
17 Reviews
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The Ark (2015 TV Movie)
Could have been amazing if it stuck to the facts.
12 April 2024
I liked the idea of it. Great cast. But I'm not sure why they did not stick to the original story.

It could have been so powerful.

I mean NOAH had three sons, not four.

In this TV movie there is a younger son Kenan.

Kenan in the Bible according to Genesis 5:9-14, is Kenan was a son of Enosh and a grandson of Seth.

However, I really enjoyed this version for what it was. Making them Northern was fantastic so relatable.

The fact that Noah had such faith to do as he was asked is amazing to me. It's such a great piece of our history. I am proud to believe it and have faith in the same God Noah had faith in. His story is mentioned in the New Testament as a warning to us today. Love it

All the acting was really good. Great casting.
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A lot of Speculation and unfounded claims.
12 April 2024
Like a lot of others, I only got about 8 mins in and couldn't bear the narrators over the top voice.

Also a lot of.conjecture. None of which is backed up with Biblical or historical evidence. This is just the narrators opinion. He's probably a Dan Brown fan too. There is absolutely nothing in scripture that would lead anyone to postulate that Jesus wrote a gospel. This should be renamed Jesus: my guesswork.

I think after reading all the reviews the one that saddened me the most is the one that said this documentary saves me having to read the whole of the Bible. Wow. People who seriously want to find out about Jesus have to read THE BIBLE.

The review that was full of oh this is an amazing piece of work I can only imagine is the narrator himself. Sad really.

If the narrator had spoken with a normal voice I may have watched until the end.
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Shetland: Episode #8.1 (2023)
Season 8, Episode 1
New new!!
9 November 2023
It's taken me a couple of weeks but I blitzed this from Series 1 episode 1. Today I just started season 8 ep. 1. Hang on...what is going on?

This is not like Shetland I have come to love.

Oh, hang on... it's leading up to a new DI, who has been sent to Shetland. So, I'll keep watching - then I'll finish the review.

Oh, okay, Ashley Jensen, a really good idea to cast her she's great. Some light relief with her comedy prowess.

But I miss Perez. I'm glad he is happy and with someone now though. I got very invested in these characters. Sign of good writing.

Well, so far so good. I'm glad Shetland is back for a new series. I look forward to it everyday. Once I'm caught up I'll have to wait a week - what will I do.
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Shetland: Episode #4.6 (2018)
Season 4, Episode 6
5 November 2023
Now on season 5: Ep 1. Watching everyday!!! Love it. Love the characters the storylines and plot twists. Beautiful location. Beautiful accents from Shetland born actors in cast.

When I first started season 1: ep 1, I was hooked. As mentioned, I have binge watched since. Makes me wish I lived there. So beautiful.

Casting is superb. Didn't really know Douglas Henshall before this. He's great casting. Also, Mark Bonnar. Alison O'Donnell is fantastic too. Steven Roberson is a Shetland native and I could listen to him talk all day.

Such an interesting bunch of character actors. Brian Cox, James Cosmo, Ciaran Hinds, Sara Vickers, Jamie Mitchie. ALL STAND OUTS SO FAR.
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9 September 2023
I love this show. My daughter and I play against each other. The guests are always interesting. For me the star is always Richard. He's so quick witted and hilarious.

A joy to watch.

Can't wait for series 7. Come on BBC.

There is no better quiz show on tv.

My fav shows so far were, the one where he met Ingrid Oliver. So sweet. Wish iPlayer didn't remove previous shows. Leave them all on there so I can rewatch at my leisure.

Then the one when they got engaged. She looked so happy. So did he.

It must be so much fun on their house.

I hope he still finds time to do more series now he's a married man. CONGRATULATIONS.
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Weathering (2023)
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That was absolutely AMAZING! The actress Alexis Louder, was OUTSTANDING.

My heart raced the whole way through. It's every mothers nightmare - losing a baby at birth or pre-birth.

It was hard to follow what was real and what was in her imagination - E.g., her mother was so unsympathetic and self-centred. The male friend, I'm unsure if he truly thought she was coming into him, after losing her baby; or was that her imagination. No matter though, because the whole point was EVERYONE was ignoring her needs and her pain.

The same with the hospital doctors dismissive attitude - was that truly because she was black? That stuck with me. Then at the end the title of her story confirmed my thoughts. It broke my heart realising it was true that she was treated badly because of her colour. I am a white woman and I'm ashamed of my colour a lot of the time. We are all GOD's children. We are FAMILY.

The final scenes where she was being dragged off and beaten, like a demonic entity has grabbed her. It was then the Penny dropped for me, and what ended up being my title came to me. IT WAS HER ALL ALONG!!!

Struggling to forgive herself. So destructive. A truly beautiful and moving short that will stay with me forever.

Pleased to see Bradley Cooper's name attached.

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Old (2021)
26 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know anything about this film at all. It came up on my Netflix and I liked the sound of the title OLD.

So I put it on. From the beginning I knew something was up because in the car journey to the resort the mother eluded to making the best of the time we have.

But this was NOT what I expected. It was so much better.

I thought this was a really original idea with fascinating implications. I couldn't stop watching. It never lost my attention.

It made me realise the importance of living for today. Time really does fly, so why not just make the best of it. Be quick to forgive and slow to anger.

I liked the ending where we find out they are trying to get cures in record time.

It still made me think about who decides who dies!? Very dystopian.

This writer has a vivid imagination.

So interesting.

A must see.
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7 April 2023
Knew from the first scene this was going to be different Really interesting storyline Acting was fantastic esp from the daughter Char and her possessed mum.

The nasty girls are all too familiar sadly in this day and age. There is always someone who will try to ruin someone else who has done nothing to them. Was glad when the mum knocked her down.

Thought the story could have been taken further a few unanswered questions remained for me. How did granny die. How and why these particular people were possessed and what caused it. Also why the friend Suzanna had to lose her mum to drowning. What was the significance there. Was that water possessed esp as that strange incident with Char and her mum happened. Expected more from that scene.

However over all it was fantastic film. I personally Loved it. Chuffed it was an all Irish cast too.
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I loved it!!!
2 April 2023
I think this was a really funny film. The female main character is brilliant. The actress who plays her is wonderful. Really great actress.

Don't know why there are so many negative reviews.

Some characters are meant to be irritating and they are. The one who is a fake-French I wanted to kick - lol. The superficial flat mate is awful and I was so gutted when she tried to spoil things.

But they captured almost all types of people who are in the world.

The chemistry between the two main characters is lovely to see. They seem so in-love. Really great.

The dog was so funny to look at. He was very cute though.

The pantless boyfriend is funny too. He was a twit though. Ha! Ha!

I recommend it just for the cringe factor it's like the Office, funny. Shame they recommended the silly revenge thing. The dancing judge was funny.

Didn't expect it to be so good after seeing some of the reviews.
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End to End (2022)
FANTASTIC!!! 10/10
20 January 2023
Three best friends, Christy Tattershall, Adam Scarborough, George Ezra, decided to walk from Lands End to John o' Groats.

It took them 95 days (over 3 months!!) totalling 1215 miles!!!!

I Absolutely LOVED IT!

The ups the downs post lockdown. The songs George sang - ahhh, wonderful, blissful. His voice is so soothing. What a talent. Meeting his second cousin and finding out music is in his DNA.

Meeting other musicians.

THE MIDGES. I laughed so much.

The lads all enjoyed the pace of life this afforded them. The joy was tangible. I've got three brothers, and being the only girl had it's challenges. But I'd love to have these three as brothers. Just to hang out with them.

Delightful young men.

Near the end of the trip George looking at the beauty surrounding him said, " You can only see this if you hike." Made me think.

This really was a once in a lifetime experience and to have recorded it for us to watch was an amazing idea. I really Hope they do another series on something else. Great guys. A credit to their families. Highly recommend.
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Better than expected.
8 January 2023
Actually it was REALLY GOOD - I do recommend you watch until the end. The acting of some is iffy. But the main characters are great actors. Very believable and not overtly exaggerated.

I did fast forward the fight scenes - not for me. But I think this film is a great reminder of how we need to 'KNOW' what it is we are saying 'NO' to, before we sweep the Gospel of Christ under the carpet.

We are being offered ETERNAL LIFE FOR FREE!!!! Also, don't assume everyone knows what's at stake - KEEP PREACHING!


God's heartbeat is saving souls.

I'm so glad I watched this. Recommend.
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So Encouraging for Christians 🙏🏼
29 October 2022
To begin with I wasn't sure what was going on with the singers and clips of various things. Then the film began interspaced with speakers talking about information and technology available then in 1997, and how easy it can be for the beast system to be enforced - even then.

But God is in control of time and space. Nothing happens without His permission. Amen.

How wonderful to see the late Jack Van Impe and his wife Rexella Van Impe, sharing scriptures and current event news, to confirm Bible prophecy is true and reasonable at this time in history. Fantastic. Very well thought out.

Considering this was made in 1997, I am so impressed with the content. It's now Oct 2022. We are nearer than we were then. Now is the time to turn wholeheartedly to Christ Jesus, before it's too late. To God be all the Glory.
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Old idea, but with aliens bringing mankind to their senses!
30 September 2022
Visual/special effects are great. Loved the space craft looking like a planet.

Keanu Reeves is made for movies like this, The Matrix and John Wicks, because his acting style is perfect for them. He does have the ability to bring his style of acting to good affect with ease.

Jennifer Connolly, is fantastic, brings real empathy and reality to the film.

Kathy Bates is brilliant in everything she does. I do hate the way we as humans think we are so great and all knowing. Bring out the weapons and kill before finding out the facts. Our arrogance precedes us. Makes me feel embarrassed to be associated with humanity.

Jon Hamm and Robert Knepper, are both great actors. I especially like Robert Knepper, (Criminal Minds) I think he is so underrated. Wish he was in more films. He's so versatile. Jon Hamm too. Loved him in Baby Driver and Marjorie Prime. Not convinced John Cleese was the best casting choice. But I think he's a great comedian.

But Jaden Smith is a terrible casting choice!! He's just an annoying, belligerent little git! Everything he says annoys me. How can a ten year old have such arrogance. Weird!

But he changes, comes to his senses. Then I forget he's a little git! ;)

Love the way some of humanity has the ability to forgive. Those who choose to forgive are powerful. Those who choose not to are destined for destruction. We all have the choice.

Let's hope at the precipice we do change.
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19 September 2022
I don't understand why this film is so underrated. Hazel O'Connor's performance is breathtaking. She wrote all the songs in just over a week!!!

She says she is not a musician, I beg to differ Ms O'Connor. You are a very gifted musician.

She has so much to offer the role - the casting director nailed it. I wish this was readily available to watch on Prime. So many are missing out.

Phil Daniels was perfect casting too. Together their story broke my heart. He has a vulnerability that's captivating. The rest of the casting was spot on too. It's not like watching a film, it's like having access to a real life story happening right in front of you.

Seeing how fame can be so destructive in a time when politically speaking everything was on the Up! NOT EVERYTHING EH!

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Marriage (2022)
Understated Excellence
17 August 2022
Beautifully realistic. Wonderful casting. Can't go wrong with Nicola Walker and Sean Bean. Really nice to see James Bolam. Does he ever age!

I could relate as a parent of two grown daughters and a son. The controlling boyfriend I wanted to kick him - what a narcissist.

So relatable. Ungrateful family members. We can all relate in one way or another. Cracking series.

Not sure why the theme song irritates me so much. The way it almost interrupts the show. Is the singing suppose to be so off key?

It's awful - maybe it's suppose to be grating like some of the characters. 🤓

So chuffed to see this kind of 'the way it really is' almost comedic at times, reality style series. Nice one BBC. Glad to see our TV license is worth it at times.
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16 April 2022
Kristofferson and Streisand, what a great pairing.

I particularly love this version of A Star is Born over all the others because it's SO believable. The chemistry between them and the respect is so clear to see. Just perfect casting. Throughout the film.

I think Kris's admiration for Barbra's talent is so clear to see. Especially as he watches her sing Evergreen.

On my DVD, there's extras. A scene where Esther plays the song 'Evergreen' on her guitar for John Norman without the lyrics. She hums - well dooodo's. (Watch and see. Buy the DVD) His response it lovely.

We all know Streisand can act, sing, out- perform everyone she's around. The woman is a phenomenon. But it was Kris' performance that really surprised and stood out to me. Such a natural actor. I felt everything from him. I felt his excitement for the beginning of her career. Seeing her talent gave him such joy. At the same time mourning the death of his own career. What an emotional roller coaster. WONDERFUL!

Her love for him was so touching. But you just knew it wouldn't last, couldn't last. It was too powerful. It was either gonna burn out or be snatched away. Boy what a film!

I hadn't seen Kris in anything else when I first saw this back in the mid 80's. He was a real standout. There's such a deep respect from both performers for one another. Watch it!

Highly recommend.

BTW - The backing singers were amazing. And the BAND!

Great Director too! Oh, I could go on.
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Clara (III) (2018)
CLARA - There Is Life After Death!
23 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
CLARA - this was an interesting take on our fascination for space and the desire to find other intelligent life outside our own world - Earth.

I really enjoyed this film. Patrick and Troian's ease together is lovely to watch.

When Clara contacted Isaac through his world of astronomy to show him there is actually 'life' after 'death' and to show him that life is NOT just RANDOM.

He can now know and trust he WILL see his son again. He will se Clara again.

I'm glad this film stopped at that, It's not always about proving 'alien' life out there.

It can just be about intelligent design OUTSIDE of time and space.
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