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Down to Earth with Zac Efron: Waste (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
Impressive, and always frustrating
20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love watching episodes like this because I like to see how deep we can go with sustainable resources. It's also very frustrating to me personally because I have very limited means, as I am disabled and my budget is stymied by how expensive my treatments are and how much I can actually physically do myself. We don't even have basic recycling at my complex and I can't personally travel and haul recycling. My bare minimum is that I have all LED and CFC light bulbs. I no longer drive and don't keep a car, but by default all of my rides are shared rides. What I wish is that someone would feature a show on how disabled folks make all of this work, and do it on a budget while also taking care of major medical issues. I think that would be a real stunner. Also, Arizona (Tucson and Phoenix, and sometimes other stops in other cities) have produce rescue through the organization Borderlands Produce Rescue (nickname P. O. W. W. O. W.). We get about 70 lbs. Of produce for around $15 USD (as of today's date). This is open to anyone who pays this fee, you don't need to show proof of being on any type of program to receive a crate. If the fruits and veggies are past being fresh when they are rescued, they are donated to area livestock farms. This program has grown exponentially from what it used to be, when we used to stand in line and paid $10 USD for a few tomatoes and spaghetti squash, about 15 years ago. It's close to the setup that OZHarvest featured in this episode has, but everyone has to prepare their own veggies and fruits rather than have meals prepped for them.
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Fascinated by Jerky People
26 September 2022
I really never paid attention to the crimes when they were happening, so I learned a lot when I watched this series. They were incredibly bold. The thieves also thought of themselves as invincible, I think. And the way the two different sides to every stories plays out in this little series might leave your head spinning a bit, but I think I figured out that one person just has a big ego, and the other person has perfected her brand of lying. One thing that bothers me is that Rachel's lawyer was trying to portray her as an innocent child, but then said "Truth and justice will rue the day" they tried to appear, or something like that. It's actually incorrect use of that little saying, so if you read this, please stop saying that in that context like a hot potato. If you DO want truth and justice, you don't want those things to "rue the day," which would mean that they regret the day. You want truth and justice to win. Overall, I give this the same attention I do a murder mystery, but it's a shame their actions didn't make them notorious so I can't clutch my purse in suspicion.
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Love by the 10th Date (2017 TV Movie)
Good Dating Movie
7 February 2021
This is a movie that kind of touches on a lot of love and dating issues, not just the one central title issue. That definitely gives it value and depth. Everyone looks gorgeous, there's plenty of fun and a little bit of tears, exactly what you would expect from a rom-com.
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I want to like this
16 December 2020
What you need to know about me is that I am okay with everything not being presented in a perfect package. I really struggled to get through this movie; it took four stops and starts. It was difficult to connect and understand all of the players. I have zero interest in Mrs. Maisel and so I won't make any recommendations for that. The acting is still good, but it took me until the very end to feel as if I could tie everyone together, but I still didn't care about them. The hugs felt false. I think if anything, viewers are going to get a kick out of vintage threads and cars.
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Older (2020)
The Little Indie Film That Could
15 October 2020
I don't go into films that have few reviews with low(er) budgets with high expectations, because let's face it, it never works out. This little Kiwi film, however, was a pleasant surprise. It's modern dating - the lines are quite blurry - and there is joy and no apologies in casual sex. But of course, it's natural to feel jealousy. What do you do with those feelings? And how do you handle the rest of your life and living? How do other people fit into your life? Give this movie a chance. (There are a lot of lovely people to watch and it doesn't feel like they are just reciting lines, which is a bonus.)
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I couldn't get into it
2 October 2020
I tried. There were elements of this movie that should have tugged on my heartstrings. But throughout I was reminded of "Uptown Girls," just with more cello and the guy from Green Day. And I'm a big art and movie nerd to the point where friends say, "Oh, that's HER type of movie where there's no ending and everyone is sad."
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Becoming (II) (2020)
A Very Smart Woman
9 May 2020
As she says in this movie, life isn't going to "get back on track" just because she has left the White House. She has to figure out a new path. Before the White House, she got herself a stellar education and career. She strives for healthy relationships personally and professionally, and it seems her favorite thing is to make meaningful connections. If you are ready to be inspired and even make some meaningful connections of your own, watch. If you understand that we still have a long way to go to stop prejudice and institutional oppression but you know it's worth the effort, watch. If you aren't intimidated by smart women, watch.
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Uncorked (I) (2020)
True to Life
29 March 2020
Life is never a straight line. Very few of us are doing what we thought we would be doing, or arrived in the manner we thought we would. This movie is a direct reflection of that.

One particular scene, without ruining it, is near the very end. I won't explain it but I hope you will recognize it when you see it. The way the director/writer worked in the imagery and what he was struggling with at that particular time was incredibly effective.
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The Weekly (2019– )
I Look Forward to Every Episode
27 June 2019
Definitely a series that will be understood and appreciated by the educated. It isn't propaganda and there aren't inaccurate or cutesy catch phrases to dumb it down, which will make some viewers uncomfortable. The journalists even assume that the audience knows the difference between "your" and "you're," and "their," "there" and "they're." Go on, watch. Learn something.
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This isn't another movie about shooters
5 May 2019
If you go into this movie expecting to have the shooters' motives rehashed yet again, you will be disappointed. First-person shooter video games are already getting your dollars. This movie was made with the intention of showing the effect of trauma, period. Trauma never ends. It changes, it morphs, it waxes and wanes, but it is never over. It is made especially difficult when the nation and the world assume that they know your story because cameras showed up (and did not always correctly report what was going on because they were eager to be the first to get info out before verifying it).
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One Long Infomercial, But Not Entirely True
23 April 2019
Everyone says, "The Mayo is the best, right?" It may have been at one point. The spirit in which it was created was certainly a giving and collaborative spirit. But the "best" is still saved for the wealthy and the famous first. The Mayo was discovered to be turning away patients receiving medical assistance in Minnesota, even though legally they aren't supposed to be because they receive funding from the state of Minnesota. As far as treating rare diseases goes, I have seven. After getting referrals from five different doctors while I was living in Minnesota to be seen at the Mayo, the Mayo said in a letter that they would not accept me as a patient because I was "too rare." In fact, I'm not allowed to be seen there at all. I went later just to have my blood drawn for a test, not to see a doctor, and they removed me from the roster after I signed in because of the ban. It isn't just me; my cousin's friend had to move to another state to get her double lung transplant for her rare disease because the Mayo didn't want her as a patient. Another friend who actually lives in Rochester was also banned for being rare. They have great success stats if they turn away patients. So the "hope" portion of this is completely false, unless you can hope to be easy, wealthy or famous.
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Mo Amer: The Vagabond (2018 TV Special)
Truly Funny, Multicultural Humor!
30 January 2019
So much cross-cultural humor in this act! And the sweetest part is when he tells the story of his own immigration as a refugee with his sister and his mom. Sometimes it's hard for me to get into standup, but this seemed to fly by too quickly. Keep up the good work, you are doing it right!
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Grease 2 (1982)
Grease 2 Was a Vehicle
24 December 2018
No one looked liked they were in high school except for Dolores. I took this movie exactly for what it was when it was when it came out - a practice film so everyone could get time in front of and behind the camera. Sure, the premise is a little thin. Sure, there's motorcycles instead of cars. But Michael was my first British boyfriend (the rest were real). I still quite enjoy the film separately and equally to the original Grease. We are not talking about deep topics.
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20 Weeks (2017)
So You Think You Want a Baby
9 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have a middle-aged male friend who wants a child. He doesn't actually like children. He wants a partner who is young and doesn't have children of her own already because he only wants his own child or children. He thinks that after the child/children reach 6 months of age, it's going to be "easy." This movie reminds me of him. It's that huge ball of denial that genetic anomalies don't happen - because they do. The scientific advances we have made in testing during gestation have been a blessing and a curse, because now we know what may or may not be developing, and sometimes difficult decisions have to be made. Everything can't be avoided. What do you do if your baby is born with something that wasn't detected, or can't be cured? Aren't every single one of us imperfect? Isn't it possible to love or care for another human being, even if it doesn't have perfectly formed fingers, which was merely the possibility in this movie? If my friend is ever in this dilemma in real life, I think the result would be the same as in this film.
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