
2 Reviews
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Ignore the right wing trolls
17 August 2022
This is a solid family film and not a superhero in sight. Sure, the ending is a little unbelievable but overall I enjoyed it and there are some good young actors here too.
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7 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the good reviews this film received (Empire four stars, RT 71%) I was hopeful for a film in its 6th instalment but I was left disappointed.

There's nothing new here to see, just another long and dull Terminator chase, devoid of excitement, menace and tension. We've had so many new Terminators and people that MUST be protected that the whole thing has become generic and boring.

John Connor is dead which for reasons I don't understand means that Skynet and Judgement Day didnt happen, but unfortunately for us a military AI project called Legion went out of control and produced exactly the same apocalyptic results of nuclear war and Terminators on a mission to eradicate the human race.

This time its a woman who must live but she doesn't even seem to be surprised, scared or show much reaction at all to a robot from the future trying to kill her, her family and obliterating the world around them.

Sent back to protect her is a cyber enhanced diabetic giraffe. Also helping is gravely voiced Linda Hamilton who is easily the best thing about this film and she looks older than my Nan who has been dead for 15 years.

No Terminator film would be complete without Arnie, now living a family life in a woodland cabin after completing his mission of killing John Connor (uh didnt he actually save John Connor then get lowered into molten lava last time we saw him in T2?) He has apparently grown a conscience so helps out too.

With the gang reunited we get a ridiculous Fast and Furious style finale with the girls falling out of a plane in a Humvee and then a final battle.

I can only think that there must be some sort of media conspiracy or bribery going on, I wanted to like it but its just another Terminator sequel that shouldnt have happened. Can we send somebody back to take out all those involved?
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