
198 Reviews
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10 all day
17 May 2024
Great animated series. Completely engrossing. It took me a bit to really get into the storyline, but after I did, I was completely absorbed. I like how each episode varies a bit, almost like they have a different director for each.

I read to be careful because there was so much blood and sex, but, even though there is, I didn't feel it was misplaced and it blended into the animation perfectly.

The episodes are about an hour long, and by the end of one, I was ready for a break. NOt because they were boring but because I was exhausted from the intensity of the episode. Wonderfully animated with a fantastic storyline.
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I'll go for a 6-7
10 February 2024
... but, that's because Angekica Houston showed up at the end. Starts off well enough, outside being hunted and it's a typical "Let's catch the bad guy in the mountains" sort of chase, with Pierce Bronson being the chased and Liam Neeson being the chaser.

There are several chances to build a little more on the characters which the two encounter, but they go nowhere.

Eventually, things start getting a little weird, like it's two different writers - one writing the most part, then another writing the end. I suppose it could be they got some good mushrooms or something, but it gets weird for no real reason.

Could use a little more explanation for those of us who don't get it.
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Too much action?
22 January 2024
The plot is as simple as simple can be., "John Wick wants out." After that the fighting begins, and never ends, or so it seems. I'm all for action movies being about action, but this was a little on the tedious side - so much killing. I mean Wick had to kill a minimum of 100 people. Also, it switches back and forth with who are the good guys and who are the bad guys..

Still it's not a horrible movie if you're a Keanu Reeves fan, or if you are a fan of the franchise and just want to see the latest offering.

I did watch the entire film, so it deserves around a seven. Until next time, "John Wick: From the Grave".
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Great Show!
9 January 2024
Right from the start - great show. It's funny most of the time, and seriously action-packed at other times. The entire cast of actors knocks it out of the park. The character development is phenominal - I could feel a little heartbreak whenever one of them was killed, even the bad guys. Maybe that's why this series is so wonderful, the writers took the time to tell the story from different angles and let people judge for themselves about who to choose and why the gangsters did the things they did.

Ii seemed like there may not be a season 2, until the last scene of the shows, after the credits rolled. I think there will be, so see you then.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Didn't live up to expectations
16 December 2023
I watched this with my wife who was ready to turn it off after about ten minutes, but I talked her into watching it - "It'll get better, honey. They'll be going into the real world, soon."

Well, it didn't get better, after they went into the real world. I feel like it was a better show in Barbieland where it seemed more realistic.

There isn't anything wrong with the acting or production, but the script is weak, particularly when they get to the real world. People just don't act like that. I'm disappointed for the actors, I think they thought it would be a great movie, however it's much more of a letdown.
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11 November 2023
Loosely based on Poe - you don't really need to be a Poe fan, and it;s very loosely based, like a side thought. Aside from that it's truly a fantastic series.

What I loved so much was the character developement. They don't just kill people off, they dive into the characters psyche, before killing them off. Lol There is an underlying, subtle, sense of anxiety developing throughout the series, while an array of things are developing. Each episode is a little different and the scare tactics change. I jumped a couple times. It's a very engrossing series and the actors are perfect.

I would highly suggest this.
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Creature (2023)
28 October 2023
This is currently rated 6.8, it needs to be much higher. This is what movie people should aspire to make.

It's a Turkish adaption of Frankenstein, but with no mention of Frankenstein. It is an adaption, but it's an adaption that reaches new heights - a masterpiece which would make Mary Shelley proud.

The film was made in Turkey with overdubbing and subtitles, so there may be, and it seems like there is, a little lost during translation, but it's definitely worth a watch. Having seen so many Frankenstein adaptions, I found myself waiting for certain angles which never materialized.

Erkan Kolçak Köstendil plays ilshan, the monster, and does an amazing job.
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Reptile (2023)
1 October 2023
I can't believe I almost didn't watch this movie because of the crazy low ratings. Honestly, if you think this is a 1, 2 or 3 star movie, you should have your ratings privileges taken away.

Super suspenseful. Lots of twists and turns. I thought I knew where it was going and I wasn't completely wrong, but iot taook a whole lot of turns to get there. Ups and downs where I thought I was wrong and someone else did it, just to find out it wasn't really about that and now I have a new suspect. Yeah, it's a great film. I highly recommend this one. Don't give up on it, take it to the end. You won't be disappointed.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
14 September 2023
Ignore the low ratings. This film has too many positives to it.

The beginning seems odd, like everything is going well, and I wasn't sure what to make of the plot. Then towards the middle, it gets started and weirdly uncomfortable, like I had to stop watching for awhile. It's a little disjointed, at times, but it's very well done. There are times when it appears the film needs a little more detail to let the audience in on what is going on.

The ending is a bit disappointing, like I thought she was going home, but it didn't seem like that's what happened.

All-in-all, it's weirdly a very good film.
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Loved it!
12 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's an arthouse movie, filmed in differnt locations, and if you've noticed, those different locations have varying techniques. I believe that may be why there are so many negative reviews on here.

It's a different type of love story with a very happy and satisfied man and his satisfied, but unhappy wife who wants to have a threesome. The threesome doesn't go as well as planned for the wife and they eventually decided to split the time with the husband with the third girl. This makes the wife a little crazier and eventually brings the husband and the third girl closer.

That's about all I'm going to divulge. It is worth watching.
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It'll stick with you
9 August 2023
It's a fairly disturbing movie that will stick with you. I had to watch it in parts because I get too freaked out by these types of films, but it was engrossing enough to keep me coming back for more. Now I'm sitting here like, "Please, I hope no one knocks on the door or calls me until I settle down a little." Oh yeah, I'm 60 yrs old and still get the chills.

The way it starts off, I got the feeling it was going to be about something like child abduction, and I almost turned it off. Soon it starts coming into it's own about a Doomsday scenario... or is it?

I thought the ending was fine, not as gruesome as I'd expected, but fine. These one star ratings are from the usual hate and misery crowd. It's a good film, especially if you're in a big house all alone. Lol.
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The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
Fun at the Drive-In
24 July 2023
We saw this as the second part of a double feature at the drive-in. The first movie was Indiana Jones 5, and it wasn't great. The Boogeyman didn't go on until midnight, so we were kinda over it all and ready to leave. Watched the beginning then started to leave, but just as we started to turn into the exit of theater came the first jump scare. LOL The kids started going crazy, so we stayed and had a blast with this movie. Very happy we stayed.

It's a psychological thriller/horror type with, like a said, very good jump scares and plenty of them. If you like that type of thing, please see this. Lots of fun and the kids are still talking about it.
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24 July 2023
I'll add stars for action because that's about all it was - disjointed action, but a lot of it. We saw this and another movie at a drive-in theater, so I gave the sound quality a break, even though we listened to it through our car stereo system which is a very good system. That is, a break until the second feature came on and I could understand every single word said. So, the dialogue was not very clear and what I could make out, not all that interesting.

As much as I love the Indiana Jones franchise, this one didn't do it for me. It relied entirely on action, instead of a well-written script. The kids did like it, particularly for the creepy things and explosions.
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Dare I Say?
20 July 2023
Update: I'm reading other reviews and I really don't get all the hate for Willa. She's the daughter in the show and his actual daughter. Sje acts and sounds just like a daughter would. Maybe some of you aren't familiar with daughters, but this girl is perfect for the part.

Better than the original. Hold on now, I loved the original, but it didn't have the acting this one far. City Primeval just feels crisper, maybe because the actors and staff are a little more seasoned. The original was fun, but it felt a little raw and not always on point - still a lot of fun, but a little less rehearsed, or something...something missing.

This new one just flows, especially with the impressive editing. If you compare this one to the original, you'll notice how the new one is always moving, where the original often stalled on scenery.

I still watch the original, but I'm in love with this City Primeval, too.
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Jury Duty (2023– )
15 July 2023
I'll admit, I could only get through 2 episodes. I feel they picked the wrong actor for the role because this guy seems like an actor, and so does his, "not a script" performance. I'd believe some of the other actors weren't actors but not this guy. He's too talkative and says some things that normal people just don't say. James Franco does a really good job, and so does the judge. I guess the problem lies in the main regular guy. Maybe if he just observed more or laughed at some of the stupid things happening,

This could be really funny if done correctly, but this guy is not your typical juror candidate.
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Hollywood (2020)
12 July 2023
This one took me awhile to get around to because I thought it was a musical. It's written in a style similar to a musical with big slightly over-the-top acing and story stealing scenes.

Well acted and written story of the film industry - a little comedic, a little dramatic, and a little nostalgic. It's a film you will not forget. Some will call this film too woke or some other intolerant slang, but those are people who don't understand what it's like to live amongst tolerant and truly free people, who can't understand why hate is directed to them and the one's they love.

Some of the characters in the beginning of the film aren' t very likable, but as it progresses, so does their likability. I guess that's learning tolerance.

Anyways, it's a GREAT film, and I'm happy I've found it. I'll watch it again - I hope, someday.
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Feels like a job
7 July 2023
I stopped after Season 1. I came here to read the reviews from other people to see if it would get better, but I didn't see anyone who didn't think Season One was the best. So, that's enough for me,

Iwas really looking forward to giving some time to this series, especially.with Viola Davis starring - seemed like a can't miss. Wrong. The constant back and forth with two seperate timelines wasn't excuted in any coherent way. It was annoying and seriously lacked character and plot development. Maybe that was why they did it. Awful and hugely disappointing.

I'm done with it. What a shame. I would not suggest this.
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Pearl (2022)
Enough crazy for everybody
25 June 2023
This is a special one. I don't think I've ever seen such an engrossing horror film, or suspense or whatever the heck the genre is - certainly not comedy. Well, I guess it could be slightly comedic, but like a really creepy, uneasy type of comedy.

If you saw X and liked it, you'll love this. I think the flow of this is much better. The writing and acting are deep in the insanity - layers of mental illness. It's just a very believable portrayal of an very unstable person. The patience in delivery is what really makes Pearl, it doesn't feel rushed, so it pulls one into the story.

This is something you'll remember for awhile. Enjoy!
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Jelly Roll: Save Me (2023 TV Special)
Offensively stupid
10 June 2023
This guy is a real con artist. I can see how people might think he is an inspiration, at first. He doesn't have much to say, just the same old, "Life did me wrong." Quit the 8th or 9th grade, I can't remember which.

I watched another interview with him, in which one of his party buddies does the question asking. Mostly what they talk about is doing acid and getting high and drinking. The saddest part is after listening to him for awhile, he makes things up. When he's asked a question, he has the habit of saying things like, "Oh yeah, I did that, I know about that, or I was going to do that" - classic BS stuff.

The guy is not a hero. If you need a hero, look for a teacher or doctor, not this scam artist. He's laughing, all the way to the bank, at the people he's supposedly portraying. Folks, you're being had and laughed at by this clown and his management company.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Has a few good scares
29 May 2023
It's a a good scaery movie, you've probably seen a trailer or poster with the "Smile". Well made, with some very scary moments. I truied to watch it by myself the first time, getting about 40 minutes into it before I had to stop and get my wife to watch it with me. Sorry, I know that sounds awful, but I don't like being in a big lonely house watching scary movies alone.

So, I got my wife to watch the movie with me, she was also scared, ane at the same parts, so I didn't feel bad. It's got a good storyline, but it's not a surprise in the end. Stays pretty much to the scary movie ABC's. You could probably skip the end so you don't get disappointed at the lazy writing. Still, it has some chills and worth a watch.
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Tiptoes (2002)
Look hard
22 May 2023
First the bad. There's a very good film covered-up my awful, I mean truly awful production. Seriously, it's like someone wanted to tank this film with '80s B film level production, even the audio is awful.

I have this issue in my family with my uncles and other relatives. I am the oldest of my siblings and cousins, and never planned on having children because of this condition, which does not affect me, but life happens. Anyways, when I read the descriptor, I decided to give it a shot. Then, the cast list started and I was excited to watch some of my favorite actors.

If you pay attention to the performances and not the production quality, you'll enjoy Tiptoes a bit more. The cast does their job. Although, Gary Oldman's character is a little awkwardly cast, the acting is superb.

I read there was an original production whhich got butchered into this. I'd really like to see it.
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Workin' Moms (2017–2023)
Sorry it's over
7 May 2023
Ten stars. They gave us 6 1/2 great seasons, and I think that's a very good record. Half of season 5 can be forgiven. This has been a highly entertaining series.

Those Canadians are doing something different with entertainment, I think they always have. For some reason, most of the good series in the USA start off with a good season or maybe two, then take a nosedive. Workin' Moms, for the most part, stayed consistantly funny throughour the entire 7 seasons. So kudos for that, and also for a wonderful heartfelt finale. They wrapped it up with a nice bow, but it doesn't mean I won't miss it. Thank you for the memories!
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Pretty much what I expected
25 April 2023
I'm surprised by how people seem to think, an obvious Rom Com should be competing with Gone With the Wind. C'mon people, you've got to know what you're getting into here.

I thought it was on par for what I expected, maybe a little better. It's a Julia Roberts/George Clooney romantic comedy in a tropical setting, with a couple twists. There aren't any tricks here, you're getting what you expect - a mindless relaxing couple of hours.

As a plus, they also have Billie Lourds, who somehow brings a little freshness and fun to the standard script. Aside from that, it's a good show, and as long as you like Rom Coms, I'd suggest this one - it's fun!
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HouseSitter (1992)
22 April 2023
I'd seen this several times, but not in the last, I don't know, maybe 20 years or more. Anyways, I;d forgotten how good this was, or maybe they just don't make movies like this any more.

It's an unbelievable movie about an unbelievable situation that is enhanced by the characters unbelievable made-up stories about an unbeleivable relationship. Yeah, it's a little mixed-up, but it is an endearing story, and one of my favorite Goldie Hawn movies.

Both Hawn and martin have those crazy facial expressions that make me laugh. There are plenty of those here, and the same goes for the supporting cast. They really did a great job of casting.

If you haven't seen this, do yourself a favor, and grab your favorite relaxing agent and have a laugh.
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10 stars for the actors
17 April 2023
I understand there was only so much that could be put out on the limited budget from Netflix, but the attempt to try to cram, what could have been a full season, into 2 hours, just doesn't work. At least it doesn't work the way it worked with Last Kingdom over the last five seasons.

There was not enough new character development. In the series, we were able to grow a real attachment to the characters, even the evil ones. I watched this 3 days ago, but took time to digest. I'm left with one character sticking in my mind, Ingilmunder, who is secretly Aethelstan's lover. I feel there was too much concentration on " We don't have proof, but in real life, Aethelstan could have been gay." It just wasn't where I thought the ending of Last Kingdom should have been focused, although it did come together in the end.

I would like to have seen Uhtred's daughter come back to help him fight.

This movie reminded me of the Ray Donovan movie. Donovan didn't feel as rushed, but had a great emotional ending, as did Seven Kings. I'm going to miss Uhtred.
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