
11 Reviews
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Better Than the First
29 June 2023
I was not the biggest fan of the first Spider-Verse movie, so coming in, I had low expectations. The first 1/3 of the film's pace felt slow compared to the rest and was reminiscent to how I felt about the first film.

However, the rest of the movie was truly amazing. I really enjoyed the film's exploration of familial love and how this influences the way we act and think (probably the best part about the movie). At the same time, there was a greater use of stylistic visuals for different characters which helped me better understand the character's emotional states. This film took the strengths of the previous movie and dialed it up.

Overall, Across the Spider-Verse was much better than the prequel, and I look forward to the next installment in the series.
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Great Action Movie
1 February 2022
The Legend of Drunken Master does not disappoint. Its action sequences were top notch, fast paced, and you felt invested in the fight. Jackie Chan's character had to earn his victories and did not win simply because he was a skilled fighter.

The plot was simple and easy to follow, making the viewing experience enjoyable.

Overall, great film to watch.
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Woo hoo!
30 March 2021
Zack Snyder's Justice League is a much needed film to replace the disaster that was the first Justice League. This movie did justice to Cyborg's character arc, and we get a better glimpse into who he is and what his motivations are. The new movie is much better paced, and Steppenwolf is more menacing and has a logical end goal. Certain scenes were also changed in this movie, all of which made the storyline more realistic in the context of its cosmology and gave the film a better flow. However, a problem I had with the movie was with Lois Lane. Similar to the original Justice League, she is relegated to a side position and really only serves as a love interest. It feels as if her character is wasted. Overall, this film was much better than the first version and is something you will definitely enjoy.
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:( 2020 could have been worse
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is quite disorganized. The early mall scene did not match the tone for the rest of the movie and stuck out like a sore thumb. That scene itself was not a problem, just an issue of consistency. Special effects were on point for the most part except when Wonder Woman was running on the road in the desert and fighting Cheetah. The effects in both of these scenes were atrocious. The former scene honestly reminded me of the Road Runner. The latter scene looked like someone's neglected side project.

In terms of the plot, it was also messy. The whole beginning portion dedicated to showing how much of a "loser" Dr. Minerva was was clichéd and unoriginal. Her desire to keep her newfound powers was also similar to so many other films with "loser" characters who suddenly get power. Furthermore, for a movie with Wonder Woman in the title, there wasn't much Wonder Woman. This issue isn't exactly a problem if that time is spent developing the character, which does not happen. Most of the time, it just feels like exposition and does not serve the character well.

One of the aspects I most enjoyed was with Maxwell Lord and his son Alistair. I thought the dynamic between them was great, although I would have loved to see this relationship explored more in depth.

Overall: not as bad as what people are saying but definitely not good by any measure.
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Shadow (2018)
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
4 September 2020
Shadow is quite slow from the get-go, taking its time to develop the background knowledge required for the audience to understand what is going to unfold. I was a little bit disappointed in how this was done because it felt almost boring at times. However, once the groundwork was established, the latter half of the movie was action packed without missing a beat. The movie ends with a crescendo and is certain to leave you stunned. A good film with stunning visuals, but the pace could have been better thought out.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Visual Masterpiece
25 December 2019
Ad Astra was a stunning movie. The images were beyond surreal. Brad Pitt's acting was impeccable and conveyed his distance from others. First two acts of the movie were great, but the movie faltered in the third act because the conclusion did not seem earned or fulfilling. Nonetheless, a good movie overall that you would enjoy.
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Same old same old
25 December 2019
Austin Powers in Goldmember lacks creativity and was just boring. The jokes are recycled from the previous two movies in the series, so they were predictable and not funny.
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9 August 2019
This movie is by far the worst I have seen this year. The story was extremely predictable, and riddled with obscene amounts of exposition and backstory. The antagonist's whole scheme makes little sense as does the purpose of this movie other than to make a quick buck. If you have trouble sleeping at night, I highly recommend you watch this movie.
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Son of Batman (2014)
Enjoyable Film
6 July 2019
Son of Batman was an enjoyable film filled with amazing action scenes. However, this movie falls into the trap of so many other animated movies with characters who are seemingly invincible and immune to enemy attacks. In addition, the storyline was weak and simplistic without a lot of depth as it was clichéd and unoriginal. With that being said, if you are looking for a fun movie to watch that isn't too heavy or complex, this is the movie for you.
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Amal (III) (2017)
Amal-Story of a Young Girl
1 May 2018
"Amal" is a documentary that follows the life of Amal during and after the Egyptian revolution. The documentary focuses on her life as a young woman in the midst of resistance and how she overcomes those barriers. "Amal" offers an intimate look into the life of a girl who lost her father at a young age and how that loss has impacted her.
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Avengers: Infinity War- A Great Film
29 April 2018
Avengers: Infinity War does not disappoint. There are many serious and light-hearted scenes, yet they are timed perfectly as to not undermine the emotional impact of other scenes. Marvel holds nothing back, and no one is safe. The plot was fast paced and filled with action with brief moments of rest in between. Thanos is not your typical villain as he struggles with his own decisions. Overall, a very good film.
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