
20 Reviews
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Refreshing Home Invasion Thriller
18 December 2020
I watched this cool thriller with my girlfriend the other night and we found it pretty entertaining. Some cool twists that you wouldn't expect at first glance, and the ending has a rewarding payoff. Check it out!
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Cool Creepy Journey
11 December 2020
This cool, crime thriller takes you into the swampy landscapes of Florida with this tale. Paul and Zoe take a break from eachother and just as it is in real life, sometime evil takes it chance to creep in when you aren't as strong anymore.

Paul's journey back to Zoe leads to some dark confrontations and this all makes for an interesting and creepy dramatic affair. Watch it with your girlfriend so she doesn't run off on you ;')

This is a wonderful film
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The Stalker (III) (2020)
Creepy and Realistic
10 November 2020
Watching this film with some friends on the weekend, we thought it was pretty well creepy just because it felt realistic in how the stalker would infiltrate the lives of his prey.

Interesting cinematography too because it would seem all scenes were filmed with the ambient lighting that existed in each setting. For example a hallway of the home where the characters would congregate to talk about something that happened would be more so dimly lit, which seemed realistic to me.

I'd say check this out!
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Intense and Vengeful
10 November 2020
I watched this with my family and we were pretty captivated.

It's been a while since we watched a cool crime, catch a killer type drama and this one shouldn't be missed.

I like the theme of how one must become a monster to catch monsters.

Cool soundtrack and some standout performances as well.
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Great Music and Spirit
10 November 2020
I watched this film with my girlfriend. The music is excellent and we both really enjoyed the characters. This film has a good message as well about faith and being confident in finding your true meaning.

I'm a big fan of the county rock and roll theme as well. Man I wish seeing concerts!

I think it can related to a lot of good folks out there who need something uplifting to watch.
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Reaptown (2020)
Interesting and Small Town Atmospheric
10 November 2020
I found this film really interesting because of the creepy small town desolate atmosphere in which the character inhabit.

The sound track was really impressive and made me feel immersed.

I also enjoyed the strong female protagonist and felt like their actions seemed realistic when being faced with danger, compared to other hollywood over the top horror thrillers out there.

Definitely check this out and I feel like there is a lot of replay value here.
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Mnemophrenia (2019)
Interesting Glimpse into a Possible Future for Mankind
14 September 2020
This story to me hearkens back to Strange Days, but with a way more compelling and down to earth atmosphere.

In the future this technology will be widespread. People will see and feel an experience out of their own body like never before. You will be able to relive someone else's prerecorded experience.

I love how the film was shot and the questions that you are left with afterward regarding the morality or consequences of using this technology.
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Unique and New Twists
31 January 2020
I really enjoyed the natural and down to Earth qualities of the main character. You need to watch the film for longer than 20 minutes to truly appreciate the story and where everything is going.

There are some really interesting psychological themes here which will keep you thinking what is going to happen next. The dream sequences and the angles vs. demons theme also is really imaginative. I highly enjoyed it!
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The Paraseekers (2018– )
Great Paranormal Doc
31 January 2020
The Paraseekers is a cool documentary/paranormal activity hunting film. It's a documentary not like most out there covering the ghost subject. In a way it has more re-enactments and effects driven play by plays of how a house would have become haunted by the spirits of the wronged.

I quite liked the candid nature in which the filmmaker told this story. Nothing razzle dazzle or fancy about it. Just to the point investigation and story telling with honest and believable interviews.
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Huckleberry (2018)
Modern Day Teen Drama from All Eyes to See
6 January 2020
Huckleberry is a film for everyone. It speaks to everyone. It has charm, darkness and drama that is recognizable for every adolescent and adult that watches this film. The subjects of racism, bigotry towards minorities, gender and woman are all touched on in this film.

I enjoyed this indie film's journey with Huckleberry and the friends that surround THEM in this film.
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Shine a Light on Anxiety
5 January 2020
An excellent documentary that shows people who suffer from anxiety and depression that they are not alone.

It was interesting to see the coping strategies and the treatments people are on in order to get through their lives as functioning citizens to society.

Some touching and close to home stories are unearthed here and I think people should explore this topic more so mental health is more understood.
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Cannabis is Credible
5 January 2020
This documentary shows the struggles of cancer patients and what they have to chose from in terms of cancer treatments. Either poison yourself with FDA approved chemical and radiation therapies or look for the alternatives.

It seems like alternatives like RSO which are explored in this documentary may help fight cancer and let the patient live a happier healthier life. Indica oils are well documented by professional researchers in this documentary to have wildly successful effects on Cancer patients.

I highly suggest you check out this credible and poignant documentary.
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A Race Against Racism
5 January 2020
In a day and age where technology empowers more people than ever, racism still exists. Communications using this technology allows people to live in what Marshal McCluhan called a "Global Village", and media that exposes every culture to everyone on the planet. This documentary profiles intimately how some individuals have been singled out and how racism has shown it's ugly head in their lives.

I highly advise you check it out.
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A Brexit Issue
5 January 2020
This documentary stands out as a body of research conducted by a Brit in his homeland, trying to find the truth about the Brexit issue.

I found it very engaging and straight forward with not too much "razzle dazzle" of special effects or sensationalism just to keep the information going. The Writer and Director takes you on his journey finding out the important facts about what is happening in this whole epoch of Brexit. Interviewing credible and sensible folks from Britain who have insights into the history of politics in the UK and Europe was very insightful.

I recommend this documentary as it is presents the perspectives of locals in an unbiased and interesting manner!
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A Date with a Documentary
5 January 2020
Well, having no date for the night, I decided to throw on this documentary about dating in the modern age.

I've got to say that it's quite good! Interesting stories and perspectives from the everyday individual on the street to the professionals. It was cool to hear all the interesting perspectives out there, a behind the scenes look into how people think when using all these dating apps.
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JW Drama
4 January 2020
Jehovah's witness religion has always been on the periphery of my mind. After watching this film I learned alot about what it must be like to be trapped inside this cult. The family is it's own self contained unit, reinforcing and entrapping all members to the faith of JW. Anyone that challenges their ways is seen as an outsider and can be punished through humiliation.

I'm actually a huge fan of Eric Stoltz and this film. This story he crafted takes us on the journey of one adolescent man who tries to navigate modern life in a funny, satirical and dramatic way as a JW cult member.
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Hesperia (2019)
Crime and Drama
4 January 2020
This film involves gangs, drugs and a suburban white family that gets mixed up in it all.

I was thoroughly enthralled in this cool indie thriller.
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Perfect Feet (2019)
Feet First!
4 January 2020
I found this documentary about FEET very interesting and informative. I couldn't believe at first that I would watch a whole documentary that covers the complexities of human feet, but here I am, I loved it!

As the author of the film carefully takes you on a journey across the professional landscape, you hear from scientists, athletes, doctors, and dancers who all have something important to say about feet. Well after watching this documentary, I'll never ignore my feet again! It's well shot, check it out!
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Shady White (2019)
Shady Entertainment
4 January 2020
"Rolling around town on a chopper, drug dealing, avoiding capture and gaining vengence all made for a Shady experience. This film hearkens back to the liking of True Detective season 1 but in a completely different setting and a very likable anti-hero "Shady White". This crime filled tales has strong performances and Clayton Miller does an excellent job portraying Shady White. Wait, is he actually a ganster?

I highly recommend this film for someone in the mood to dive into the seedy underbelly of Middle America's crime scene.
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The Laws of illegal Attraction
14 November 2019
This film struck me as kind of surreal. I was reading headlines just recently that a teacher was fired for pursuing friendship with her student on Instagram and snapchat outside of school. She had wanted to take that friendship to a place that was forbidden by our society. But this story is still a very real part of our dna as often adults are attracted to younger adults.

No having said that, with a unique story and a fantastic cast of beautiful actors one can imagine this kind of love affair actually taking flight. It's a fun watch if you want to take your mind to a dangerous love affair and back.

This is also well shot and sounds fantastic for an indie film. I highly suggest people looking for something novel to check this out.
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