
14 Reviews
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Exceedingly uneven!
10 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While it was very stylish and quirky, with some wonderful characters and a fine cast to portray them. Unfortunately the "hero" of the story is a total douche bag that rapes 1 woman and then sets out to break up a family and run off with the woman who's half his age, at least. Found it very hard to pull for this disgusting human being. In the end, while I did enjoy much of it, it left me feeling very disappointed.
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Vera Cruz (1954)
See it for Burt Lancaster
12 March 2022
This is a tired worn out western aside from the great performance by Burt Lancaster. Gary Cooper, as usual, displays the emotional range of a block of wood. The supporting players are ok, but the story is uninspiring as it focuses on the relationship of Lancaster and Cooper. This would be fine if both were interesting characters, but having seen this movie a couple of minutes ago I'm already forgetting Coopers character.
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Prophecy (1979)
Frankenheimer channels Ed Wood
21 January 2022
This is one of the worst movies I've ever had the displeasure to watch. Pathetic, ridiculous poorly acted, dreadful. I can't say enough bad things about this pile of garbage. The one thing I appreciated was how it just kind of ends and you can see on the actors faces how relieved they are that it's over.
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Alienated (II) (2021)
A fun indie
11 December 2021
This is not overly complex and not groundbreaking cinema, but it is a fun film. The direction is competent and the acting is decent. The one exception is newcomer Gracie Lacey, who lights up the screen with an excess of charm and personality. Hopefully we will see her in much more. Overall a good night's viewing.
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Taken In (2020)
8 October 2021
None of my neighbors would use the word bellicose, how prophetic. This is a subtle and clever short that really gets you in the end. Really well acted and paced, I hope everyone involved continues to do good work like this.
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Locke & Key: Echoes (2020)
Season 1, Episode 9
27 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are always dumb decisions made in shows and I suppose that is probably pretty accurate knowing people. This, however, goes beyond pale. Firstly everyone noticed how incredibly stupid it was to allow Ellie to take the key back to her house where the crown is, and where Dodge has been staying. Secondly, why does no one check the fake Dodge, that no one is aware is fake, for keys. She always has the anywhere key on her. This isn't one person having a brain fart, this is a group of people sharing a very small group of brain cells that barely maintain their breathing ability. The writers need to do better.
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Predictable, but still very good
22 March 2021
There are a lot of reasons to like this film and one of them is the acting. Everyone does a great job and the characters are well written as well. I guessed the surprise twist ending really early on as it is pretty predictable, but the rest of the film is wonderfully done. Good cinematography, good pacing and mood. Already mentioned the acting was excellent. Even with the predictability, it's a really good ending too.
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Under the Dome: Heads Will Roll (2014)
Season 2, Episode 1
Character Assassination.
5 January 2021
This episode kicks off the second season by killing off the two most likable characters. They may not have been the most important to the overall story, but likable characters give the audience a reason to care about the show. We'll see how the rest goes I guess.
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Alone (XIX) (2020)
12 December 2020
This is a really well done short and the acting and dialog are superb. Having only one actress and a voice, it never gets boring and when it's done you want it to continue, even though the ending is excellent. Nicely done.
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Love that it was based on a real Craigslist ad.
12 December 2020
There have been many writers who've said, give me a title and I can write a story around it. I've seen some really crazy Craigslist ads and someone made a very funny, yet sweet and complicated, strange story out of one of them. The acting is good, the cinematography is good, the pacing is excellent, but it's the imagination behind the story that elevates it. Very well done short.
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Requiem: The Necklace (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
I love this show, but...
10 May 2020
Why not just get a DNA sample, it's 2018, you can trace people's ancestry, but you can't trace if she's Rose's daughter?
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Static (2008 TV Movie)
Decent Sci-fi although it is flawed.
18 February 2020
The idea behind the film is actually pretty good, the cast is ok for a low budget film. The problem lies in a few touches. First, the "science genius" who creates the device tests once under optimal conditions and wants to proceed. This is not scientific method. Second, the same guy is so rude and never apologizes that I think he would have had his head kicked in before the second half of the movie, this is just opinion of course. I can't blame the actors, only the script, which was not bad, but lacking in that you should try to make most characters likable in at least some way.
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10 September 2019
Donald Pleasence never disappoints and the rest of the cast are equally good. This is the norm for Ray Bradbury Theater. What sets this apart is the non linear story line, the lack of a concrete explanation to every detail, the complex moral issues involved. This is not typical television fare, it reaches much higher and it achieves it. If you want all the t's crossed and all the I's dotted and need to be spoon fed easy answers to all your questions during an episode or a movie, then this is not for you. If, however, you like being challenged and like having questions to mull over after all is said and done, then this is definitely for you.
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Star Trek Continues: What Ships Are For (2017)
Season 1, Episode 9
True to the original
28 August 2019
The original Star Trek always took modern issues and made parable stories that reflected that and gave a more compassionate view. This is what this episode does very well. I saw one review that got very angry and explained in detail of how he and his conservative friends don't need lecturing and aren't bigots, but if this were true, the episode would not have caused this level of anger. I believe the episode does what it was intended to do. Make people think. Like the best of the original Star Trek episodes where we encounter racism, religious bigotry, sexism, this deals with our compassion as human beings. And it says it beautifully.
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