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Manufactured drama brings this episode down a bit
27 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Warrior is such a great show that most episodes are an 8+ for me, but this one was a bit down due to the lack of a realistic or cohesive narrative for Young Jun's turn against Ah Sahm. Of course it's inevitable that this will happen because this is Ah Sahm's story and eventually he has to be head of the tong so the final showdown with Mai Ling can commence. But right now YJ's turn just isn't feeling earned to me.

First he was upset because Ah Sahm pulled off a miracle and got him out of being shipped back to China, when he obviously should have been grateful. Then he comes around but now he's upset because Ah Sahm is sleeping with the printer?? I don't see how that's even anything to get upset about. If anything it's ensuring her loyalty to the tong.

It feels like the writers are grasping for some kind of reason to enable YJ's turn against AS but they are just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. They had years to plot out this critical juncture but there was no build of reasons over the seasons, it's all recent events that hardly seem worth getting upset about. Father Jun's sudden case of Alzheimer's or whatever (because he got shot in the gut??) is another late arrival reason to add to the drama but doesn't really make much sense.

Anyway it's still a good show and the politics are fun, the speech and trip into Chinatown by Leary was compelling and hopefully the Jun-Sahm storyline will finish stronger than it is in E7.
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House of the Dragon: Rhaenyra the Cruel (2024)
Season 2, Episode 2
Game of Ineptitude
24 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What happened to the days of Littlefinger and Varys plotting and scheming with skill? The players in HOTD are frustrating in their ineptitude.

Team Green: Aegon is basically a 12 year old that can't think even a half step ahead, Otto is the only reasonably smart one but he can't keep his own ego or temper in check so he gets removed from the board, Criston Cole plays a great heel but man is he dumb which plays right into Alicent who apparently like em young, dumb and full of....whatever they call it in Westeros.

Team Black: Rhaenyra's heart is in the right place but she's realizing how her childhood infatuation for her uncle was just a case of teenage bad-boy-itis and now he's like the guy who can't hold down a job and is in and out of jail while she's trying to raise kids. Corlys and Rhaenys are still having hot times in the senior home but they don't seem to be affecting much.

Good show but I think I preferred the GOT version where there were some savvy operators involved that might be able to steer the ship a bit better than your average Joe Smallfolk.
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Warrior: If You're Going to Bow, Bow Low (2019)
Season 1, Episode 10
Great show, one flaw in this episode
23 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Love this show, it's really good with well written characters and plot. One thing I didn't understand about this episode is how Young Jun gets to just decide that Ah Sahm can come back to the Hop Wei? After Ah Sahm lost, Father Jun kicked him out of the Hop Wei over Young Jun's protests. Now it's Young Jun just making this decision without the blessing of Father Jun?? It's not his decision to make as they showed in prior episodes. At least it wasn't and they didn't show any reason for why that has changed. That just seemed like a rare mistake in the writing. Like they wrote themselves into a corner and couldn't figure a way out of it so they just said, "ah F it, let's just act like Young Jun can decide this."

Maybe they will clear this up in Season 2 but it was disappointing to me after a mostly perfect first season.
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Had it's moments but too many flaws
13 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to really like this show. It addresses an era and topic in a way that I haven't really seen before, and does it with detail and nuance. There are interesting characters and good actors playing them. There are some good moments of comedy and drama.

So why couldn't I rate this higher than a 6? Reasons:

1. The protagonist, if you can call him that, is difficult to like. He's duplicitous and a murderer for selfish reasons. He doesn't reward the loyalty and goodwill of others. He'll say or do anything to get himself out of a jam. He appears to be intelligent but ultimately his actions prove otherwise. With that type of 'protagonist' there's nobody to really cheer for in this show.

2. The last couple of episodes got way too metaphorical, dream-sequency, and too many crazy coincidences came into play that had me feeling like any sense of reality had left the building.

3. I love Robert Downy Jr but having him play four different characters was just a bad idea. RDJ is beloved because he plays one type of irreverent character and that character is basically himself. They did a good job with hair and makeup to change it up for him, but in the end he's not an actor with a lot of range. He's RDJ not Meryl Streep and I never saw the four characters as different people, just saw them as RDJ in different makeup.

4. The final episode that's just torture, torture, torture. Not a fun watch and the ending didn't really reward me for sitting through it.

It's a valiant attempt and I'm not disappointed in having spent the time watching it just for something different and because I liked that slice of post-Vietnam perspective. But then a friend asked me if I would recommend it and I basically said no so that's a 6/10 for me.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Good movie I didn't rate higher for 2 reasons
11 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very well done movie with exceptional actors who clearly went all in for the roles, especially Zach Efron who turned into some other person that doesn't even look like Zach Efron but man is he ripped, and he does a great job conveying the emotions of his character as well. It's a shame he didn't get at least an Oscar nomination for his role as Kevin Von Erich.

I gave serious thought to rating this movie higher than a 7 (not that anyone cares about my rating) but in the end I couldn't for two reasons:

1. Just so sad and depressing. I understand it's the real life story more or less and I have a ton of empathy for that family and Kevin in particular. It just seemed like there was an opportunity for a slightly happier ending. Kevin did after all have a great wrestling career and was inducted into the wrestling HOF. But the filmmakers decided to basically end in the suicide of Kerry aside from one minute of Kevin's sons saying some nice things to him and an epilogue family photo. Felt like there could have been 10 minutes more with a redeeming wrestling scene or HOF induction or time with his wife and the big family they created to not bring this to quite such a sad ending.

2. The fallacy ingrained into the movie that the wrestling match outcomes were somehow in doubt. Kerry and Kevin both got title shots and they play it like they can win on wrestling skill and ability. That's not how the NWA worked - every match was largely scripted and the winner was never in doubt. I'm not selling wrestlers short - it's still an incredibly skilled and tough thing to do with intense training and resulting pain and injuries from what happens in the ring. But it's not a competition other than in terms of who can goad the crowd into more of a frenzy, it's a scripted show.

I was a big fan growing up of the Midwestern wrestling promotion, the AWA. The Von Erichs of Minnesota were the Gagnes, Vern and his son Greg and his 'High Flyers' partner Jumpin' Jim Brunzell. The AWA version of Fritz Von Erich was Baron Von Raschke who also employed "The Claw" as a finishing move but claimed to be from East Germany and would goose-step around the ring and say that he was "ordered to win" by his commie superiors. He was actually from Nebraska but it was a great heel act!
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Outer Range: Ode to Joy (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
Fun episode
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I always like a time travel episode where a protagonist gets to use future know-how and tech in the past on some deserving bad guys. That's what we got here as Joy pulled out here 2020s sheriff issued gun on some1880s baddies and let them have it.

Her pain has been real in losing her loved ones to time and seeing her four years on in the 1880s with the Shoshone tribe and wondering if she could ever get back to her time was compelling. Coming to some important realizations about life and what is important was also powerful.

The trope of every white man from this era as a snidely whiplash type that is busy oppressing and killing native Americans, abusing women and spitting tobacco is getting a bit old which is why I didn't rate this episode a 9 or 10. Other than that it was a great episode and now we know how Royal's journey through time really began, even if it was a bit of a retcon.

This also perhaps gave Royal some hope that Perry can get back. Joy was assuming the same amount of time had passed in the future as had passed for her in the past, but it seems that's not the case as she landed not long after she left.
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Pleasantly surprised, better than some recent MCU movies
1 June 2024
Movies are sometimes a function of expectations and I watched this one on Max after it had already been panned so I had low expectations going in. Guess what? I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed it on a pure entertainment level.

It had a decent story about two brotherly rivals coming together, it built on the Atlantean lore and had some good if campy laughs from Jason Momoa. The underwater effects ranged from very good to a jumbled mess at times, but there were some entertaining action moments and at least it was different from the usual CGI punchfests on land.

I would rank this ahead of some of the more recent MCU films like The Marvels which was beyond terrible, and Quantumania which just didn't do it for me. This movie wasn't perfect and was predictable at times with a generic villain motivation, "you killed my dad so I'm going to kill everyone!" But it was enough for me to give it a 7/10 and it was worth the watch.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Formulaic tween superhero 'comedy' without any laughs for adults
30 May 2024
It feels like this movie was made for (Hispanic?) tweens but with a $104 million budget that's a pretty narrow audience to target. It's a comedic superhero movie but the plot and comedy are so formulaic that there aren't any surprises or laughs for adults.

Oh that crazy nana, it turns out she's actually a kick @ss revolutionary, can you imagine?! Haha! And the nutty uncle who also happens to be a genius hacker, sometimes he has to give his tech a swift kick to get it powered up, haha! And what about that beautiful and misunderstood rich girl who's falling for the poor but handsome unwilling superhero? Never saw that coming, and what a surprise their first kiss gets interrupted by crazy Tio bursting into the room, haha!

Also I love Susan Sarandon but she is terribly miscast as a villain and I just couldn't take her seriously, while at the same time she wasn't given any material to make her funny either. She's just saying straight up cliche villain lines that fall completely flat.

In summary if you have a 9 to 12 year old son he might like this movie (despite the PG-13 rating) but otherwise it's a swing and miss.
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Tokyo Vice (2022–2024)
Wow this show is so good
26 May 2024
Michael Mann has done it again and done it with a 1990s backdrop of Tokyo that is so immersive, gritty, fun, seedy and many other things as well. I haven't been bored with one minute of this show through two seasons.

The characters are so well drawn and played so perfectly, there is zero sameness to anyone in the show and they are all uniquely interesting with their various strengths and flaws. The plot is exceptionally crafted and what starts as something relatively small builds toward a grand scale that I wouldn't have imagined but is 100% earned by the time it gets there.

This is what prestige TV should be and I would binge another 100 hours of this show or shows like it if they could make them this good. A gritty crime and journalism drama embedded in a crazy foreign subculture with brilliantly woven plot and vivid characters, outstanding work.
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Barry (2018–2023)
Seasons 1-3 are Great
24 May 2024
A great show that is something new, at times very funny and at others quite dramatic. The 'protagonist' Barry, really isn't a hero, he's just trying to find some peace in the world and yet reverts to his baser instincts when things start to go wrong.

The cast is amazing from Henry Winkler doing an absolutely brilliant job as an acting coach narcissist in Gene Cousineau, to Anthony Carrigan as the mob man with a heart, and Sarah Goldberg whom I don't even know how to describe but she is wonderful in this show.

It was either a 9 or 10 star show for the first three seasons and then Season 4 had its ups and downs. It really flagged in the middle third of S4 and I found myself fast forwarding in a couple of the episodes which is something I never would have dreamed of in the first 3 seasons, but then managed to come around and land the plane in one piece with a pretty good ending.

Overall a great show, totally worth watching and it will be fun to see what Bill Hader does next.
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Very good continuation of Bosch
6 May 2024
While not perfect, I found Bosch: Legacy to be about as good of a 'spinoff' series as one can hope for. The key of course is Titus Welliver as Bosch but the writing is also up there with the original series. They did a good job of working through how to adapt Bosch now that he's not actually a cop. How does he get information without direct police resources, how does he get involved in serious cases and how does he go about solving them.

The addition of Stephen A Chang as Maurice is a good one if a bit of a 'cheat code' for how Bosch gets info and video recordings of seemingly everything. I'm not sure any hacker is this good in real life but it serves the purpose of moving the plot along and Harry not having to beg cops and government admins for info all the time.

Many reviews have panned Madison Lintz (Maddy) in this series, saying her acting isn't good. I disagree with that sentiment and I think her acting is just fine and at times quite good. The real issue is having a waify woman who looks like a 90 pound teenage model playing a cop. It's just not very believable that she would choose to be a police officer. Indeed in real life she chose to be an actress which makes a lot more sense. Regardless, I don't mind seeing her on screen and the b-plot storylines surrounding her are well written so I just go with it.

I'm glad we got more Bosch and I hope they continue as long as they can!
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Goliath (2016–2021)
S1 was decent until the (lame) ending
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the first season and on the whole it was entertaining so no regrets, but I don't think I'll watch anything past season one. Why not? The ending was really poor for a few reasons:

1. Donald Cooperman (William Hurt), the most evil man in the world, brilliant lawyer, and he takes the stand and gets completely shook up by a single line of questioning to the point where he can't speak and has a stroke?? I don't like plot points that rely on out-of-character happenstance.

2. During the trial each side got their shots in but the final 'twist' of Brittany flipping to the defense made no real sense. She said she betrayed her own team because Cooperman was going to help her with some "legal issues". What legal issues? Yes she was a prostitute but we hadn't heard she was in any real trouble to that point. And isn't her best friend Billy A LAWYER?! On top of that her acting was so over the top in the courtroom scene. She comes in wearing flats, no bag and looking like a lost puppy, it's ridiculous.

2. So we have a case that could go either way and it's time for the final speeches to the jury. Callie delivers a masterpiece for Cooperman and Billy gets up, doesn't address any facts or evidence or any reasons to actually convict, just some lame BS about how the little guy can make a difference. It was like a coach's locker room speech to a bunch of kids in a bad sports movie. It was not convincing nor inspirational at all. But this is TV so guess what, Billy wins anyway! The jury convicts on his poor man's David vs Goliath speech.

I gave this a 7 for the sake of Billy Bob Thornton who really is an entertaining actor, and Molly Parker does a fine job as well for the antagonists. Just too deflating at the end and that combined with reading the reviews that seem to agree it's downhill from S1 anyway, I won't spend any more time on it.
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Night Sky (2022)
Why was this cancelled??
28 April 2024
I just discovered this show on Amazon Prime and I love it. A nice sci fi slow burn with great characters, an intriguing mystery and excellent acting performances across the board. JK Simmons and Sissy Spacek are perfect as a retired couple that buts heads a bit but genuinely care for and protect each other. The Argentinian mother and daughter have a great dynamic as well. The mystery unravels slowly but interestingly.

Why wouldn't Amazon give this a chance for more than one season? Clearly they didn't market it well bc I'd never heard of it until recently and it's already been cancelled. Such a shame, I definitely want to see more!
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Good yes, but great?
23 April 2024
This is a good show and has held my interest though it's a bit slow at times and over-wrought with ritual and the relentless threat of suicide. It's like if you spill a cup of coffee you may as well plunge a knife into your gut because you've forever shamed yourself, your entire family and any pets you may have.

This is the 2020s where we can't have a white male coming into an indigenous society and becoming a savior, so John Blackthorne is kind of a bumbling fool in this show and the real hero is Mariko, our strong female lead with samurai skillz. She's not always likable with her inflexible attitude, but she's a compelling character acted well.

Hiroyuki Sanada (Toranaga) does his usual exceptional acting job and overall this is a great cast playing roles to near perfection. The sets and CGI aerial shots of 1600s Japanese cities are fun and interesting to see what it might have looked like.

There's a lot to like in this series but it also drags at times with the rituals and the attempted tension builds around whether someone will or won't actually commit seppuku, it just gets old after a while. How about an actual battle scene? It would have been nice after all this talk of Blackthorne's cannon tactics.
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Godland (2022)
Near miss at greatness
14 April 2024
The cinematography is art, and the time spent dwelling on the scenes of Icelandic countryside and beautiful people are worth the time to soak them in. Nature rules in this late 1800s environment without the insulation of modern amenities. The central character finds himself out of place as a priest trying to bring godliness to this 'godforsaken land' (the real name of the film when translated properly).

Lucas the priest doesn't try very hard to ingratiate himself with the people. As they work to build his church he is sitting and writing. He roams around with his camera taking pictures of what he deems worthy but won't take the picture of a man to whom he owes all.

The last act of the movie was certainly surprising but I'm not sure it was earned. With just a bit more plot and character development this could have been a masterpiece, and there was certainly time for it in the 2.5 hour runtime.

Worth watching so I gave it a 7 but it's not always an easy watch with the glacial plot, for what plot there is, and the relatively unlikeable central character.
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3 Body Problem: Our Lord (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Wait, what??
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Up until this episode the 3 Body Problem had a consistent level of suspension of disbelief, which is crucial to the immersion of the viewer in any show. Then suddenly in this episode, a scene went way beyond that level by presenting a scenario that seemed ridiculous and well, nigh impossible even for this show.

Mike Evans is talking to his 'Lord' (presumably the alien) via the microphone, telling a fairy tale story when the alien voice starts questioning why things are happening, revealing that up until this point in 2024 this alien with supposedly vastly superior intelligence that has been talking to human beings for (checks notes) 58 years(!) has just now come to realize that humans sometimes lie. And that upon this realization, the alien no longer wants to be involved with this person and organization that has been helping them for decades. Say what??

Sorry but this particular plot point makes no sense. I hope this gets clarified or modified somehow from here because it was like this was the first time any human had ever spoken to the alien. Like they were having a get-to-know meet and greet after supposedly decades of communication! And it was a fairy tale story that did it?? Come on.

My Benioff and Weiss GOT season 8 radar is pinging loudly at this point. I hope I'm wrong because the rest of the show has been very good.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Mostly boring and painful
18 March 2024
The Christopher Nolan obsession with time jumping hits maximum overdrive in Oppenheimer. It's a blizzard of back and forth, color to black and white (even though black and white is in the future from color which adds even more confusion), with only the added gray of a person's hair to give us any indication of when we are at, and no years ever given for reference at any point in the movie.

This could have been an intriguing story of Oppenheimer and how factors of his youth influenced his thinking and led him to the success he had in leading the development of the atomic bomb and how that ended the war against Japan. Instead there is little backdrop or insight into what was driving him, short shrift on the development and war, and the focus is mainly on the painful McCarthyism investigation and the petty double dealings of this movie's primary antagonist, Strauss.

I watched this movie at home and it took me several days to get through it because of how painfully pedantic it was. The dialogue drones on and on trying to make something dramatic out of a security clearance hearing. I just couldn't get into it. I still gave it a 6 because there are some magnificent acting performances by Murphy, Downey and Blunt but they're the only thing holding this mess together.
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Monk: Mr. Monk Gets Fired (2004)
Season 3, Episode 4
Plot makes no sense
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love Monk as a show but did they not even think about this plot for one minute? It makes no sense at all. The killer admits from the start that he knew the victim. He tells Captain Stottlemeyer that, "we had a fight and she left" meaning she was in his home. Later, the case seems to hinge on them finding DNA in the garage. Why wouldn't the killer just say, "yeah so? I've already said she was here. She's been in the garage getting out of my car. If you find DNA it means nothing other than she was here which I've already admitted to." Maybe if they found blood they could say violence had occurred but Monk actually says even a strand of hair would do it, which makes no sense.

Later they link the commissioner's toupe to the victim. Again, so what? It proves she sold her hair to a wig maker, that's it. They still haven't found her DNA in the garage and even if they did, that still proves nothing!

I get that this show is largely a comedy but typically they at least get the plot basics right. It seems odd that nobody thought about this one long enough to realize how little sense it makes.

Also that the Captain's wife is filming an all-access documentary without the Commissioner's knowledge, and then even once he finds out he doesn't stop it but rather is openly berating everyone in front of the camera? Again I understand it's a vehicle for the jokes but they really kind of jumped the shark on this one.
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Monk: Mr. Monk Takes Manhattan (2004)
Season 3, Episode 1
I guess I don't really...
21 February 2024 jokes that repeat themselves ten times over losing all degree of humor or reality along the way. I love Monk but that bit with the jackhammer and Monk not being able to finish his sentence was incredibly painful. The Captain also just staring at Monk and not saying anything despite the obviousness of what Monk is trying to say, "I guess I don't really have a choice" was ridiculous and unfortunately not in a funny way. Conversely, Monk engaging in some of the other uniqueness of NYC like the subway and the street preachers is pretty hilarious.

I liked this episode overall and the 'fish out of water' play with Monk in NYC is mostly good. Sharona's hair is really something even for the early 2000s. I thought they might mellow it out a bit as the show went on but it just keeps getting bigger and curlier. I'm watching the episodes in order in 2024 so it may be unfair to reflect on the fashion of the time and Bitty Schramm is wonderful as Monk's assistant.
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Like a WWII Disney movie
13 December 2023
It's a decent and heartwarming story about a blind girl and her family that struggle to fight the Nazis in their own way. The sets and cinematography are good if a little clean and cozy. Every German except the boy protagonist is a bit too cartoonishly evil for evil's sake, and dressed in spotless and perfectly tucked Reich uniforms. I half expected a musical to break out at some point. The plot got predictable and the soundtrack got sickeningly sweet as it went along. If it wasn't for a few people getting shot in the face I would have said this was a good show for kids. I enjoyed it enough to watch it through so I gave it a 6.
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Bodies (2023)
Captivating Story Despite Plot Holes
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure it's hard to make something new out of time travel with all the stories that have already been done around it. Even Bodies has its roots in Dark with the family tree of time travel to different periods in relatively recent history, but it's also quite different in many ways and the setup with 4 different detectives trying to figure it out across time periods and ultimately teaming up to do so was a very satisfying end to the story. Also really excellent acting by all the participants in this show but especially Amaka Okafor and Jacob Lloyd-Fortune who brought such emotional depth to their characters.

If it's possible to write a time travel story without plot holes, I haven't seen it yet. Paradox is nigh impossible to avoid and maybe that's why time travel doesn't yet exist in real life. The toughest three to swallow in this show were:

1. If Elias Mannix was a loop created by himself as his own great grandfather when he time travels back to 1890, then how did it (and he) start? The show never explains this in the way that Dark did with the 'origin point'. This is the biggest plot hole by far and I can't think of a solution like I can for the two below. Maybe they are saving that for season 2?

2. How did Julian Harper (aka Elias Mannix) remember all of the stock market moves when technology or material goods can't be transported across time? That must have been a heck of a lot of memorization.

3. How did they seemingly build an atomic bomb in 1890 to place in the vault, and with a cell phone trigger? I suppose they could have done the bomb later once that technology had been invented, but the cell phone wasn't invented until basically the 1990s (prototypes aside). When they enter the bank the banker seems shocked they are there like nobody has shown up for this vault in his time there. The vault is assigned to Shahara and clearly she hasn't shown up before. Even a sentence from 1941 Harker on this topic like, "now we have to start preparing the device in the vault" would have indicated it was still a work in progress as the technology of the day advanced.

Great show overall and I'm glad they can still find unique and compelling ways to explore time travel because it's such a fun plot device when done well. Good job by all involved!
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Sherlock getting married?
27 October 2023
The premise of this movie runs contrary to everything portrayed about Sherlock Holmes in the 90 years since its production. The movie begins with Sherlock Holmes planning to retire and get married, what? Sherlock would never.

Luckily Professor Moriarty escapes from prison and the retirement/wedding nonsense must be put on hold of course, in order to re-capture the villainous Moriarty. From there it proceeds apace with Holmes deducting his way along and barely putting up with actual law enforcement attempts to participate.

They also insert a kid, Billy, into the proceedings basically as yet another person to worship Holmes and I'm not really sure why else.

I found the original Arthur Wontner films to be more compelling than this first attempt after the Wontner era and before we get to Basil Rathbone. I gave this one a 6 on effort but so much better has been done with Sherlock since.
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Ups and Downs
23 October 2023
This movie was odd because of the construction of it where Holmes is in the beginning and end of the movie but goes missing for a 40 minute stretch in the middle as we go to a very long flashback story.

The sound really isn't great and combined with the quick-clipped way of speaking by the actors it makes for some tough understanding at times. I watched on YouTube and the only subtitles I could get were English auto-generated (meaning voice recognition) which was about 50% wrong on words.

Wontner is great as Holmes and when he's on screen doing his deducting it's fun. The problem is he solves everything so quickly that it's like they had to put this whole other flashback movie into the middle of this one just to slow him down a bit.

It's interesting to watch the acting of the times which, with the exception of the top actors like Wontner and Ian Fleming (Holmes), is very straight forward with rapid fire dialogue. Suffice to say acting has come a long way since 1935.

It's worth a watch but I wish someone would write up a full explainer and post to the internet so I could better understand the nuances of the plot.
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B Plot Repetitious
18 October 2023
The characters are endearing as always but the bit with headless 'Bad Bean' chasing Elfo went on too long and wasn't worth the simple gags over the course of an entire episode. Kind of seemed like a plot-filler/time-waster as the real action was in Steamland with Bean trying to rescue Zog and the crew.

This show has overall been fun and is just an easy and enjoyable watch so I'm never going to rate less than a 7. It kind of reminds me of 'The Good Place' where you know you can just relax and enjoy the ride.

Matt Groening is a genius but his humor has really softened up and doesn't provide the biting commentary on modern times that the Simpsons or Futurama once did. That's ok too and I'll certainly keep watching Dreamland until the end of its run.
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El Conde (2023)
Fun watch, falters on plot resolution
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A very interesting premise of Augustus Pinochet as a 250 year old vampire that wants to die (until he doesn't) is a compelling start and the beautifully shot black and white cinematography and fun side characters held my interest in this movie despite a low budget and 2 hour run time.

Carmencita's unexpected and rather easy flip to the dark side was a bit disappointing to me as she was so self assured for the first 3/4 of the movie as she picked apart the Pinochet family with a verbal rapier. She finally confronts Pinochet and it lasts all of 10 seconds before she wants to be a vampire?? Then I thought maybe that was part of her or the church's plan but she spends the rest of the movie flying a bit and then is beheaded. It really seemed like a wasted effort for her character which was compelling up to that point.

Anyway this movie had 9 potential but it kind of fell apart late on plot, so I couldn't do better than a 7.
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