
65 Reviews
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Cryptid (2022)
Decent movie, but annoying protagonist
8 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Good, go hunting for an unknown Cryptid in the woods in its element - in the woods, in the dark, when it's raining. Don't think to bring anything besides guns and flashlights, which don't help you much. Don't bring rope, water, batteries, knives or hatchets for back-up, or a plan. Then carelessly run away, in the rain and the dark, when you find it because you had your guns slung over your shoulders while you were HUNTING it; fall into a deep hole, which you know are out there because that's where it comes out, then get stuck in there because you didn't bring a rope. Then don't smash the eggs and kill the young while you're down there. Scream and cry when you should be quiet and thinking to figure out your situation.

So sick of people being so dumb in horror movies. You can make a scary movie without making everyone stupid. You also don't get a great look at the creature.
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Drivel, expect better from major companies
31 October 2022
What a piece of crap script. I expect this kind of crap from B features but this is a major company and should be able to afford a decent script writer. The acting is fine but the script is a disjointed, juvenile mess. And everyone in it does the dumbest stuff. You can still have people Not be stupid and make a good horror movie. It wasn't scary, just stupid.

IMDB is shooting themselves in the foot by requiring so many characters for a review. This will likely be my last one because of that. I'm guessing they don't want our reviews anymore. I can see a character limit but 600 is way too many. Unless I take time to log in on computer and type it out.... Who has all night to write a review, let alone read a long review.
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REALLY bad, but hey they finished something, had fun, and parts of it are downright hysterical
10 October 2022
Wow, this is terrible. When/if you watch it, think of it as - you and a bunch of your friends, relatives, and people from the neighborhood got together and had a blast making a horror movie. It's also hysterical! They didn't take themselves too seriously. I'm enjoying it way more than I thought I would when I think about it like that. It seems like a group of regular folks with no training wanted to make a horror flick and did. I mean, it's a group of people with their personal camcorders or something. Blurry, difficult to understand dialogue, toy guns, and Halloween costumes. This will be my example of an atrocious movie when I see folks giving 1/10 ratings to bad movies that are not 1/10 bad! But these folks must have had a blast making this. But I have to give it to them, they finished something and put it together! I'm sure it wasn't easy and it's more than I've ever done. It's the Worst movie you with actually some really funny parts.
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Solid B-Rate effort, good job working with what they had on this werewolf flick
9 October 2022
I'm not sure why all the hate on this one. Yes, it's clearly a B-Rate / C-Rate movie, the acting is not great by any means, and the lighting is pretty dim but for what it is, it's pretty good. They took care, on a very small budget mind you, with limited special effects and put their effort into making a decent werewolf costume and transformation. For a B-Rate, it's a pretty good attempt I'd say. I think for what it is, they did a really good job at working with what they had. Know what it is when you go into it. It's a B movie made for the love of werewolf movies! For those folks like me who hunt for werewolf movies, I thought this was one of the better B attempts out there as far as script, special effects, and choreography were concerned. Solid effort!
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Among the Shadows (I) (2019)
It's bad but not 2/10 bad
3 October 2022
Ok. It's bad. The acting isn't great. Lohan is notably bad. And it IS a disjointed mess. But the folks that rated it 1/10 stars, they must not have seen a truly terrible movie before. Sadly, this was trying to vibe like Underworld and that may have been part of its downfall. Half the time, you don't know how you got from one scene to the next, why the characters are doing what they're doing, who is a wolf vs a vamp, or what anyone is saying. Turning on the subtitles helps with that. And there is no transformations in the movie, so another viewer who said it's a werewolf movie with no werewolves is correct if you were wanting some traditional wolfing out.
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Ratched (2020)
Melodramatic and that is the point!
27 August 2022
First, let's make it clear, it is Supposed to be over the top and melodramatic - that is one of the points. It is a shame it seems as though a lot of the art of this is being missed by some. It takes the impulses and neuroses that everyone has and uses the characters to magnify them 100X, which makes it interesting. This magnification draws your attention to the flaws in human nature. The style of directing in the other parts such as the music, mood, scenes, and sets pays homage to the genre and style of past horror movies, with a number of added elements such as using color to portray how a character is feeling in the moment. The acting is outstanding, truly superb and the subtlety of the actor's art comes through vibrantly. There are a number of unlikely turns in the plot but that is to gives twists, adds to the absurdity, and keeps you guessing. Some criticized the content but I thought the backstories of the characters were well done and how they come out was interesting as well and the style choices in a number of cases is for it to come spilling out in a strange moment. It does stretch credibility in some instances but again, that is one of the points. There are a number of inaccuracies related to the climate of the time, but I took that as artistic license. There are so many masterfully done scenes, I can't even tell you as I don't want to fill this with spoilers but be on the lookout for the doctor at the dance, the barn, the other barn, the puppet show, and the doctor treats the rich son.
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Death Hunter (2010 Video)
Little Hoot of a C Rated movie
24 July 2022
First, let's be clear, this is not even a B rate movie, probably a C or D if there is such a thing. Super low budget. The acting isn't good, but it's not the worst I've seen. And I have to tell you, it's somehow really kind of fun. There's a nod / homage to a bunch of classics. Not sure why, but it was a hoot.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Frustrated by the Stupid
17 July 2022
The acting isn't fabulous but it's good enough. I'm only a couple episodes in but I haven't found any of the characters or stories overly compelling. My biggest problem is the frustration of watching people be stupid. I'm finding it so frustrating, I might not make it to when it gets good. In a survival of the fittest world like they find themselves in, doing stupid stuff would get you dead fast. I find it frustrating in the horror genre, when they fall back on people doing stupid things. It's completely possible to not do stupid things and still get caught or for the story to be terrifying. It's unrealistic to continually do stupid things and live, unless it's a comedy.
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Wolf (I) (2019)
An amateur but reasonable effort
18 June 2022
Make no mistake, I wouldn't say this is a good movie, but it certainly isn't rubbish either. The writer made a reasonable effort with the dialogue. Yes, it is clearly by an amateur but it's is nowhere near the worse I've seen. And it's a strange mix of historically accurate details and completely inaccurate ones. You can tell points were researched. It is a bit slow going but for what is is, it is easy to follow, has some character development, the costumes are not that bad, and the acting isn't terrible either. The werewolves aren't typical but I felt they were more believable than most, they were more like rabid men with claws. It ends a bit abruptly, but it doesn't totally choke.
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Ok This one is pretty bad
4 June 2022
Ok, I Have seen worse, but this one Is pretty bad...depending on your perspective when you're viewing. It's not fully silent, but it's mostly no dialogue. It is artsy, and super slow, maybe someone's school project. The whole thing is like dreams within a dream. Some of the camera shot choices I don't understand and they reuse many of them. I'm not sure I understood the point they were trying to make or the purpose of it. Are they saying her sexual hunger was so intense that she became a monster in order to devour these women? Unsure. But still, I've seen worse. I can't say I recommend this especially if you're looking for an actual movie rather than a school project.
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The Hunting (2021)
B-rate but not terrible
4 June 2022
I mean, yes, this is a B movie, the acting isn't great, and the script isn't great but it wasn't That bad either. It had some interesting moments and even a bit of a message.
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Nicely done family jewel
20 March 2022
I think this isn't a high budget film but for what it is, it's really good. It's like a family got bored during lockdown and made this little psychological horror gem. Not super scary, more like messes with your mind. But it's clever and there's a bit of gore thrown in, but not just for gore's sake. Nicely done.
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The Assent (2019)
Decent but acting kept it from being good
30 January 2022
This really could have been something and had some great aspects. Besides the dad, the son, and the babysitter, the acting was poor enough to distract from the work as a whole. But they way it was done was pretty good. The script wasn't strong either.
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More B Gold
14 November 2021
If you like good bad movies, solid B flicks, you may have fun with this. It was fun, funny, and over the top. Acting was pretty good for a B grade. It had most of the cliches covered and a number of gratuitous scenes designed to make you laugh and wretch at the same time. The werewolves were not as bad as many I've seen. For you B goers, enjoy!
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Bite Marks (2011)
1 November 2021
This was a fun and funny B-rate gem. Don't expect great acting, but there were some good campy moments and fans of B-rate will get a kick out of it. Plus the main characters were gay guys so that's a nice twist.
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Not bad, just boring
29 August 2021
It was not poorly done and the acting was passable. I just found it so boring. There were 2-3 good moments and the rest was meh....
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Candy Corn (2019)
Ah, A Good Bad Horror Movie
28 August 2021
I'm not sure what all the hate is about. This is great bad movie! Yes it's not an A-Grade movie. Yes the acting is not great. Yes, it's cliche. I thought that was the point! It was gruesome, and creepy, and fun, and just maybe some of the sh*t bags get theirs. What's not to like? Hahahaha.
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Found footage
14 August 2021
Ok. To be fair, the movie wasn't as Bad as most found footage. But it did what found footage always does which is show you not much but shaky cameras looking around, in the dark with the lights going out, and sometimes catching only glimpses of things. Like the rest, it mostly relies on the Viewers' imagination rather than actually making a good film that doesn't choke. That said, at times it Is creepy and a bit disturbing as well.
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Someone's School Project
14 March 2021
This was someone's school project or some fun friends were having. The script is super cliche, I think on purpose. It's super campy. The acting is absolutely horrendous. But at least it follows a storyline and it was more fun than I thought it was going to be. It is pretty bad though.
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Biest (2014)
Very well done low budget
7 March 2021
This was a super low budget creature flick. It was probably one of the best low budget films I've seen. The acting was pretty good and they focused on making what you see of the creature effective. You can tell it's low budget, but it very well done.
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Battledogs (2013 TV Movie)
Weak script, not the Worst I've seen
4 December 2020
Not the worst I've seen, but I've some Really bad movies! Script is very Weak! Special effects are weak. Few actors did a passable job.
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Parts were great, parts were Really dumb
28 November 2020
That pretty much sums it up. Parts were great, parts were Really dumb. It's kind of a shame, because it could have been great.
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Ambrosia (I) (2012)
Not 'good' but not the worst I've seen
16 November 2020
Ok it's not great. But I've seen Way worse. Pretty flat overall and the acting is not strong. The outfits are good and the women are pretty. It wasn't very realistic in a number of aspects. The inappropriate advances of her lesbian boss somehow cause her to question her marriage but it doesn't make sense why. It doesn't feel like there's much of a climax, when there almost is, it kind of falls flat. So not 'good' but not the worst.
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The Raven (I) (2012)
Gothic, artistic mystery
15 November 2020
This was a dark, creepy, mysterious, and gothic period piece. It had that great gothic moodiness and emotion. I quite enjoyed it. Cusack did a reasonable job as a largely obnoxious and self important Poe and the other actors were quite good.
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Cloverfield (2008)
15 November 2020
Freakin' Found Footage .... ugh. Found footage is a characteristic or type of film that should have to be disclosed ahead of time. Dammit. Nothing ever happens til the end. Such a waste of time.
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