
29 Reviews
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The Ark (2023– )
Ok. I decided I like it!
10 March 2023
I first rated this show at three out of ten and then I changed my rating to seven out of ten and now I have changed my rating to ten out of ten. I have watched episodes one through five twice already and I just watched episode six. I love the mystery and the suspense! I love the comedy as well! Please keep up the good work writers , actors, producers, SYFY Channel and everyone involved. It will be nice to have a science fiction show to watch that does not have foul, vulgar words inserted into every sentence spoken. I have wanted to see a science fiction show where I could feel empathy for the characters and root for them to make it to their destination and beyond. I also read that the writers wrote out the first 12 episodes so they knew where the show was heading from the first episode. I always thought, "why don't the writers and producers and creators map out the entire series from beginning to end? And then the networks must sign a contract for the shows that they want, ensuring that the show will not be cancelled until the last episode?" If actors can't continue their roles, they just replace the character with a new actor(explaining that, "the character of so and so will now be played by so and so 2.") And if something occurs in real life don't let it enter into the plot of the show.(unless of course your filming location is destroyed, then find a similar filming location.)
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good episode!
8 March 2023
I never knew this was a theater released film. I saw it pop up when I searched for The X-Files on the TV. That first X-Files movie(which I found extremely boring) had popped up as well, but I was hoping that this newer movie might be better and I was right! It was as if I was watching an original X-Files episode with Mulder and Scully again! I have never watched season 8 or season 9). Later they made new X-File episodes with Mulder and Scully(season 10 and 11). I really enjoyed most of season 10 and 11! Season 10 and Season 11 also made me feel as if I was watching the original Mulder and Scully episodes again.
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The Umbrella Academy: Oblivion (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
I liked how it ended.
30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I may be wrong, but it seemed to me that this billionaire donated a park in 1989, and a group of friends or random people rented some building that is in the park in order to experience one of the simulations that the billionaire had written. Each person got to choose a character and once the simulation begins, the person's real life memories are blocked and they get to experience the entire life of the character they chose. The simulation ends and they walk out into the park while their reality begins coming back to them. I think that Luther's wife could have just been one of the simulated characters as well as the others who did not show up at the end. The billionaire Mr. Hargreeves seemed to also be a simulated character. It seemed like a good ending to me, if they had ended the show this way. Allison probably worked at the park and it was her job on that particular evening anyway to press the button to end the simulation. She then leaves for home while it takes several minutes for the others to wake up and walk out into the park. Her real daughter Clair and her real life husband are happy to see her as they are every time she comes home from work. I thought it to be a cool ending. Some of the people that rented the simulation may have enjoyed it while others thought Hargreeves to be an ass hole for putting them through something that they assumed would be an entertaining experience.
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Longmire: One Good Memory (2016)
Season 5, Episode 2
I love this series because
23 September 2022
Because it's awesome but this Episode had the great Steven W. Bailey in it! He played in a show years ago that I had always wanted to see again! I found the show on YouTube! It is called, "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancé (2004). Thank you Netflix for this particular Longmire episode. I find it odd that I remember Steven W. Bailey from that one show 18 years ago, and that the Longmire episode is called, "One Good Memory." lol . Thank you Netflix for playing Longmire. I never saw it when it originally aired. Thank you for playing "Dark Matter" also which was a show I had never seen. And The Vampire Diaries.
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Legacies: We're Gonna Need a Spotlight (2019)
Season 1, Episode 11
Wouldn't it be wonderful if . . .
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could actually go out and buy a shock bracelet? Every time we start to lose our tempers or start to say something ugly . . .ZAPP! Even if we begin to just think something ugly or think of harming another person in some way ZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! And the zapp won't let up until you take in a breath to calm your temper or think of something positive to say or something positive to do for others? Plus that ZAPP! Would shock any slugs that might have crawled inside you out of your ears or nostrils! We could have a "ZAPP Day" once a week by wearing the remote control dog zap collars around our wrists. Give your friend your remote and you take your friend's remote and as you go through the day. . .Zzzzaaaaappppppppp! If you here your friend say something like, "I feel and look like crap!" Zapp them until they say, "I mean I feel and look great!" My sis and bro-in-law, tried the collars on one of their yipping dogs to see if it really worked. But then my bro-in-law held the collar and zapped himself. They never put the zap collar on the dog again. But they did show it to him when he would try to go into a crazy yipping spree.
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Legacies: Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost (2022)
Season 4, Episode 12
30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely loved when the scene changes to the bar in hell! Alaric, The Ted (lol. I love this guy!), and others are all dancing to the Hipcats song. And Landon is just sitting alone looking board and then downs a shot of liquor! Hahahahaha.
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The Expanse: Azure Dragon (2021)
Season 6, Episode 2
I liked this episode because. . .
22 December 2021
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Because of several parts, but my favorite was when the reporter tells Avasarala, "Wow. You give a really good guilt trip." and Avasarala responds, "I practice a lot when I'm alone." I could see her standing in front of her mirror in her room or bathroom practicing out what to say to one person or another and hear her one sided conversation. Hahaha.
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Wellington Paranormal (2018–2022)
Cannot stop laughing !
30 September 2021
My dad, me, and my sister love this show ! We are not from New Zealand or Australia. We are from the United States in North America. I could watch this show over and over and over again! I told my sister about a movie called, "What We Do in the Shadows" and "Interviews With Some Vampires" which she loved. And one day she texted me about Wellington Paranormal! WooHoo! Thank you Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi, Jonathan Brugh, Cori Gonzalez-Macuer, Stu Rutherford, Ben Fransham, Mike Minogue, Karen O'Leary, Maaka Pohatu, and everyone else involved for making us laugh. Thank you New Zealand!
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Yeah watch this movie!
12 May 2021
They did an excellent job! I need to watch it again and make my parents watch it as well. The first time I saw this movie was back when Hulu was free (as long as you had made an account early enough). You could watch whatever interesting movie you could find (and no commercials)! Then one day I went to Hulu to sign in, but it was no longer free.
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I believe it was suppose to be a comedy.
12 May 2021
My dad and I loved this movie ! John Travolta and Forest Whitaker were hilarious as the evil, mean, and stupid aliens! When I saw it on DVD, it was the first time I had ever heard of it. The photo on the front had Travolta smiling slightly evilly. I wasn't disappointed because I thought it was a sci-fi comedy. I got it and then I had to bring it over to my dad for him to watch. I always thought John Travolta was great in comedy. I know others loved him in Pulp Fiction (and he was great in that also). I think John Travolta really did mean for his and Forest and the rest of the aliens to come across as more comedic than evil characters. They gave Barry Pepper an award for worst actor I think. Maybe because he kind of whisper/yelled out his dialogue which was suppose to inspire his comrades to fight. But soon after I saw Barry Pepper in a movie called,"The Snow Walker". Barry played a lead character and I was amazed by his performance!!!! He was awesome in The Snow Walker !
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The Vampire Diaries: Before Sunset (2012)
Season 3, Episode 21
Had me laughing
30 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the part when Klaus was trying to persuade Stephan and Damon to give Elena to him, by throwing a fit or rather by literally throwing things through her house! So funny! I also loved the music and the scene as Alaric, burning in the sun, headed back to the school dragging Caroline!
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Blood Ties: Stone Cold (2007)
Season 1, Episode 9
I gave this episode a 10 because . . .
29 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Henry said he painted a new portrait of his lost love once a year. As Vicki Nelson stood looking at the painting, a thought suddenly occurs to her and she calls after Henry, "What happened to the other 480 paintings?" Hahahahahaha
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Stand Off (2011)
Really good funny action movie! Stand Off is the name on my DVD of this movie.
9 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie of course! Especially the part where Brendan is running down the street to try and escape his mafia wife who was trying to stab or had stabbed him. I loved Colm Meany in his role! I discovered that a baby carriage is called a pram. And I that a balaclava is a ski mask! I loved the main mean tough guy. He was hilarious. I wish they had left off the cursing aka foul language. Foul language is just normal everyday language for a lot of people. They just grew up hearing it and using it. But other people were taught, 🗯"don't say that word! Don't use that phrase! 🗯Don't say, oh my God ! That is taking God's name in vain! The first commandment is, 🗯Do not take God's name in vain!" I wanted to share this movie with my parents, but after viewing it again, I realized the language would have them quickly switching from the movie to the Weather Channel. LoL ! 😂 ('w')
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Odyssey 5 (2002–2004)
Pretty good show. How do you save your world?
22 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think this show was about the judgement day. I think the Odyssey 5 exploded, not the earth. And now the 5 are told that they are being sent back 5 years into the past in order to save their world. If we, knowing the future, were given the chance to go back in time in order to make changes . . . would we still make the same or similar choices? If we have learned anything from our(own personal)past, our choices would probably be very different. From the moment we are conceived every smallest moment builds on the next moment and the next through childhood, through puberty. What we experience in these moments make up our personalities and our beliefs(what is right, what is wrong, what is truth, what is false). What we learn from what we are taught and from what we see and hear can easily influence what we love or hate and whether we show hate or show love for our fellow human being.
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Thunderheart (1992)
Very good movie!
3 August 2020
I loved Thunderheart when I first saw it and I still love it. Quigley Down Under is similar in some ways to this one.
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Congo (1995)
A movie that will make you laugh. It has some nice scenery and good special effects xcept for the apes lol!
5 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it 10 because it is a hilarious movie! The apes seem to be xtra small. One ape, I think it was the grey back, seemed as if his arms had no muscle and were just hanging onto his shoulder bones. I didn't like this at the theater, but my brother loved it! It took me 3 times watching it to love it. ("This isn't Mr. Ed!" "I know it's not Mr. Ed. . ."), ("Herkemer Homolka formally of Romania free now of the chains of Ceausescu traveling the world and doing good."), ("A Romanian philanthropist???"), ("Is there a problem?" "Not unless there's a problem."), and of course ("STOP EATING MY SESAME CAKE!") There are many other funny moments!
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Space Force (2020–2022)
I would have given a 10 star rating if . . .
3 June 2020
I would have given this show 10 stars if it did not have the foul language used continually throughout the shows. My mom and dad and my sister and bro in law would love this show minus the foul language. Some people are raised to talk that way and they don't view it as foul language. But others were told not to say certain words and not to use Jesus Christ as a swear and not to take God's name in vain. When people say, "God dammit!" that is taking God's name in vain. I think most people are no longer taught or believe in God and the Word that Jesus brought to us. So all words and uses of words are fine with them. I would like to see a good show come out that doesn't try to exclude Christians. Christians are to love everyone even if they use foul language or do foul things, but they are suppose to teach the people the Word of Jesus Christ, if they have the ability to do so.
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Overboard (2018)
I liked some parts
29 April 2020
Everything was good except there seemed to be no chemistry between the man and the woman. It seemed as if the "romance scenes were very rushed.
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Thought it was a great episode! Especially one part!
6 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Damon whacks Kai's head off!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!! Loved it!!!!!!
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The Tractate Middoth (2013 TV Movie)
So spooky!
23 February 2020
I thought this ghost story was awesome! (My review is too short) so I will also say, "this short film would be great to watch on a rainy afternoon."
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Very good ! ! ! Bring on a third season please guys!!!!!
29 January 2020
Is a season 3 coming? I loved the special effects and I loved "Dr. Smith"! She was too funny! (Edit: I just now read a lot of the other reviews and I cannot understand how so many could not like "Dr. Smith"!!!! She was hilarious!!!!!!! She did a great portrayal of a psychopath! But she felt some tinges of guilt about herself that eventually led her to actually do some good deeds.) if a third season is made, I hope that the mischievous psychopath returns!!!!! Maybe she will return as the new leader of the bad robots. Lol!
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Awesome! Contains a dialog spoiler and a spoiler hint !!!!!!
28 January 2020
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This episode not only cracked me up, but had a splendid dark secret revealed about the school's leaders practices. My favorite part was when Alyssa said, "I don't know what's worse, Hope stealing Josie's loser boyfriend, or Lizzie getting dumped by Sebastian when she's the only girl he's met since 1509." Hahahahahahaha! Lol!!!!! I rewatched that part about a dozen times! The secret is revealed near the last 10 minutes of the episode.
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Laughed and laughed and laughed!
26 January 2020
Me and my Brother laughed all the way through this movie! One of my favorite Bob Hope films!
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NOS4A2: The Gas Mask Man (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Do you want to be grossed out. . .
26 January 2020
Then this episode is for you! I did not care for this episode though. My sister stopped watching the series after this episode.👍. Luckily I could fast forward on AMC . com with an AMC Premier subscription.(at least I think that is why the fast forward worked. There were also no commercials.) !!!
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Hilarious! Love it!
15 January 2020
The only reason I gave this movie a 9 is because I felt that the movie ended too quickly. I laughed all the way through it. I would have gone to the theater to see this if had I known it existed. My mom, dad, and brother would have gone also. I wonder how we failed to see an advertisement before it hit theaters or while it was at the theater.🤔. Watch it on Demand or on your phone with the Contour App on iPhone, Or whichever apps work for your phone. But beware that your phone is being tracked and beware of making any phone calls if you are near a submarine!
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