
4 Reviews
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Violent Days (2004)
Paris trash
3 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film during the Berlin film festival February 2005. Before the film a guy representing the directors read a letter in french in front of the audience. I didn't understand it completely, but I think he said that what we were going too see was pure fiction and should not be seen as representing some reality in France. The film is about a young couple and their friends who are very much into the lifestyle of the fifties in USA, she a Marylin Monroe lookalike, the guys beer drinking and with tattoos and denim wear and listening to bands specialising in old rock'n'roll from that decade. The film ends with a racist fight outside a concert in Le Havre and the young men humiliating the girl. About 20% of the audience left before it had ended, and I admit it was hard to see where the film was going. But it made me think, as this was a very unusual film, filmed in a bleach black and white and the ending made me recall Les Quatre Cents Coups.
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Pale Eyes (2005)
covered plot
3 August 2005
I saw this film at the Berlin film festival February 2005. The film leaves many things untold as the plot unfolds. After the film the director and the lead actress answered questions from the audience. One man was very annoyed that things were not explicitly explained in the film, and accused the director of not knowing his own story. The director replied that he preferred to leave some of the story to the viewers imagination - a cheering audience seemed to agree.. All in all the film tells an interesting little story, but about what? The protagonist - a 30-year old woman living with her brother and his wife - suffers from some kind of mild mental illness, taking medicine and smoking strong cigarettes. How can she get better in such a little crap town?.. Definitely worth seeing.
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interesting subject
3 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film at the Berlinale in February 2005. It was in competition but got no prizes I think. The film is based upon a book about a little girl who has stopped speaking, since she feels that words can't tell the truth. Her mother sends her to a school for deaf children where she learns sign language and is happy. Very touching, but the main story is somewhat distracted by a side-story about the mothers romantic relations with the teacher, taking away some of the attention from the very interesting subject about words and how it is impossible not to lie etc. Although the ending could have been more tragic than it was, I couldn't hold back my tears.
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Ultranova (2005)
beautiful melancholy
3 August 2005
People who like fascinating storytelling may be disappointed with this film. However, its strength lies not in the story but in its way of conveying certain feelings and moods. Themes like existence and.. well.. the meaning of life I guess are highlighted through the cinematography/art direction (e.g. landscapes of heavy Belgian industry in metal blue and grey and green colours) and the soundtrack (cool minimalistic electronic beats) instead of words. At the premiere in Berlin director and actors received standing ovations and prolonged cheering in Kino International. I think it deserved a prize for art direction at least.
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