon (2020)
Season 12, Episode 5
At long last a great episode
28 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was perfect. Lots of Galiffreyan mysteries, timeline problems, the Judoon Platoon... Near the lagoon, and of course BORROWMAN (Punches the air). Now this is worthy of Doctor Who. Thank you Jack Harkness for saving us from time with the companions. Without them it is much more thrilling, much better flowing.
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Doctor Who: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror (2020)
Season 12, Episode 4
This was good
20 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
See how great a change is caused by not focusing on the companions' drama (especially Ryan's). This episode was good in general. Good action, good acting by the Tesla actor, not so much interference and distraction by the companions, good portrayal of rivalry of Tesla and Edison, brilliant doctor moments,... There were a few bad things like the monster's costume but you can ignore them when most of the episode makes up for it. Please keep it up. We love the doctor and want to see brilliance like this.
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Doctor Who: Orphan 55 (2020)
Season 12, Episode 3
Too much cheesy morality
14 January 2020
Unfortunate after 2 brilliant, almost as good as mediocre pre Whittaker seasons episodes this was again season 11 material. The story could again have potential. Too much rushing into things, random, no good characters, unnecessary family drama, unnecessary companion sidestories, unnecessary Ryan... and at the end, unnecessary, cheesy delivery of primary school. Doctor who fans are generally speaking above a certain level of awareness and therefore look for things that might spur their imagination. Hopefully this was the blacksheep of this season.
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