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Dalgliesh: The Murder Room - Part 2 (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
Incredible ending
1 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that I love the programme and Bertie Carvell as Dalgleish is so convincing. As another poster has said, I don't understand the motive for the first murder. Why was the killer so keen on the body being discovered. I came to the conclusion that the only reason for the killer to be in the episode was to be the killer. The new Sergeant with just a few months Police service is not convincing. The ending is incredible because it's so unbelievable. HIs reqard for threatening to reason is not just one promotion, it's three promotions. He skips past Superintendent and Chief Superintendent and goes straight to Commander. That just isn't done.
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Dalgliesh: A Certain Justice - Part 1 (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
Very good but not without it's faults
18 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Others have described the episode so I am not going to duplicate it. Although I found it entertaining 3 incidents annoyed me.

Police officers did not wear helmets on the back of their head. The extras should have been instructed accordingly. The new make Detective Sergeant stated that after joining the force 6 months earlier ( 3 months of which he would have been in training school) he is being fast tracked. This would not have been possible.

The suspect and his girlfriend were found in a shack and the police were supposed to be surrounding it. However, they are allowed to run out of the rear and commenced a daft chase in the wood.
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King Arthur (2004)
An interesting take
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This can't be a film based on history because we don't actually know what happened. I therefore think that it's good enough. I would prefer to film to be called Arthur because he wasn't actualy a King.

Even though it's not a Camelot type story they have used the names of Arthur's round table knights. Probably not a good idea but it helps the viewer.

I liked use of Hadrian's wall but I would expcect to see a Fort, not just the wall. I appreciated the refrence at the end to the battle fought on Baden Hill, but the battle we saw was not on a hill. I thought it was well acted and I was impressed with the film.
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It's different and still very good
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Many have said that they found the film hard to follow. I can well understand why this should be so if one has not seen the tv series or read the book . It would have helpede if the viewer could have been told at the start what Tinker Tailor etc was all about. The scene between Control and Jim Prideaux was needed very early on, before Jim went abroad.

It not a condensed version of the tv series. It's just different. And I think it's very good once you understand it. My very favourite scene was at the Christmas Party when the two long time friends Jim Prideaux and Bill Hayden smile at each other.
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Watched it for the first time.
14 July 2023
I watched this film for the very first time on tv a few days ago although I have known about it for as long as I can remember. I don't dislike it but I am unable to rave about it either. The encounter at the Railway station was initiated by Dr Harvey played by a youngish Trevor Howard. He continually persuades Laura played by Celia Johnson to agree with him that they are in love. Harvey is used to getting his own way. It appearts that he has accepted a job in South Africa. He hasn't even discussed it with his wife and just assumes that she and their two children will go with him. I found the co-stars, especially Stanley Holloway a bit more interesting. It was very well acted however and for that I give it an 8.
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Inspector Morse: The Wolvercote Tongue (1987)
Season 2, Episode 1
Another great Morse episode
16 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's similiar to the book "The Jewel that was our" but allhugh the book features the missing the Wolvercate Tongue", the tongue is not the jewel refered to in the title.
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Inspector Morse: The Dead of Jericho (1987)
Season 1, Episode 1
A few points to make
6 February 2022
This was the first book to be filmed but the 5th book to be written. I can't understand why there is a mystery about Morse's first name as it would have to be included in every witness statement he made and spoken every time he gave evidence.

For most of the episode he doesn't appear to have anything to do and he just wanders about interfering with someone else's case. Chief Superintendent Grout explains that he did not get promoted because of his attitude. If this was true he would never have made it to CHief Inspector.

Having got that off my chest, I have to say that I really love John Thaw and the Inspector Morse series.

Others have described the episode quite well.
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Inspector Morse: Death Is Now My Neighbour (1997)
Season 8, Episode 3
7 February 2021
One of the better episodes in which Lewis is supposed to find out Morse's full name. This is a total nonsense. In every case they were involved in there would be a full file containing Morse's witness statement which would have to show his full name. Every time he gave evidence he would have to state his full name.
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Foyle's War (2002–2015)
Two outstanding characters
22 January 2021
It starts at the beginning of WW2 and ends a few years after the end of the war. Foyle is Chief Superintendent based in Hastings who appears to answer to the Metroplitan Police rather than the local Chief Constable . His staff is a DEtective Sergeant with a wooden leg which cures itself after a few episodes and a female driver. There are other Police officers who work at Hastings Police station but nobody else above the rank of Sergeant. Realistically it is way off beam but the stories and acting are excellent. After the war Foyle is recruiting by Hilda Pierce from the secret service. The two outstanding characters are Foyle and Hilda Pierce
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Dunkirk (2017)
Not much in the way of acting
6 January 2021
If I had stopped watching this film three quarters of the way through, I would think that very few if any made it back to England. Considering that the soldiers were not conscripts, the average age of those we saw appeared to be a little too young. There is not much dialogue except from Kenneth Branagh who is a bit OTT and appears to get loads of information although he never seems to leave the pier. However, I give full marks to Mark Rylance. A non acting debut for Harry Styles.
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Outside Edge (1994–1996)
It's the cricket I love
3 January 2021
The actging is first class an so is ther huimnor but I am going to concentrate of the cricket I have captained a smallish cricket team and I often had to make several phone calls to ,make sure we had a full team. It's very hard work. In my club, captains were volunteers rather than being elected.

Captain and wicket keeper Roger, All rounder Kevin and batter Alex are thre backbone of the team. Alex iis easily the best player but he is selfish. He should really be playing for a better team but he likes being a big fish in a small pond
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Marple: Endless Night (2013)
Season 6, Episode 3
The ubiquitous Jane Marple
15 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not an original Miss Marple story but she just pops up everywhere , evedn abroad.

I have just read the book and here we have the nonsense of characters added, characters deleted and names changed for no good reason. .

The main character is supposed to be charming and handsome but he is neither. He's just a nasty greedy chancer with a nasty habit of kiling people.
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Poirot gets physical
10 October 2020
It's an excellent film. The problem is that I was well aware of the solution.

Poirot is excellent in all respects apart from his appearance.

At the very end there was a reference to Death on thre Nile but Poirit did not attend this murder. He was there at the time.

All Poirots will be compared with David Suchet.
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Poirot: The Theft of the Royal Ruby (1991)
Season 3, Episode 9
Was Poirot really necessary ?
26 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Poirot is asked to at Christmas at a Country house in order to find a stolen ruby. It is clear that the secret service knew who stole it and where they were going to be.

Why didn't they just arrest them ?????
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Poirot: Four and Twenty Blackbirds (1989)
Season 1, Episode 4
We know when this case happened.
17 August 2020
Unusually for a Poirot episode we know that this case occured in late June 1934 and tghe arrest was made on 25 June. The test match refered to actually happened and all the details given were correct.

A nice little story nicely acted by all our favourite cast members
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Marple: The Pale Horse (2010)
Season 5, Episode 1
Different but quite good.
10 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not the first peson to comment that if you have read the books, you have to treat these films as totally different stories. and enjoy them for what they are..

Julie McKenzie IS a good Marple. I was especialy mpressed by Bill Patterson. Neil Pearson was also good and would have made a good Japp.

Some people seem to think that it was victims who went to the Pale Horse. Wrong. The People who visited wanted to have someone killed.
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Treat it as a normal drama
7 August 2020
You have to treat it as a normal drama becaujse there are so many mistakes.

Most of the mistakes are with Policeeprocedure. The long haired 'Nipper Read' is not very nipperish and lacks gravitas. He even gets the Police caution wrong and it sounds like something you might hear in an US crime drama/ One of the Police officers handcuiffed to one of the brothers should have retired 20 years ago. IN any case prisoners from the court are in the custody of the prison service, not the police.

The senior Police uniform was wrong as was the name of the rank. Reed's elite squad looked all wrong.

Reed would not be allowed to conduct an identity parade.

I have forgotten the other mistakes.
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Marple: Murder Is Easy (2008)
Season 4, Episode 2
It's a new story.
20 July 2020
When you watch a 'Marple' you just have to treat it as something totally new. In this case, it certainly was.

The writer ommitted two of the most interesting characters from the book, Lord Whitfiled and Giles Ellsworthy.

As something new, I guess that it was OK. It was very well acted.
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Poirot: Appointment with Death (2008)
Season 11, Episode 4
It's a special treat
19 July 2020
Yes it's a special treat for fans of Agatha Christie who have read the book because they more or less get a brand new story.
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I'm envious
27 May 2020
I agree with both reveiwes made so far so I will not add to what has already been said . I have just finished watching it in 6 hour long episodes and found it heart warming, full of inforemation and entertaining. I am envious because I would loved to have lived in a place like Kibworth.
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Poirot: Curtain: Poirot's Last Case (2013)
Season 13, Episode 5
21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have recently read the book again and watched this programme again. The episode is quite faithful to the book with just a few exceptions. We have to bear in mind that while the short stories have to be padded out to make a one hour episode, the novels have to be reduced to make a 2 hour episode ( with adverts )

All the actors are excellent and this time Hastings is the star. The ending is only a shock if you haven't read the book. If you don't know the ending you will really need to concentrate to guess it.

A strange thing is that the actor who plays the villain in this last Poirot to be published also plays the hero in the last Marple book to be published. That's the coincidence
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Marple: Why Didn't They Ask Evans? (2009)
Season 4, Episode 4
Something new
30 March 2020
For those who have read the book as it's almost totally different. Georgia Moffett and Sean Biggerstaff do a decent job as the main characters as do the rest of the cast. It was , however, a very strange part for the excellent Warren Clarke.

On occasions I thought I was watching a comedy and this was in scenes which were supposed to be a bit nasty.

I understand that it was done a lot better in 1980.
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Why did they bother
9 February 2020
Good series very well acted.

My problem is that if the government wanted it to just go away, why did they prosecute Ward and then Keeler.

The damage had already been done.
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Billy Elliot (2000)
Excellent But.....
31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I really love this film and there was top class acting throughout. Gary Lewis has the ability to express himself really well without saying anything, especially when he is sitting in the theatre crying with pride.

I especially loved the scenes between Billy and his young friend Michael.

Now for the But....I didn't like the Police scenes as they were totally unrealistic. Any action would be near to the pit entrance and not in the middle of the housing estate. Why on earth were about 500 Police lined up like a Roman Legion. What on earth were they doing there ?
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Mrs. Brown (1997)
The history is not accurate
23 December 2019
A fine film but the history is not accurate. Queen Victoria was not hiding in Scotland untill 1869. In 1866, she visited Wolverhampton to publically unveil a statue of Prince Albert on horseback. At the same time she spontaneously knighted the Mayor of Wolverhampton. This was the first time appeared in public since her husband's death. There is no record of John Brown being present.

I say all this as a long term resident of Wolverhampton.
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