
20 Reviews
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True Story Told Convincingly and with Quality
6 July 2024
The Sound of Hope tells the true story of 22 families from Possum Trot, Texas who fostered and adopted 77 of the most difficult children in the child welfare system. The story has been featured in several venues, including Oprah, and Good Morning America. On the surface, it sounds like a great concept for film, but how does one write a compelling two-hour script that captures the heart of the issue without being overly sentimental, pedantic, or contrived?

Thankfully, Angel Studios has done what might have seemed impossible. The script is compelling, the acting is realistic, and the best part is that, even though it is rooted in a Christian narrative, it does not shy away from the difficulties of the task. It absolutely shows flawed people living out their faith. This storytelling is not just a true story but storytelling that is true. Definitely worth your time and ticket!
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John Ford Style Epic
3 July 2024
Overall well done and quite enjoyable. My only criticism is some of the language- if they did not use God's name as a curse, I would give it a 10.

Ignore the armchair critics for several reasons. First, of course it's "incomplete" - it's a four-part film! Second, I cannot imagine how anyone could think the pacing was too slow. I enjoyed settling in for the three hour ride and being invested in the characters. In fact, I was surprised that three hours had passed so quickly!

Third, an article in Variety made the comment that it seemed like a television mini-series. Then, of course, a number of people just parroted that comment. What does that even mean?! There have been a number of sweeping epics made specifically for television. And let's not forget some of the great episodic shows like Breaking Bad. Fourth, the length works in its favor. I would much rather read a well-written novel over some poorly written short story. The same way with good filmmaking. Allow the characters' stories to unfold so that we are not rushed through to some contrived finish.

Perhaps the problem is too many of today's moviegoers have been feeding at the trough of regurgitated superhero slop. Lots of flash, lots of bang, lots of CGI, but not much else. Horizon is not filmmaking that has been dumbed down.

And finally, if you understand John Ford westerns, you know the landscape itself becomes a character. This was a great homage to that technique as well. Wonderful camera placement with sweeping vistas. So go and support Mr. Costner for the artist he is. Definitely looking forward to parts two through four!
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Outer Range: Ode to Joy (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
Don't Expect Nuance
23 June 2024
If you are the type of viewer who appreciates intelligent writing, well, rounded characters, and nuance, this episode provides many things, but none of the those. In fact, I would be surprised if the writers knew the definition of the word nuance. I expected some heavy-handed, contemporary political tropes, but this exceeded my expectations. In fact, it went well into cringe territory. It was all so bpainfully predictable. Nobody with a sense of what is happening in Hollywood would say, wow, I didn't see that coming! Besides all of that, it was difficult, if not impossible, to reconcile some obvious issues. Earlier we were told Royal was born in 1882. This takes place in 1886. He is definitely not a four year old in this episode. Also, toward the end of the episode, Joy can barely walk, and then a few minutes later she's running through an open field! Just two of the many problems that made me thankful when the end of credits rolled!
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Good storytelling with compelling characters
30 June 2023
At first, this episode appears like it will be simply another time traveling story. However, as it unfolds, we are treated to a greater in-depth look at a central and recurring character. She is a tragic figure, and the episode's title (taken from McBeth) is fitting. Time constraints keep the writers from delving deeper, and there is admittedly missed opportunities to flesh out the relational development, but this does not detract from the narrative as a whole. The final scene is especially poignant, and the viewer is given ample time to reflect on the character's situation and the depth of her loneliness. This episode was Star Trek as it was meant to be. Good storytelling, interesting characters, and a nuanced look at human nature.
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Investigative Documentary Home Run
11 June 2022
It's not advanced calculus. I could answer the question "what is a woman?" fifty years ago when I was in kindergarten. This film pulls back the curtain behind the ideology that has made answering this simple question today both difficult and dangerous (at least for some). It's intriguing, humorous, and compelling - definitely worth the time.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Woke Trek
27 March 2022
I had hopes that this series would showcase great story-telling. Instead, the narratives fell into predictable woke tropes faster than a tachyon particle. Simply avoid.
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FBI: A New Dawn (2019)
Season 1, Episode 12
Bias On Display
29 December 2021
An interesting storyline, but the left-wing progressive bias Hollywood places in everything it creates is on full display. You don't have to be a political analyst to see that domestic terrorism is by far a left-wing radical problem in our country today. Unfortunately, that is simply not addressed in entertainment today. "Is there no truth in art?"
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Shakespeare in the Middle
28 November 2021
Beautiful sets and costumes can't rescue a mediocre script filled with one dimensional characters and riddled with anachronisms- Virginia plantations in the 1580's?!
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New Order (2020)
Poorly Executed Regurgitated Marxism
23 April 2021
Take an old premise, throw in social cliches from the late 19th-Century, mix with mediocre acting, and you have New Order.
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Pedantic Anachronistic Tripe
27 March 2021
Take great literature, convert it to poorly constructed dialogue, painfully obvious virtue signaling, and no sense of historical accuracy and you have the Irregulars. Do yourself a favor and avoid (I wish I had!).
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Blown Away (2019– )
How To Win A Reality Show Competition
29 January 2021
Would you like to win 1st place in a reality show competition?

No need to worry about pesky things like skill, quality, or aesthetics. Simply pick your favorite Woke Du Jour. Be sure to talk about it every time the camera is in your face. Imply that you are a marginalized victim. Make sure the audience knows it has to agree with you to be enlightened.

Finally - and this is key - be sure to continually guilt the judges into knowing they too are unenlightened oppressors - unless they give you 1st place.

These are guaranteed to secure your win - unless, of course, you are a white, straight, man.
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Very Well Done - Worth The Time
15 January 2021
Real, gritty, and emotional. Three-dimensional characters and sharp writing. Glad the writer didn't give the perpetrators a sympathetic backstory. No "I couldn't help myself because of the way I was treated by (fill in the blank)." Sometimes evil people do evil things. Take the time to see this.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Unification III (2020)
Season 3, Episode 7
Star Trek: Woke Speed
4 December 2020
When Discovery isn't propagating Leftist agenda like Tribbles on a Quadrotriticale bender, it's subjecting us to more painful emotions than a Pon Farr cycle. This episode made me wish the series was on the Kelvin timeline so it couldn't have been written.
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Moonlight (I) (2016)
30 October 2020
Well it certainly hits all the right intersectionality buttons. As for the best picture, sure. It's better than all the others that were nominated that year except for..... All the others!
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The Blacklist: Hannah Hayes (No. 125) (2019)
Season 7, Episode 7
Pro-Abortion Episode That Is Actually Pro-Life
8 October 2020
The writers tried to show a pro-life position as hypocritical, but ended up showing that choosing life is the better decision. The "victim" (Who is the blacklister) cannot help but love her daughter more than anything. Except maybe her need for revenge. Had she been willing to put her self aside, she could have been healed through her love.
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Cursed (2020)
Phone-in Writing
3 August 2020
Poorly written by the Woke-Scold crowd. Panders to anyone who is Hard Left and in doing so becomes as interesting as lint.
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Great Technology; Mediocre Script
29 January 2020
The technology here is quite fascinating. The visuals are amazing, and seeing nature at night is a great premise. The writing could have been better. A bit simplistic. Plus some grammatical errors that were distracting. Example: "This gang of cheaters are just getting started." (Gang is singular - thus "is getting started" would be correct.)
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Quality show without crap
29 December 2019
It's refreshing to watch a show without sexual content, vulgar language, and leftist propaganda. This is good story telling with elemental antagonism while holding on to family bonds. Looking forward to season 3!
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Stargate Universe: Common Descent (2011)
Season 2, Episode 17
Against character
29 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Camille Wray has descendants. That didn't happen unless she decided not to be homosexual. It's as if that never crossed her mind.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Netflix "woke" Sci-fi
5 August 2019
I thought the concept looked interesting, but Netflix virtue signaling ruined any potential. On top of that, the language was so crass and foul it became unwatchable.
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