
6 Reviews
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An absolutely stellar episode
9 December 2021
This is the only episode since S03 that gets close to how good S03 was at its peak. Madelaine Petsch absolutely killed it in this episode. This is easily my favorite episode in the last 3 seasons.
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Its a fantastic thriller, don't listen to anyone.
15 June 2019
So, some background on me: I'm a writer. I've been writing for many years . And when I say that this is good, believe me, its good.

Its unpredictable and its really goddamn thrilling. The first 100 minutes are so entirely entertaining and thrilling and confusing that its hard to not appreciate the love thay has gone into this story. Sure, the last ten minutes are predictable if you've been paying attention but it's still a very very fun ride to get there. And besides that, the actors do a fantastic job although there are some scene which are supposed to be serious but come off as funny. And some of the sound direction is questionable. At one point, one of the characters learns something serious but fun lighthearted track starts to play in the background. Which is why it gets a star off. Besides that, its a fun ride from start to finish. Don't listen to the haters. I for one, will be watching the rest of the writer's work. Thank you for this gem, Amazon. I love it. Its in my top ten Marathi movies of all time. And that's saying something if you've been watching Marathi movies for any length of time. It really is good. Please watch it. You won't regret it.
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Nikita (2010–2013)
If excitement could kill...
20 April 2017
Let me get this out of the way: If you have heart problems, do NOT watch this cause this show will have your heart racing several million times.

This is what the show basically feels like: Ya, you know something? Well, guess what? We've come to take a crap over everything you previously thought.

The plot is this: Nikita, a junkie cop killer, is rescued from death row and trained to be a secret agent for the government. Until the organization she works for puts her beliefs in danger and now she's hellbent on taking it down. What she does to take it down is basically what happens over the three and quarter seasons. Quarter cause the fourth season only has like 6 episodes.

Overall review: The Casting is perfect. The soundtrack is great, the music is awesome. The characters are to die for, the plot twists will blow your f*cking mind.

Casting:10/10 Music: 9/10 Soundtrack: 9/10 Characterization: 10/10 Plot Twists and story progression: 10/10

Go watch it right now.


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Witty, Awkward, Hilarious. Just Superb.
19 April 2017
The show has a great idea that's been executed quite well. When Alice was a little girl, she made up a character to help her get through her problems but after a few years, the character is gone but it comes back to life when Alice begins dating a single father and is in need of serious guidance.

That is basically the plot. Shows like Imaginary Mary and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend are really under-appreciated even when they're so awesome.

Really, go watch this is you like watching awkward and afraid people face their fears. As the episodes continue, we see a new thing that Alice is afraid of. It's great. Just go watch it.
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A few gross scenes aside, a true masterpiece in its own right.
17 April 2017
Before I tell you how awesome this particular film is, let's get one thing out of the way: This is not for the weak of heart and especially not for kids.

The movie is quite spectacular, from the lighting to the background, the perfect soundtrack and great Japanese music. the story follows Sada Abe and her relationship with her master who she has fallen in love with.

Soon, they get married and begin exploring their sensuality. Now, at first sight, this might look like a porno but it is NOT. The movie passes on a subtle message from all the scenes outside the bedroom. The message is political and heart-wrenching and tragic and you'll know it when you see this masterpiece.

Unlike most movies, The Realm of the Senses uses its sex scenes, which appear about every 2 minutes, to develop the characters and their relationship.

The director has created this masterpiece that people shy away from even these days because they heard that it is obscene and, yes, it is. The movie shows things like they were and what happens to Sada Abe (she was real).

Go, watch the movie right now and watch the us uncensored version for the best experience.

Examples of a few gross scenes: Sada and Kichizo as sitting eating food and Sada says (and I'm quoting here) "They say that true love means eating food dipped in your lover's juices." You can probably imagine what happens next.

But if you can look past the sex, underneath lies an amazing movie with an amazing message.
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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015–2019)
14 November 2016
This show gets a bad rap from the reviews I've read and i have to say they all suck. Those who wrote the reviews, I mean. Let's get something abundantly clear: This show is not going to be like Sienfeld, or the Simpsons, or crowded, or the big bang theory. This is a new show so stop trying to compare it to other. The actors in the show(especially Donna Lynne Champlin and Rachel Bloom) are all awesome.

This show is simple. This show is about the awkwardness of life and chasing love. This show is about a woman who is confused with her life and wants nothing but happiness in her life. That might sound boring but the show is off the hook. The show (being a musical comedy)is simply put, a joy to watch and the songs...oh my god the songs are the best part. The songs are there to help us convey the emotions of people and the lyrics will send you into a laughing frenzy and season 2 only gets crazier.
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