
20 Reviews
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Life of Pi (2012)
Quiet but hot movie
26 July 2016
The story is fantastic. All people watch this movie with exciting, and they think about what will happen next the boy and the tiger. Most of the location of this movie is on the ship, but the situation is changing gradually and some accidents like reaching the desert island and seeing the beautiful light of shining fishes are happened, so viewers have no boring time and always care about what will happen. In addition, There are reality. During the journey oh the boy and the tiger, they make a good friendship and all viewers may have an illusion that human and wild animal can understand and share each others feeling. But at the last scene they reach the land, the tiger walk away to the forest with no looking back him at all. I like that scene so much. That tells us the fact that human and animal cannot understand each other perfectly. I think that makes the movie more real.
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26 July 2016
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This is very wonderful action movie. The most interesting point I think of this movie is 5 main characters are strangers and enemies each other at the first. But they have same purpose, and become like co-wokers, and finally they become friends. And the location is the space and many planets which don't exist in real, so the world view of this movie is so vastitude, and that make people enjoy watching. There are many elements, for example thrill and battle and friendship and so on. Especially, the friendship and teamwork of main characters are beautiful and heartfelt. During watching, I was sometimes moved my heart by their behavior to protect their friends with sacrificing themselves. This movie is of course good for people who like Marvel series and action movie, and also family can enjoy.
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Horror but excellent
26 July 2016
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Actually I don't like this movie very well, but I think this movie is excellent. In the first scene, movie starts with a video of surveillance camera in the Public Employment Security Office. Viewers cannot understand what that video means at that time. what viewers can see is the accident like murder happened in the office. But at the last, the meaning of the first scene becomes clear, and it connects to the story. The connection between the first scene and the last scene is excellent. The scene murder is happening is terrible, and the sound makes viewers scared.But viewers know the connection at the last, so it makes this movie refreshing and the refreshing feeling left inside viewers, not only horror elements.
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We can know the little part of history
26 July 2016
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This is a heartfelt human drama movie. I was surprised to hear that this story is not fiction. One prime minister of The United Kingdom have heavy stammer and he is not good at speaking in front of many people. He tries hard to improve his speaking. Most people may think he will get a good way to get over his stammer and he can speak in front of citizens at the last of the movie, and I thought same thing. But It's a little bit different than we expected. Even when the story is going and the rest of movies become short, he cannot speak well. In the last scene, he succeed the speech on the radio, but he doesn't become perfect speaker. What he does is making good way of his stammer, and he does it with one wonderful Doctor. He makes good use of intervals of his words and rhythm of his speaking, and succeed the speech. It makes us realize this story is true again. In addition, the actors are excellent. Of course the acting of stammer is great, but the acting of people around the prime minister are also excellent, for example, his wife who always support him, his doctor gives him many advice. We can know one of the prime ministers have problems which everyone can have, and there are many wonderful people who support him hardly in the history.
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Wonderful musical movie
26 July 2016
This is the one of musical movies. Some people don't like musical movies, but actually, I like that. Some people says singing suddenly is very strange and I agree with that, but I don't care about that so much because the songs characters sing shows their feeling so well. In this movie, all dialog is in songs, so it's a little bit different than usual musical movies. One thing I want to say is the way to shoot this movie is very fantastic! When people shoot musical movies, before the shooting starts actors record songs and they move their mouth without singing when they shoot. But this movie takes different way. Actors put ear monitor on and sing with listening only piano. Actors sing the way they want to sing, so they can act and sing very naturally. So actors in this movies have great and wonderful skills. This movie shows a view of the Les Miserables world so well. We can enjoy everything about Les Miserables same as the play.
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26 July 2016
I don't know Jurassic park which is the first movie of this series, but I can enjoy watching it. The genre is kind of fantasy, but there are also horror elements in this movie. At first, Jurassic world give people dreams and fun. But one accident happened and situation changes from peace to dangerous dramatically. A lot of people are killed, and those scene is hard to watch for me, but I like the reality of this movie. Human dreams to control dinosaurs and get the technology to do it. However, in the last everyone realize that human and dinosaurs cannot live together. While the story is going there are friendship between human and dinosaurs, but everything is changed at the last of the movie. I think that is so real. This movie tells us the story with reality, but also tells us friendship and love, so I like this movie.
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The life, and how to live it.
25 July 2016
I don't know how to say about this movie. This is the movie which tells me its theme the strongest of all movie I have ever watched. I think the theme of this movie is Living. The location is the prison where most people may lost their hopes, but people lives there spend their life in their own way. There are many problems which we don't want to recognize it is true in prison. This movie shows that there are a lot of people manage to live in such a terrible place. All People have different life, and all people live desperately and all people will die someday. The way to live is different like the life. Some people finish their life by themselves, and others try to keep their life hardly whatever happened. Nobody knows what is right and what is wrong, but one thing I'm sure is they everyone can have hopes and it doesn't make us unhappy. Having hopes can lead us to our future, even if it takes a long time. I learned those from this movie. I think the more I watch this movie the more I can learn from that, so I want to watch this movie again and again.
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25 July 2016
This is an amazing movie! I think the most important thing to impress viewers in this movie is the sound. This is French movie, so the situation is Paris and of course people speak French. Most Japanese including me are not familiar with French, so French characters speak in this movie is a part of the elements which impress us strong. It sounds like music, and it tells us something which we can understand just because of we don't know French. In addition, actors facial expression is also remarkable thing for me. There are some scenes which have no dialog, only back music. In those scene, characters facial expression tells us a lot of things. And, I think the music in this movie is wonderful. The beautiful music makes us think about many things in each situation. Sound elements tells us its story so quietly, but strongly.
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Sister Act (1992)
Refreshing movie
25 July 2016
The main character is black woman. She risks her life by x-boyfriend who is gang, and hides in the church as a nun. She makes a lot of changes in the church, and all problems are solved and she becomes happy in the ending. The story is so simple. But, for me, It doesn't seem to be simple. The reason I think are the place she hides and some songs in the movie. She becomes a nun temporarily and spend the time in the church with other sisters. A black woman who worked at the club in the town have relationship with pure blooded sisters who are living only inside the church. That makes a little differences between this movie and other normal movie. In addition, we cannot talk about this movie without its music. A quire improves their singing because of a woman appearance, and the songs in this movie have important rules. Sisters become emotional and exciting when they're singing. Many beautiful and exciting songs shows sisters changes inside them very well. Musical elements also make this movie interesting.
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Frequency (2000)
25 July 2016
I love this movie very much. When I searched the movie which is recommended to people who like fantasy genre, I found this movie. I had longed to watch it for a long time, and finally I can watch it. I understand the reason why this movie get a high evaluation from many people. This is not just fantasy movie. Its genre is changed in the movie. we recognize it's a heartfelt fantasy movie including human drama elements at the first time, but from the middle of the movie, mysterious elements appear, and after that, suspenseful elements are added to that, and finally all those genre are mixed and movie ends happily. The son connects his dead father who is living in the past time and they try to change the past. In that scene most of viewers may cannot help crying and that scene makes our hearts so moved. But mysterious and suspenseful elements increase gradually, and we become excited so much. I like the ending of it because every character become happy. Some people might say there is no reality, but all of things which are happened in the story make the ending together. So I think the ending of this movie is excellent.
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Minions (2015)
Happy family movie
25 July 2016
When I heard that this movie is popular for adults not only children, I didn't know the reason. However, after I finished watching it, I understand why this is popular among people in wide age. The story is so simple that everyone including children can understand, but there are many elements make this movie interesting, for example dreams, hopes, friendship, loves, funny, and so on. Minions have dreams to find the worst and the strongest boss. They always do their best to make their dreams come true, and they try to get over many problems while their journey. The interesting thing I think is that we cannot understand the language minions speak hardly. Some parts of their speaking sounds like English, but others are just sounds we can expect that is their language. But we can understand what they mean as if we can know their language in each situation from their facial expression and tone of voice. That is important elements to make this movie interesting and funny. I'd like to recommend all people in all ages, not only family accompanying small children. This movie makes you laugh, exciting, and happy.
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It's a Heartful story
24 July 2016
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This movie starts with a normal scene that little girls are going home from elementary school. Viewers may think it's normal movie, but it will change soon after that. One of girls buys cigarettes after she said goodbye to other girls. At that time, viewers think about what's going to happen next, and they are drawn to the movie. In this movie, viewers can see very beautiful love. That is the love from daughter to her father. A little girl, she is the main character, is asked to buy cigarettes by his father. He has had a disease for a long time and needs to stop smoking, but he can't, and asks his daughter to buy cigarettes. She understands cigarettes is not good for father, but she goes to buy it for his happiness and smile, even if she is scolded by his mother because of that behavior. On the other hand, she tells her father that mother told her cigarettes is not good. She is a young girl yet, but thinks about a lot of things by herself. I was moved my heart by her gallant behavior so many times in this movie.
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The Gift (2010 Video)
Attractive elements
24 July 2016
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This movie attracted me from the first scene till the end of the movie. The situation of this movie is similar to our real world, but something is different, so viewers think "Where is this?" at the first time they watch this movie. In addition, many mysterious elements which make viewers wonder what will happen next show up again and again in this movie. Who is this man? That city is like Moscow, but why are there no human except that man? Are they robots? Why does he kill the old man? What's in the box? A lot of questions come up viewers mind, so they cannot stop watching this movie. I think the director of this movie really understands the elements which make viewers excited and have interested of the movie.
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Little change makes big changes
24 July 2016
This short movie seems to be normal on first viewing, but one little boys business makes many things happen and influences people around him. A man and his wife seem to have some problems between them, and their relationship is not good. However, one day one little boy comes to their home, and the situation starts to change. The interesting thing I think is that the boys does nothing to people around him. Just coming to the married couples house and being with them are what he does in this movie. He doesn't try to change anything around him, but those changes happen. In addition, I think the wife's acting is excellent. Her dialog is not too much, but she expresses a lot of things by her facial expression, so viewers can wonder what happened between the man and his wife in the past and can understand their situation easily. In this movie, one little change makes a big change. That can happen in our life, so viewers can have sympathy with this movie.
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Make viewers enjoy and imagine
24 July 2016
At the first time I watched this movie, I thought the genre of this movie is SF. But actually, its genre is a little bit different from SF we recognize. The main character is a young woman, but there are some stories of each character in this movie, not only her life story. Those stories are related to each other, and make a one whole story. Viewers can watch some stories in one time, and it is one of points which make viewers enjoy watching this movie. In addition, each story is not SF completely. Its genre is human story, but it changes dramatically at the last scene. Only at the last scene, SF elements appear stronger than any other elements, and the last scene make viewers imagine what will happen after the ending. Changing genre at the last and the ending which make viewers imagine help viewers to enjoy watching it.
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White and Black
24 July 2016
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I think it's important in this movie that there is the element of race problem. A white old woman bumps into a man when she is hurry to catch her train, and the man is black. In the restaurant she misunderstands that a stranger sits on her seat and eats her salad. The stranger is also a black man. If he is white, the impression for viewers and the meaning of that scene are different. I think those scene contain the element of race problem. I think one of the reason that she misunderstands a black man eats her salad is that he is a black man. A definition of how most white people think about black people shows up in those black men's behavior. But, the black man doesn't say anything about her misunderstanding, and buy a cup of coffee for her. So, I think the message of importance of judging someone by his or her characteristics, not appearance.
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Knick Knack (1989)
Cute and Impressive
20 June 2016
This short movie starts happily. There're dancing toys and cheerful music, so my first impression is cute and happy. The snowman in the snow dome makes efforts to go outside of the snow dome, but some difficulties happened to him so many times. He tries a lot of things to go outside, but he couldn't get over finally. This story is interesting. Viewers want to cheer the snowman when they watch his cute efforts. And also, viewers enjoy the surprise of many things which they don't expect happened to him again and again. In this movie, toys dance and move normally, but it's out of our wonder. The story is not special, but fantasy situation and cute characters make this movie impressive and attractive.
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28 May 2016
This is one of the short movies and there's no dialog, but there are many interesting elements in this movie. At first, situation is interesting. A man, who is a main character of this movie, tries to avoid what he hates, and the way he does that is so unique. I think most of audiences cannot expect his way even if they don't like what he hates the same as him. Second, it shows human psychology clearly. In general, if human find someone do something he or she wants to do in a good way, he or she wants to imitate that way. I think the director of this movie knows humans natural essence vary well, and audience can understand it from this movie. Finally, main character mans resistance. It makes viewers so exciting. In this movie, he resists what prevents him from his action, and that makes viewers feel refreshed at last. There are no dialog and few characters, but those interesting elements makes this movie attractive.
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Whacked (1997)
Scary but Profound
15 May 2016
I think a main theme of this short movie is revenge. This movie describes what revenge really is so clearly. There are many meanings and many kinds of things when people think about revenge, but actually, revenge is doing something to give someone bad effects which is the same as bad effects someone gave me. I could realize that again from this movie. When I saw the first scene of this movie, I couldn't understand what's happening, but at the end of this movie I knew there are bad effects which a man, he is a main character, is giving people. The mans revenge is scary but it's beyond my expectation, so I think this movie is interesting and so profound. There's no dialog and main character is only the man. However, viewers can understand what a revenge is, the reason the man wants to revenge, and above all, situation that he drunk with ecstasy for success with his revenge.
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Simple but Impressive
8 May 2016
This movie is the simplest one of all movies that I have ever seen. The main characters are just father and daughter, and there's no dialog. In addition, there's no colors and everything in this movie is drawn by just black and white. However, viewers can understand the love between father and daughter easily because of beautiful music. Father left his young daughter one day, and she frequently comes back to the place she saw him last to check whether he has came back or not as she grows up. The story is also simple, but its music expresses everything in each situation. So viewers can understand the daughters emotion and feeling, what happened to them, and so on. Music is one of the most important qualities to make this movie memorable for viewers. I think the length of this movie is also good. 18 minutes is not too long, not too short, good to understand its story. I think the structures of this are just no color illustration and music, but the combination of those two is excellent, and it makes people never forget this movie after watching it.
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