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Emancipation (2022)
12 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There really isn't anything special about this movie. Are the performances good? I mean, sure yeah the performances are pretty good but other than that this movie doesn't really show anything we haven't seen before. Now for obvious reasons this movie is going to be over hyped during awards season and I was honestly expecting to be blown away by it, but when it was over, honestly I was bit underwhelmed. I'd give the movie a solid 6.8 outta 10. It spent way too much time with him escaping and then only about 30 minutes of when he became a soldier and actually helped fight in the civil war. I feel like if they spent more time as him as a solider the movie would have been more effective.
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X (II) (2022)
Stylish, Brutal, Entertaining Throughout
7 August 2022
I really don't understand how this movie's audience rating isn't at least high 7s. Was it a bit too weird, even cringe as hell at times? Absolutely... But god damn if I wasn't entertained throughout. At the very least the film editing style was dope and very much of films from the 60s. The first death scene is absolutely beautiful brutal.
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Nope (2022)
J. Peele is M. Night 2.0
23 July 2022
When it's good, it's awesome but when it's bad, it's really really stupid. Some of the best UFO shots in a movie I've ever seen, but just as something incredible happens, not long after it'd be followed with another unfunny joke or just something stupid. The character that's supposed to be some legendary cameraman or whatever, does something at the end of this movie that is one of the dumbest things I've seen in a movie in a long, long time. It really almost ruined what little I did like about the previous 2 hours.
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New Nightmare (1994)
Criminally Underrated
3 July 2022
The original, Dream Warriors and New Nightmare are without a doubt the best of the Nightmare franchise. However, New Nightmare is rarely brought up for whatever reason but I don't think it's even debatable that it's the best sequel of the franchise followed by Dream Warriors.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
9.5 Stars. An all time great. Classic Nostalgia with a *chef's kiss* modern twist
2 July 2022
IMDb really needs to start allowing 1/2 star rating increments. This show is phenomenal plain and simple. 4 seasons in to what will end up being a total of 5 seasons, and all so far have been top notch television. Even season 2, which would be considered the weakest season, relatively, is still above average quality. Season 4 just wrapped up and it was an all out epic that would have sufficed as a suitable finale. I don't know what the Duffer Bros have in store to wrap it all up in season 5, but I do trust it will not disappoint.
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Spielberg's Rolling Over in His Grave.
11 June 2022
This is not a good movie. Some of the action scenes during the second half are fine I guess but man the dialogue in this movie is 90s basic cable tv show bad. The plot is ridiculous, the villain is just odd, not intimidating at all and I was literally rooting for Chris Pratts character to be eaten. They need to put this franchise to bed.
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Phenomenal. Unbelievably Great. Top 50 Film of all Time
18 April 2022
It'd be impossible to even try to explain this movie. Not just the plot but how many different ways it'll make you feel/react throughout it's run time. I'm definitely not a cryer when it comes to watching movies, at best a handful of movies have made me tear up, this movie did that MULTIPLE times... But also made me straight up belly laugh even more. I LOVED this film.
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The Batman (2022)
Gripping. Exhilarating. Boner
5 March 2022
I don't even know what to say, other than this is a perfect film. Even if you're typically not into "superhero movies" but appreciate the art of film, you'll love this movie. Nothing else to say without giving anything away other than go see this movie and don't listen to anyone saying it's too long. Could it have been shorter? Of course but I'm sure glad it wasn't. I wish it was longer actually.
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Moonfall (2022)
"Armageddon" is "2001: A Space Odyssey" Compared to "Moonfall"
7 February 2022
While watching, I hoped and imagined the Moon would actually crash into earth and the very first thing it destroyed was the theater I was in. If I was at home and in the right state of mind, maybe this could be one of those movies that are beautifully bad. Not boringly bad cause it knows it's bad so I respect that much but I just wasn't ready for just how good this movie was at being awful in every single aspect. So in a way, Well done 👍
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A little too much Cock and Balls for my liking but still hilarious
7 February 2022
It's very much a jackass movie and although the main crew are in their 40s/50s they kept things full throttle. Even the new, much younger cast members hold their own and contribute to the overall hilarity of the movie. Is it super gross and at times hard to watch? Absolutely, but would it be jackass if it wasn't?
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Ozark: City on the Make (2022)
Season 4, Episode 3
26 January 2022
I mean what else can I say? I'm only 3 episodes in and it's really impressive how they've managed to seamlessly transition from the goings on in season 3 to this season all while simultaneously setting up and launching this seasons storyline. For a show like this to be in it's 4th season and still manage to remain unpredictable is very impressive. Most shows can't pull this off throughout it's entire run. Season 4 is so far as good as season 3, actually the intensity has kicked off to a much harder and quicker start than any season had, since the first.
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MacGruber (2021)
The Only Ones Who Should be Reviewing this Show are those who Loved the movie
26 December 2021
If you're one of those who have a sense of humor deficiency and hated the movie, then, 10 years later thought to check out this series, then, I'm sorry but you're a moron. For those of us who were able to appreciate the movie's genius, then yes, absolutely wat h this series. You won't be disappointed.
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Dune (2021)
Phenomenal Epic
24 October 2021
I knew very little about Dune before watching this film and honestly if anyone other than Nolan or Villeneuve directed it, I may have not been interested enough to see it... But my god what an incredible film this is. I was worried the story would be too difficult to follow but Villeneuve lays it all out naturally and perfectly through dialogue. The best way to describe it to anyone wondering what kind of story it is would be Star Wars for Adults. 10 outta 10 will be seeing on IMAX again and can't wait for Part Two.
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4 October 2021
How anyone can say this is a bad movie is beyond me. People either weren't fans of the show or they set their expectations way too high. It's a very good, not great, Sopranos story with interesting new characters. Just go into with realistic expectations and you'll enjoy it. The acting is great, especially with the actors who played the main characters.
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The Guest (I) (2014)
Just Straight Up Entertaining. Doesn't Try to be More Than it is.
11 September 2021
If you're into these kind of movies, it's one of the best of it's kind in years. Are some of the premise a bit outrageous and unrealistic? Of course, but it never hurts the movie. There's really no unlikeable characters, the few that are are dealt with accordingly. Even the protagonist is likeable and he does some really brutal stuff. My rating did go from a 9 to 7.5 because of the last 1/3 of the movie, which was definitely the weakest part.
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Untold: Crimes and Penalties (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
The Feds are the Real Villains of this Tale
9 September 2021
I'm not gonna get into the specifics of the story but basically the Feds had to be snooping around just to bust balls. Yeah sure technically the guy was a criminal but Jesus Christ look at what he did for that community. Not only did him and his goofball son breath life into their city but an entire professional hockey league too. Regardless of how short lived, this is a cool entertaining story about how a sports team can be barbaric and savage but still wanna root for them. This would make for a cool little sports movie.
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MacGruber (2010)
9 September 2021
99% of comedies like this don't work. Normally I'd agree with the idea that movies are subjective, but not with MacGruber. If you watched the movie because you thought the SNL sketches were funny and somehow thought the movie was awful then you never got the idea in the first place. Of course it's a dumb ridiculous movie but I wasn't paying attention to the plot, I watched laughing my ass off the entire time. If you hated the movie but knew nothing about the characters beforehand, then fair enough, the humor isn't for you. But for me, judging movies by how many and often it made me LOL, it's up there with my favorite comedies of all time.
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American Vandal (2017–2018)
First Season was fresh and funny. Second Season takes it to the next level
30 July 2021
I'm really impressed watching this second season right now. When I saw a new season was released on Netflix, I immediately recognized it and thought it was something like stupid but smart comedy to fall asleep to, but this season has me binge watching nearly the whole thing in one sitting lol it's more clever than the first season, it's obviously satire watching it but it doesn't go as heavy on the blatant silly satire as the first. Highly recommend smoking a jernt or a bowl and checking this out.
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Black Widow (2021)
Not great, not awful
12 July 2021
Anyone who tells you this movie is anything more than a 6 or 6.5 is just flat out wrong. Yes, movies are subjective but this movie, although entertaining and funny at parts, fails to really grab hold of the viewer and make them care about any of the characters the movie just expects us to care for. Natasha's sister and "father" are the highlights of the film and that's really it. They wasted a great character in Task Master, the villain, played by a fantastic actor was also a wasted opportunity.
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It's Important to Turn off your Brain if you expect to enjoy this film
23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not the best but far from the worst zombie flick. I did scratch my head a few times as I watched just because of some of the actions by the characters. Mostly when the plan was unveiled for how they're going to get all the money out of the safe then return. Get $200 million in cash, load it onto a helicopter with multiple people and expect to fly out of there is about the dumbest and laziest plan I've ever seen in any movie. The weight alone of half that amount of cash would bring down any helicopter.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
25 April 2021
I didn't watch this movie expecting to be blown away by the plot or acting. I watched it for the same reasons I played the game, brutal unforgiving violence... But the acting got in the way. The story thankfully left room for the sequel to be much better so hopefully they listen to everyone's criticism and focus more on developing characters and making it feel like the viewer has someone to root for and root against.
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Full of useless characters
2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie would have been much better served with about 1/3 of the characters it had. Kong, Godzilla, the Robot Godzilla and maybe like 4 humans with very little storyline would have served a much better movie. The action was co bit Jesus the characters were really really bad. Especially the trio with the girl from Stranger Things.
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Just as scary as it is telling.
27 March 2021
This country is deteriorating and rotting from the foundation from which it used to set itself apart from anywhere else in the world. This documentary shows how that is happening. There is no debating whether it is happening, if you doubt it is, then you are a huge part of the problem.
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27 March 2021
Dr. Strange is awesome any way you watch it but I enjoyed it much more upon my second viewing. Which was years after my first time seeing it and just after Wandavision wrapped up. This film is the true origin story of Marvel's next phase that will explore and focus heavy on the Multiverse. It is also one of the more visually stimulating of the Marvel movies. I'd put it right up there with Ragnarok and both Guardians films. Definitely not only worth watching before going too deep into the new phase, but I think it's required.
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Justice for Justice League
19 March 2021
I never thought I'd see the day where I got done watching a DCEU flick, let alone a 4 hour long one, and was left genuinely excited to see more. How the people who were responsible for the last hunk of dog turds we got back in 2017 hold the positions they hold is beyond me but this movie took what I considered the worst comic book movie ever made and turned it into one of the most dark, fun and epic films I've ever seen.
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