25 Reviews
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Not what you might be expecting
16 June 2022
Just finished watching this gem and I have a sappy smile on my face. Anyone expecting some sort of soft core film will be very disappointed. This is a little low budget independent film about thinking back on your life choices, where you've ended up, regrets, and the good stuff you've got right under your nose, basically about everyday life at a certain time in that life.

The acting is quite amatuer, and the film isn't as polished as it could be, but it has heart, it's funny, it's a feel good film about everyday nice people just getting on with it.

If you're looking for something to laugh along to, and want to feel good at the end, then this will tick those boxes. Anyone reviewing this low must of had either a bad day or thought they were getting a porno, and this as they say in the end is just a family comedy. Well done to eveyone involved in making this.
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Still a warning for our times
9 May 2022
I just watched the restored BFI version of this classic, and it looked as good as I remembered from my youth.

The heating Earth and climatic changes could be the story of climate change today.

Near the end I thought I knew that voice, and yes, it was Michael Caine in a bit part playing a policeman directing traffic.

Although dated, especially in attitudes, this really should be shown more often in the UK. The shots of a dried up Thames were quite horrifying, although the heat mist reminded me of the pea-soupers I experienced as a child of the 1960s.

Funny to see the Express as a crusading moral family newspaper when it's now owned by a pornographer, how the times they are a changing.
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Old (2021)
Why the hate
7 March 2022
I can't understand why people are dissing this film. You know what you will get with MNS films, and this is no different.

My sister and I watched it while we ate, expecting not a lot to keep up with based on other reviews, but it kept up the pace with lots of odd things and possible clues as to what was happening and why.

Some of the acting wasn't top notch, diaglogue was a bit iffy, and I could do without the camera swinging around so much, but nothing terrible.

Anyone on the fence should give it a go like we did and make up your own mind.
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The Gourmet (1984 TV Movie)
Haunting little film
1 January 2022
Like others, I remember seeing this late at night as something to fill out the end of the schedule in the days when TV turned off for the night in the UK.

Charles Gray is a favourite of mine, often not the star, so it was good to see him take the lead in this morality comedic supernatural tale. Today it would be an episode of something like The Twilight Zone.

Again, like others, although quite short, and only shown once I think, it has stuck in my mind ever since. I often use it as the basis for telling a spooky story. Low budget, but it had something that made it truely a haunting little film.
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Clarence (1988)
Hidden gem
16 August 2021
This short lived little gem had a beautiful atmosphere, with two of Britains best loved sitcom actors. Gentle plots about a removal man and a maid making the best of things in the late 1930s in a country cottage. Never to be repeated it seems, possibly not pc enough for these days, but makes me smile just to think about it.
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About what I expected
29 June 2021
I'm a massive Lovecraft fan, read the lot, and so hearing about another film based on his work I got the usual hope and dredd. I was happy to see this updated version of his classic tale, and I thought Nick Cage suited the role well in this modern version. If you love Lovecraft and don't want a thing touched then you will be disapointed, but things don't stand still. The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society make authentic short films based upon his work if you fancy that, otherwise this film was updated well for a modern audience possibly not familiar with his work.
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Dead good
1 November 2020
Oh what a joy. Watched this on Halloween and it was perfect. Like the Creepshow films and TV series it was spot on for laughs and tongue-in-cheek gory horror. A special mention for Clancy Brown who played his part to perfection in a roll that could easily have been over-the-top. These type of portmanteau films that combine multiple shorter stories within an overall framework used to be so popular, but have become rare, but the multiple stories mean there's something for everyone, and if you don't like the story you're watching there'll always be another along in a minute or two. If you like creepy laughs this is one for you.
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Just terrible
9 June 2020
Just finished watching this. How could so many good things come together and make this piece of garbage?

As it ended, I asked my sister why she wanted to keep watching this, and she said she was waiting for something to happen... well it doesn't.

When actors start talking about the script of the movie they are in you know it has run out of ideas.

I hope my 1 star rating gets the average down, 'cause the current value is way off, I can only guess from art wannabee's thinking it's so meta.
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Heart and humour and family
19 May 2020
Just finished watching this, and what a joy. I just had a row with my sister so this tale of estranged father and son was just the ticket to remind me of what family really means.

Brian Cox was excellent as ever, he really gets better with age. A lesser actor might have played the role as a sterotype Scot, but his rough cutting edge at times kept his character grounded in reality.

I didn't even realise who some of the actors were until the end credits, everyone just inhabited their roles.

The shame is that some people will write something like this off as an afternoon movie not worth their attention, well, it's a lot better than many of the blockbusters out there.
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The French can do it
28 April 2020
Yep, a French film that came on the TV and I started watching and couldn't take my eyes off it to the end. American cop buddy style, a touch of Nordic Noir, and French flair carry it off perfectly.
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Why the hate?
12 March 2020
I don't know if it's a gamers fan boy thing, but the reviews and especially the scores seem very unfair.

I've played every Doom game since they started, and have loved them. American values sanitised the first film, no Hell dimension which is the point of the whole thing. At least in this film they included loads from the game, coloured key cards, fireball throwing grunt demons, oh course the BFG which they actually called by it's correct name, etc.

Yes, it doesn't have a big budget, the effects are limited, the actors are cardboard cutouts of every marine squad character you've ever seen, and they didn't include the full range of demons, BUT they did a decent job of a fun action film that made an effort to reflect the game.

My sister and I had a fun evening watching this, stuffing our faces, and slopping down cups of tea and glasses of wine. Anyone else that fancies a fun time would do well to ignore the low scores and give this film a chance.
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Watchmen (2019)
What is going on?
12 November 2019
What is going on? Bad TV it seems, a mess, American l gazing and hand wringing at it's worst. Nothing to do with Watchmen, either the comic or film, so call it something else. Such a let down. Go watch "The boys" and see how good this could of been in better hands.
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The best Halloween treat
14 October 2019
This is simply the best anthology Halloween film I have ever seen. A series of stories and characters overlap each other on one Halloween night. Scares, laughs, and fantastic acting, Brian Cox is outstanding, and what a cast. So sad number 2 was never made... although a fantom page exists for it on IMDB, hmmm.
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Throw away popcorn
23 September 2019
Love Spider-man, Love Marvel, brought up on the comics, BUT... is Tom Holland trying to do an annoying Marty McFly. His bumbling became so annoying that I started to not care as the film became a CGI fest. And the downbeat end title sequence, not a way to end a light humour filled film.
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Hellboy (2019)
Don't believe the hate
13 August 2019
I didn't watch this for a while after all the hate, but so glad people started posting less fan-boyish reviews.

So it's not Shakespear, in fact some of the dialogue is terrible, BUT, it's a fun filled action movie if you're having a curry on a Saturday night and want to turn your brain off.

Hope there's a sequel, I'd watch it.
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Night School (2018)
Does the job
13 January 2019
Don't believe the bad press. Ok, it's not the greatest film you'll see all year, but it's a comedy, and it's full of jokes. My sister and I watched it and laughed all the way through. It doesn't try to be anything other than a string of silly jokes that make you laugh. Haters just get off the mans back.
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Game Night (I) (2018)
Fun night
17 November 2018
Was a bit worried to watch this because of the 10/10 scores which are often fake, and the other end of the spectrum with people saying it was awful.

So glad I did because my sister and I actually laughed out loud at some points, and I can't remember the last film to do that. The two leads were perfect, and got great support.

It's a fun mainstream comedy and that's all it tries to be. It made a great end to a crappy day for us.
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Curfew (I) (2012)
Speaks for some of us
12 November 2018
Someone who knew I was a bit battered by life told me to seek out and watch this short, and I'm so glad they did, because it went under my radar.

Without spoilers I can only say that it captures the feeling of being at the last saloon, and how the smallest thing can make you go one way or another. Trust me on this.

Shawn Christensen deserves so much praise for his understated performance as well as doing pretty much everything else, and what a find Fatima Ptacek is. A solid double header of talent.

Everyone I know that has seen it talks about the fantasy ( or is it ) sequence, that great tune, and the sureal scene in an otherwise dark tale.

Bottom line: WOW. It really is a ten out of ten. 20 minutes of your life, what have you got to loose.
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Upgrade (2018)
Believe the hype
20 August 2018
I can't understand why some people have been so negative. My sister and I settled down with no expectations and loved it, especially playing guess who did what. It's a clever ideas sci-fi flick, and not a million miles away from where we seem to be heading. And so good not to see the same Hollywood actors again.
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Black Panther (2018)
Why all this hype?
7 May 2018
Why all this hype for this movie? I sat down with my sister to watch this, both really looking forward to it. She loves superhero movies, and I grew up reading Marvel including Black Panther comics which I loved, and I love what Marvel have done with the MCU, but...

What was this? If I as a white man had done "comedy Nigerian student accountant" accents like the Wakandians did in the film, I would be called racist. We actually started laughing as they spoke, after a few nervous glances at each other.

Everyone behaved like they had a pole up their collective behinds, and I know many of them are very good actors, such as Angela Bassett who was fantastic in AHS. Who let Andy Serkis was off the lead and told him to perform like a panto villain who thought he was playing a pirate. The only credit must go to Michael B. Jordan who turned in another good performance, and Letitia Wright as Panthers sister Shuri.

After the movie my sister and I had a chat about what we'd just seen, and apart from the general disappointment, the over-riding feeling we were left with was... If the casts colour had been reversed, the film would be branded as racist.

Bottom line: although I understand for an American movie this was a major thing cast wise, the casts acting was generally poor. As a Marvel film this was uneven and disappointing. And when the credits had rolled we were left with a bad taste in our mouths saying almost in unison that we won't be watching that again.
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Britannia (2017–2021)
Fun, not history
27 January 2018
Come on, it's a bit of fun, not actual history. Great over the top performances (MC as head druid, and the cast out druid ), tongues in cheeks. So just turn off your brain , sit back, and enjoy yourself.
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Won me over
26 June 2016
OK, first of all a heads up... I'm a British man of 56, having just watched this on the TV on a lazy Sunday afternoon, when I could of been catching up with Glastonbury or the football (Euro 2016). Not, I guess, the target audience.

Well, as I sat there on the sofa with my cuppa, enjoying the scenery, and this striking lady who I hadn't seen before, (trust me, I know Diane now, and have a list of her films to watch), I just became entranced.

I know I'm being manipulated, the mass of stereotypes, the fact (unlike most of us) she can just cash buy a villa on a whim, BUT, I gave in and went for the ride, and it couldn't of been better. I didn't want it to end, the feel good, the decent people, the Tuscan sun! Add in fellow Brit Lindsay Duncan's great performance, the ensemble cast, and you have a joy to watch which surely will make anyone feel better.
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As good as you might have heard
2 June 2016
Wow, another 10 from me, or maybe it's just I don't bother reviewing the rubbish I see, hmmm.

I must say, the makers of this film played the build up to release perfectly, only giving out teasers and very little information.

Is it a sequel? Does it have any connection to the first Cloverfield film? Talk about less is more... very clever marketing.

Now, the danger in creating hype is the film doesn't live up to it, but in this case the film justified every single bit of hype generated.

The three leads gave acting lessons to lesser mortals. Surely the best performance by John Goodman since "The Big Lebowski", I couldn't take my eyes off him every time he was on screen.

I've only seen Mary Elizabeth Winstead in "Scott Pilgrim..." in which she was a bit subdued, but here she was front and center with a fantastic acting performance.

The scrip was full of twists, you never know what has really happened and who people really are, something maintained right through to the end.

This is the sort of movie they just don't make often enough, clever, well acted, and keeps you on the edge of your seat till the very last second. I saw it a week ago and still can't stop thinking about it, so yes a 10 out of 10.
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Grabbers (2012)
Fun fun fun
22 May 2016
What's with the Irish Film Board of late, cranking out loads of low budget hits like this gem.

A small time tale of fun with Irish stereotypes, but enough depth, good script, and good acting, and buckets of laughs to make it stand tall.

A creature feature, sci-fi, horror, and comedy, even a bit of drama, you can't say you don't get your monies worth. And lots of well known TV and film faces for us UK people to spot.

I see Richard Coyle in loads of stuff these days, especially sci-fi,he seems to be able to handle any genre you throw at him, and loved him in Coupling doing comedy.

A mention to Russell Tovey who most will know from Being Human. He doesn't seem to be able to turn in a bad performance.

The rest of the cast are fine. I dropped my score to 8 only due to some of the stereotype characters these films seem to feel are needed, maybe for the US market. The Quiet Man was a long time ago, move on.
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Stitches (I) (2012)
Another cracker from the Irish film board
22 May 2016
I saw this listed on the horror channel, and to be honest, it didn't look that good, but having checked IMDb and noting it was another recent Irish horror comedy, and having just seen the fantastic Grabbers, I settled down for a brain on hold evening. How I was surprised.

From start to finish Ross Noble owns this film, supported by a cracking team of young actors. Ross is well known to UK audiences as both a stand up and sitcom actor, as well as the almost required being on comedy panel shows, and never fails to give a great fun performance.

The comedy is a mix of one liners, puns, and situations, just what you'd expect in this type of film. The horror is so over the top, think Evil Dead blood levels, but also inventive.

Great script, fun performances, clever references, in fact the only bad thing was how sad I felt when it was over, slightly cheered up by the out-takes in the closing credits.

If you enjoy films like The Evil Dead, the Hatchet trilogy, or off-beat UK and Irish horror, do yourself the biggest favour and catch this gem.

Please do a Stitches 2: Return of the clown... or whatever... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. Everybody Happy? I will be.
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