
15 Reviews
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Boiling Point (I) (2021)
Ending lets it down
28 March 2022
Watched this quite spontaneously with not knowing to expect and i absolutely loved it. Well, loved it all apart from the ending. Why is it so sudden? What happens to Andy? What happens with the rude man on table 13? What happens with the celeb chef? Just so many untold endings. Apart from this the intensity of the film is wonderfully gripping and i guess i was just didnt want it to end so soon because i was enjoying it so much. Great idea for a movie and brilliantly executed.
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Compliance (2012)
The f is the point
28 December 2021
This is the first review ive done with influence from reading some others first but wtf actually is the point in this film. This was not enjoyable to watch in any sense. I have come away from it feeling uncomfortable and dirty. All this does is highlight some of the weaknesses in the human way of thought and behaviour, and how easy it is to manipulate a situation which is just so far from any acceptable social norms. I understand this is based on a true story, but some of the things done in this film are just so far from any standard of logic. So dumb. Thank you for reminding me how disgusting some humans are and how gullable others are.
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It's a wonderful movie
25 December 2021
Been 20 years and 20 christmases on this earth and have only just got around to watching this movie today with my dad. I think i came into it with high expectations and i have to say i was feeling a bit underwhelmed until the movie takes its major turn near the end. From then on my mind completely changed, and the ending of this film wraps it all together so well and really pushes forward the true and wonderful meaning of Christmas. I am so glad i stuck it out and will have this firmly take the spot of my favouirte christmas movie.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Funny from the get go
23 June 2021
This is much much better than either of the series recently developed by Richard Hammond (that rubbish desert island thingy) or James may (In japan). As an individual though, it's still a laugh out loud journey observing a man built for the city adapting to life on a countryside farm. The show is very genuine and has given me the upmost respect for the farmers of our country. It's classic clarkson, eye-opening farming, a load of west country boys with terrific accents and hair doos, and some stunning shots of the cotsworlds from all year round.
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Saint Frances (2019)
Made me cry
11 May 2021
Now i'll be honest, and say for a guy, i'm pretty emotional as it is, but this film pulled the heart strings like 3 times. It covers a lot of very controversial topics in modern society, and the story is told from an almost entirely female dominated cast. However, at the same time, Saint Frances covers the very simple development of a beautiful friendship between Frances and Bridget, which is enlightening also to the incredible minds of children. The characters in the film all begin not really knowing their true selves, however as the film progresses we start to start to see them open up to themselves in parallel to opening up to the viewer. A relaxing film to watch which will enlighten you and leave your heart feeling brighter.
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It's like watching a song
9 May 2021
Been meaning to watch this movie for so long and it exceeded expectations. Except for the section where Ally goes insane and dives into the world of forced pop, the music throughout brings you on a rollercoaster of emotions that act as a metaphor for the changing feelings and emotions going on in Allys head as the film progresses. Bradley coopers 6 months of rehearsals have seriously paid off, and i find his presence as a worldwide artist very convincing. The downfall of this movie comes from it's jumpy storyline. There are many sections where it feels like one scene is cutting to the next and the viewer has too fill in the sections between scenes to be able to understand the principles of the following scene. This is obviously something that happens in many films, as you can't fit years of time into a 2 hour video, but there are definitley sections missing that need explaining just a little bit more without the viewer having to make assumptions. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta did a wonderful job transfering her artistical skills to the theatre and her relationship with Bradley throughout the film is captivating. I look forward to watching this film again in the future.
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Up in Smoke (1978)
Poor as a film but hilarious when high
12 April 2021
Man that joint looked huge on acid - literally grew out of nowhere.
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Very poor from Marvel
12 April 2021
I liked the bit when the Nazi got shredded in a plane propeller.
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Drive (I) (2011)
8 February 2021
I have barely heard or seen this film being talked about before, and it seems as if it went under the radar, which i find absurd. The directing, photography, cinematography, acting and soundtrack of this movie is perfect. The story is very good too but it seemed to lack any depth and i would have enjoyed a further 20 or so minutes of film to allow a better understanding of some of the characters and give them a bit more context. In a way Drive gives me impressions of a modern day True Romance - the cars, the city, the romance tied in crime, the violence, and the guy unexpectantly ending up with money he doesn't want on his hands. I love that film too. Definitely worth a watch
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Lupin (2021– )
Only goes downhill
28 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing this series reminded me of was a sort of rip off Money Heist. The whole idea of Assane being this super clever 'professor' character who has everything set up and planned ahead to the tee. It made everything feel less original but i was gripped enough to start watching the second episode immediately after. I fell asleep halfway through the second one. From here the story seems to completely shift and all the action of the first episode degrades into a simple story. The actors are fine but struggled to connect with any of them; even when Raoul gets kidnapped at the end its just a fat meh as Pellegrini's aide, who never gets named for some reason, should have never been in the position to take him anyway. It's never explained how he knew they were catching that train, how he got out of the locked room on the train, or how he was just let go by the police after being in posession of a gun and a jewl worth millions. Also, Pellegrini saod specifically to leave his child and mother alone. It was that last scene that really tipped the boat for me. This is not worth your time.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
What just happened?
12 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, i'm not quite sure of the film i just watched. Had been waiting to watch this movie for ages and after finally getting around to it i can't help feeling a sense of meh about it. There must be some point i am failing to see, but what i did see was a hap hazard storyline that ends in a completely dull murder sequence before some girl from a tempory romance earlier in the film turns up out of the blue for a ride in his taxi. De Niros acting is great but i just struggle to tell what this story is really about - Travis and Betsy, wanting to murder Palpitine, wanting to free Iris from her pimps. I see the turning point in Travis' head when he takes a passanger to see his cheating wife and the passanger says he's ging to kill her, but surely this would never be so motivating as to make somebody kill 3 people for the life of one girl you have had 2 very minimal, insignificant interactions with. Does not leave me in a state i would expect from movies of this critical status
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A real gem
22 November 2020
This film should be a certain addition to any classic christmas film collection. As always, Ardman took their time on this animated picture and it cannot be faulted. The fantastic cast of experienced British actors really help make the comedy and light-heartedness of the film which is dotted with jokes to make adults laugh too. The story is very straightforward but the way it gets from start to end includes enough unexpecetd turns to keep a watcher engaded. Ends in a greatly happy note.
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A series as beautiful as the game
11 November 2020
This series is not just for people who enjoy chess. From start to finish it is filled with all the parts that make up a beautiful piece of art. Anya Taylor-Joy and Isla Johnston are both excellent actors, and create a continuous and fulfilling character development for Beth. This is not a series that will have you on the edge of your seat with cliff hangers at the end of episodes, however it still tells a beautiful and heart-warming story. I hope this series gains the traction it deserves and can show young women that gender norms should not affect your life choices, and that it is possible to go above and beyond for anyone - preferably without drug consumption of course. The final scene rounds up a perfect end to a wonderful journey
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Inception (2010)
A strangely satisfactory ending
7 September 2020
This is the second time around that i've seen Inception. The first time around was about 3 years ago, and back then it was just for the sake of watching all the best movies on IMDB. I did not understand it then, and i do not fully understand the end quarter of the film still, but what i can say is it's for sure a beautiful film throughout. I am a big fan of the ending, with it being a subtle cliffhanger that is not the usual cliche type and takes the film back to the very beginning and reminds of all again of the purpose of Cobbs misson. It's even a bit emotional. The only real complaint i have is i would have liked to know how this method of breaking into peoples minds and dreams works. All in all a fantastic rewatch and definitley saves itself.
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Alex Rider (2020–2024)
I really wanted to love this but i can't
2 July 2020
I've read the vast majority of Alex rider books when i was in primary school, i'm now 18, and i was so interested to see how they were going to adapt the point blanc novel to the screen - especially after the highly mentioned and awful film. I mainly found myself continuing to watch the series not because it was gripping but because i simply wanted to relight that childhood me and those memories. The whole change of smithers character was disappointing. No humor and lack of cool gadgets. I kinda hate all the MI6 people and although there are some high profile actors that make it up, they all seem rubbish in this. The way Ian dies originally is much more exciting than how he dies in this series too. In all honestly, i'm not a fan of this Russian guy side plot. Also, there are far too many plot holes it's kinda impossible not to easily pick up on a few. That all being said, i think they've made a decent basis for further seasons and i would love to see more.
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