
12 Reviews
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A fascinating documentary about an extraordinary person
21 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this film I am convinced that Mike DeGruy was one of those people of significance on earth, that he was here on a mission. He realized deeply that all life is connected somehow and that we, as superior species, have the responsibility to protect life and nature around us , not to destroy it. He was very shaken by the carelessness and greed of all parties involved in the destruction of all life in the Gulf of Mexico.

He died while working on a documentary exploring the true scale of damage caused to the Gulf.

A truly inspiring and thought provoking documentary which will inevitably make you consider the impact we have on other life and the planet.
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
A big fan of Robert Patrick in the series
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Am I the only one who thinks Dana Scully has a much better onscreen chemistry with agent Doggett vs Mulder? In other words - Robert Patrick has a very strong screen presence and I personally like him much better than David Duchovny (sorry, Fox) - as a character and as an actor. I wish they brought him way earlier in the series, I also wish they made a sequel starring only Gillian Anderson and Robert Patrick in more conventional investigator roles. Gillian Anderson is an exceptional actress, love her and wish she made more television series.

As far as the X Files - these are the best series that television has ever seen considering screenwriting, acting, directing, costume design, make up, you name it. Each episode is captivating from start to finish and this high standard is maintained through all 11 seasons. You will appreciate the show even more if you suffer from a 90s nostalgia like me.

Anyway, thanks for reading and watch the series - if you dare!
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JLo opening up her very core in a genre she just invented
22 February 2024
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Despite her tremendous success, huge workload and busy life, not to mention her numerous heartbreaks, JLo remains a positive, fun child at heart who seeks and finds love in her life again and again. The movie is super fun to watch and it's obviously a new genre which JLo just invented - a musician makes a musical about themselves. What is felt throughout the movie and really made me tear up a few times is JLo opening up her soul and what her life truly is about. You don't see this from celebrities and this genuine way she carries herself is one thing that makes us love and like her so much. The musical is engaging from start to finish, masterfully directed, honestly romantic, pleasant to both watch and listen to, full with celebrity cast and is certainly one that will be watched again by me. It made me appreciate and like JLo even more. She truly is a gift.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Amazing show! Season 2 even better than season 1
18 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing amazing amazing! The plot is very interesting, the characters are strong and original, it's very well thought of, well played and directed; all fantasy is super believable... As I said - amazing! I hope there are seasons 3, 4 and more because season 2 is even better than the first season and that rarely ever happens.

Spoiler alert!

The darkling character I actually like and I kind of hope he doesn't lose his battle..He has his reasons to be the way he is and the creators perhaps deliberately made this character complicated so he provokes intesteest and feelings. And the actor - Ben Barnes- man oh man- he's so good, gorgeous and very very convincing! I've got a new favorite celebrity now!
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An Oscar worthy performance by both lead actors
29 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't take my eyes off the screen for the whole duration of the movie. Jessica was giving one of her best career performances, but so was everyone else. The case of Charles Cullen and the tragic death of his victims ( their death was impassionately called "patient expiration" in the movie) and how hospitals covered up his murders to avoid liability towards the victims' families is all very very disturbing. The creators of the movie placed the emphasis precisely on the greedy hospitals' carelessness and the brave but sick heart of the nurse who actually helped sentence this sick killer. An amazing picture by Netflix!
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
A really good investigative documentary series
1 December 2021
The best investigative documentary show I've ever seen! Large Cat owners are definitely not the best people. That being said - Joe is a good person and he should be free.

Animal abuse is all around us. Zoos are animal abusers, sea world are abusing dolphins and orcas.. No, I really don't think Joe was an animal abuser compared to all that.
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Poirot (1989–2013)
Sooo interesting :)
26 March 2021
I love them, can't stop watching them :) They're super clever and engulfing:) Ms Christie is a genius and the actors handle the task really well :)
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Training Day (2001)
Unbelievably good
17 March 2021
This movie is so unbelievably believable and good! This is easily Denzel's best performance - powerful and convincing and his Oscar win that year was totally deserved. Thanks, Netflix, for bringing it back. I so much hope cops like that don't exist.
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Incredibly touching and beautiful
24 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What an incredibly beautiful and touching documentary, it made me cry at least a couple of times. The author connected with a female octopus and observed her way of life and her feeding rituals for almost a year, free diving in the cold waters. It was very painful to watch how she tries to protect herself from the shark ( sharks in the ocean, of course ), how slowly she recovers after the shark attack or how she dies ( spoiler ). It's fascinating how smart she was and obviously intelligent, but most of all- how she wanted to connect with the author and wanted to play like a child. Just a beautiful documentary ! I'm going to watch everything this author has created ! He's a super sensitive and empathetic human being, we need more like him!
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If you're not the one paying then you are the product
18 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A profound analysis of all the ways and tools social media platforms use to manipulate and direct human behavior and bend popular opinions thus shaping society ( and currently dividing it ), all done for the profit of - you guessed it- those massively rich companies and their sponsors. The docudrama is brimming with specific data and proof to support the presented ideas. A few key terms explained were recommendation system, attention extraction models, persuasive technology, positive intermittent reinforcement, growth hacking, surveillance capitalism.. In short - one of the most important, thought provoking and meaningful documentaries of our time. I hope it changes the way "users" use their brains because a healthy society needs mentally healthy members - and voters.
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1408 (2007)
Horrifying and very very believable
3 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching it and am still in the grips of this constant drama.. Who would think that one actor (Cusack) in one room could keep you watching for more than an hour without even blinking, thinking of anything else or wanting to do anything else. You don't know what's real and what's not until the last minute. I wasn't sure if the character was dreaming or hallucinating and I truly couldn't guess how this movie would end. Great actors' performances, really convincing. Burning that terrifying room ( spoiler alert !) can be understood as a symbolic burning of the dark places in your mind. Whether I recommend it to King's fans ( is anybody not a Stephen Kong's fan?! ) - haven't read the story but I think you will be impressed by the movie.
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A masterpiece
15 January 2019
This film was my favorite of "the Hobbit" sequel and just as favorite as "the Fellowship of the Ring". I don't get the critical reviews I read. The actors were unbelievably good and well cast - I couldn't think of a better Thorin than Richard Armitage or Thranduil than Lee Pace, or really anyone else who they cast. The picture truly makes you hold your breath and ask for more. I wish J.R.R. Tolkien has written more novels so Peter Jackson can make more movies ..
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