
14 Reviews
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Halo (2022– )
Sci - Fi v Gaming
11 February 2024
So the gamers hate it. What a surprise.

This is another example of why sci - fi fans and gamer geeks are not often compatible.

What really annoys me is that gamers give this show poor reviews because it doesn't play enough homage to the game. My son who is a gamer immediately hated it because you saw master chiefs face as if this was a real iconic thing. Sorry Halo fans but Judge Dredd beat you to that one nearly 50 years ago.

Having played Halo I don't really remember an in depth storyline so so having a faceless armoured guy running around constantly killing aliens would have gotten old after about 15 minutes.

As a sci-fi fan I can say this is a solid addition with a strong story, good acting and good effects. Much better than average overall. A solid 8/10.

Sorry gamers.
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Criminal Record (2024– )
Surely the MET isnt that Corrupt?
11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This has the beginnings of a decent series.

The acting is good with the two main leads giving excellent performances so far.

Episode one set things up nicely but had one plotline that just seemed astonishingly over the top and frankly unbelievable.

I have no idea of Police procedure but it seems nonsense that a DCI could influence The Professional Standards Board to start a "random" investigation into a Police Officer and state it was random in front of her boss when it could be easily proven it wasn't. Why would a DI put their job at risk and do it so blatently unless their back was covered from the top which a DCI grade could not do.
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Annika (2021– )
Good Apart from the Accents
1 January 2024
Just discovered this show on on Demand.

It caught my attention as it said it was a show based in the Glasgow/Strathclyde area as the Police Marine Unit is based on the River Clyde.

While I think the plot and acting are pretty good, it is being spoiled for me by the lack of authentic west coast accents.

Now Im not even talking about the police unit themselves as it seems reasonable that could be diverse, however, only the chief Inspector Kate Dickie and the Harry Potter actress have genuine regional accents.

It does seem a bit unrealistic though that every episode is filled with people speaking in north and east coast accents, often while another member of the same family has a glasgow accent.

Clearly the production team isnt scottish and think all people in scotland have the same accent. Im sure anyone Scottish would hear it straight away.
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Its Sci Fi folks
24 December 2023
I am getting to the point that I dont even bother looking at the reviews on IMDB anymore.

Every film people dont like is always the worst they have seen this year, often worst they have seen this decade.

Lets discuss the the gripes: 1. Action scenes have too much slow motion. That Snyders thing. Deal with it or dont watch his movies.

2. Cant deal with a skinny girl beating up loads of men. Newsflash soldier boys, a 250 pound world champion UFC fighter couldnt beat 10 soldiers so who cares and stop analysing the enemy strategy when you probably didnt have a problem with John Wick killing 500 because hey he's John Wick.

3. Ive seen this kind of story before. Its been adnitted its a homage to The Seven Samurai so no kidding.

I thought it was a deecnt SCI FI movie with above average special effects. Also its a 2 parter so of course it might be a bit slow to get going. If you really want to gripe about a slow part 1, watch Dune.

A solid 7 from me.
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Culprits (2023– )
Unbelievable villain
11 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Enjoyed this apart from the villain of the tale.

A 50+ 10 stone frail looking man being an unstoppable killing machine.just takes suspending belief to a whole other level.

Not only was he a master of armed and unarmed combat but he was physically outpowering our main protagonist Muscle during the fight scenes and that was hours after having his shoulder basically ruined by a bullet.

I am all fro a bit of creative licence but this really did spoil a fun and unusually complex storyline.

I would have given this a 9 in not for this bit I am afraid its cost 2 points in my rating.

I would still recommend giving it a watch.
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Fight scenes Too Dark
24 September 2023
Watched 1st Episode.

Decent story and I am a fan of Ben Robson because of Animal Kingdom but I felt it was totally spoiled by the fight scenes being in semi darkness.

Nothing wrong with my TV and its big enough but I genuinely struggled to follow the action which in the John Wick Universe is the whole point.

Agree with some other reviews that the detective sub plot seems a bit pointless so far. Maybe it will develop in the next 2 episodes.

I havent seen the actor playing Winston before but he seems ok if a bit average.

Would have been an 8 from me but 2 points lost for poor lighting which does seem a bit of a schoolboy error.
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Fastest Car (2018–2019)
29 July 2022
Tried this.

1 episode in and Hotrod Hannah and her obnoxious father might be the 2 most unlikeable characters ever.

The supercar guy seemed decent enough.

All a bit boring though.
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TV shows are meant to be entertaining
29 July 2022
I love this show. I know nothing about about cars apart from driving and don't consider myself into Car shows bur this is great.

I think some of the negative comments from so called mechanics/ car guys are hilarious.

Seems they all want to see more of the actual work being done which I find a bit strange. Surely they know how to do that?

What do they want to see in a 1 hour , perhaps: ep1 - We fits a clutch ep2 - We fit a gearbox ep3 - We do a respray and on and on.... It you want to see that go down to your local garage with a deckchair.

Its meant to be entertaining folks. Get a life.
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The Northman (2022)
Don't believe the hype
15 May 2022
I have never seen any of this directors previous films so don't have any of the fanboy bias.

I like all the main actors and I like Viking type movies so this ticked all the boxes for me but after a decent first 20 mins but just went from ridiculous to boring to ridiculous again.

By the end I was struggling to make sense of it and didn't even have the enthusiasm to rewind it to see if I has missed something.

The worst film I have have seen this year and there has been some real dross out there.
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Tenet (2020)
What A Mess
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I tick all the boxes. Christopher Nolan fan. Sci fi fan. Action fan. However this is an incoherent mess of a film. Halfway through I couldn't understand or honestly care what was going on. Ironically the one person who had some character, Neil , is the one whose fate is doomed. The rest I couldn't cared less what happened to them. A couple of decent action scenes nothing but nothing not seen before. The reverse stuff was novel for about 15 mins before it just began to annoy. It was like a bad bond script was given to an another screenwriter on acid and was told, give it a twist.
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WandaVision (2021)
Good Acting x Terrible Script/Idea Still = Rubbish
24 January 2021
I dont write many reviews but feel I must throw in an opinion here. I am an avid comic reader of 40 years and love the MCU but this just doesnt work. Its hilarious when you read reviews that are basically saying, if you dont get all the easter eggs/between the lines info, and rate this a 10 then you are basically thick. Also who wants to rewatch anything to pick up what they miss the first time around. Is Tenet the new standard for entertainment. If this is a "House of M" type project then I cannot see how it can work. The comics version was complicated enough and you could reread till you got it. No way that translates to the screen. Disney has let some eccentric fanboys run riot.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Star Trek is back
3 February 2020
I've been a Star Trek fan all my life . From reruns of TOS in the 70s to TNG in my teens and 20s, it's what I grew up with. TNG, DS9 and Voyager had amazing stories and I watched the lot. I felt Enterprise was good if not up to the other 3. Personally I don't think Star Trek was meant to be movies but hey some good some bad. Discovery I looked forward to but I gave up after first series. Sorry but it was rubbish. Just watched first episode of Picard and I'm back baby. JL was always my favourite along with Worf and I'm hooked already.
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Dracula (2020)
Welcomed The change
2 January 2020
There have been countless "faithful" adaptions of Dracula on TV and Cinema and most of them were rubbish. A faithful adaption of the book does not work as it's just too slow paced and did anyone really want to see another one? That's why I am rather dismayed at the negativity over the changes made. Yes, it isn't the novel but so what. It made it fresh and interesting and it is enjoyable not knowing what happens next. Good acting and great visuals. Story is pretty good. Looking forward to ep 2.
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The Witcher (2019– )
It's Not Game of Thrones
22 December 2019
Just finished watching the first season and it is fantastic. Great storyline once I got my head around the time jumps and the action and acting were excellent. If I see one more review comparing it to GOT I will scream. It has no comparison apart from a medieval setting and the characters are more interesting due to the magic elements. Cannot wait for series 2
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