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Worth a watch but.....
27 June 2024
I have always thought that Celine Dion had the best voice of all of the divas. Mariah, Whitney, Adele, I always thought Celine had the best voice by a very long way. I am lucky enough to have seen her live a couple of times and she put on a great show. What has happened to her is incredible sad, the fact that she just can't fit those notes the way she could is obviously torture.

Watching this documentary I found it sad of course but also a little bit awkward. She really did herself no favours by showing off all those clothes, all those shoes. What was the point in that? 'OK, I can't sing like I did bit I am still absolutely loaded'. Quite a bit of this seemed staged too and the no make up approach was blatantly done to make her look worse. I am completely sympathetic to her plight but surely the time has come for Celine to accept the situation and become a TV personality/presenter or something similar. We have the very many recordings of her terrific voice and she has had a magnificent career. This documentary, while upsetting at times, did drag on too much and even overdid the sympathy.
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Walden (2023)
Worth a watch
27 May 2024
'Walden; isn't too highly rated on here at the moment and I think it's mark should be higher than it is. It is an entertaining movie with a fine performance from Emile Hirsch in the lead role. He is awkward, a little odd and convinces as the character.

There are overtones of 'Dexter' which quite a few people will think as they watch this but 'Walden' stands out on it's own merits and is well worth watching. I thought that the story never dragged and it was interesting to me until the very end. David Keith is good as a sort of mentor to Walden and the rest of the cast are decent. Give this one a try.
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The Mother (2003)
A drag
27 May 2024
I finally got round to watching this, a bit late to the party I know but better late than never. I had heard only good things about this movie and what a dreary effort it is. It is very typically British, almost what is called a kitchen sink drama but the problem is that it is drab, boring and totally unconvincing.

Anne Reid got many plaudits for her role as the title character but I found her to be flat. She under acts her role almost to the point of sounding bored stiff. Peter Vaughan is great as her hubby in a brief role and Daniel Craig is OK. The daughter is incredibly annoying though and an absolute pain. This was just a slog to get through and very overrated.
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Asphalt City (2023)
Grim but worth it
29 April 2024
There is absolutely no doubt that 'Black Flies' is a grim movie. I confess I hadn't even heard of it and it seems to have slipped under the radar but for all of it's gloom and doom it is well worth watching. One thing the movie does very well is to make the viewer fully aware of just how horrendous being a paramedic can be and boy will you respect them more after this.

This is a well acted film with the two leads showing good chemistry and at times some ad-libbing if I'm not mistaken. One thing I absolutely hated though is the totally unnecessary nudity from one actress which added nothing to the movie apart from cheap thrills. It got to the stage where I was actually yelling at the screen 'put some cloths on love for crying out loud'. Rant over, this is a good effort, bleak but pretty decent.
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The Booth at the End (2011–2012)
A bore
19 April 2024
8.2 on here? 8.2?? I just cannot believe the score for this movie on here. It is stated as a series but I watched this as a movie and constantly waited for something to happen, some action, some outdoor scenarios. Well all that DOES happen is random people coming into a cafe/restaurant and speaking to some guy about what they wish their lives were like. He then gives them tasks to complete which they are never shown doing. That's it, that's the movie. It is as boring as hell.

I stuck with it in the vain hope that there would be some minor miracle that would make this interesting but of course, no, not a thing happens. I reckon this is meant to be deep and meaningful. It isn't.
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Cobweb (2023)
Not bad at all
7 April 2024
This is a movie that actually surprised me because I really didn't expect too much. Most modern horror movies these days leave me cold but 'Cobweb' was interesting from the start and kept me interested until the end. It is decently acted and the story is never boring. OK, towards the end I did kind of guess what was going to happen but up until then I wasn't too sure who was good and who wasn't.

Slickly directed and well paced, the ending to this didn't please a lot of people judging by the reviews but I thought it was fine as it is obviously built towards a follow up. This is OK and a lot better than a lot of modern horrors.
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Miss Violence (2013)
Very poor
29 March 2024
As I write this review I see that this movie has a score of 7.1 on here. Is this some kind of joke? It must be because apart from the first five minutes absolutely nothing happens. Well OK, some very nasty, vile seedy stuff happens which made me feel uncomfortable and don't give me that crap that it is supposed to me me squirm. This is a horrible piece of work that arty types will try convince you is a meaningful film that needs to be seen. Do not waste your time on this utter crap.

The title 'Miss Violence' is deliberately misleading as it leads the viewer to believe that this will end up as some sort of revenge movie. I say again, do not waste your time on this piece of dirge.
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Boar (II) (2017)
Not bored by this
24 March 2024
Sometimes with a movie you just have to take it for exactly what it is and I found 'Boar' to be a lot of fun. Of course it is bonkers but all of the actors take their roles seriously and the movie never drags at all. Yes. Of course there are many on here that are ripping into this movie but all I can say to them is just don't take it too seriously and chill out.

I enjoyed it from start to finish simply because it entertained me. Would I watch it again? Probably not but if you are after a movie to just sit down and not have to think too much about then 'Boar' definitely has some bite. Give it a go.
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Road House (2024)
Worse than I expected
22 March 2024
This is pretty damn bad and most of the time it's just an excuse to show off Jake Gyllenhaal's physique. A predictable story with some of the acting pretty bad. Connor McGregor is hilariously poor and overacts for all it's worth and his fight at the end with Jake is full of terrible jokes and ludicrous action scenes. I didn't expect much but 'Road House' was worse than I expected.

The main villain of the piece was completely unconvincing and weak and this was a mess of a movie. Jake obviously worked his butt of for this role and he is OK but he can't save this from being a largely awful film.
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Another overrated movie
21 March 2024
I do sometimes think I watch totally different movies to the ones named on here. So many people rave about 'The Seventh Victim' that at one stage I stopped the film and checked that it was the same version that so many give 9/10 or even 10/10. Yes there is some atmosphere in certain scenes and even the very smallest bits of suspense. My biggest issue is that this is described as horror because in no way is it.

The film is actually boring for very large chunks of it's quite brief run time and there is no way I would sit through this again. I was very disappointed with this movie as it is in no way whatsoever a classic.
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15 March 2024
I aim to save you some time here. Don't watch this movie. It is the sort of story where you think that you will stick with as something is bound to happen in the next five minutes. I am here to tell you that absolutely nothing happens for the first 90 minutes. I'm serious, there is just idle chat and people acting pretty stupid. Really, that is it, just nothing interesting at all.

The movie desperately tries to up the ante in the last 20 minutes but fails miserably as it is more like a comedy than a horror. Oh and there is some terrible overacting in the finale too. It was also hilarious that when the 'Monster' finally appeared the lights suddenly went out and starting flickering to basically hide the dodgy effects. This has a mark on here of 6.7 and this is a fix, trust me as 'Everwinter Night' is crap.
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5 March 2024
As usual with this type of drama, this started off OK and went downhill rapidly. It is very predictable and some of it makes no sense at all. It is obvious right from the very start that Elliot is the bad guy and the big reveal at the end is an hilarious anti-climax as many of us guessed what he had done anyhow. The sudden change in his P. A. Simone was absolutely ridiculous as one minute she hated Rachel but the next she cared deeply for her wellbeing.

The acting was OK and it was a shame that Taj Atwal was so underused as Jasmine. Kara Tointon seemed to be scowling throughout though which was a bit off putting. Overall this was flat and the ending was truly funny with the least menacing child in history giving a cold stare into the camera. This made me think there would be a second series but I doubt it.
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Not great
2 March 2024
What a very odd movie this is. When it starts you think it is going to be a very nice film about a guy with a love of gardens and plants but as it gathers pace it changes the story completely. There are long passages of nothing happening at all and when something does happen it is generally an anti-climax.

The relationship between the gardener and the young apprentice is cringe inducing and works on absolutely no level at all. It is just plain wrong, wrong, wrong. Sigourney Weaver plays a horrible old woman reasonably well but overall 'Master Gardener' is a movie that just does nothing much and is unconvincing.
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Stay (I) (2005)
Overblown Rubbish
24 February 2024
Please do not believe the many on here who are saying this movie is a masterpiece. They are surely trying to show us that they are mega intelligent and have a deep intellect. I am here to tell you that this film is psychological nonsense.

Pretty much from the beginning to the end of this mess you are wondering what the hell is going on. Who is real, who is dead, who is imaginary. Movies like this do my head in simply because you spend so much time trying to second guess that the movie just passes you by. I like movies with a twist and by that I mean ones that work. This is pompous, tries to be too clever and is just annoying.
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True Detective (2014– )
Series 4 Is Mumbo Jumbo
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a massive disappointment this was. I haven't watched any of the previous series but had heard only very good things about it so when I heard that Jodie Foster was starring in this latest effort I thought I was on to a winner. I was wrong sadly.

It starts off well but gradually goes down hill with long stretches of nothing happening. The main story concerns the death of several researchers found naked and frozen to death and this is soon linked to the murder of a woman. What follows is some tripe with spiritual overtones which makes no sense at all. The acting is OK, not as great as I'd hoped and quite frankly I was glad when it ended. So what was wrong overall?

The ridiculous, nay ludicrous premise that every single one of the researcher's would suddenly become homicidal maniacs.

The fact that said researcher's would then leave the body in order for it to be found by the police. Why? What possible reason would they do that?

What was it with the dancing man with long hair pointing the way to a body? Why the hell was he doing that stupid dance?

Where the hell was Navarro when she kept wandering in clear blue skies and how the hell did she get back to Jodie Foster in time to pull her from the ice?

What was the reason for the ghostly apparitions? Pointless.

And don't get me started on the vigilante natives when they stormed the research station.

This tried so hard to redeem itself in the final episode by desperately trying to be like 'The Thing' but failed miserably.
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Let It Snow (2020)
It's not as bad as others say.
11 February 2024
Honestly, I didn't mind this movie. Many, many people on here tell us how dreadful it is but compared to a lot of American horror we have seen lately this really isn't too bad.

First off is the cinematography which is great and really well shot. The acting is fine although I wasn't massively keen on the boyfriend. The story is bleak and I thought this would build up to a cop out ending but to me it was fine. I can see that many on here despised the ending but I thought it worked perfectly well within the premise of the movie. 'Let It Snow' is a watch once movie but truly I have seen much. Much worse lately.
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Them (2021– )
Too much
10 February 2024
While watching this I genuinely became confused. Is it broadly a series that highlights the vile racism that people of colour had to endure or is it a showcase for mental illness. As the series progressed 'Them' completely lost it's way and became a bit of a mess.

The acting is solid throughout and it is very well filmed but ten episodes is way too many and it starts to drag very badly. I actually felt like bailing out after six episodes but stuck with it and in the end I thought it was bang average with too many stories going on at once. The ending too was flat as a pancake. This was ambitious but tried to hard to be edgy and I also thought it tried to copy 'Twin Peaks' with it's strangeness but failed.
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Black Sabbath (1963)
3 February 2024
Every single review I have read from the critics absolutely love this movie so I watched it with keen anticipation. It's not great unfortunately. It is set across three stories and they are very much a mixed bag/

The first tale is 'The Telephone' which is about a lovely looking woman receiving threats from a voice on the phone. It isn't too bad but once watched you will not have the slightest intention of watching it again, well at least I won't.

Story two is 'The Wordulak' which is really disappointing and the only reason for watching it is Boris Karloff. It is much longer than the other two sections and it drags and is pretty boring. It picks up towards the end with lovely gothic sets but this really isn't that good.

The final tale is the best of the bunch in my opinion. 'A Drip Of Water' is suspenseful and creepy and if the old ghostly lady had looked a bit more human it could be a minor classic.

So very much a mixed bag and not the classic it is often quoted as being. A generous 6.
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The Haunting (1963)
Not bad
1 February 2024
I can't agree with the many people that consider this the scariest movie ever. Yes, some scenes are effective and unsettling but there aren't enough of them. There is too much talking and this makes the movie crawl along at times. Another issue for me is that Julie Harris is just too overwrought and becomes annoying while Russ Tamblyn doesn't seem to fit here in any way and it's just an excuse to fit in another American actor. He appears as a cocky irritant here,

Of course 'The Haunting' does have it's moments and the atmosphere at night is quite creepy but this could have been so much better if there was far less chatter.
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Not a masterpiece
30 December 2023
I am of the opinion that many movie fans say they like a movie when they really don't. By that I mean movies that the critics rave about so it must be fantastic, right? Well no, not always. The horror genre is my favourite and I have read about 'Eyes Without A Face' so many times that I took a punt and bought the blu ray. The film is full of atmosphere and it's OK, by no means terrible but not really a classic either.

It's quite slow and plodding in places and although there are some good scenes there isn't enough here for my personal tastes. I adore so many old horrors from the Frankenstein's, Nosferatu, Vampyr and many, many more. 'Eyes Without A Face' is simply not too bad but perhaps a watch once movie for me.
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A Ghost Story for Christmas: The Ice House (1978)
Season 8, Episode 1
27 December 2023
Let's not kid ourselves here. 'The Ice House' is absolute gibberish, a programme that some viewers will say was chilling, thoughtful and thought provoking. They are of course kidding themselves as this is by and large a bunch of tripe trying far too hard to be different. This is my take on it.

The spa is like a place to go to die and then reappear as a living ghost. To do this you have to enter an ice house and be encased in ice. That is it in a nutshell. There is incest and very odd characters but overall this is a plie of tripe dressed up as a ghost story. Oh yes, there is a bizarre ivy plant that is somehow linked to this tosh. Give it a miss.
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Candy Cane Lane (I) (2023)
What I expected
22 December 2023
This movie stars Eddie Murphy so I expected it to be annoying. It was very annoying but to be fair to Eddie it wasn't because of him. It's noisy, very noisy and parts of it do look great and very Christmassy. By half way though this becomes too much and it started to grate on my nerves.

Danielle Pinnock as Kit and Jillian Bell as Pepper really take overacting to the extremes here and they rapidly become a pain in the butt every time they appear. Eddie Murphy is actually quite restrained in comparison and he is OK as is Tracee Ellis Ross as his wife. The main gripe for me is that the movie is too frantic and just loses momentum.
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It's bad
16 December 2023
I didn't care much for the first 'Your Christmas Or Mine?' so was surprised to see there was a follow up. This is quite poor with dodgy acting and a stupid, and I do mean stupid, storyline. As if Geoff would have booked them in to somewhere so awful in the first place. Oh wait, the posh family has gone there by mistake. Lazy, lazy writing and not convincing at all. It is at this stage that I have admit that I bailed out on this about half way through as it was doing my head in.

I know it's a feelgood Christmas movie but this feels contrived, desperate and in the end it's just plain annoying. Give it a wide berth.
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26 November 2023
What a weird movie this is. I only made it half way through simply because the 'stories' last about 5 minutes each and then end. Some of the tales look promising and you truly can't believe it when they finish. There is some build up but it becomes so frustrating that you just end up thinking 'Is there any point?'. It is a very frustrating movie and almost pointless. What is the point in building up the tension and then just finishing the story? I don't know how many I missed but I suspect that I would have felt exactly the same.

So there is some promise but ultimately disappointment. Give it a miss.
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A bore
26 November 2023
This is a movie that is boring. A man finds himself in a hut among the Scottish Cairngorms. He is injured, has no idea how in the hell he got there and equally has no idea how he will escape. So far, not too bad. Then a hairy fellow walker turns up and it goes downhill from there. Full of idle chit chat with a fair bit of mumbling, so much so that I had to put on subtitles.

We are then led to some tripe where one person can replace the other and take over their identity. Complete and utter nonsense that makes you realise that you the viewer have been sucked into this mumbo jumbo and although the landscape is stunning yet brutal there is very little to recommend this.
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